It's obviously a life skill, but you developed it into a magical skill

Chapter 187 Zhou An and Black Jade’s New Year (please subscribe)

When the smoke in front of me finally turned into a line of text after the passage of time, the first thing that appeared was the proficiency of the Holy Spirit Demonic Body.

[Holy Spirit Demonic Body lv.7 (purification +10, dispersion +10, power +10): 1/120000]

Since it has undergone a qualitative change, the current Holy Spirit Demonic Body has no new qualitative change, it is just a superposition of attributes.

But in Zhou An's opinion, this superposition is really a bit fierce.

"Is it so balanced?" Zhou An was slightly stunned.

Most of the previous improvements were unilateral attribute improvements. Even if it was a multi-faceted improvement, it did not directly improve three attributes like this time.

This time, the three attributes of purification, dispersion, and power have all increased by 2 points.

The improvement of balance represents a more comprehensive strength.

The purification ability is stronger and more negative effects can be removed.

And the dispersion effect is also stronger.

Regardless of whether it is good or bad, as long as it is a temporary buff, the Holy Spirit Demonic Body can all be dispelled, and the range is also increased.

Not to mention the power.

The huge shadow ten meters high brings a terrifying bonus, which is a full 10 times.

"I'm so strong." Zhou An is very powerful, especially after seeing these attributes.

Inside the body, the Qi Ti villain also experienced huge changes.

Its legs have all grown out.

Today's Qi Ti villain is complete.

But the innate realm has not been reached yet.

Zhou An closed his eyes and felt carefully for a moment.

In his body, the positions of Qi Ti villain's limbs and head each have an endpoint, and these endpoints all point to the center position.

"In other words, when all the endpoints point to one place, that is, when I reach the innate state, how come my innate state is different from other people's innate state?" Zhou An thought in his head.

Others immediately reached the innate realm after turning into Qi body villains, but there was one more step on my side.

Zhou An could not figure out the reason, and the book given by the emperor did not mention it.

It stands to reason that the strength of the Xiantian realm is actually related to the purity of the first-class master.

The higher the purity of Qi, the stronger the innate state.

It is equivalent to the first-class realm and is the basis of the innate realm.

The purity of Zhou An's Qi Jing reaches ten times, and after entering Xiantian, it will reach a terrifying level. present, it seems that his innate state is even weirder.

"It's not a big problem, I still have a skill." Zhou An said secretly.

Since there is an extra step, just go with the flow.

Zhou An didn't feel any discomfort, because he still had a skill that was about to start to change qualitatively.

It’s time to take advantage of this qualitative change to see what changes will happen to the Qi Ti villain.

Thinking of this, the smoke in Zhou An's eyes had just dissipated and condensed again.

After the smoke condensed, the words appeared again.

【Please select direction】

[Bi Kaitianmen: Momentum +4, Speed ​​+4, Concreteness +8]

[Reading a Thousand Volumes: Spirit +4, Understanding +4, Rebound +8]

This is a special qualitative change that comes after reaching level 6 in reading hundreds of volumes.

Looking at these two skills, Zhou An touched his chin.

The first skill is awesome, at least in name.

Especially for the attribute of concreteness, Zhou An could guess a lot just from the literal meaning.

"In other words, if I choose this skill, I can use the pen to realize many things?" Zhou An thought.

To be honest, I'm very excited.

But Zhou An still likes the second one.

It’s not that the first one is bad, but the second one is more cost-effective.

After all, the attributes can be superimposed, and there are also rebound attributes, which is really delicious.

Of course, Zhou An wanted to complain about what Gouba's name was.

If someone else chooses the name, Agumon can evolve into Super Agumon.

If you read hundreds of volumes to evolve, then you choose to read a thousand volumes. Is it possible that your ability to come up with names is worse than that of me, Mr. Zhou?

Of course, complaining is all about complaining, so Zhou An still chose to read a thousand volumes.

After Zhou An made his choice, the smoke in front of his eyes completely disappeared and turned into lines of information, which were transmitted into Zhou An's mind.

Zhou An closed his eyes and began to absorb the information in his mind.

When he absorbed all the information, he opened his eyes.

"Good stuff, I knew it would be a fine product made by Goldfinger." Zhou An thought happily.

Needless to say, the attribute of spirit can resist various mental attacks.

By understanding this attribute, you can see through the opponent's flaws, and attacking the flaws will give you a powerful bonus.

The improvement of these two attributes brings more powerful mental defense and bonus capabilities, which can be said to be the icing on the cake.

As for the ability to rebound, Zhou An can only say that he is a god among gods.

This ability has a feeling of repaying the other person with his own way.

If someone attacks you, you can return the other person's attack intact.

As long as it is within the range of rebound +8.

And what’s even more outrageous is that within this range, the rebound is eight times the bonus.

What does this amount to.

For example, if someone punches you, you will punch them back with the force of eight punches.

Now, even if Zhou An doesn't use a sword, as long as someone attacks him and he uses Chu Yue Qianjuan, the enemy will be injured instead.

As for why Yue Qianjuan has the rebound attribute, it is actually easy to understand.

Read it a hundred times and its meaning will become apparent.

The rebound of Yue Qianjuan is to use this characteristic to instantly see through and learn other people's abilities, coupled with the general bonus of cheating, it finally reached this level.

"Okay, okay, now, even if I don't have a knife, a pot, or even a water knife, I can beat the opponent and call him daddy. It's a steel-backed beast." Zhou An thought.

"Well, let's take a look at the changes in the Qi Ti villain."

After feeling the changes in attributes, the next step is the Qi Ti villain.

Zhou An closed his eyes and sank his consciousness into his body.

The next moment, he noticed the changes in the Qi Ti villain.

Inside the body, two connecting lines have appeared between Qi Ti villain's legs, and these two connecting lines have reached a point at the chest.

"The power of resilience and Qi has made another qualitative leap." Zhou An thought after feeling it.

Now, he still has three skills that are not at level six. He estimates that he does not need three to reach level six. As long as he has two skills at level six, he can reach the innate realm.

"Then what's Gan's next skill?" Zhou An touched his chin.

In front of him, the latest proficiency panel appeared.

[Pao Ding’s sword technique lv.6 (Speed ​​+8, Accuracy +8, Sharpness +8): 1/100000]

[Pot Spell lv.6 (Strength +8, Destruction +8, Seal +8): 1/100000]

[Flying Dragon Body Technique lv.6 (Speed ​​+8, Dodge +8, Flying +8): 1/100000]

[Form your own body lv. 6 (hardness +8, fusion +8, defense +8): 1/100000]

[Read Thousand Volumes lv.6 (Spirit +8, Understanding +8, Rebound +8): 1/100000]

[Waterbending lv.5 (Water +4, Water Control +4): 1/80000]

[Medical Gu species lv.6 (medical theory +8, toxicity +8, poison penetration +8): 3500/100000]

[Eye of Breaking Illusions lv.5 (Detection +4, Breaking Illusions +4): 1/80000]

[Holy Spirit Demonic Body lv.7 (purification +10, dispersion +10, power +10) 52502/100000]

[divination lv.5 (accuracy +4, deduction +4): 1/60000]

Looking at this series of skills, Zhou An focused on the water-bending and delusion-breaking eyes.

As for fortune-telling, that can come with promotion, so it’s not a big problem.

"Breaking the eye of delusion." Zhou An thought.

Although the waterbending skill can provide bonuses in water, it has certain limitations after all.

Although the Eye of Disillusionment cannot bring about more battles, its detection and illusion-breaking attributes can play a decisive role.

Because this skill can turn passivity into initiative.

Thinking about this, Zhou An made up his mind to improve the Eye of Deception first.

As for the Holy Spirit Demonic Body, Zhou An plans to let it go first.

Now that he is getting closer to the Xiantian realm, Zhou An plans to advance to the Xiantian realm first.

"How to improve?" Zhou An was thinking.

The improvement of the delusion-breaking eye used to be about observing others, but later it became about observing the details of various people.

In this situation, Zhou An estimates that observing the details and demeanor is no longer enough.

Zhou An walked back and forth, thinking about how to improve.

Next to him, Black Jade's eyes lit up slightly when he looked at Zhou An.

She quietly came up behind Zhou An, even throwing the chair aside, imitating Zhou An's behavior and walking step by step.

He looks like a follower.

Nowadays, Black Jade is really a smart bunch. They want to learn everything and love to learn everything.

Zhou An naturally sensed what Black Jade was doing and looked back.

He was used to it. This woman with a sense of taboo could always come up with something new.

Because he was thinking about the reason for the Eye of Delirium, Zhou An subconsciously used the Eye of Delirium and glanced at the black jade.

The result was this look, and Zhou An was stunned.

[Eye of Breaking Delusion +1]

Good guy!

Zhou An called him a good guy.

Just now, he observed the appearance of the black jade with the Eye of Delirium, and it actually rose?

This skill is used for investigation and counter-investigation, but he didn't expect that he would find wool again in Black Jade.

Facts have proved that it is actually right.

The origin of black jade is so great that it is actually normal for some special skills to be improved from black jade.

"You have really become a walking experience bag." Zhou An thought.

He can use the black jade liver, holy spirit, and demonic body to tell fortunes not only for himself, but also for black jade, and now he has added the Eye of Deception.

The current black jade can provide Zhou An with experience in three skills.

"More powerful than Yuan Qingyi's mummy state." Zhou An thought.

Of course, he quickly put these thoughts aside and stared at the black jade with shining eyes.

Black Jade was stared at by Zhou An, and he suddenly took two steps back, then hugged his chest, looked at Zhou An with a resentful look, and said pitifully.

"Brother doesn't want it, my sister is still young."

When Zhou An heard this, his head was filled with black lines.

This guy started learning again.

One day, he took Baiyu shopping and accidentally passed by Jiaofangsi, and Baiyu listened.

As a result, Black Jade would come up with one or two words of tiger and wolf from time to time.

"Stop talking nonsense, you have to obey today even if you don't want to." Zhou An gritted his teeth.

Black Jade's face was confused, his brain was working rapidly, and he quickly caught it: "Brother, please be gentle."

Zhou An: "..."

Fortunately, Zhou An's energy has now reached +8, and he can barely withstand this situation.

It is really hard for a woman who has a taboo on beauty to say this.

"Stop talking nonsense and hit me first." Zhou An said.

He was not in a hurry to break the eyes of the liver, but planned to try Yue Qianjuan's rebound ability to see where the limit was.

The black jade is strong enough, and Zhou An thinks it can be tested.

Black Jade was confused again, and then began to think about the conversation in his mind.

Soon, she caught it again!

Black Jade used Bagua to simulate a long whip and shook it hard: "Brother, sit down, sister is here."

In Zhou An's opinion, this look still lacks a pair of red-soled high heels.

Zhou An's mouth twitched and said, "If you continue to study recklessly, I won't take you out to play."

As soon as these words came out, Black Jade immediately became obedient.

This is her fate, and Zhou An is very careful about it.

Black Jade obediently stamped his feet.

Soon, a pale white Bagua appeared at the foot of the black jade.

Black Jade looked at Zhou An with curious eyes, meaning how hard he should use it.

Zhou An touched his chin and said: "The maximum strength, wait, it cannot be done here."

As he said that, he took Black Jade's hand, came to the courtyard, and directly used the Flying Dragon Body Technique to turn into a stream of light and rise into the sky.

This is still within the scope of Maplewood State, so it would be bad if something big happens.

Going all the way from Fenglin State, Zhou An brought Black Jade to a wilderness.

Just as he stood still, Zhou An spoke.

"Let's attack with all our strength."

There is no one here, so it can naturally be tested.

Black Jade nodded, and the pale white Bagua appeared again.

She listens to Zhou An very much and does whatever Zhou An says.

Although he can be naughty at times, he never loses his temper when doing business.

When Pale White Bagua appeared, Black Jade took action.

The pale white gossip enveloped Zhou An.

This was Zhou An's first contact with Tongtian arithmetic.

Although he had seen Black Jade used before, it was not directed at him after all.

After feeling it intuitively this time, Zhou An finally understood that Tongtian arithmetic is really amazing.

Zhou An could feel that when he was in the Bagua, every step seemed to be calculated by Black Jade.

Especially since Zhou An has the skill of fortune-telling, he can feel the mysterious and mysterious touch.

Zhou An moved subconsciously.

Then, everything in Bagua changed.

Everything around him began to feel oppressive at a terrifying rhythm.

Zhou An felt as if he had become the enemy in the gossip.

In this gossip, Zhou An seems to be the enemy of everyone in the world.

"So strong, Black Jade." Zhou An thought.

After thinking about it, Zhou An circulated the Qi in his body and used the skill of reading a thousand volumes.

The first thing that appeared was the flaw in Black Jade, and then, an extremely mysterious feeling emerged in Zhou An's mind.

This feeling is like the gossip of Black Jade gradually becoming clearer in my eyes.

Zhou An stretched out his hand, and the Qi in his body was running wildly.

The next moment, the gossip changed.

The feeling of being the enemy of the whole world disappeared, and instead, Zhou An became the master of gossip.

The enemy of the whole world turned into black jade.

Black Jade's face was full of confusion, as if he couldn't figure out why this happened.

Zhou An naturally did not attack and just dismissed the gossip.

He now has a general understanding of his own reading of Qianjuan.

Black Jade's strength is probably around the innate peak.

By running through thousands of volumes, he can laugh off even attacks from the peak of his innate nature.

It is estimated that even in the psychic realm, it can rebound a lot.

This intensity has exceeded Zhou An's expectations.

As for Black Jade's strength, Zhou An actually knew that it could not be measured by ordinary innate peaks.

Because in addition to arithmetic, Black Jade also knows four kinds of eight unique skills.

Of course, Zhou An was doing it for testing this time and did not let Black Jade continue to use it.

He still has to seize the time to continue his liver proficiency.

Improving strength is the top priority.

Thinking of this, Zhou An grabbed Black Jade's hand and flew towards Fenglin State again.


It didn't take long for Zhou An to return home from the wilderness. When Zhou An came back, in order to reward the black jade, he took the black jade out.

In the morning, it's time to have breakfast.

Today's streets are a little different than usual.

Although Maplewood Prefecture was very lively in the past, the noisy feeling was mostly filled with a sense of life.

For example, the hawking of vendors, the endless bargaining, the hurried passers-by, and the colorful craftsmen in the brothel next door.

Everything reveals the hustle and bustle of Maplewood State.

But today is different.

Every household is decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations.

Red lanterns were hung high, giving the place a lively and lively atmosphere.

Even the vendors hawking on both sides of the street looked lively and lively, with a different kind of joy on their faces.

Recently, Zhou An rarely goes out because he has been obsessed with liver proficiency.

Even when I go out, I just grab something to eat.

Today's trip gave Zhou An a refreshing feeling.

"It's so lively..." Zhou An said with emotion when he saw this scene.

Next to him, Black Jade looked around with excitement on his face.

She hadn't been out shopping for a long time, and now the streets had changed drastically, which also aroused her curiosity.

People who are like a blank sheet of paper are naturally curious.

Black Jade cast his gaze on Zhou An with a curious questioning tone.

Without Black Jade talking, Zhou An knew what Black Jade meant.

Usually when Black Jade encounters a problem that cannot be solved, he will come to ask Zhou An.

Zhou An smiled, touched Black Jade's head, pointed to a house with lanterns and colorful decorations, and said, "This is the New Year."

"New Year...what is it?" Heiyu asked confusedly.

Zhou An took back his hand, looked at the excitement around him, and said with emotion: "The Chinese New Year is the most important day of the year. It is a major festival that integrates getting rid of the old and bringing in the new, worshiping gods and ancestors, praying for blessings and warding off evil spirits, and reuniting relatives and friends."

Speaking of which, it has been so long since he came to this world.

Zhou An couldn't help but sigh, time is really like running water, and when it passes, there is no deliberate reminder.

After hearing this, Black Jade nodded his head in seeming understanding.

She raised her face full of taboo beauty and looked at the emotion in Zhou An's eyes. She had an idea in her mind, opened her mouth and asked, "Zhou An... do you want to celebrate the New Year?"

Zhou An was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Black Jade in surprise.

He really didn't expect that Black Jade would suddenly say this.

"Does Heiyu want to celebrate the New Year?" Zhou An said with a smile.

Black Jade put his fingers on his fair chin, as if thinking.

After a while, Black Jade's little eyes became firm.

"Black Jade... celebrate the New Year with Zhou An!"

When Zhou An saw this, he laughed loudly, touched Black Jade's head, looked at the excitement around him, and said with a smile: "Okay, take a rest and have a good year."

After saying that, Zhou An was not in a hurry to go back and started walking around the streets with Black Jade.

The day before last was called New Year's Eve.

This point is similar in the Great Chu Kingdom.

There are many customs in the New Year in the Chu Kingdom, such as lion dance, piao color, dragon dance, wandering gods, and temple fairs.

There are also flower streets, flower lantern viewing, gong and drum tours, cursor flags, fireworks burning, praying for blessings, and spreading spring.

Of course, in Zhou An's view, these are just the excitement on the street.

The real excitement is at home.

Post New Year's red cards, watch the New Year's Eve, and have New Year's Eve dinner.

This is what Zhou An wants to do.

As for visiting to pay New Year greetings.

To be honest, he had never done this even in Zhou An's previous life.

Having no father, no mother, and no relatives, he carries the aura of a time traveler.

Every time during the Chinese New Year, I watch the Spring Festival Gala by myself.

Of course, it's different when you come here.

At least now, he still has Black Jade accompanying him.

Zhou An took Black Jade in hand and started walking on the street.

After buying chicken, duck and fish, he planned to prepare a delicious meal.

Of course, Zhou An also bought Spring Festival couplets and other things, and posted them at home when he returned.

Shopping and shopping.

People on this street also recognize Zhou An. After all, Zhou An often comes to the street to eat and is not stingy with his actions.

Amidst the blessings of a Happy New Year, the black jade also handed over in the same manner.

When Zhou An brought Heiyu home, Heiyu was holding Zhou An in one hand and holding the candied haws in the other hand, licking it gently like a kitten.

"Okay, stop eating and help me see if the Spring Festival couplets are crooked."

After Zhou An put away his things, he pulled Heiyu to the door.

He is ready to post Spring Festival couplets.

How about saying that Hengtong Chamber of Commerce is sensible?

The house is large, the location is clean, and there are no people around.

Zhou An stepped on the stool and slowly moved the couplets while asking if the black jade was crooked.

Black Jade licked the candied haws, her eyes swaying from side to side, and she answered hummingly.

When Zhou An finished posting it and took a look at it, he almost lost his temper.

The Spring Festival couplets were stuck crookedly, and it was obvious that there was something wrong with Heiyu's conductor.

Black Jade, who was licking the candied haws, was glanced at by Zhou An and couldn't help but shrink his neck, looking pitiful.

"You post it!" Zhou An threw the Spring Festival couplets over.

Black Jade took it in his hand and looked at it curiously.

With the new gadget, the candied haws on a stick no longer tasted good, and Heiyu even planned to stuff it directly into Zhou An's mouth.

Fortunately, Zhou An reacted quickly and caught it with his hands.

Next, Black Jade performed the operation, and Black Jade also attached it carefully.

Although it is still a little crooked, this couplet is barely acceptable.

After posting the Spring Festival couplets, Zhou An began to wash the vegetables.

Since it was the New Year, he was going to indulge a bit today.

Black Jade naturally had no time to spare and was pulled to the kitchen by Zhou An.

"Do you understand washing vegetables?" Zhou An asked.

Black Jade secretly took a step back and shook his head: "I'm... stupid."

Zhou An: "..."

Sure enough, after being brushed by the Holy Spirit Demonic Body for so long, this guy is getting better and better.

"You can eat as much as you wash." Zhou An said, "You can't eat without washing."

Just kidding, everyone needs to be busy during the Chinese New Year to have a sense of atmosphere and participation.

When Hei Yu heard this, he rolled his eyes slightly, came to the kitchen, imitated Zhou An, and started washing vegetables.

Next, everything went much smoother.

After the two of them finished their work, it was already afternoon.

At noon, the two even had a bowl of noodles cooked by Zhou An himself.

"Get ready to fire." Zhou An held a shovel in his hand and stopped Heiyu from throwing the firecrackers into the stove.

He was ready to finish cooking, and there was chicken, duck, and fish.

Black Yu was stopped by Zhou An and could only hold the firecrackers, looking mournful.

"That thing is set off at night. The sound of firecrackers means the old year is coming, you know?" Zhou An knocked on Black Jade's head.

Black Jade held his head, looking like he didn't understand.

"Okay, let's cook first." Zhou An said.

Black Jade could only say oh and stood aside obediently.

Next, Zhou An successfully cooked a table of dishes.

When he led Black Yu and sat on the table, Black Yu looked at the dishes on the table, and then looked at Zhou An.

Zhou An bought a jar of wine and poured a glass for Black Jade.

Black Jade picked up the wine glass, took a sip, and his eyes lit up.

"Come on, raise a toast." Zhou An continued to teach.

Watching Zhou An's movements, Hei Yi picked up his wine glass and clinked it with Zhou An.

Zhou An said with a smile: "Actually, you and I are on the same road, you... forget it, let's not talk about it, we are all in the wine!"

He originally wanted to say something suitable for the occasion, but now it seems that Black Jade may not understand it, so he might as well drink it all in one go.

Black Jade looked at Zhou An and suddenly whispered: "Happy New Year...Happy New Year!"

Zhou An was stunned, then realized and said: "Happy New Year."

This is one of the few times Zhou An has had an extremely comfortable meal since he came here.

I had this feeling before when I had dinner with Yu Hang and Ye Shuang, and now I added Black Jade.

Apart from that, there are few people who can eat comfortably.

This meal took nearly an hour.

After eating, Zhou An took Black Jade to wash the dishes together.

Black Jade was unwilling at first, but was caught by Zhou An and couldn't run away, so he could only wash the dishes with a sad look on his face.

After everything is done.

The two began to watch the New Year's Eve.

Since there were no entertainment facilities in Da Chu, Zhou An used another way to pass the time.

——Teach Black Jade.

This was a daily routine in the past, but now it has a unique flavor.

Black Jade also likes the process of being taught.

Of course, there will be some things that go wrong along the way.

For example...

"I've already said it, don't ask me what it means that the tauren must die. That's what I said. Do you understand?"


"Shut up!"

"Oh...and the pure love warrior..."

"I do not know anything!"

In teaching, time passes quickly.

Zhou An and Heiyu stood in the yard.

Black Jade held an incense stick in his hand and came to the firecrackers with excitement on his face.

She has been waiting for a long time.

Zhou An didn't let her play on the stove just now, but now she has a chance.

Zhou An looked at the tiptoeing black jade and couldn't help laughing.

As the sparks on the incense touched the fuse, the firecrackers crackled.

New Year's Eve... passed.

This night, Zhou An had a very comfortable life, if Heiyu didn't come over to make trouble while lying on the bed.

The whole night passed quickly.

When the next morning came, Zhou An was disturbed by a knock on the door.

With his current state, how could he not know who the visitor was.

But Zhou An didn't expect that so many people would come.

"Okay, get up!" Zhou An looked at Black Jade beside him, holding his arm, and moved his arm.

Black Jade opened his big bright eyes, stood up on his own, and stood aside obediently.

Zhou An then took Black Jade to the outside of the yard and opened the door.

Outside the door, there are indeed many people.

Luzhou Ling, Hou Sizhou, Hengtong Chamber of Commerce Meng Jiang, and several of his subordinates as supervisors.

These people were carrying many gifts in their hands.

During the Chinese New Year, it is natural to have people come to visit us to pay New Year greetings.

Looking at the situation, these people all came to pay New Year greetings and happened to meet each other.

"Master Zhou, Happy New Year!"

"Lord Zhou, you will be promoted step by step!"

"Lord Zhou, everything goes well and your wealth is abundant!"

New Year's blessings arrive as expected.

Zhou An smiled and cupped his hands and said: "Happy New Year everyone, please come in!"

The visitor is a guest, so why should he be turned away?

Hou Sizhou and others also walked in with smiles.

The Chinese New Year is just a celebration, and even Lu Zhouling, who is usually stern, has a smile on his face.

Zhou An received him.

Not long after, Meng Jiang and several of the supervisors left.

They came to visit Zhou An as soon as possible. After the visit, there were still several houses to leave.

As for Luzhou Ling and Hou Sizhou, there is no need for them.

Because in Maplewood Prefecture, there is no one with greater authority than them.

Historically, only other people visited them.

Except this year is an exception, because Zhou An is here.

"Master Zhou, your Majesty's birthday will be soon after the new year. When Master Zhou sees Your Majesty, please say a few kind words for me." Hou Sizhou joked.

For birthdays like this, many meritorious ministers will go there, especially those with outstanding achievements.

Many people also rushed to places including Zhenguisi and Yamen.

As for Zhou An, it is definitely a sure thing, and Hou Sizhou naturally understands.

Lu Zhouling is not as pedantic as others. Although he is a very serious person, there are no outsiders now who say similar words to Hou Sizhou.

Although they are not high-minded people, sitting in this position, there is naturally a threshold.

In Maplewood State, Zhou An was the only one worthy of their words.

"Definitely, and maybe you two will go too." Zhou An said politely.

Lu Zhouling and Hou Sizhou looked at each other and shook their heads.

"Everything that happened recently was all done with Mr. Zhou's help. We shouldn't have much chance, but that's fine. The Vanity Fair in Beijing is not suitable for us either."

"What do you mean by this?" Zhou An asked.

"We are going to establish a prince recently, so there will definitely be a lot of trouble if we go there. Mr. Zhou should be careful," Hou Sizhou said.

Zhou An understood.

In fact, the third prince has already said it.

He didn't care. If he really wanted to go to the capital this time, he could just meet Eunuch Wei. After all, Eunuch Wei had chosen him by name.

If Yu Hang will also go, then he can also reunite with his good brothers.

Compared with others who treat it seriously, Zhou An treats it as a journey.

A few people chatted for a while.

Hou Sizhou cupped his fists and said, "Mr. Zhou, I have fun chatting today, but I have important things to attend to, so it's not convenient for me to stay for a long time."

Zhou An asked curiously: "What's wrong with Mr. Hou? You can't live a clean year?"

There are not so many things going on right now, and Zhou An feels that Hou Sizhou can be a little cleaner.

Hearing this, Hou Sizhou sighed and said helplessly: "There is no such thing as a clean time in our profession. It seems that the New Year is lively, but in fact, the New Year is also the most likely time for weird things to happen, such as... Years." (End of chapter)

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