The Hengtong Chamber of Commerce in Beijing is the general association.

Here, a large amount of information from chambers of commerce is collected every day, including various counties, roads, prefectures and other Beijing-level cities.

There are so many businessmen coming and going here.

Just when Zhou An walked in, many people were already hurried in and out.

At this time, when Zhou An approached, many people immediately looked over.

In just a moment, the originally bustling hall fell into silence, and even if a pin dropped, you could hear it clearly.

Everyone's expressions were as stiff as wood.

No one spoke, but his eyes stayed on Zhou An for a long time. Although there was no sound at this time, it was worse than the sound.

Zhou An held Black Jade in hand and coughed lightly after feeling everyone's gaze.

His cough was like dropping a huge boulder on a calm lake, causing huge waves to rise instantly.


The merchants were excited, and then they all ran to Zhou An and surrounded him three levels inside and three levels outside.

The noise is endless.

"You are Mr. Zhou, you are finally here!"

"Hello, Mr. Zhou, I am Fu Er from the Hengtong Chamber of Commerce. I am responsible for the silk sales of the Hengtong Chamber of Commerce. This is our first meeting. Please take care of me!"

"Master Zhou, are you free now? I will go to the best restaurant in the capital right away, order the top-notch dishes, and invite the best girls."

Everyone says something different.

Some introduced themselves, some were full of compliments, and some were more direct. They wanted to invite Zhou An to watch the girl play and sing, or try light combing, slow twisting, wiping and multiple licking.

Zhou An felt that he was a serious person and would not go there under normal circumstances.

Mainly because black jade cannot be separated.

Of course, facing this kind of scene, Zhou An was also very handy and responded one by one.

Despite all this busy work, the crowd not only did not disperse, but intensified.

There is no way, when a place becomes lively, people watching the excitement will hide.

Such as now.

Many new businessmen came over as soon as they saw it. When they found out it was Zhou An, it was impossible for them to leave.

Things get complicated.

Just as the number of people was increasing, there was a sudden sound of footsteps on the second floor.

Immediately afterwards, a middle-aged man slowly walked down from the second floor.

"Everyone, Mr. Zhou is tired from traveling and traveling. It's better not to disturb him. Let Mr. Zhou rest first." The middle-aged man said.

Zhou An followed the voice and looked at the middle-aged man's appearance.

I saw a middle-aged man wearing silk and satin. Although he was already middle-aged, his figure was tall and straight, and he had the aura of a superior person.

Especially the middle-aged man's right hand is holding a jade ruyi and rubbing it gently.

The jade is so exquisite and clear that even a layman can tell that it is a priceless thing.

Zhou An narrowed his eyes and thought to himself: "I didn't expect that there are such masters among businessmen."

Businessmen are also a type of miscellaneous people.

In this profession, the combat effectiveness is not good, but in some aspects, he has unparalleled talents.

They are eloquent and the words they speak can influence the judgment and consciousness of others.

So at some point, their support abilities will work wonders.

Zhou An can feel that this middle-aged businessman is very strong. Although he may not be good at fighting, his level is extremely high.

After the middle-aged businessman said these words, the noisy businessmen, as if they had received an order, got out of the way, and then did not dare to stay for a moment, and quickly went about their own business.

To be honest, here, every businessman is the leader of one party.

Even Meng Jiang from Maplewood State is mediocre here.

After all, this is the capital city that surpasses all Beijing-level cities. Its strength, power, and power are all intricate and top-notch.

After all the businessmen retreated, the middle-aged businessman finally walked down the stairs and spoke to Zhou An.

"My Excellency, Han Yuan, is the president of the Hengtong Chamber of Commerce. I have met Mr. Zhou." Han Yuan said politely.


Just these three words are enough to show the weight.

This is the real leader of the Hengtong Chamber of Commerce.

Zhou An cupped his hands and said, "I have met President Han. Zhou came here this time because he has something to discuss with President Han."

Han Yuan nodded, then turned sideways and said, "Let's go to the second floor."

While talking, Han Yuan was also looking at Zhou An.

This was the first time he had met Zhou An, but they had known each other for a long time.

It was he who originally issued the order for everyone in the Hengtong Chamber of Commerce to treat Zhou An with courtesy.

In fact, at that time, especially when Zhou An came out of Anding County, there was no need for a behemoth like the Hengtong Chamber of Commerce to be like this.

But Han Won, as the president of the Hengtong Chamber of Commerce, has amazing courage.

Businessmen must be able to invest.

Han Won invested in Zhou An because he believed that Zhou An would perform even more amazingly.

Investment is risky, and Han Won feels that this risk is not a big problem for the Hengtong Chamber of Commerce.

As a result, Zhou An brought too many surprises.

So much that Han Won is getting more and more happy.

He felt that his investment was right.

This fledgling young man has grown up rapidly in an almost barbaric way.

Now, the entire Chu Kingdom's geniuses are overwhelmed by Zhou An.

Hengtong Chamber of Commerce is also rising.

Han Yuan was very happy, so he personally greeted Zhou An when he came to visit today.

"Come here, prepare some tea."

Han Yuan said something and went up to the second floor with Zhou An.

The layout of the second floor is similar to that of the first floor, but the materials used are of a higher grade.

And there are fewer people on the second floor than on the first floor.

Han Yuan led Zhou An and Heiyu to a spacious room.

The layout of this room is extremely exquisite, and it is specially used by the Hengtong Chamber of Commerce to receive distinguished guests.

At this time, the tea has been brewed first.

Han Yuan poured tea for Zhou An and said with a smile: "Master Zhou, please use tea. This is the best tea from the Chu Kingdom. The annual output is limited."

Zhou An nodded, took a sip, and then put down the tea cup: "It is indeed good tea."

To be honest, Zhou An didn't do much research on things like tea.

In his opinion, no matter how expensive the tea is, it all has the same taste.

Han Yuan smiled and said, "Master Zhou came here this time to discuss something, right?"

As the president of the Hengtong Chamber of Commerce, Han Yuan has a characteristic, that is, he doesn't like to do twisty things.

He always liked to get straight to the point.

Zhou An nodded and said: "I came here this time to ask when the third prince will come to Beijing?"

Among the three princes of the Great Chu Kingdom, except for the second prince who has lived in the capital for a long time, the other two princes will not stay long.

The eldest prince is guarding the border, while the third prince circulates among various chambers of commerce in the Chu Kingdom to make money for the Chu Kingdom.

Therefore, for the emperor's birthday, the other two princes also need to come slowly.

Han Yuan was stunned for a moment, and then replied: "As far as I know, the third prince has entered the capital this morning and even went to see Mr. Zhou, but Mr. Zhou has never been here."

Hearing this, Zhou An touched his chin.

He went directly to the palace this morning.

First, he met Eunuch Wei, and then went to the Imperial Preceptor's Mansion and had a chat with the Imperial Preceptor.

Now here comes the Hengtong Chamber of Commerce again.

So I was not at home the whole time.

The third prince missed the opportunity, which is normal.

"Live in the palace?" Zhou An took another sip of tea to quench his thirst.

Han Yuan nodded and said, "Do you need me to send a message to the third prince?"

Since the third prince is in charge of various chambers of commerce, Han Won is naturally the way to contact them.

Zhou An said: "Then please send a message and say that I am waiting for the third prince here."

He just came out of the palace and didn't want to go there anymore.

Besides, without that little eunuch to guide the way, you might not be able to get in.

So it was the same to send a message directly to ask the third prince to come out.

Han Yuan knew that if Zhou An could find this place, there must be something urgent.

He didn't hesitate, stood up, and walked outside.

About a stick of incense later, Han Yuan came back from outside.

"Master Zhou, wait patiently for a moment. I have already sent the message. The third prince said he will come right away." Han Yuan said.

Zhou An didn't ask how it was passed on. After all, this was their method.

All he has to do now is wait patiently.

After the third prince arrived, he went to deal with the second prince.

Han Yuan refilled Zhou An's cup of tea.

The two chatted and drank tea.

After about another moment of burning incense, the third prince walked in from outside.

"Zhou An, long time no see." The third prince laughed.

It's still the same as before, not much has changed.

Yang Jianxin hugged the iron sword and silently followed the third prince.

Recently, the third prince has been very satisfied.

And all of this comes from Zhou An.

There was no other reason. The third prince received too much support because of Zhou An.

The first to bear the brunt were the doctors of the Great Chu Kingdom.

Although the doctors of the Great Chu Kingdom have declined, when they are gathered together, they are a very powerful force.

Because Zhou An was admired by all the doctors in the Chu Kingdom, the third prince naturally benefited a lot from him.

Furthermore, Zhou An's reputation in the world is getting bigger and bigger, which has also benefited the third prince a lot.

The most intuitive manifestation is that his brother, who has lived in the capital for a long time, loses his temper more often every day.

Therefore, when the third prince came this time, he was not only filled with emotion but also excited.

I can't help but be excited, because the benefits are real.

Zhou An smiled and said, "It's been a long time indeed."

To be honest, the image this third prince gave him was actually not bad.

He doesn't have the airs of a prince, on the contrary, he is relatively approachable.

To put it more clearly, it is very compelling.

"You're here this time, so don't go back yet. I'll give you the best banquet and we'll get drunk before resting." The third prince waved his hand.

Next to him, Yang Jianxin reminded him.

"Your Highness, your ability to drink is not good enough. You can't get drunk for a whole night, or at most half an hour."

The third prince: "..."

As a personal guard, he is good at everything but loves to cause trouble.

Especially at times like this.

After Yang Jianxin finished speaking, he looked at his eyes, nose and heart, as if what he just said was not his.

Seeing this, Zhou An shook his head and said: "It's still early now. There will be plenty of time to eat and drink in the future. I came here this time because I have something important to talk to the third prince."

After saying this, Han Yuan suddenly stood up.

"If you guys have something to do, let's chat for a while, and I'll go out first."

As a human being, you have to have some skills.

When Zhou An said the important word, Han Yuan knew that he was not suitable to listen to the rest.

The less you listen, the longer you live.

Yang Jianxin also coughed: "I'm going out too."

He is just a guard, there is no need to listen too much, it will be annoying if he listens too much.

Soon, everyone in the room left.

The third prince asked curiously: "Zhou An, what is so important? If it doesn't happen, why don't we have to beat up my annoying brother?"

In the second half of the sentence, the third prince was joking and enlivening the atmosphere.

Who would have thought that after these words were spoken, Zhou An actually nodded and answered with certainty.


The third prince was stunned, the hand that poured the tea froze, and he was in a daze. He even suspected that he had heard wrongly.

"Zhou An, did you just say that we were going to beat up the second son?" The third prince was unsure and asked again.

"Yes, let's go now." Zhou An said.

The corners of the third prince's mouth twitched slightly, then he regained his composure and fell into deep thought.

He was a little unclear about Zhou An's thoughts.

Yes, he doesn't have the airs of a prince, but that doesn't mean he's stupid.

The three princes of the Great Chu Kingdom are actually not stupid.

Otherwise, the third prince would not be able to manage all the chambers of commerce in the Great Chu State in an orderly manner.

Running out to beat the second prince rashly would be... wonderful!

If nothing else, if he really does this, the second prince's majesty will drop by a notch.

After it drops, the second prince's momentum will also drop, which is a chain reaction.

"What should be done specifically?" the third prince asked.

Zhou An said slowly: "It's very simple. Find the second prince, cause a conflict, and then start a fight. I originally support the third prince, so I kicked him on the way. Isn't that natural?"

When the third prince heard this, he was actually considering the feasibility of the matter.

In fact, the real battle for the crown prince is so simple and unpretentious.

If it can be simple, never make any detours.

A direct beating can reveal one's own abilities and belittle the opponent's abilities. It is simply killing two birds with one stone.

The third prince asked: "Zhou An, you are so impatient. Could it be that the second son has offended you?"

Zhou An did not shy away from this and said directly: "He actually wants to mess with Yu Hang, I can't bear it."

Zhou An also thought about this sentence for a long time before saying it.

In fact, he and the third prince had never met each other, and he suddenly proposed this method. If there was no good reason, the third prince would probably not do it.

Now that the reason is there, the result is self-evident.

This is Zhou An's method.

Don't you want to turn your identity into a fight between fellow sects, making it difficult for me to take action?


Then I will transform it again and turn it into a battle between princes.

As a supporter of the third prince, when you two princes were fighting, in order to protect the third prince, I accidentally beat the second prince, which is natural.

You, the Prime Minister, can't take action either.

To take action is to intervene in the battle between princes.

When Zhou An was thinking this, the third prince finally gave the answer.

"Fuck him! I've tolerated him for a long time!" The third prince clenched his fists.

The eldest brother is indifferent to the world, like a man who has entered the time of sages.

This second brother was the only one who had obstructed me in every possible way. This time he had to vent his anger and suppress him at the same time.

Of course, the third prince also considered another issue.

"I guess there are experts around the second brother, can he handle it?" the third prince asked.

As a prince, he naturally has many people to protect, including many experts.

The third prince was worried that he might not be able to handle it.

After all, he definitely didn't have as many experts as the second prince.

Zhou An glanced at the third prince and said, "Didn't His Highness listen to the recent legends in the world?"

The third prince was slightly stunned, and then asked: "I have been traveling all night recently and really don't have time to understand. What is the legend?"

Zhou An said calmly: "It's nothing big. I just killed two psychic realms along the way, tied many geniuses to the carriage, and dragged them all the way to the capital."

The third prince: "..."

"Oh, by the way, I don't know if the Second Prince has a psychic realm who can help me practice my skills. After all, Lao Zhao is not here and I can't find anyone to practice my skills with." Zhou An sighed, quite regretfully.

As a spiritual blacksmith, Lao Zhao was very powerful, but it was a pity that Zhou An could not find a chance.

When the third prince heard this, he took a deep breath and stood up silently: "Tonight, every night, the second prince has to go back to the palace. Let's create some conflicts on the way."

He decided to do it!

Zhou An narrowed his eyes and nodded.

The two looked at each other and smiled.


Prime Minister's Mansion.

The second prince had finished his classes for the day and was on his way back to the palace.

Although he is a prince now, he comes to the Prime Minister's Mansion every day to attend classes and study.

There is no other reason, this is a daily compulsory practice.

Even as a prince, he must listen to the teachings every day.

At this time, on the way back to the palace, there were not only the second prince, but also many overt and covert guards around him.

As the second prince walked, he thought about what happened in the Prime Minister's Mansion.

He met Yu Hang.

The person who was regarded as a closed disciple by his teacher.

From the moment he saw Yu Hang, there was a fire burning in his heart.

He knew that this fire was called jealousy.

Not only from Zhou An, but also from Yuhang itself.

How could this Yu Hang become a closed disciple, while he, a dignified prince, could only be treated as a registered disciple.

He refused.

Therefore, he wants to punish Yuhang.

Now, all his men have collected a lot of things about Yuhang.

Including Yu Hang's life and what he did when he was the magistrate of Tiancheng Mansion.

Unfortunately, no flaws were found in Yu Hang.

Tiancheng Mansion is well run and there are no problems at all.

The second prince felt that he wanted to do something elsewhere to frustrate Yu Hang and make Zhou An feel uncomfortable.

Of course, this matter needs to be considered in the long term.

On the way back, it was very late.

The sky was dark and the night was even colder.

The second prince was walking, and suddenly, he stopped.

Then, he spotted a person in front of him.

This man was dressed in brocade clothes and looked extraordinary.

At this time, the second prince stopped and looked at the young man standing in front of him.

"Third brother, what are you doing here?"

He was a little confused and didn't understand why the third prince came.

Because since arriving in the capital, the third prince had never met him, as if he was deliberately avoiding it.

At this moment, the third prince suddenly appeared, and the second prince could not understand what it meant.

The third prince smiled and said: "Second brother, it's like this. Recently, you have been telling my father that I have too many businessmen in charge and need help, right?"

The second prince frowned: "So what, I'm just stating the facts."

The third prince shook his head and said: "That's good. Since that's the case, tonight will be easy."

"What do you want?" the second prince sneered.

He could tell that the third child came to stop him on purpose, and his purpose was definitely impure.

The third prince smiled and said: "It's very simple. I came here specifically to give the second brother a good beating."

After the words fell, the second prince was stunned.

He really didn't expect that the third prince would do this.

Then, the second prince figured out the key to the problem.

"I see. The simplest method makes me lose the most face. Lao San, your trick is indeed effective, but... have you forgotten? I have been operating in this capital for many years, and the people under my command are not simple." The prince clapped his hands.

As the second prince clapped his hands, the next moment, a dozen people walked out of the darkness.

The worst of these people are in the innate realm, and the strong ones even reach the psychic realm.

"Third brother, I disdain to use your method because I am a scholar, but if you use this method, I don't mind going up."

The second prince said calmly: "Look, tonight the third prince came to take the initiative to cause trouble, and then I beat him up. Your reputation will be ruined, and the people who support you will have many ideas."

As he said this, these dozen people were slowly coming.

When the third prince saw this, he didn't say a word, but was very calm.

This state made the second prince feel confused.

He couldn't understand why the third child was so calm.

But now that the matter was over, the second prince didn't think much about it.

At this moment, the sound of footsteps suddenly sounded.

The second prince looked towards the source of the sound and saw Zhou An walking out of the darkness with black jade.

He was slightly startled, and combined with the third prince's calmness at this moment, he quickly thought of the reason.

"I see, you have a backer." The second prince narrowed his eyes.

The third prince smiled and said: "It's not easy. For so many years, I have been suppressed by my second brother. Today I finally have the opportunity to avenge my shame."

He felt very happy, because tonight, his chance came.

The second prince sneered, looked at Zhou An, and said, "Zhou An, have you decided to completely break up with me?"

Zhou An nodded firmly and said, "I have already made plans from the time you wanted to attack Yu Hang."

The second prince chuckled: "It seems that you are well-informed. I know what you are thinking. I am indeed no match for you, but you think too simply."

"In this capital city, there are countless spies and masters. You can't do much."

The implicit meaning behind this statement is that there are many masters in suppressing spies secretly, and they will not let the second prince be threatened in this dark night.

Zhou An nodded.

In fact it is.

With the bonus of clairvoyance, Zhou An could feel that there were many people around him secretly observing.

These people are all members of the secret police in the capital, and there are many experts.

After all, it is the capital, and even if it is not the palace, there are still many people guarding it.

"Then what do you want to do?" The second prince suddenly said: "Now, I challenge the third child. All my subordinates are not allowed to move."

As the Second Prince finished these words, the Second Prince's guards stopped.

Zhou An narrowed his eyes: "The second prince's move is very good."

It's indeed high, there's no need to say that.

The second prince knew that his guard was no match for Zhou An, so he simply refused to let the guard take action, and instead changed the role between him and the third prince.

In this way, it became a battle between the two.

If Zhou An intervenes, it will be inappropriate both emotionally and rationally.


But Zhou An felt that it was not enough.

Zhou An looked at the third prince beside him.

The third prince understood: "I accept the second brother's challenge."

The second prince was stunned. He couldn't understand why the third prince accepted the challenge.

Because the third child is not very strong.

The third child's fighting ability is really far behind that of a scholar like himself.

Why accept it?

Although the second prince couldn't figure it out, he was already ready to take action.

The challenge was issued by oneself, and now the other party accepted it.

If you hesitate to move forward again, it will be a slap in your face.

Thinking about this, the second prince waved his right hand and the brush appeared.

There was an aura of a scholar circulating around the second prince, pressing down on him like a mountain.

The third prince felt the second prince's breath at this moment, and his face turned a little pale.

His strength is still far behind the second prince.

After all, the second prince has been studying with the imperial master all year round. Even if he is just a registered disciple, he is not comparable to him.

But at this time, the third prince did not flinch even if his face was pale.

Behind him stood Zhou An, who was so cold-hearted.

"Third brother, I'll give you a chance. You take action first, otherwise you won't even have the chance to take action later." The second prince said slowly.

The members of the Zhenguisi who were hiding in the dark also saw this scene.

But they didn't show up.

As the second prince said, this is a royal dispute and they have nothing to do with it.

When the third prince heard this, he said palely: "No, second brother, you can come, but I will not retreat even a step today."

The second prince chuckled and said no more.

If you give him a decent chance and he doesn't use it, then you have no one to blame.

Thinking of this, the second prince picked up his brush and wrote in the air.

The next moment, a word "Zhen" appeared, crushing towards the third prince.

A scholar's pen can paint mountains and rivers, and can destroy gold and jade.

At this moment, the powerful aura exerted by the second prince made the third prince's breath stagnant.

But the third prince made no move, not even resisting.

The second prince was slightly shocked when he saw this scene.

He couldn't understand why the third child was motionless.

But now that the words have been formed, I have no way out.

"Then I'll make it even worse for you." The second prince sneered.

Just when the words were about to fall on the third prince, Zhou An, who had been motionless, moved.

Zhou An used the Wandering Dragon Step, but he didn't see any movement. He was already standing in front of the third prince.

The word "Zhen" fell into Zhou An's chest without hesitation, like a mud cow falling into the sea, without any movement.

But this situation didn't last long. The next moment, Zhou An used Reading Thousand Volumes.

A brand new word "Zhen" appeared, speeding towards the second prince at a faster speed.

The speed was so fast that no one present could react.

The next moment, the second prince felt his vision go dark, and there was severe pain in his chest. He spit out a mouthful of blood, and looked at Zhou An with shock on his face.

"How dare you do it!" the second prince said through gritted teeth.

In the dark night, several members of the Town Guild appeared.

Before they could speak, Zhou An spoke.

"The third prince is in danger, and it is normal for me to protect him."

After the words fell, the mouth corners of the members of the Suppression Squadron twitched.

They looked at each other and left again.

This is indeed normal.'s not normal.

However, they couldn't find a flaw!

When the second prince heard what Zhou An said, he almost spit out a mouthful of blood: "You, shameless!"

To be honest, this operation really blocked the laws of the Chu Kingdom.

You are fighting for the princes, but the scene just now endangered the life of the third prince. As a supporter of the third prince, it is normal for me to protect him.

You can also protect me over there.

At worst, when I take action, it's not serious and I accidentally seriously injure the person on your side.

Anyone who often fights knows that it is normal to sometimes be unable to hold back your strength.

Zhou An smiled and said: "Second Prince, I'm really sorry. I have to protect the Third Prince."

The third prince also said next to him: "Second brother, I didn't expect that I was so powerless. I'm really sorry."

The second prince was already furious, but when he heard the two men singing and singing, he became even more angry.

Fortunately, as a scholar, I still have some cultivation at this time.

He took a deep breath and prepared to leave without saying anything.

There is no way, it is impossible to fight.

Zhou An is nearby, waiting to take advantage of the loophole.

If you continue to fight, you will be the one who suffers.

Take the first step now, and settle the accounts later.

The second prince turned around and planned to go around.

But if you want to leave, you have to see what Zhou An means.

Zhou An came here specifically this time, not just for this.

He knows a truth.

If the other party refuses to accept it, give it a beating.

If you are not convinced after one beating, then give it two.

Beat until you are convinced.

This is the simplest method and the most effective method.

Therefore, it is impossible for the second prince to leave at this time.

The moment the second prince turned around, Zhou An spoke.

"Second Prince, wait a moment."

When the second prince heard this voice, he turned around again, looked at Zhou An with a cold look, and said: "Zhou An, now that I have not taken action, do you still want to continue to take action? Do you really think that this capital is a place where you can do whatever you want? ?”

At this time, the second prince was still quite arrogant.

Zhou An touched his chin and felt that it was still because he didn't fight enough.

He now thought about why the emperor wanted to make a deal with him.

In many dynasties, the first generation is fierce, and the second generation starts to stretch their hips.

Zhou An had never met the emperor, but the performance of the second prince could only be regarded as satisfactory, not up to standard.

If it were him, he would definitely think of a better way instead of using the laws of the Great Chu Kingdom to check and balance again and again.

Because this will make others think that you are always under your father's protection.

The second prince saw Zhou An and said nothing, thinking that Zhou An would not take action, and was about to leave.

But at this moment, Zhou An turned his head, looked at the third prince beside him, and winked.

The third prince was still in a very happy state at this time.

That's really cool.

Especially seeing the second prince injured, it was so satisfying.

He felt that going to Zhou An was the most correct decision he made.

Seeing Zhou An's eyes at this time, the third prince understood.

The third prince coughed and spoke slowly.

"I challenge the second brother. I wonder if the second brother will accept it?"

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