It's obviously a life skill, but you developed it into a magical skill

Chapter 198 The genius arrives and enters Zhou’anmen

In this dark alley, the third prince's words were particularly loud.

In the past, the third prince rarely showed such momentum in front of the second prince.

Either avoid them, or leave quietly when you see them.

This is the first time for the third prince to do this like today.

The third prince knew in his heart exactly what happened.

"Because Zhou An is standing behind me." The third prince thought in his mind.

If it weren't for Zhou An being here, the third prince probably wouldn't have the strength to prance in front of the second prince.

But today, he became more confident!

In front of him, the second prince's body was as stiff as wood.

He turned his head sharply and said: "Lao San, when mountains and rivers meet, it's better to keep a thin line as a human being."

In this life, the second prince never dreamed that such a scene would happen today.

No matter from the time he became sensible or when he started to gain momentum, he has never been in this ordinary situation.

who is he?

He is the second prince who is stationed in the capital all year round, and he has countless subordinates around him.

Ever since he was a child, he had always been the one who dominated the third prince.

Now, the third prince was riding on his face, and the second prince couldn't bear it.

But he also knew exactly what the third prince had planned.

"If I don't agree today, I'm afraid my reputation will be ruined." The second prince thought in his mind.

In fact it is.

If he doesn't accept today's challenge, then what awaits him is news blowing out like the wind.

"Your second prince challenged the third prince, and the third prince accepted it. Now the third prince comes to challenge you, but you don't accept it? Are you afraid?"

When he thought of this, the second prince couldn't help but tremble with anger.

When the third prince saw the second prince's appearance at this time, he smiled and said: "Second brother, I think you seem to be a little scared. How about you just admit it today and leave?"

When he said this, the third prince's tone was full of ridicule and ridicule.

Only he knew how this dick suppressed him.

When I was a child, I fought with him for everything, and snatched everything from him. But I just relied on my father to make mistakes in the distribution, and used this as an excuse to slap him on the face.

He has never won since he was a kid.

Winning today made the fire in his heart keep rising.

When the second prince heard what the third prince said, he became even more angry: "Who do you think you are? If you didn't have Zhou An behind you, how dare you be so arrogant?"

"Then I'm relying on Zhou An, so what can I do?" The third prince didn't blush at all, pointing to Zhou An next to him and said: "At the beginning, when Zhou An rose from a small county town, you all looked down on him. He, but I think that he will definitely become a dragon and phoenix in the future. Now it seems that I am right, second brother, you still haven't understood the truth."

"Don't look at others from a superior perspective just because they were born from grassroots, because you will never imagine what power a grassroots person has. As my father said, the common people are the foundation of everything."

In this scene, the second prince was suddenly ridiculed by a third brother whom he had once looked down upon, and the second prince was so angry that he trembled.

At this time, he finally couldn't bear it any longer. Even the clay figurine still had three tempers, not to mention that he was used to bullying the third prince on weekdays.

How could he bear it today?

All the years of cultivation as a scholar were lost at this moment.

The second prince pointed at the third prince and Zhou An and shouted: "Hit!"

As he finished speaking, the more than twenty masters under the Second Prince all rushed towards the Third Prince and the others after hearing this.

And the second prince was not far behind.

His main target was the third prince. The brush in his hand picked up lines of text and galloped towards the third prince.

In fact, at this time, these masters were unwilling to fight.

Because the news about Zhou An spread a lot in the world of Chu Kingdom.

They also know a thing or two.

So they didn't want to conflict with Zhou An. After all, everyone cherishes feathers these days.

But as the second prince, if he doesn't take action at this time, the second prince will definitely be unhappy later.

Everyone is looking for glory and wealth, so now they can only bite the bullet and take action.

This group of people still have some thoughts in their minds, that is, Zhou An has been exaggerated by the world, and is actually not very good.

Everyone's attacks have come with a bang, and there are all kinds of attacks.

The people here, at worst, are all in the innate realm, and there are also psychic realms mixed in, so at this moment, the entire courtyard is covered by bursts of dazzling light and shadow.

It was also the first time for the third prince to encounter such a scene. His face turned a little pale, but he still stood motionless.

He believed in Zhou An. If he didn't believe it, he wouldn't be standing here today.

There is something extraordinary about being a prince. Even in the face of a mountain collapse, his expression remains unchanged.

Zhou An stood nearby, looking at the appearance of the third prince at this moment, and nodded: "Not bad."

Not bad indeed.

Zhou An has met a lot of the younger generation, and the third prince is in pretty good shape at the moment.

If someone else were here, facing this terrifying attack, their legs would have gone weak.

Of course, praise is praise. If you don't take action at this time, it won't be as simple as your legs going weak.

Thinking of this, Zhou An slowly took a step forward. After using the flying dragon movement technique, he took this step and came to the third prince in an instant.

The third prince, who was suffering from the pressure of terror, was slightly startled, and then he heard Zhou An's words echoing in his ears.

Just one sentence, but it weighs more than a thousand words.

"That's all."

With just such a word, the third prince felt as if he had taken a reassurance, and his whole body relaxed.

In the eyes of the third prince, Zhou An slowly raised his hands.

At this moment, all the attacks seemed to have stopped, and they were constantly circulating with Zhou An's Qi.

Zhou An used Yue Qianjuan, and in the face of this terrifying attack, the rebound effect of Yue Qianjuan had an excellent effect.

The ferocious attack stopped and bounced back with greater power the next moment.

Whoever calls over, Zhou An will play.

And after reading thousands of volumes of blessings, it has reached a terrifying level.

The overwhelming attack turned around instantly.

The people who launched the attack were slightly startled, and then their hair stood on end.

Some people were thinking about what kind of attack this was, but they only thought about it for a moment before starting to defend themselves.

The roaring sound was endless, and dust and fragments of blue bricks continued to rise on the streets.

In just a moment, the sound of the attack dissipated, and the scene was a mess.

"Yes, you should be lucky, because you still have some hands left." Zhou An said calmly with his hands behind his back.

If they didn't hold back, then this rebound would kill this group of people.

The second prince and his men were unable to stand at this moment, and they were all seriously injured.

After hearing Zhou An's teasing tone, several masters couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood again, as if they had reached their limit.

Failed, failed completely, even failed hilariously.

These more than twenty masters were defeated by their own attacks in just an instant.

This was something they didn't expect at all. How hard the attack was, the severity of the injuries would be.

Especially the second prince.

He took action with hatred, and at this time his chest was already stained with bright red.

If it weren't for the physical quality of the people in the industry, and if Zhou An didn't have any intention of killing him, the second prince would have become like his aunt.

"Zhou An, you are so courageous to attack so hard!" The second prince said through gritted teeth.

Zhou An said with a smile: "You want to attack the third prince. As a supporter of the third prince, isn't it normal for me to take action?"

The second prince opened his mouth, his eyes darkened with anger at this shameless attitude.

The dignified second prince, a scholar, had no strength to reply at this moment.

Of course, the next scene shocked the second prince even more, because Zhou An seemed not to let him go.

Zhou An's figure flashed, and he had already arrived beside the second prince, and lifted up the second prince's collar.

With a dull sound, the second prince was thrown to the feet of the third prince by Zhou An.

Those masters struggled to stop him, but when Zhou An looked over, there was a hint of murderous intent and he spoke calmly.

"He won't die because of his status as a prince, but you will."

With just such a sentence, the masters present were as stiff as wood and did not move.

They could feel Zhou An's murderous intent, and to be honest, a few of them had bright minds and no longer wanted to take action.

Because Zhou An is right.

The second prince cannot die because of his status as a prince. They are just the second prince's subordinates. If Zhou An really takes action to take their lives, it will have no impact on Zhou An's status.

It's not going to die anyway, so it's best to leave it alone at this time.

This is what everyone thinks.

Zhou An saw that these people did not move, and also saw that Zhen Guisi, who was hiding in the dark, still did not appear, nodded, and then walked to the side of the second prince.

The second prince was so thrown by Zhou An that his eyes were filled with stars. After watching Zhou An arrive, for some reason, there was a trace of fear in his heart.

He finally understood a sentence, that is, when a scholar encounters a soldier, there is no reason to explain.

The situation is even more serious now. A shameless person like Zhou An seems to have no scruples about his identity.

"What do you want to do?" The second prince still maintained his arrogant attitude, but the next second, he could no longer be arrogant.


Following a crisp sound, the second prince was stunned because there was a palm print on his face.

"How dare you slap me!" The second prince reacted, his tone filled with terrifying anger.

But the anger disappeared in an instant.


There was another crisp sound.

The other half of the second prince's face was attacked by Zhou An.

The third prince next to him was also stunned.

He didn't expect Zhou An to act so decisively, but it seemed really satisfying.

"Second Prince, I am not slapping you, but I am protecting our Third Prince. You see, you have so many people on your hands. If you attack, the Third Prince will be in danger."

Zhou An said nonsense: "That's why I have to beat you until you lose your fighting ability. Alas, I was exhausted just now and don't have much strength. The second prince can bear it for a while. If you hit me a few more times, you will have no fighting ability."

After saying that, there was another slap.

Zhou An waved his palms continuously, and the second prince's head shook from side to side, already feeling a deep numbness.

His tone became sharp, and he yelled at the dark street: "People who suppress the scheming, you are all just eating dry food! Look at His Highness being beaten, right?"

In the darkness, the hidden members of the Suppression Squad couldn't help but walk out.

Zhou An glanced at it lightly: "Are you also planning to participate in the royal family dispute?"

With just such a sentence, the members of the Zhenshisi who had walked out were stunned. They looked at each other and left quietly.

In the current situation, the third prince has the upper hand.

If he came out at this time, wouldn't it be equivalent to helping the second prince?

They are not stupid.

If you don’t dare to offend at this time, it’s best if you don’t see anything.

The second prince looked at the disappearing members of the Suppression Division, and the last hope in his heart was extinguished, but he couldn't help but said to Zhou An.

"What you do today will be rewarded a hundred times in the future. Zhou An, you are very strong. What will happen to your brother? What will happen to Yu Hang? When I deal with Yu Hang, you will have no way to stop me, otherwise the Prime Minister will have reason to take action. Got it!"

Halfway through this sentence, there were many vicious words that followed, but the second prince did not say them out.

Because he felt Zhou An's eyes changed when he looked at him.

What was originally just a teasing look, with a little bit of joking, now turned into a cold look.

This murderous intention was real, and the second prince could easily feel it. He knew that Zhou An had murderous intentions towards him at this moment.

Just because of Yuhang?

"I think there are some things you need to understand. The fight between us is one thing, but if you drag other people in, things will get bigger."

Zhou An squatted down and pinched the second prince's neck: "You don't want to do anything, right?"

"Me." The second prince opened his mouth.


There was another soft sound.

The intensity at this time was even greater than before.

The second prince even felt that his face was swollen.

Due to his swollen face, his vision was also obstructed.

"Are you convinced?" Zhou An said.

"I obey you, sir!" the second prince yelled.

Zhou An sighed, and then he started to shoot left and right.

There were constant sounds in this street.

Every time he hit, Zhou An would say something.

There are only three words to say, that is whether to accept or not.

The second prince was tough-mouthed at first, but the successive slaps gradually softened his tough-tongued mouth.

"I think we can discuss it."

Before he could finish his words, he was slapped again.

"I'm just asking you if you accept it." Zhou An said calmly.

The second prince said nothing.

Zhou An raised his hand and slapped him again.

After fanning a stick of incense in this way, the second prince's pride was completely gone.

"I'm convinced, please stop fighting now!" The second prince raised his hand.

Zhou An then stood up, clapped his hands, looked at the stunned third prince, and said, "Look, doesn't this mean you're convinced? It's a good thing for young people to be unconvinced. Things like pride, Just a beating will be enough.”

The third prince's mouth twitched slightly, looking at his second brother whose face was swollen like a pig's head, he nodded subconsciously.

After nodding, he felt something was wrong.

His second brother's pride was severely compromised by Zhou An at this moment.

This was the first time that he saw his second brother giving in, and recalling what Zhou An had just said, the third prince felt that this statement was actually correct.

You have a lot of pride, so I will polish your pride with my own hands.

Once it's smoothed, it's easy.

Thinking of this, the third prince felt a little emotional.

Fortunately, he is relatively rational and knows the severity, otherwise I am afraid that it will not be just his second brother who will be beaten today.

At this time, because Zhou An had stopped, the second prince also recovered some breath.

The face that was swollen like a pig's head lost the arrogance it had at the beginning, and he tried to talk to Zhou An in a calm voice.

"What do you want? Can we talk now?"

There is no other way, he can only do this.

His men were suppressed by Zhou An alone, and the Zhengui Si responsible for managing all this did not appear again because of the royal dispute.

If he doesn't admit defeat now, what awaits him is to continue to be beaten.

Another point is that the second prince is very smart.

He knew what it meant for Zhou An to let go and beat him here.

This was not just Zhou An using his name to beat him, but his father who lived in the palace acquiesced.

In other words, even his father did not care about the fight between their royal families.

Therefore, the second prince felt that it was normal to give in at this time.

Zhou An said with a smile: "I need the second prince to help me with something. It's very simple. Just go back to the palace from here. You just need to shout all the way and never target Yu Hang."

The second prince was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and said: "Absolutely impossible. If this is the case, where is my majesty?"

"Majesty? You actually have none now. Otherwise, I will continue." Zhou An didn't care.

The night was still long, and he had more than enough.

The second prince heard Zhou An say this, saw Zhou An's raised palm, and thought that his face was swollen to death, and then gritted his teeth and said: "I promise!"

The answer is decisive and simple.

Zhou An then smiled and said: "Second Prince, you don't have to feel too bad. In fact, the reason is very simple. The reason why I can dominate here today is because I am stronger than you. If you are stronger than me in the future, you can do it." Come and deal with me, I have no objection at all.”

The second prince did not speak, but stood up silently, suddenly opened his hands and shouted.

"I'm definitely not targeting Yu Hang!"

After saying that, he didn't talk to Zhou Andu and continued to walk forward for a while and shouted again.

"I will never target Yu Hang!"

The masters behind him followed silently, seeing the second prince's demeanor and movements without saying a word.

Until it disappears at the end of the street.

Zhou An did not speak, but looked at the place where the second prince disappeared and said to the third prince: "This boy is flexible and flexible, so he is a good material."

The third prince nodded: "Second brother has always been like this, but Zhou An, by doing this, can you ensure that he will not target your friends?"

Zhou An smiled and said: "Of course we can guarantee it. We have already said it blatantly. If he still takes aim, we have many ways. For example, we can repeat what happened tonight a few times."

In fact, Zhou An's performance was very obvious tonight.

The second prince is a smart man and understands the meaning.

Until the second prince is absolutely sure of dealing with him, nothing can be done, but Zhou An is very sure.

Because he is cheating, his strength will only get higher and higher, and the second prince will only get lower and lower in front of him. These are not problems.

Now, one of the three troubles Wei Eunuch mentioned has been solved, and there is still one and a half troubles, which are not much trouble.

"Let's go." Zhou An said.

With that said, he took the black jade and walked towards home.

The third prince followed Zhou An, and when they reached a street, they separated from each other.

The third prince has to go back to the palace, and he has to live there after he comes back.

Zhou An has walked through many streets and finally arrived at the house where Yu Hang is.

When he opened the door, the room was empty.

Yu Hang went to the Prime Minister's Mansion today and did not come back, but there was a letter on the table.

Zhou An opened the letter and it looked like it was written by Yu Hang.

The content of the letter stated that Yu Hang came back at noon and found that Zhou An was not at home, so he left this letter for him.

Basically, Yu Hang spent the night in the Prime Minister's Mansion today and won't go home for the time being.

After Zhou An read it, he didn't think anything was wrong. He put the letter aside and started doing his own business.

Even after coming to the capital, he could not forget his liver proficiency, so he patiently started to liver.

The skill of fortune-telling is very simple. You only need to calculate yourself. His current purpose is also very clear. First, he can practice fortune-telling to level 6, and then see what special effects there will be after the endpoints of the Qi Ti villain become brighter.

In fact, Zhou An is also looking forward to it, because this is the most unusual thing about the Qi Ti villain. He really wants to see what benefits will come after this light spot is completely illuminated.

Black Jade was playing with the chair next to him, enjoying himself a lot.

Zhou An was focusing on his skills here, and the two of them got along well.

On the other side, the second prince had already answered the question.

Along the way, he did as Zhou An said, shouting that he would not target Yu Hang.

Although many common people took one look at it and ignored it after hearing it, the people living in the capital today are not common people.

Many people in the world have started to think divergently after seeing this scene.

As for what he was thinking about, the second prince knew better than anyone else.

Of course, when the second prince returned to the palace now, his expression was not good-looking.

The dozen masters also returned to the palace, all silent.

They had nothing to say, and it was hard to say, because too many things happened that night, and they failed miserably.

Especially Zhou An, who shocked everyone, made them feel even more depressed.

The second prince's face was gloomy.

The maid served a pot of good tea and then quietly retreated, leaving only the second prince and these dozen masters.

After drinking the tea in the cup, although it was good tea, the second prince could not taste the taste.

He exerted force with his right hand, and the tea cup was crushed by him, and the hot tea flowed into his hand without even realizing it.

"Don't go out and talk nonsense about what happened today."

The second prince tried to keep his tone calm.

But he knew in his heart that there was no need for others to say it, because it had already spread and everyone knew it.

The men lowered their heads and agreed.

These people have been managed by the Second Prince for many years, and they are also the best experts he can recruit with his current power.

An old man with a psychic mirror stood up and asked in a low voice: "Your Highness, Zhou An has done this to make you lose face. Although we said we would not deal with Yu Hang, we still say it and do it. We still have to continue.”

This old man in the psychic realm is actually not a figure in the psychic realm.

He has improved through age, so he is not very strong.

Of course, this kind of lack of strength only belongs to the level of the psychic realm.

Fighting in the Xiantian realm is just like playing.

Here, he is also qualified to speak.

When the second prince heard this, his already gloomy face became even gloomier, and he sneered: "I will do whatever I say, and it has already spread. It is impossible to do anything to Yu Hang. Zhou An is sure of this." One step, that’s why I’m so confident and bold.”

"What's more, what Zhou An did today shows that he can never be a reasonable person. If he attacks Yu Hang again, his revenge will be stronger, so let's just let it go."

The old man in the psychic realm was stunned for a moment, then nodded, indicating that he would obey the second prince's instructions.

In fact, this is the right thing to do. He has already said today that he will not target Yu Hang, so he must not do this.

Otherwise, he, who was already in awe of his majesty, would face a new round of blows.

And to be honest, tonight and last week An An buried a nightmare in the heart of the second prince.

The second prince really doesn't want to take action for the time being.

"Of course." The second prince said: "If there is a chance, Zhou An will definitely realize how abominable he did today."

The old man in the psychic realm frowned: "Your Highness, the Second Prince, now we have used all the forces we can use. It is said that when Zhou An came to the capital, the first step was to scare most of the geniuses. It is not easy to handle."

The strongest of these forces are standing here. If they could deal with Zhou An, they would have dealt with it long ago, so there is nothing they can do.

As for why the second prince didn't recruit masters who were in the psychic realm.

He doesn't dare.

The emperor is still up there. If he really does this, his father will probably not be the first to spare him.

The royal rules are very strict and extremely rigid, and it is absolutely impossible for them to recruit experts who are disproportionate to their own strength.

It’s already good to be able to gather the psychic realm.

"You are right. We have indeed reached the end of our rope, but there are still many top forces. Those geniuses will not arrive until tomorrow. Not only that, there are also those forces from the Dai Viet Kingdom."

The second prince said slowly: "This is enough for Zhou An to drink a pot of. He is very strong, but he may not be able to handle it with ease."

"We are observing in secret to see if we can do a combination of vertical and horizontal."

"You go and collect information now. I want to take a closer look at the information about the forces of those talented people tomorrow. If I can find out some information, we can jointly deal with Zhou An then."

His men quickly agreed and quickly left the room to collect information.

After these men left, the second prince looked at the fragments of the teacup on the ground and didn't know what he was thinking.

Time passed gradually, and in the blink of an eye, one night passed.

The night was calm and nothing happened.

It wasn't until the next day that something happened in the capital.

There is no other reason than that the forces from the top ranks finally arrived today.

The birthday banquet of the emperor in the capital is no small matter. Although it is only once a year, every time at this moment, the forces of the Great Chu Kingdom will come one after another.

At this time, the streets of the capital were lively and bustling, and the carriages were luxurious, showing that the identities of the people in the carriages were not simple.

These are all first-class forces, and even the people who escorted them here are hiding their secrets.

At this time, in one of the carriages, a young man with his eyes closed in deep thought was holding a letter.

He didn't open his eyes, but he seemed to have read everything in the letter.

Next to the carriage stop, an old man with white hair sat.

The old man kept his head down and said nothing.

At this time, the boy with his eyes closed put the letter aside, his eyes still closed, but he sighed.

"Huang Lao, Zhou An is really powerful this year. In just one night, he convinced the dignified second prince, and he was still safe and sound in the capital, and even His Majesty didn't give him any trouble." The young man said slowly.

The old man named Huang Lao shook his head, "This is a royal dispute. Your Majesty will naturally not care about it, but I was very interested when I heard the young master talk about Zhou An."

The young man said calmly: "Old Huang is interested in a grassroots man from Anding County, which is a bit harsh. Even if he can kill the psychic realm, so what, in my opinion, he must have used some secret method, and some secret methods in the world The law has a high price."

Huang Lao did not deny what the young man said: "Even so, the fact that he can use secret methods to kill the psychic realm is enough to arouse my interest. If the young master can defeat him this time and weaken his spirit, then the old man can succeed Taking action and accepting him as a disciple can be regarded as a wave of inheritance."

Speaking of this, Mr. Huang seemed very confident, as if he could take Zhou An under his command.

The young man smiled: "I hope he can last three rounds in my hands. By the way, I heard that the guys behind him also have this idea. It depends on who makes the first move."

"Isn't that simple? Young Master, go to Zhou An's residence now and challenge him." Huang Lao said with a smile.

"That's not necessary. We don't need to be the first one. Someone will naturally explore the path for me. Wouldn't it be more sure then?" the young man said.

The whole time he was talking, his eyes never opened.

Mr. Huang knew very well that his young master practiced a very special kind of martial arts, which was considered to be the best among martial arts.

When these eyes are opened, they will represent the disappearance of life.

At this time, after hearing what the young man said, Mr. Huang opened the curtain of the carriage and looked forward.

A carriage in front suddenly turned around and headed towards a house in the capital.

The rest of the carriages followed this carriage as if they had a telepathic connection.

The young man smiled and said, "It's the muscle lump of the Zheng family. It seems that he can't hold it back any longer. Everyone wants to see it."

The carriage is getting further and further away, and the carriage following it is also getting further and further away.

Finally, the carriages stopped in a yard.

From the carriage at the front, a muscular man jumped out.

The man looked up at the door in front and shouted: "Zhou An, come out and die!"

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