All the terrifying momentum comes from this figure.

When the old figure walked out of the black palace, Zhou An could feel the terrifying aura.

King Bai was like a little ant in front of this old figure.

This is an old man, wearing cloth clothes, and the clothes on his body are old and worn out.

The old man is short in stature, and his back looks a little rickety due to his age.

As for the old man's left hand, there was an empty sleeve and no arm.

His right hand is still there, holding a brush with wet ink on it.

There is an ancient and desolate aura about the old man, accompanied by an aura that makes all living beings tremble, like an endless abyss with no end in sight.

The old man's eyes were not cloudy, but a rare feeling of fatigue after countless years.

Zhou An narrowed his eyes, observed secretly, and tightened his grip on the long knife.

He still has the beads left behind by King Bai after his death, and the people of the Zamen are collectively called Zaqi.

If the current situation is not right, he will immediately ask Black Jade to lead the cheap mother-in-law out and let the cheap mother-in-law touch the one-armed old man.

So far, the gossip in front of Zhou An is still golden.

This proves that the old man in front of him does not seem to be in any danger.

"No hostility." Zhou An thought to himself.

At least for now, this one-armed old man with a sense of endless time does not have the slightest hostility towards him.

Thinking of this, Zhou An pondered for a moment, and then slowly spoke.

"Old senior, may I ask your name?"

After the one-armed old man came out, he was also looking at Zhou An without saying a word.

Those eyes with a sense of endless time seem to be able to see through everything and let everything sink in the years of history.

When Zhou An asked this question, the one-armed old man shook his head, and an old voice appeared.

"I don't remember. It's been so long that I forgot about it."

The one-armed old man showed a rare look of confusion in his eyes: "I don't even remember who I am or where this place is."

"I just know that I have to stay here, I have to be here, let everything have its traces."

"Do you want to know? Come with me. I don't know how long it has been and I haven't seen anyone."

After the one-armed old man finished speaking, he turned around directly, as if he didn't care if Zhou An followed him, and walked into the black palace.

Soon, the figure of the one-armed old man disappeared from the gate of the black palace.

Zhou An was stunned for a moment, then realized what was happening. He looked at the black palace in front of him and took a deep breath.

He slowly raised his feet and walked inside.

Here, there is a huge secret in front of him. If he doesn't take a look, Zhou An will regret it very much.

Moreover, the Bagua arithmetic is still golden, which means that the trip will be smooth.

It’s okay, then be brave and reckless. How can you see good things without being reckless?

As Zhou An stepped into it, a heavy history emerged from Zhou An's body.

Inside the black palace, the space is very vast, and at a glance, it is all black.

Whether it was the wall, the ground, or even the top of the palace, it was all black.

But Zhou An observed very carefully.

There are many unusual things above this black color.


The densely packed reliefs gradually extend outward from where Zhou An stood.

In addition to the ground, the surrounding walls and even the ceiling above are covered with dense black reliefs.

These black reliefs are all lifelike portraits of characters.

There are men and women, old and young, and so on.

In addition, Zhou An even felt that a very familiar atmosphere was constantly circulating on these reliefs.

"The city wall, it feels like a city wall."

Zhou An soon discovered that this aura was exactly that of the half of the city wall outside.

Almost identical.

"They are all heroes who remain in history, but they have died long ago, and their bones are engraved here."

Zhou An looked at the one-armed old man waiting for him not far ahead and asked, "Did you carve them here?"

These are corpses that cannot be erased by time, and they are truly terrifying things.

It is no exaggeration to say that even if you pull out a random person, if it is a living person, I am afraid that it is a walking ancient myth.

When the one-armed old man heard Zhou An's words, a look of confusion appeared on his face, and then he nodded: "It's me. I don't know why they are carved here."

"But I know this is my mission and I have to do this."

After the words fell, Zhou An looked at the one-armed old man with eyes that became a little solemn.

If it is true as the one-armed old man said, then the identity of this one-armed old man is self-evident.

Perhaps, this is an ancient epic that has truly survived from that extremely ancient era to this day.

"I'm confused because I'm looking at these reliefs and it's painful."

The one-armed old man squatted down and touched the relief on the wall: "I feel that they are all my close friends, relatives, comrades-in-arms, and there are too many."

"I witnessed their death with my own hands and carved them into it with my own hands. That feeling is heartbreaking every time."

"But I have to do this. Even though I have forgotten a lot of things now, I still haven't forgotten all this."

"Character, writing, and accompanying."

Having said this, the one-armed old man stood up.

"Just keep walking."

Zhou An nodded and followed the one-armed old man.

He didn't know why the one-armed old man lost his memory, but from what the one-armed old man said just now, he knew what the one-armed old man was doing.

This is a cemetery, from the tombs left behind by countless sages from that ancient era after they broke into the cracks.

Time dare not corrode, but the saints will eventually find their home.

Here it is formed.

Each of those reliefs is a cemetery, where a heroic epic from early ancient times is buried.

The one-armed old man is like a tombkeeper, burying the bones here alone and keeping them here.

Long years have passed, but it is still the same here, and the same is true for the one-armed old man.

Zhou An looked at the surrounding reliefs with a hint of admiration in his eyes.

He is not a hero, but he respects heroes.

At least, he couldn't die so generously unless absolutely necessary.

Easier said than done.

Of course, if the last resort comes, Zhou An himself is not afraid of death.

Even with his temper, if he really wanted to die, he would have to drag his enemies with him.

Zhou An took a few glances and continued to follow the one-armed old man.

After saying those few words, the one-armed old man stopped talking, but silently led the way.

Zhou An followed behind and discovered the difference in the black palace.

Here, there are no extra rooms or corridors. All the rooms have been opened up just to place these bones.

Except for the front room.

Not far away, a square room stood in the empty interior of the black palace.

Zhou An looked at the black room, slightly surprised.

If we say that those reliefs represent a rich history, an existence that cannot be eroded by time.

So this black room gave Zhou An the feeling that it was time itself.

Even when Zhou An was standing here, he could feel the solemnity coming to his face.

"What is this?" Zhou An finally spoke and asked.

"It's a very important thing," the one-armed old man said.

"Well... I haven't gone in to see it, but it is indeed important."

Zhou An looked back and forth and found that even his clairvoyance could not completely penetrate it.

Just like this black palace, the only room here is also made of special materials, which can block the penetration of thousands of miles.

"I only know that the reason why I stay here, and the mission of staying here, is because of this place, this room."

The one-armed old man looked confused and said, "Can you help me?"

Zhou An asked: "How to help, what to help?"

He knew that there must be a reason why the one-armed old man let him in.

If not, how could it be so straightforward?

Zhou An even had a guess.

Just now the one-armed old man said that he should help. Maybe the method of helping is related to the room in front of him.

"Help me, go see what's in the room."

The one-armed old man said: "Every time I approach the room, a strong sadness will emerge in my heart."

"If you forcefully walk outside the room, you will turn into yellow dust in sorrow."

"I still have to live, at least I have to stay here and not die."

"If you can't feel sadness, then..."

The words haven't been finished yet, but the meaning is already obvious. It is indeed as Zhou An thought, she wants him to see this room.

But... Zhou An obviously refused.

"Not going."

Zhou An shook his head and said, "This can't be done."

When the one-armed old man was talking just now, Zhou An began to quietly calculate whether entering the room would be bad or good.

The result was unexpected.

There is neither golden light nor black light.

In this case, the reason cannot be calculated.

He couldn't even make any calculations. It was obvious that the room in front of him was beyond Zhou An's ability.

This is seeking death. Zhou An is a very stable person and will not seek death.

The one-armed old man didn't seem to give up after hearing Zhou An's statement, and continued: "Help me go in and take a look."

"I can let you choose one of these reliefs."

"Choose one? What does this mean?" Zhou An asked with a frown.

The one-armed old man pointed to the surrounding reliefs and said slowly: "Although they are dead, some of them still remain. I call this retained power talent."

"You only need to find talents similar to yours, and you will get huge benefits."

"And this will add a lot of color to your long life."

Having said this, the one-armed old man's eyes were still confused, but there was a hint of emotion in them.


Zhou An narrowed his eyes and said slowly: "Who are you?"

Just now, after the one-armed old man said these words, Zhou An discovered something was wrong.

He knows about talent.

At the beginning, Yu Hang talked to him about talent.

Those who once died generously, in the endless years, were worried that they would have no successors and that their descendants would not be able to carry the times, so they used special methods to invest their talents.

For example, Yu Hang, whose talent once belonged to the best scholar in the world at that time.

To be honest, when Zhou An heard the news, he felt that these heroes were really selfless and fearless.

Now combined with what the one-armed old man said, Zhou An felt that things here would not be so simple.

The talent has already been invested, so how can these reliefs be considered talents now?

And if you think about it carefully, there seems to be something wrong with the one-armed old man in front of you.

You said these are talents, is it possible that they can be transformed into another talent?

After Zhou An said these words, the one-armed old man sighed, seeming a little regretful.

The confused aura on his body gradually disappeared, replaced by an aura of indifference to the common people.

"You can see it." The one-armed old man said calmly: "What era is it now? How many years has it been since the Dayu era?"

During the Dayu period?

Zhou An touched his chin and said, "Is it the title of your era?"

"I have no idea."

He really didn't know, because he hadn't even heard of it, so how could he know?

"I see. It seems that the power of time has turned everything into ashes."

The one-armed old man sighed and changed the topic: "Tell me, what else did you guess?"

"I guess this is a hero's grave."

Zhou An said with a smile: "And you are not a hero. This tomb is more like a prison, sealing you here."

"The relief is a shackle."

"There are them on the city wall outside, and they are also in the palace inside."

"The city wall outside is destroyed, so you can move around like this. Just now, you never left the Black Palace outside, which proves that the range you can move around is only so wide."

"As long as the relief here is not destroyed, then... the shackles are still shackles, they just let you go further."

"The room is a key. It can open the shackles, but... you can't get it."

As Zhou An spoke, the one-armed old man nodded repeatedly, as if he was satisfied with what Zhou An said.

"Yes, I guessed it right, but there is one thing you said wrong."

The one-armed old man said calmly: "They? Are they worthy of being called heroes?"

"I am also a hero."

"It's just that the two concepts are different."

Zhou An smiled and said, "Why is it different?"

"This matter started a long time ago."

The one-armed old man seemed to have not spoken to anyone for a long time, and he slowly said: "Back then, there were many cracks in the sky."

"But that group of people went to death to seal all the cracks. Maybe you haven't heard of these secrets."

Zhou An wanted to say what he had heard, but he didn't say anything, meaning to let the one-armed old man continue talking.

The one-armed old man continued: "Later, the cracks in the sky disappeared and the weirdness became much less. But I never expected that there were still cracks in the ground."

"So, this place appeared. At that time, there were not many experts left, and they could not die to solve the problem. So, the psychic space appeared..."

The voice of the one-armed old man rang out in the black palace, which seemed extremely empty in this space.

Most of them talk about how to seal the cracks in the sky and the reasons for the formation of the psychic space.

In fact, Zhou An already knew these things, but he did not interrupt.

Sometimes, only by listening to people who belong to that era say it, can you know whether there is an error.

Soon, this story came to an end.

The one-armed old man finally spoke out about the issue of philosophy.

"Why should we use our lives to create a psychic space?"

"I don't want to be the subject of this experiment. At that time, there were so many ordinary people."

"There are many more people than in our industry. We can still use their lives, but the quantity is just larger."

The one-armed old man clenched his fist and said: "Those of us in the industry can also reproduce and reproduce while we are alive, and we can also provide future generations with a better environment."

When Zhou An heard this, he already understood what it meant.

After all, I just don’t want to die.

This old guy just wants to use ordinary human lives to test the stability of the psychic space.

But how can ordinary people compare to those in the industry? The amount required is astronomical.

But this old guy doesn't care about that.

"Fear of death is really interesting when you describe it as a concept." Zhou An said with a smile.

The one-armed old man raised his eyebrows and said, "Aren't you afraid of death?"


Zhou An said very straightforwardly: "I think it's normal to be afraid of death, but it's not normal if you kill someone else, an ordinary person you've never met."

The one-armed old man chuckled and said, "I know, you won't agree, but that's just me."

"In my life, I started as a farmer and got to where I am today step by step. Why?"

"Although they respect our wishes and allow us to volunteer, who knows if everyone in the industry will change their minds when they fail to succeed?"

"I just secretly conducted an experiment. I only had a dozen lives, so they locked me up here."

"The leader of the Miscellaneous Sect at that time, Lu Yi, directly suppressed me and used these bullshit corpses to keep me alive."

The leader of the miscellaneous sect, dressed in green.

Zhou An had heard of this name before, it was the master of a miscellaneous sect in ancient times.

It seems that in the end, the two factions in the psychic space used their lives to add a layer of shackles to the psychic space, and anyone who does not belong to the psychic realm cannot enter.

Like the other three categories, they are all dead.

"Later I found out that Lu Yi died, earlier than me."

The one-armed old man waved his remaining arm, extremely happy: "It doesn't matter if I'm locked up, I still live longer than her! Hahaha!"

At this point, the one-armed old man's expression became extremely crazy.

Zhou An explained all this silently and shook his head: "You are the only one who can be so happy as a prisoner."

When the one-armed old man heard this, the crazy look on his face gradually calmed down, and he said: "So what? Now, let's return to the topic. Do you want to help or not?"


Zhou An uttered one word lightly.

"Aren't you afraid of me?" The one-armed old man's eyes widened.

Zhou An shrugged, pointed to the surrounding reliefs, and said: "You are in shackles, but you are a first-level prisoner. If you could take action, you would have done it long ago."

If it was really to open the shackles, it is estimated that the one-armed old man had already used force to coerce him. If it is useless now, it proves that the one-armed old man cannot do anything.

If you can still take action while you are in shackles, then the shackles are useless.

The one-armed old man fell silent.

Zhou An knew that he had guessed correctly, and said with a smile: "I am very confused, why didn't Lu Yi just kill you directly?"

If the one-armed old man really thinks this way, it might be more satisfying to kill him.

After all, if you stay here, problems will occur sooner or later.

Zhou An can find him, and he is likely to be found by others, it's just a matter of probability.

Just because Zhou An can resist this temptation and even recognize the flaw does not mean that others can see it.

Talent is really too tempting, and even for a person in the industry, he can't resist it.

There was nothing wrong with this one-armed old man's plan. From beginning to end, he made himself look like he had lost his memory.

Fortunately, Zhou An knows about talent.

"kill me?"

The one-armed old man shook his head and said, "She couldn't do it. At that time, she was actually seriously injured."

"I only found out after fighting her that she once entered a crack in the ground in order to find the bones of her sister Qingshuangzi with a different surname."

"Inside, she killed countless weirdos, but also suffered injuries that could never be recovered."

Hearing this, Zhou An suddenly realized.

No wonder Lu Yi died in the psychic space. It turned out that he had been injured before.

If it was Green Clothes in its heyday, adding this rule to the psychic space would probably prevent death.

"Okay, since you don't want to, then go ahead."

The one-armed old man waved his hand and seemed not to care if Zhou An refused.

He had waited too long, been a prisoner for too long.

To put it bluntly, I have been here for a long time, so why do I care about such nonsense?

If you can meet Zhou An today, you can meet other people next time. If Zhou An is not fooled, it does not mean that others will not be fooled.


Zhou An smiled and said: "Then let you stay here, wait for time to pass, find someone who can let you out, and then take revenge on me?"

This old thing must not be kept.

At this time, the bridge has been formed, and it would be a disaster to keep it.

The one-armed old man sneered: "What, you can still kill me?"

"Although I am a prisoner here, even the injured Green Yi can't kill me, let alone a little thing like you?"

"Even if you go out, what if you tell your elders?"

"Here, those who cannot enter the psychic realm will always be met by me."

"When I get out, I will cut you and all your relatives into pieces!"

Every word the one-armed old man spoke was filled with intense anger.

He seemed to have seen Zhou An kneel down in front of him and beg for mercy, and he used all kinds of torture on Zhou An.

"Of course, if you kneel down in front of me now and kowtow twice, maybe I will be more generous and let you save me."

The one-armed old man said proudly: "Even after I get out, I will adopt you as my adopted son and make you my subordinate."

Zhou An touched his chin: "It's so tempting."

The one-armed old man's eyes lit up: "You agreed?"

Although he is not worried about not meeting other people, it always takes time. If Zhou An can take action immediately, he can save a lot of time.

Zhou An shook his head: "No, I mean, you will definitely die."

The one-armed old man's mouth twitched: "You little thing, there is something wrong with your brain. I told you that you can't kill me."

"What about someone else?" Zhou An narrowed his eyes.

The one-armed old man frowned and said, "Isn't it clear what I said? Your elders who are beyond the psychic realm cannot come in."

"Old guy, you still don't understand."

Zhou An smiled and said: "What if I'm not talking about a human being?"

not human?

The one-armed old man hesitated for a while, not understanding what he meant.

At this time, Zhou An turned his head and looked at Black Jade.

Black Jade has been standing quietly aside, looking at the one-armed old man very cautiously.

The strange state told her that this one-armed old man was dangerous.

Now that he felt Zhou An's gaze, Black Jade looked over doubtfully.

Zhou An smiled, touched Black Jade's head, and said with a smile: "Be good, bring our mother out and teach this old thing a lesson."

"oh oh."

Black Jade understood, and then there was no ink stain on his face, and his face was excited.

Immediately afterwards, a gloomy aura flowed from Black Jade.

This is Black Jade summoning the guild.

Zhou An looked at the one-armed old man with a smile, as if he was looking at a dead man.

Please, my background is huge.

On the human side, Eunuch Wei protects me, on the weird side, my mother-in-law protects me.

What do you win with?

When you are in doubt, find a cheap mother-in-law, isn't that the solution?

I didn’t hear what my cheap mother-in-law said, but everyone knows the smells on the city wall.

Isn't it easy to get you?

The one-armed old man didn't know why, but he suddenly felt cold all over.

He has never felt such coldness in this realm, and logically speaking, it would never happen.

But now, it is so clear, spreading throughout the body.

The one-armed old man looked past Zhou An to the black jade behind Zhou An.

Immediately afterwards, the one-armed old man felt a very familiar aura.


"You're crazy, summoning weirdness here!"

"This is the tomb of heroes in human history. These ancient epics, even if they are dead, are naturally tired of Weirdness. Even the remaining power can be reduced to nothingness together with you and Weirdness!"

The one-armed old man finally understood that he felt Zhou An was looking for death.

Even if these heroes are buried here, they still have endless hatred for weirdness.

How could something strange appear in their cemetery?

To show up is to die.

But Zhou An can't control so much.

He must kill the one-armed old man!

Besides, the guild is different, it is one of the oldest weird ones.

Even Eunuch Wei once said that at the home venue of the Gui Gathering, Eunuch Wei must be careful.

If it were at the home court of the Guild Alliance, both of them would probably suffer losses.

The Black Jade Summoning is to turn everything here into the home of the Guild.

The rules of the psychic space are for people in the industry, not for weirdos, so this method is feasible.

While the two of them were talking, everything around them had changed.

Dilapidated streets appeared in this black palace, and sluggish and strange things appeared in the street stalls.

Not far in front of Zhou An, a plump mature woman descended here with a terrifying coldness, like an endless abyss.

"Quick, give it to her!" Zhou An said quickly.

Black Jade was also an expert and quickly threw the beads left by King Bai to the Guild.

After all, she was her own daughter, so she would not resist the instinct of the conspirators, so she took it easily.

The next moment, the beads melted quickly like ice meeting water, and soon disappeared without a trace.

The coldness and violence of the Guild were gone, replaced by a kind of rationality.

Coupled with the mature plumpness of Guiji, coupled with a rational temperament, it is mixed with a forbidden beauty similar to black jade.

When the Guild returned to consciousness, they saw Zhou An again, with surprise in their eyes.

Even she was surprised.

"You kid, how many of you have killed all Saints recently?" the Guild said subconsciously.

The only things that could bring her back to consciousness were masters from the Holy Realm.

As the saying goes, without buying and selling, there will be no killing.

Every thing that brought her back to consciousness represented a life in the Holy Realm.

That's why the Guild of Guilds said this.

After being able to produce so many sober things in a short period of time, she wondered if Zhou An was specifically looking for someone from the Quan Sheng Realm to kill him.

When the Guild said these words, her arrival indeed caused an instant reaction from the surrounding people.

This is the grave of a hero and a remnant of ancient epics. How can we allow weirdness to exist?

Everything around him was becoming extremely terrifying.

All the reliefs, exuding residual power, all point to the Guild.

The gathering of ghosts also felt it, with a hint of nostalgia in their eyes: "It feels so familiar, well... they are all people who have come to me and stolen many opportunities."

"It turns out that you are all dead. Time is so ruthless."

The scheming itself also represents opportunity.

Every time it appears, people in the industry flock to it, and the age of the guild has been experienced too much.

"I'm awake now, how about giving me some face?" the Guild said with a smile.

As she finished saying this, she no longer exuded weird madness, but incomparable rationality.

The relief is aimed at the weird, and the characteristics of the weird are instinct and violence.

But there is a problem here, that is, the relief is not a living thing.

The relief is always dead, only retaining power, so when the coven becomes rational, the power of the relief gradually disappears.

When everything disappeared, the conspirators looked at Zhou An, with the corners of their mouths twitching slightly.

"You kid, you are a natural source of trouble. What kind of trouble have you caused?"

"I'm telling you, you won't live long like this. I'm very worried about Black Jade's safety."

Zhou An pointed at the one-armed old man and said, "Mother-in-law, bah! Senior... someone is messing with me!"

Just now, I almost said it was smooth.

The conspirators smiled knowingly and said: "You haven't found out that you are getting married yet. If you want to ask your senior for marriage, just call me aunt."

Zhou An was stunned, thinking that aunt was not a good word.

But now, it doesn't matter.

It really doesn't matter what you call him, the most important thing now is to beat the old guy in front of him to death.

The Guild gathering did not hesitate and followed Zhou An's gaze to look at the one-armed old man.

There was endless evil energy and a strange and unique coldness in those eyes.

At this time, the one-armed old man opened his mouth wide, as if he had seen the most incredible scene in the world.

"The Guild is...sober?"

"Impossible!" (End of Chapter)

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