If the scene in front of him hadn't been so terrifying, the one-armed old man would never have believed that the conspirators in front of him were awake.

He even wondered if he had been hallucinating for so long in this black palace.

Weirdness has no consciousness of living people. This is the same whether in ancient times or today.

No matter how small a weird thing is, it has no consciousness, and no matter how powerful a person is, it can't change the weird thing.

If we can really change, I'm afraid many of the things we did before will become unnecessary.

For example, die to seal the cracks, or the psychic space made of death, or even these reliefs condensed from the bones of past saints.

But now, with the facts before his eyes, the one-armed old man couldn't help but not believe it.

After the one-armed old man was shocked, he quickly reacted, with a hint of fire in his eyes, and said: "What exactly did you do to bring the Guild back to its senses?"

At this time, Zhou An was protected by someone, and he was not afraid at all: "Is it important?"

"It's very important. If we can completely understand the reason, you and I will definitely be able to change the whole world."

The one-armed old man said enthusiastically: "Even if it is tens of millions of years later, the world will still remember it and history will still exist. This is a great move that can change mankind!"

Zhou An shook his head: "It's useless."

How it changed, only he knew, it was an extremely complicated process.

And it cannot be copied, it is only a method that he and the Guild can use.

First of all, you have to be as brave as the owner of Fengyu Tower, weave a layer of skin on the Guild with Lingluo Qiaowei, and then charge with a gun.

Secondly, children must be born.

Finally, and most importantly, the children must have a special connection with people like Zhou An.

In fact, Zhou An's Holy Spirit Demonic Body is needed to restore consciousness to the half-human, half-weird being.

No matter which one you choose, it is more difficult than climbing to the sky. If you make one wrong step, it will be impossible.

"Besides, you're going to die soon."

Zhou An said calmly: "These things are not your concern."

The one-armed old man was slightly startled: "There is actually no enmity or enmity between you and me. Even big enmities can be resolved."

"I was born in ancient times and know too much knowledge. I may be able to solve the mystery."

"No amount of hatred can compare to the fact that from now on, I will be the only one in the world."

"As long as we can unlock the secret of weird sobriety, the whole world belongs to you and me. We can cooperate. Interests are far more important than hatred."

He seemed confident that he could convince Zhou An.

In fact, anyone here would probably be convinced by him.

Because the attraction is so great, as the one-armed old man said, it can indeed be so great that hatred can be forgotten.

But Zhou An is different.

"Am I the only one in heaven and on earth?"

Zhou An shook his head: "I can do it, and I don't need your methods."

He has proficiency, what he needs to do is very simple, he just needs to keep doing it.

Time is what Zhou An needs.

After giving him enough time, he will reach this point sooner or later, and there is no need for other risky methods.

What's more, Zhou An has always been pursuing a philosophy, that is, the enemy must not be allowed to live.

"Senior, let's do it." Zhou An said slowly.

Although the conspirators told him to call him aunt, Zhou An felt that he still couldn't do it.

Because every time he said these two words, he would suddenly think of an old friend, which felt very inconsistent.

When Zhou An said this, the first person to react was the one-armed old man.

Ever since the guild appeared, the one-armed old man knew that he was now a piece of meat on the chopping block.

He couldn't fight, and he couldn't fight.

Because what was in front of him was a gathering of conspirators, an extremely ancient existence.

So the one-armed old man wanted to persuade Zhou An.

But now it seems that not only was he unable to convince Zhou An, but he even made Zhou An strengthen his determination to kill him.

He wants to live!

There is only one way to survive!

The one-armed old man turned around and ran quickly towards the room behind him.

The speed was so fast that in just a blink of an eye, he was already in front of the room.

As the one-armed old man got closer to the room, horrible signs appeared on him.

Groups of black Qi bodies enveloped the one-armed old man's entire body.

This black palace is a prison cell, specially used to lock up the one-armed old man, and the room is the key.

The key is here, but it's not so easy to get.

That mass of black energy, carrying the aura of destruction, seemed to turn all life into ashes.


The one-armed old man screamed, but still insisted on stretching out his hand towards the room.

Pain, like a tide, surges in.

The one-armed old man knew very well that he had no choice.

He knew what dangers there would be when he got close to the room.

However, if you get close to the room, you will have a narrow chance of death, and if you fight with the Guild, you will have a chance of death.

Between the two, he would rather choose to escape death, at least, there is still a chance of living.

But just when the one-armed old man's hand was about to touch the room, something abnormal appeared.

The room was originally very close, but in the eyes of the one-armed old man, it became very far away.

Vision is stretched without limit.

In front of the one-armed old man, ancient and cold streets appeared, exuding a frightening coldness.

Dilapidated, old and gloomy.

The voices of the guile came from behind, making the one-armed old man's heart tremble slightly.

"Zhou An said that if I let you die, you wouldn't be able to live."

After the words fell, the one-armed old man felt that the ancient streets had all become unique weapons of terror and killing in the world.

"No, I suffered so much not for you to kill me!"

The one-armed old man gritted his teeth and picked up the brush in his hand.

But when he lifted the brush, the surrounding reliefs changed.

The originally calm relief appeared with long black whips, whipping the one-armed old man hard.


The one-armed old man let out a shrill cry, and his expression of pain filled his entire face.

This is a prison cell. If he dares to use his strength, he is seeking death.


The one-armed old man rolled on the ground.

Those long whips seemed to be able to touch the pain of the soul. Even at his level, he couldn't resist it at all.

"She! She is the weird one!"

The one-armed old man pointed at the Quirks and said crazily: "You are all heroes and historical epics. You should deal with the Quirks, not me!"

"You are treating someone of my kind, and you are not considered a hero or sage in human history!"


The whips fell like raindrops, and the one-armed old man screamed ferociously and kept rolling.

"Let me end your pain."

Seeing this, the Guild shook their heads.

Then, a sinister aura enveloped the one-armed old man.

The conspirators stretched out their white right hands and made a slight fist.

As the fist clenching movement appeared, the one-armed old man wrapped in the evil aura gradually turned into ashes starting from his legs.

Simplicity is the ultimate.

Simple attack techniques, even at the level of a one-armed old man, are still unable to deal with it.

After a while, there was only ashes on the ground, and nothing else.


The gathering of conspirators looked at Zhou An, meaning it was over.

At this time, there was already some weird aura about the Guild.

This is the gradual weakening of the miscellaneous tools of the miscellaneous door.

After all, King Bai had just entered the realm of the All-Saint for the first time and was not yet very stable, so the assembled miscellaneous weapons were really too weak.

Therefore, the time when the conspirators are awake will not last long.

"The surrounding reliefs have begun to recognize me. If my strange aura continues to increase, they will attack me."

The conspirators looked around, with a trace of solemnity and fear in their eyes.

Even she couldn't persevere on this historical relief.

Just now, I just used human reason to deceive these reliefs.

Every corpse here was a big boss when they were alive. Even after death, they have very little remaining power.

But there are so many!

If the gathering of ghosts really had a weird aura, they would probably have to be suppressed on the spot, and then be with the one-armed old man.

Don’t underestimate the reliefs, they are the crystallization of history

"Senior, look at that room. Is there anything strange about it?"

Zhou An also reacted quickly and asked quickly.

With the idea of ​​​​using whatever he can, Zhou An quickly asked about the secret of that room.

He understood many things here.

For example, the one-armed old man who became a prisoner, the black palace itself is a prison cell, and the surrounding reliefs are the bones of sages from past generations.

But that room alone was a secret, and Zhou An still didn't understand it until now.

If you want him to go in and try it by himself, Zhou An said, that is impossible.

It was too dangerous and inconsistent with his stability.

Even the clairvoyant eyes cannot penetrate it, which puts an end to his desire to view it from a distance, so there is only one way.

Before the Guilds return to their unconscious state, quickly ask the Guilds to help take a look.

The conspirators glanced at Zhou An and said, "Do you really want me to die?"

Zhou An heard this and asked strangely: "Why did senior say that?"

The Guild pointed to the surroundings and said: "The reliefs around here are enough to suppress me here for countless times."

She pointed to the room again: "What's more, this room is the core of the entire black palace. If I go in, I will die. It's not just a simple suppression."

"I can feel that there is a terrifying behemoth inside the room, and what is hidden inside is something that will frighten countless people."

"There's no way I'm going in."

Zhou An finally understood after hearing this.

He knew that his cheap mother-in-law was probably a coward.

There's no reason not to be scared, after all, you'll definitely die if you go in.

Zhou An touched his chin and said, "That will be difficult."

He still wanted to see what was inside, but now, he couldn't see anything at all.

"What's not easy to do?" The coven asked strangely, "You go in, there's no danger at all."

Zhou An was stunned: "Why?"

The conspirators gathered and said: "This is a prison cell, used to imprison that old thing. This is also a strange forbidden place. Entering it will mean death."

"But you're not a prisoner, and you're not weird. There's no problem at all in getting in."

Zhou An fell into deep thought after hearing this.

It seems that the theory of a gathering of conspirators is also true.

He is not a criminal, nor is he weird, so he is not restricted here.

Those buried here are all sages from ancient times.

What is a sage?

Not to mention other things, just because they are willing to die for mankind, this ancient existence will not cause danger to future generations even after death.

"You just need to be respectful when you go in and don't touch the things inside."

The conspirators said: "Will I still harm you? If I harm you, I will harm Black Jade. I won't do that."

Having said this, the weird aura surrounding the gathering of ghosts has become more and more intense.

At this time, the surrounding reliefs already showed an ancient and terrifying aura.

This kind of momentum gathers the residual power of countless sages from past generations. When gathered together, it reaches a terrifying level.

Any weirdo who comes here will only die.

"I'm leaving, I've reached the critical point."

The conspirators said slowly: "If this continues, I will be suppressed here immediately."

After saying that, the conspirators quickly disappeared without giving Zhou An time to think.

The ancient and cold streets gradually blurred before our eyes, and finally turned into endless nothingness.

In front of them, there is still the black palace, but at this moment, there are only Zhou An and Hei Yu.

After the conspirators left, the relief returned to silence, and the terrifying aura had completely disappeared.

It's like it never happened.

But the hurried departure of the strange gathering just now revealed the hidden terror here and the place where the strange people were killed.

Zhou An stood in the quiet black palace, looking at the room not far ahead, lost in thought.

After about half a stick of incense, Zhou An made up his mind.

Go check it out!

Come all come.

If you don’t go in, you’ll be at a loss no matter what.

Besides, what the conspirators said just now is extremely reasonable.

The Guild will not trick his own daughter!

If so, what benefits can be gained?

No matter how hard it is, you can still get the big secret!

Thinking of this, Zhou An made up his mind and took Black Jade's hand.

"When you go in later, you must be very good and don't show any weird aura, understand?" Zhou An warned.

Black Jade tilted her head, looked at Zhou An cutely, and muttered: "I'm very good."

"Then come into my shadow." Zhou An pointed to the ground.

"I do not want!"

Black Jade resisted: "It's so dark."


Zhou An retracted his hand calmly.

Black Jade covered his head with a look of grievance, but still got into Zhou An's shadow.

Soon, only Zhou An and the black reliefs were left here.

Zhou An took a deep breath, then raised his feet and walked towards the room.

As Zhou An got closer to the black room, he felt an increasingly intense feeling.

At Zhou An's current state, his perception of danger is actually very sensitive.

He didn't feel the slightest danger.

But the closer he got to the room, the more he could feel that there was an extremely sad atmosphere in the room.

This kind of atmosphere is like being in a world full of mourning and mourning, without any laughter.

But the strange thing is that no matter how close Zhou An gets, this sad breath is always just sadness and will not have the slightest impact on him.

Instead, he had a strange feeling.

"It's like, they're protecting me."

Zhou An murmured to himself: "Sure enough, as the cheap mother-in-law said, these sages of the past generations, even if they only have a little bit of power left, will still subconsciously protect future generations."


The surrounding black reliefs exude bursts of goodwill, like majestic shadows, stretching out their solid arms to protect Zhou An inside, preventing Zhou An from being invaded by sad emotions.

That warm feeling makes the black surroundings seem less cold.

Zhou An stopped.

At this time, he was already very close to the door of this room.

And now, he finally saw what the black room door looked like.

The door is also made of an unknown black material, and there are reliefs on it, but the reliefs do not depict various human portraits.

There is only one on it, a terrifying crack.

Even if it was just a relief, Zhou An could see the aura contained in the cracks.

Cold, terrifying, and terrifying.

"Is this...a relief made by imitating cracks?"

Zhou An touched his chin and then put his hand on the door.

After this action was made, the door in front of him was easily pushed open by Zhou An.

After opening the door, Zhou An also saw the scene inside.

"So it's so big?"

Zhou An was slightly surprised.

It's like Xumi Space. It looks small from the outside, but inside, there is a space that can't be seen to the end.

Even bigger than the black palace outside.

In the room, there are square stone slabs placed in piles.

Every stone slab has a frightening aura that fills the entire room.

Zhou An took a deep breath, then slowly raised his feet and walked into it.

He came to one of the stone slabs and looked at the front of the stone slab.

There is a portrait carved on the stone slab, which is lifelike.

Zhou An was surprised to find that it looked exactly like a certain relief outside.

In the lower right corner of the slate, there is a dense row of small characters.

Zhou An didn't recognize this character, but he could distinguish the rough font.

It was exactly the same as what I saw when I took out the cemetery.

Zhou An looked at it carefully and suddenly had a guess.

He rummaged around here and finally confirmed this conjecture.

Each stone slab has a portrait, and the lower right corner of each stone slab is densely packed with small characters.

"This is... a tombstone!" Zhou An said in shock.

If the reliefs outside are the tombs of saints, then these stone slabs are tombstones.

"The brushwork of time, I haven't seen it for a long time."

Zhou An stroked the marks on it, especially looking at the words on it, and sighed.

This text was all too familiar to him.

Even the years cannot completely bury the traces that still exist in this world. Only the brushwork of time can do that.

Zhou An touched his chin and said to himself: "It should be written by the same person, this handwriting is so similar."

He had seen those things and the writing left over from the last time, so he could tell at a glance that the remaining handwriting on it was written by the same person.

"If there were only tombstones here, they would be similar to the reliefs outside, which would be too few."

Zhou An thought for a while and continued to explore.

This place is very big, far from the end. The position Zhou An just walked is less than 1%.

As Zhou An continued to explore, he came to understand more and more why the one-armed old man was suppressed.

The one-armed old man couldn't stand just the reliefs on the outside, let alone the tombstones inside and the words carved with the brushwork of time.

"Although Lu Yi was seriously injured back then, he had a tight layout and arranged everything." Zhou An sighed with emotion.

All these things add up to form a natural prison cell. Once you are locked in, you cannot escape.

With such a mood, Zhou An went deeper and deeper.

Later, Zhou An saw an unusual scene.

Not far ahead, there was a square space surrounded by layers of tombstones.

The space is large enough for hundreds of people to stand.

Because the tombstones are stacked very high, and because they are made of special materials, Zhou An's clairvoyance cannot see what's going on inside.

Zhou An thought for a while, said he was offended, and used the flying dragon movement technique to cross the tall stone tombstone.

Soon, Zhou An landed firmly on the ground, stood in a huge space surrounded by tombstones, and could clearly see the situation in the space.

Here, it was empty, but in the very center, there was a long-dried skeleton sitting cross-legged on the ground.

The skeleton was also dressed in white clothes. At first glance, the white clothes were shrouded in a faint white light.

Even if it is a skeleton, it makes people feel no fear at all, as if the skeleton in front of them is not the dead, but a solemn statue.

Coupled with the faint white light, a holy and ancient aura came from the skeleton.

Zhou An's eyes moved, and then stayed on the right hand of the skeleton.

In his right hand, he holds a pen made of white jade.

The jade pen is crystal clear and flashes with the soft light unique to jade. You can tell at a glance that it is not an ordinary thing.

In front of this, there is an ancient text that is only half written. Zhou An cannot understand these words either.

However, this did not prevent Zhou An from guessing the true identity of this skeleton.

"He should be an ancient being who has mastered the penmanship of time. With the brush in his hand, he wrote pieces of epic and rich history."

Zhou An took a deep breath and felt that he had found a big secret.

This ancient existence, even if it knows how to write over the years, is still submerged in history.

Only the bones were left and rested here.

Zhou An stood there and sighed for a while, then raised his feet and walked towards the bones in front of him.

He also wanted to see what secrets there were.

As Zhou An got closer and closer, when he was only ten steps away from the skeleton in front of him, suddenly everything in front of him changed obviously.

Layers of white light appeared above the bones.

When the white light appeared, it immediately enveloped everything around it.

The light is very fast, but there is no sense of oppression or danger at all.

Zhou An could feel that when the light came, everything in front of him was gradually changing...

The tombstone is missing.

The skeleton is gone.

The sinking sadness was also gone.

There was nothingness around him, and in front of Zhou An stood an old man.

There was a faint aura flowing around the old man's body, a rich and elegant aura that made people admire him.


The brushwork of time?


The past?

Zhou An sensed it again and found that he was in an illusion.

It seemed that his proximity caused changes in the skeleton.

"Now that it has appeared, let's continue watching." Zhou An pondered for a moment and decided to continue observing.

The old man held the pen in his hand and carved on the tombstone over and over again.

The brushwork of time in the hands of the old man is like a brush that writes about the world, covering everything.

"Chen Pingsheng was born into poverty. He died in the crack in the sky. He had no children in his life. When he left, he left no last words."

"Wei Wu, who was the director of the Ordnance Department of the Great Territory Kingdom, died in the crack in the sky with a son at his knees. He later died in the psychic space without leaving any last words."

"Zhang Fa was once the leader of the Wuliang Sect. When a crack appeared underneath, in order to protect the people of the city behind him, he used the strength of the entire sect to die in battle without leaving any last words."

Whenever the old man chanted something, he would draw a portrait on the stone slab, and at the same time write densely packed small characters on the lower right side of the stone slab.

When Zhou An saw this, he already understood.

"That line of small characters is the life story of each person. The old man who has learned the penmanship of time seems to have specially asked them to leave everything behind."

In one sentence, what shocked Zhou An the most was the words "without leaving any last words".

Almost everyone ends with this sentence.

"Just imagine, in that era, there was really no need to leave any last words." Zhou An thought.

As he thought this, something changed on the old man's side.

The old man recited it over and over again, his eyes gradually becoming moist.

At this time, he took out a handkerchief and wiped it with his hands.

"My old friends have all passed away, but I want to record their lives in this way."

"My former close relatives, close friends, relatives and friends all asked me to record them with my own hands. How could I bear it?"

"Every stroke is the cruelest memory for me."

The old man held the jade pen, his eyes filled with sadness, as if he was sinking into an endless abyss.

Just as the old man was talking to himself, a figure appeared.

What appeared was a middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man also has a strong aura, and what this middle-aged man is holding is a black relief.

"Old man, why are you crying? It's a good thing to die. If you die, you don't have to be so sad."

The middle-aged man dismissed the old man's sadness.

The old man put away the handkerchief: "When you were carving reliefs, you burst into tears every two days. Aren't you the same as me?"

Zhou An had always been a bystander, but when he heard this, he finally understood the identity of this middle-aged man.

The reliefs around the black palace were all carved by middle-aged men.

"If you think about it carefully, it's actually normal. This huge black palace cannot be completed by one person." Zhou An thought to himself.

The middle-aged man didn't get angry after being told something by the old man. He threw the relief on the ground. A stick of welding smoke appeared in his right hand, and he took several puffs.

The relief on the ground looks like a middle-aged man.

"Old guy, I'm dying and I can't accompany you anymore. You will be the only one walking here alone for a long time to come."

The middle-aged man sighed.

The old man was stunned for a moment, then fell into silence. After a long time, he slowly said: "Let's go."

The middle-aged man chuckled, took several puffs of dry cigarette, and then lay down on the relief.

"I have carved too many stone carvings in my life. I started as a stone carving hawker, and I have seen many of them from south to north."

"I have stood on top of the world, and I have been a teacher, a father, a husband, and a son. I have lived enough."

"It's just a pity that I couldn't accompany you, an old guy, through the last part of my life."

The middle-aged man just lay on the relief, his tone becoming more and more confused, and his vitality gradually disappearing.

After a while, the middle-aged man turned into a corpse.

After the bones appeared, they immediately began to melt and turned into skeletons, blending into the relief.

The relief sculptures become animated, as if they are inhabited by living people.

The old man watched silently and became the middle-aged man's farewell person.

He waited until the middle-aged man passed away, then took out a blank slate from the side and wrote on it.

"Xu Chenming, born as a stonemason, rose to prominence at the end of his life. He once fought tens of thousands of strange people in a crack in the ground. He was seriously injured. He had a son and a daughter at his knees. They all died in the battle without leaving any last words."

After finishing writing, the old man picked up the dry cigarette that the middle-aged man had left behind, and took several puffs in silence.

"It's good for you. The mission is completed and you are finally dead."

"I can't see you crying. I cry alone and no one laughs at me."

"How long can I live? I'm in a higher realm than you. I don't know how long I can live. I guess it will be a long, long time."

"While alive, you will always suffer. If you die like you, you won't have to endure such heartbreaking pain."

The old man smiled mockingly to himself, and carefully put the dry tobacco aside as if it were an extremely precious treasure.

After doing all this, he continued to write.

The whole space was quiet, with only the sound of the old man writing, echoing continuously, like a small fish jumping into the long river of time.

In front of my eyes, time began to pass quickly, and the scenery was gradually changing.

The tombstones are constantly taking shape in the hands of the old man.

In the process of writing, the old man gradually became older, and visibly became slower and weaker.

Although the old man's face remained unchanged, the twilight aura on his body gradually deepened.

At the beginning, the old man could write hundreds of stone tablets a day, but as time went on, the old man's speed became slower and slower. Now, he can only write a dozen or so tablets.

The surrounding area is already covered with tombstones.

During this period, Zhou An saw the old man crying several times.

A few times, I even almost broke down emotionally.

The surrounding sadness, in the old man's howling, gradually condensed into the years.

Time flies and the picture changes rapidly.

Even Zhou An was in the illusion and didn't know how long it had been.

At this time, the old man was still carving.

But in this black palace, a new guest came.

A girl in green clothes walked in slowly, dragging the collar of a one-armed old man.

I had a dream yesterday that the monthly tickets came, hahaha. (End of chapter)

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