The girl in green clothes has fair skin, clear eyes, long hair like a waterfall, and is light and free.

Her slender body and soft curves set off her graceful figure.

That beautiful face smiled as brightly and pleasantly as if it were filled with sunshine.

She has a fresh and refined feeling, but also has a unique aura, as if she comes from a fairyland.

Even though the place is covered with stone slabs, it is filled with an aura of twilight, which makes people feel a horrible sense of oppression after coming here.

But with the arrival of the girl in green, the surrounding twilight and oppression seemed like wind blowing through the clouds, making everything disappear.

"Green clothes?" Zhou An saw the girl in front of him and naturally guessed her identity.

Wearing green clothes, he exudes a power that makes people dare not look directly at him. He is like a huge sun. A brief look will make people look away.

Even though the girl in green is so beautiful, she can't bear the thought of prying at her, as if even taking a look at her feels like a sense of blasphemy.

The one-armed old man being dragged by the girl in green was already dying and fell into a coma.

Green Yi threw the one-armed old man to the ground, looked at the old man sitting cross-legged on the ground, and sighed: "Sui Lao, you are going to die."

The old man still held the pen in his hand, but he couldn't lift it up. After seeing the green clothes, he showed a relieved smile: "Senior, you are finally here. My mission is over."

In such a large place, all the slates have been written, and there is not a single missing piece.

"Time and years have made me unable to write anymore. Hey, the heart-stealing scholar, why is he here?" The old and cloudy eyes looked at the unconscious one-armed old man on the ground.

"I wanted to use the lives of ordinary people to build a psychic space, but I found out and beat him up." Lu Yi did not hide anything and said slowly.

"Sui Lao, I want to suppress him here."

Sui Lao was slightly startled, and his cloudy eyes became clearer: "Senior, are you... suppressing it?"

What surprised him was not why the one-armed old man acted like this. In fact, after hearing what Lu Yi said about the one-armed old man's thoughts, he felt that this should be the case.

The reason why he was so surprised was because Sui Lao heard the word "suppression" and it came from Lu Yi's mouth.

Luyi seemed to know what Sui Lao was thinking, and said calmly: "I went to the cracks in the ground, hoping to find my sister's body through the cracks."

"I killed so many weirdos, so many that I lost count. In the end, I met a weirdo whose body was covered with heads and had a crack on his back."

"I fought with that weird one that was over 10,000 meters tall for an unknown amount of time, weakening its height to only ten meters."

"But I was also hurt, so I had to come out of the cracks."

Zhou An was listening as if he were a spectator, but when he heard this, he couldn't help being surprised.

He knew the so-called weirdness of being covered with heads and carrying cracks.

That strange one was seen through the black jade at that time, it was about a hundred meters high.

But now that he heard it, especially Lu Yiyun's gentle description, Zhou An instantly had a suspicion.

"Perhaps, it was once ten thousand meters high, and then it was reduced to ten meters by the green clothes. After a long time, it only returned to about a hundred meters."

Zhou An felt that his guess should be the most reliable.

“This feeling of eating melon online is so exciting!”

Zhou An immediately retracted his attention and continued reading, intending to continue listening.

After hearing what Lu Yi said, Sui Lao was silent for a while and asked, "Can you recover?"


Green Yi said with certainty: "It just takes time, but I'm going to the psychic space right away, there's trouble there."

"You know, among the leaders of the four categories, I am the only one alive now. I must shoulder the burden."

"When I take care of the matter in the psychic space, I will recover from my injuries. At least until the end of my life, I will sit in the human world and protect the dawn of life."

When Sui Lao heard that Lu Yi said he could recover, he was relieved: "I don't even dare to think that if something goes wrong again, senior, the whole world will fall into chaos if the four major categories are leaderless."

Luyi shook his head and said: "There will be no more chaos. At most it will be internal fighting. The weirdness has been completely stabilized because of the psychic space."

Zhou An was nearby, and when he heard this, he shook his head silently.

He looked at Lu Yi with some emotion.

This beautiful girl, the former leader of the miscellaneous sect, may not know it.

This trip is basically a one-way trip.

According to Zhou An's understanding, in order to calm the chaos in the psychic space, Lu Yi added a rule to the psychic space, and only those in the psychic realm can enter.

And this requires a price.

At that time, Green Yi had been seriously injured, and the price of following the rules was death.

"The follow-up in Green Clothes should die soon. The one-armed old man was imprisoned here before." Zhou An thought.

Sui Lao breathed a sigh of relief and said: "Senior, I am about to die, my relief..."

"And my tombstone is placed here."

"Senior, I have a doubt."

The reliefs and tombstones were all taken out by Sui Lao and placed on the ground.

He has reached the limit of his lifespan. Fortunately, he has now completed his mission.

It is a blessing that these heroes of all ages finally died.

"I know that senior has an out-of-touch temperament and doesn't like others asking questions. This is senior's rule."

The old man respectfully saluted with both hands: "I am carrying a heavy burden for mankind, spending endless years here, and sculpting countless years of brushwork. I ask my seniors to clarify my doubts."

Luyi looked directly at Sui Lao, and after a long time, he slowly said: "That day, I helped sister Qingshuangzi solve her doubts, but she fell into the cracks, so I have this rule."

"Today, you asked me a question. I shouldn't have broken the rules."

"But age is different."

"You are here, and every stroke is engraved with your close relatives and friends. Although there is no physical harm, it is like a knife piercing your heart every day."

"Ask me, for the sake of old age's contribution, why not make an exception?"

Sui Lao nodded, took a deep breath, and looked at the stone slabs around him, as if he was organizing his words.

Next to him, Zhou An also widened his eyes.

I'm coming!

The big one is coming!

He was a little excited and watched patiently.

At this moment, Sui Lao finally asked the question in his mind.

"Senior, the relief is to prevent those heroes from turning into weird things after they die."

"What's the use of using stone tablets to carve the portraits and lives of these heroes with the brushwork of time?"

After hearing this, Lu Yi fell into silence.

After a while, he slowly said: "It is so that they can be remembered by people one day."

Sui Lao was stunned for a moment, then sighed.

"At least not now."

Lu Yi nodded: "Indeed, at least, not now, maybe in the future, no one can tell."

After hearing this, Sui Lao stopped talking.

At this time, the aura of twilight on Sui Lao's body has gradually become stronger.

The man in green was standing next to him, watching silently, as if he was a farewell person.

Here, there is only one person in green to see him off.

"Being able to see my seniors off before I die makes this life worthwhile."

Sui Lao suddenly opened his arms and laughed.

As the old man laughed, the aura of twilight in his body had reached an extreme.

The surrounding stone slabs were trembling slightly, gradually calming down with age and death.

Where Sui Lao was, there was only ashes left.

An unknown wind blew by, and the old relief shone with light.

The bluestone slab vibrated slightly and then fell into silence.

Lu Yi took a deep breath, walked to the front of the stone slab, looked at the words on the stone slab, and read silently.

"Sui Lao, the second most scholar in the world, died at the end of his life without leaving any last words."

After finishing reading, Lu Yi put down the slate, looked around, and said slowly: "I'm sorry, I lied to you."

After saying that, she disappeared from the same place, as if she had never appeared.

A powerful momentum dragged the one-armed old man out of the room.

When Zhou An saw this, he thought to himself: "You deceived Sui Lao? If the stone slab is left here and Sui Lao is allowed to carve so many words, does it have any other purpose?"

He was a little surprised.

And as the green clothes disappeared, the scenery in front of them began to blur again.

Zhou An felt that there was a great force called time, which was constantly changing in the long river of time.

After a long time, the blur in front of my eyes disappeared and was replaced by clarity.

Zhou An found that he was still in this room and had not moved even a little.

He did not leave the illusion just now, but the illusion had changed. Besides him, there was a woman here.

——Green clothes.

At this time, Lu Yi was still dressed the same way, but his aura was no longer strong and had changed a lot.

A sense of death was lingering in Lu Yi's body.

"I'm going to die." Seeing this, Zhou An already had an idea.

"Perhaps, at this point in time, after the green clothes have calmed down the chaos in the psychic space, no one can cure him."

With this thought, Zhou An continued to read.

After Lu Yi came to this space, he dragged his weak body and fell to the ground.

"I'm back, old friends."

The woman in green clothes still looks like a girl, but at this moment, the twilight energy on her body is so deep that she looks like an extremely terrifying tomb.

"Sui Lao, I lied to you."

"These stone slabs here are all meant to suppress me."

Green Yi laughed loudly and patted his thigh with his hand.

"This world is already stable, but the only one who is unstable is me."

"If I turn into something strange after my death, then all living people will probably become my burial objects."

"So, I can only let you use the brushwork of time to carve these countless words."

Green Yi took out a blank bluestone and carved slowly.

"Only time can make me rest forever."

"Only eternal rest can give me peace of mind."

"I don't want the world to be ruined by me becoming a weird person, and I don't want my eyes to destroy all living things in the world."

As he spoke, Lu Yi wrote on it with his fingers and kept carving.

After Zhou An heard this, he finally understood the whole story.

The secret, at this moment, seems to be no longer a secret.

"I see, this is the real cemetery."

"A cemetery that belongs exclusively to Green Clothes."

"If Lu Yi dies and becomes really weird, who can stop this master of miscellaneous sects who has existed in the years?"

"At that time, I'm afraid that if Lu Yi looks up, countless creatures will die."

"So, this is a prison cell and a cemetery. Those buried in green clothes are also in green clothes!"

By now, Zhou An has understood everything.

Only burial in the psychic space is the safest, because Lu Yi had already established rules before his death.

With the help of masters in the psychic realm, it is really impossible to find this place. That is, only Zhou An, a perverted person who even looks at it and thinks it is abnormal, can find it.

"Then I have entered her mausoleum?" Zhou An quickly realized what he was doing and his hair stood on end.

The location he is in is the grave of Green Clothes.

If you think about it, it’s so fucking scary!

What he is currently in is the cemetery of the former leader of the miscellaneous sect.

Of course, in addition to horror, there is more excitement.

Ahead, Green Yi finally carved his words on the stone slab.

She read it quietly.

"Green clothes, the leader of the miscellaneous sect, once led the miscellaneous sect to fight against the strange, without leaving any last words."

Simple, direct, without too much description.

After doing all this, the aura on Lu Yi's body had reached a limit.

It seemed as if the green clothes would die immediately in the next second.

Lu Yi frowned his beautiful eyebrows, looked around, and whispered softly: "What talent should I leave behind?"

"What is my talent?"

The man in green clothes sat cross-legged, closing his eyes and meditating.

At this moment, time seemed to start to slow down, and the time around him was frozen in a blink of an eye.

The twilight energy on Lu Yi's body suddenly slowed down and slowly increased at an extremely slow speed.

Time passed slowly, and Lu Yi opened his eyes.

"In this life, like my sister, I was born a fisherman girl by the river."

"Let's step into the threshold of being a person in the industry together, practice together, and fight together."

"In this life, we have nothing but practice and fighting."

"Sister's talent is her affinity with Taoism and her speed in practicing Taoism."

"My talent is understanding!"

The green eyes are getting brighter and brighter.

"Yes, it's understanding!"

"I improved all the hundreds of abilities of the Miscellaneous Sect, and finally created a hundred skills, which I named the Hundred Skills of the Miscellaneous Sect."

"These are my understandings."

"Then, the person who takes over my talent in the future will also be a person with extraordinary understanding, and the various skills of the miscellaneous sect will be in his hands, and will be further improved."

Having said this, Lu Yi slowly stood up.

As she made this action, the next moment, a burst of colorful light appeared on Lu Yi's body.

The light continued to flow, and finally, in this light, the green clothes turned into nothingness.

When Zhou An saw this, he seemed to have discovered something extraordinary.

"I'll go, if my guess is right, the first founder of the Eight Special Skills probably came from the talent of Green Yi!"

"In this way, the consciousness left in Lu Yi's talent should also remain in the founder of Eight Special Skills."

He had learned from Yu Hang before that after a talent is passed down, there is still a certain amount of consciousness left behind, or residual consciousness.

If the person who receives the inheritance has bad intentions, the residual consciousness will cause the person to die.

Just now, Lu Yi talked about various skills, and Zhou An finally knew that all skills were improved and created by Lu Yi.

And the so-called relying on various skills to go one step further, isn't that the eight unique skills?

The founder of Eight Special Techniques always aims to solve weirdness. Although his methods are extreme, they will not provoke Can Shi to fight back.

After all, it's just residual consciousness.

So, in the end, the founder of Eight Special Skills really went one step further and created Eight Special Skills.

And all of this is probably because of Lu Yi's talent for understanding.

Zhou An felt that his guess was very possible!

At this time, his suspicion came to an end.

And everything around him was gradually recovering as Zhou An guessed.

The illusion began to become blurry, and everything seemed to be covered with a thick mosaic. Even those who had no code in their hearts could not figure out its true appearance.

Then, the blurred scenery gradually recovered.

When everything returned to normal, Zhou An truly escaped from the illusion.


Zhou An let out a sigh of relief.

Today, he received so much information that he was confused.

Especially the information about Lu Yi, the leader of the miscellaneous sect, is a shocking secret.

"This place cannot be seen by outsiders, otherwise once the situation changes, something big may happen." Zhou An thought to himself.

On the outside, it is because of the reliefs that it does not turn into weird saints and sages from all walks of life.

And inside, there was Lu Yi, the former leader of the miscellaneous sect.

If these are destroyed, the consequences will be disastrous.

Even if it is an existence that cannot be erased by time, once something goes wrong and the changes become weird, I am afraid that the entire psychic space will be a disaster.

Moreover, there is also a man in green.

I am afraid that by then, the psychic space will no longer exist as a dissolving crack, but will instead intensify the growth of the crack.

"So, it has to be me." Zhou An touched his chin.

If the formation was violently broken by him, then a stronger formation would be added.

He has formation attributes. Not only can he see through formations, but he can also set up formations himself with ease.

"The relief is the cornerstone of the formation. Using this as a formation, it will be much stronger than the previous broken formation."

Thinking of this, Zhou An was ready to start setting up a formation to block all the years here.

But at this moment, Zhou An suddenly felt a creeping feeling growing in his heart.

This feeling came suddenly, but Zhou An, who had experienced strong winds and waves, believed in this feeling.

For just a moment, he looked away and looked at the ground not far ahead.

Not far ahead, something slowly appeared from the ground.

As if invisible, this thing did not destroy the ground, but appeared in front of Zhou An.

This is a coffin, a huge coffin, standing in this space.

The coffin was standing upright, without a lid, and empty inside.

There is a saying that if the ancestors are buried vertically, the descendants will be prosperous.

Zhou An felt that if this thing were standing upright, it would be extremely scary.

The empty coffin was engraved with reliefs, and on the reliefs were people whom Zhou An couldn't understand.

But the problem is not big, because there is still text on it.

Zhou An recognized this writing, which is currently used in the world.

It says……

"Zhou An died in a psychic space without leaving any last words."

After Zhou An finished reading the above words, he looked aside and raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

"It's interesting. It seems that you came after me, because there is a special metal here that blocks my perception."

This situation, obviously, comes from the outside world.

If nothing else, let’s just say that the words on the coffin are engraved, and they are universal words, and they are related to him.

This is the Black Palace, which is made of special metal, so Zhou An's clairvoyance does not work.

Then he made a bold guess as to whether the other party followed him in secretly while he was hiding.

As Zhou An said these words, a figure crossed the coffin and sat firmly on the coffin.

At this time, Zhou An also saw the true appearance of this figure.

This is a woman dressed in light gauze, with a sense of charm all over her body.

My daughter looks absolutely beautiful, especially the tear mole the size of a sesame seed in the corner of her eye, which adds a touch of charm.

Under the gauze, the legs are looming, and the white and tender skin combined with the black gauze create an ultimate sense of contrast.

As the veiled woman sat down, an outline was pressed out where the woman came into contact with the coffin.

Plump but not fat, according to Zhou An's knowledge, it is the best thing that men like.

After all, men have a unique preference for the word big.

No matter what, big is good.

The same goes for Zhou An, and he even took another look.

Next to him, Black Jade leaned out half of his body from the shadows, stretched out his hands in the shape of claws, and gestured.

Then, the way she looked at the veiled woman became sinister.

Zhou An touched his chin and said: " dare to come to me when you come to the psychic space. Are you really not afraid of death?"

"Don't you know that masters in the psychic realm are no different from ants in front of me?"

This is a psychic space, and no one can break the rules here.

If someone can really break through it, it must be at the level of Green Clothes, who will not come over to cause trouble when they are full and have nothing to do.

Therefore, Zhou An concluded that the woman in front of him should be a master of the psychic realm.

Not enough to see.

As Zhou An said these words, the veiled woman suddenly covered her mouth and laughed.

"Master Zhou, if you say such cruel words when we meet, the slave family is really scared."

Zhou An raised his right hand.

The next moment, the gold ring twisted and transformed into a long knife.

"Master Zhou, if you start here, something will happen." The gauze woman chuckled.

The surrounding reliefs and stone slabs trembled slightly after Zhou An raised his long knife.

Zhou An frowned and put down the long sword: "So that's it, the formation is just one of the protections."

He was just about to take action, but he immediately felt hostility, and then he thought of the key point.

Before coming, that formation had already been invaded by time and became unsightly.

Zhou An had a doubt in his mind at that time.

Although the formation is strong, it will eventually be worn away by time. At that time, won't everything here be exposed?

If that were the case, the protection would eventually be gone.

Now it seems that Zhou An was wrong.

As long as he wants to take action and has the tendency to destroy this place, then this place will regard him as an enemy.

This is true protection, impeccable protection.

If you want this place to turn into a weird cemetery, you must die.

With the remaining power of countless saints, they have to kneel down and call daddy when the conspirators come, let alone other people?

"Tell me about it."

Zhou An said calmly: "What is the purpose of suddenly appearing, just to deliver a coffin to me?"

This woman's sudden appearance in this place definitely had a purpose.

If it was just to get Zhou An quietly, he probably wouldn't show up at all and would just hide insidiously.

Now that it has appeared, there must be a deep secret, and it is impossible to come here to seek death easily.

"Well, let me introduce myself. I am one of the Four Heavenly Lords, Zongxing Tianzun, who is proficient in formations." The veiled woman chuckled.

Zhou An raised his eyebrows: "Tianzun, four, how do you compare to the eleven guardians who died in my hands?"

When Zhen Tianzun heard this, he didn't seem to be angry. Instead, he showed a soft smile: "Of course it will be a higher level."

"In other words, you are in the All Saint Realm?" Zhou An looked at Zhen Tianzun with no scruples in his eyes.

Zhen Tianzun puffed up his chest and didn't care about Zhou An's glance: "It is indeed the All Saint Realm."

"Then why can you enter the psychic space?" Zhou An asked.

"It's just a puppet."

Zhen Tianzun suddenly stretched out his hand, pressed it on his towering Qijue Dangerous Peak, and then...took it off.

The place where it was removed turned out to be a lump of wood.

Zhou An smiled and said: "I see, no wonder I can come in."

Formation puppets are actually a very special thing in the unique profession of formation.

To set up the formation, you need Qi and even more materials.

And things like array puppets are made of piles of materials.

Some formation masters have extremely precious real puppets hidden in purses similar to Zhou An's.

When using it, you only need to dig out a little bit to set up the formation.

But now, this Formation Heavenly Lord has used the Formation Puppet to enter the psychic space.

No, that's not right!

Zhou An narrowed his eyes and said: "This is a half-puppet. As expected of you, indulgent people who always come up with such crooked things."

The woman in front of her was made of flesh and blood and had the makings of a puppet, more like a robot.

"Yes, she has a good vision." Zhen Tianzun said with a smile: "This is my exclusive creation. This woman's body has the strength of the psychic realm, and I transformed it into this."

"Flesh and blood will eventually come to an end, but only weapons can last forever."

"Become my puppet, just like the sword in my hand, wield it at will."

Zhou An felt disgusted.

In fact, this kind of thing that is half human and half array puppet is something that most array masters reject.

It looks like it is still alive, but in fact it has lost its consciousness and is no different from a dead thing.

What's even more frightening is that due to the control of the formation master, the flesh and blood part will become more and more like the formation master.

Not only is consciousness stripped away, but even the only remaining image will disappear.

There will be no trace left in the world.

"Then do you think I look good?" Zhen Tianzun touched his face and said with a smile.

Zhou An said coldly: "Tell me about the purpose. I have no interest in your kind of stuff."

Zhen Tianzun retracted his hand, seeming to find Zhou An boring, and dropped his hand to the side: "Zhou An, have you seen this coffin?"

"I saw it, how about it?" Zhou An narrowed his eyes.

Zhen Tianzun pointed at the coffin and said: "The leader wants me to bury your coffin here."

"We have been searching for a long time, and finally found this place according to the classics written by the founder of Eight Special Skills."

"But you found it before us, so I could only follow."

"Actually, after you leave, I can mix the coffin here."

Hearing this, Zhou An touched his chin and said, "What's the point of mixing here?"

"Assimilation." Zhen Tianzun raised his hand and said: "Make you exactly the same as here. They, these people who have died long ago, will gradually form an understanding of you and think that you are their kind."

“No matter where you are, you’re going to be affected.”

"When you come to the psychic realm, you will be found by them. Countless powers will invade you, and you will become a part of them."

Zhou An narrowed his eyes: "Then are you crazy? Tell me these things."

The words are rough and the reasoning is not rough.

You have such an important secret, why would you suddenly reveal it?

It is impossible to tell this without being insane.

You can't help your enemies, right?

Zhou An felt that no matter how stupid a person was, he might not be able to do it.

At this time, when Zhou An asked this question, Zhen Tianzun seemed to have known that he would ask this question, and did not find it strange.

"My personality is that I am happy to appreciate the despair of others."

Zhen Tianzun sighed: "The leader said that it can be placed secretly, but you happened to be here, and I just want to appreciate it."

"There are only two roads before you."

"First, take action, destroy my layout, and then be regarded as an enemy by the relief."

"Second, don't do anything, but after you reach the psychic realm, don't even think about entering the psychic space."

"Are they all dead ends, hopeless?"

After Zhen Tianzun finished speaking, he looked at Zhou An with his big eyes, as if he liked seeing Zhou An's desperate expression.

Who would have thought that after saying this, Zhou An showed no expression at all, his eyes were extremely dull, as if he was looking at a dead person.

"Why this expression?" Zhen Tianzun was puzzled.

Zhou An shook his head and said: "Actually, there are not necessarily two ways."

Zhen Tianzun frowned.

Zhou An continued: "There is actually a third way before me, for example..."

"You lied to me."

Zhen Tianzun had no expression.

Zhou An continued: "Come out, there is no need for this."

As Zhou An said these words, everything around him suddenly stopped.

The next moment, Zhen Tianzun disappeared into nothingness as if he had never appeared before.

An old figure walked out from the void, carrying a shocking power of age.

Everything around him seemed to be unable to leave the slightest trace on the person in front of him.

There was a look of admiration on the old man's face: "Okay, great! In this unknown era, there are young people like you."

"Based on your recent experiences, I created your own illusion, but it still can't deceive you."

Zhou An looked at the old man in front of him, took a deep breath, cupped his hands and said, "Junior Zhou An, I have met my senior."

"How should I call senior? Sui Lao? No, senior is not Sui Lao."

What is in front of me is a living epic in the true sense! (End of chapter)

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