It's obviously a life skill, but you developed it into a magical skill

Chapter 249 Psychic Realm! All skills level seven

Zhou An wanted to say, where did you get such a big benefit for me?

Now he is at the top of the nine-story tower, and the surroundings are still the same, without any changes.

Under the influence of Clairvoyance, he had an unobstructed view of his surroundings. He did not find any abnormalities or so-called benefits.

Next to him, Master Xi Yuan was about to leave, but when he saw Zhou An stopped in place, he asked strangely: "Master Zhou, didn't you agree to leave? Why did you stop again?"

The secrets here are too big. He has to go back and report it quickly, and then let his teacher handle it. After all, looking at this situation, it seems that they can't handle it either.

Hearing this, Zhou An pondered for a moment, then used the gold ring to create a long knife and stabbed the ground.

The ground is extremely smooth, and Zhou An's long knife cannot penetrate it. It is also made of special materials.

"Is it possible that my benefit is to move all these things away? What benefit is this?" Zhou An returned without success, touched his chin, and then circulated the Qi in his body to perform Bagua arithmetic.

Soon, a layer of golden light appeared in the Bagua arithmetic, and the golden Bagua appeared in front of the eyes.

Later, Zhou An used this as a basis to speculate on what benefits he could gain.

But the result was no feedback, it was still the same golden color.

Bagua arithmetic only told Zhou An that this trip was safe and that he could get benefits, but it did not indicate to him exactly where to find the so-called benefits.

Everything needs to be discovered by himself.

Zhou An waved his sleeves to disperse the golden Bagua of Bagua arithmetic, and then fell into thinking.

Shi Xiu saw Zhou An's look in front of him and thought that something must be wrong, otherwise he wouldn't have this expression. He didn't bother Zhou An, but he still whispered in a low voice.

"After I go out this time, I must drag Mr. Zhou to fish hard for a few days, so that you can see how much I have harvested."

Now, his talent has been perfected, and his only weakness is that he cannot catch fish, which is not considered a weakness nowadays.

What is the Holy Realm? This realm is indeed very important, but it is just relatively important.

For Shi Xiyuan, what he values ​​more is catching fish.

It can be said that at this time, Master Xi Yuan was only thinking about fishing.

Now that he can catch fish, Shi Xiyuan certainly wants to pretend.

Showing off one's fishing skills in front of Zhou An would be the most enjoyable thing.

Zhou An was originally thinking. After hearing Shi Xiyuan's muttering, he was slightly startled, and then asked: "Master Shi, what did you just say?"

Shi Xiyuan thought he had disturbed Zhou An, and waved his hand casually: "I'm sorry, Mr. Zhou, I couldn't help but said it just now. Don't be offended."

Zhou An continued to ask: "I don't mean to be offended, I mean, what you just said seemed to be fishing?"

Shi Xiyuan nodded strangely: "That's right, Master Zhou, you see, it's a big happy event for us. It allowed me to break through to the All Saint Realm, and killed another clone of the leader, destroying his conspiracy, so... Go out fishing and celebrate.”

He felt that what he said was correct, and he really needed to celebrate at this time.

After Zhou An heard what his teacher Xi Yuan had said, he suddenly made a fist with his right hand and hit the palm of his left hand hard, as if he suddenly realized: "I know!"

"What do you know?" Shi Xiyuan's face was full of questions, and he couldn't figure out what happened.

He just said something about whether he would come to fish or not. What inspiration did he have for Zhou An?

"Perhaps you are trying to find an excuse not to go fishing so as not to get slapped in the face by me." Shi Xiyuan thought.

Of course Zhou An didn't know what his teacher Xi Yuan was thinking. Now he finally understood why this benefit came from it.

After coming to Qinghe, the most important thing in the process of discovering the nine-story demon tower is fishing.

Using fishing, he gained the qualification to enter here, and then the nine-story tower was also buried under the Qinghe River.

Although I don’t know the reason, it is all related to Qinghe.

If you think about it this way, if Zhou An throws a shot here, I don't know what will happen.

The water of Qinghe River outside was still divided into two by him, but it was not a big problem.

Since Zhou An's trick fishing is called fishing, it is fishing regardless of the venue.

His skills are all so unreasonable.

Cheating is normal.

Thinking of this, Zhou An took out the fishing rod from the pink purse.

Next to him, Black Jade, who had been playing soy sauce, was eager to try. She stretched out her white little hand, wanting to touch Zhou An's arms and take out her own fishing rod.

But before she could get closer, she was hit on the head by Zhou Anbang, and then shrank to the side with a reluctant voice.

After the fishing rod was taken out, Shi Xiyuan asked in surprise.

"Master Zhou, you want to go fishing now? You can't do that now. We have to report the matter to the superiors after we go back."

Zhou An waved his hand and said in a pretentious tone: "Master, you don't understand. Fishing doesn't matter where the place is. As long as there is a fish in your heart, you can fish anywhere."

As soon as this nonsense was said, the teacher Xi Yuan was stunned and did not reply for a long time.

If you think about it carefully, it makes sense. If you have fish in your heart, there is always a place to fish.

But the more I think about it, the more I feel that what Zhou An said is unreasonable.

There is no water and no fish, so how can we catch anything?

Shi Xiyuan thought about it carefully, but Zhou An had already started.

Thinking about the water ahead, he threw the fishing rod very skillfully.

The fishhook was suspended in mid-air, being pulled by the fishing line and shaking slightly.

If Zhou An's actions at this time were seen by outsiders, they would probably think that there was something wrong with his nerves.

A stream of energy gradually extended along the fishing rod in Zhou An's hand.

First comes the fishing rod, then the fishing line, and finally the fishing hook.

It didn't take long for the entire fishing rod to be wrapped.

Zhou An closed his eyes and concentrated, imitating fishing, and waited patiently.

Teacher Xiyuan was very curious and watched from the side.

He didn't think Zhou An could catch fish, at least when there was no water here.

There aren't even any fish, so how can we possibly catch them?

After all, it’s hard for a clever woman to make a meal without rice.

The black jade eyes were shining, staring at the hook on Zhou An's fishing rod, opening his arms, and started to make a fuss: "Brother fishes for me, I am a fish."

Zhou An heard the soft and weak tone and almost lost his grip on the fishing rod.

I also learned this from Zhou An. If I use it flexibly, it really doesn't seem out of place in this scene.

If Heiyu hadn't been afraid that Zhou An would continue to hit her on the head, she might have actually gone to the fishhook and pretended to be a fish.

Fortunately, Black Jade only raised the skin of his mouth and did not continue to move.

Zhou An calmed down and started fishing.

After about half a stick of incense, a strange scene appeared in front of Shi Xiyuan's eyes, which made him look shocked.

I saw that there was a layer of black mist on Zhou An's fishhook, wrapping it up, making it appear mysterious and impossible to see through.

In the fog, flickering light illuminates from time to time, and the lines inside can be seen, but not very clearly.

At this time, Zhou An's fishing rod suddenly started shaking very fast, as if there was really a big fish hidden in the fog.

How is this possible?

Shi Xiyuan opened his mouth and suddenly felt a phantom pain on his face, as if he had been slapped hard.

He was bitten again, and he went to beg Zhou Anzi himself.

At that time, I vowed that if there was no water, how could I catch a fish? But I never expected that Zhou An actually caught one.

Of course, it might not be a fish, but in any case, Shi Xiyuan had already made a decision in his mind.

It's better not to show off in front of Zhou An, otherwise it will be a kind of torture for him.

For example, right now, the whole situation is extremely uncomfortable.

Zhou An opened his eyes and looked at the violently shaking fishing rod with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Sure enough, there is drama!

The trick fishing skill has two attributes. The harvest attribute, let alone mentioning it for the moment, is literally related to the quality of what he catches.

And the unknown is a very special thing.

It means that the fishhook thrown by Zhou An is not necessarily connected to the river where it is located, but may even be somewhere else.

The higher the unknown attribute, the more outrageous the position will be.

In summary, with the trick fishing skill, the hook thrown out is connected to other places.

Zhou An didn't know where fishing in this nine-story tower would lead to, but he understood that the Bagua arithmetic said it was beneficial, and it really should be beneficial.

And now the only change is here.

Zhou An pulled the fishing rod in his hand, and the end of the fishing rod began to vibrate at an increasingly faster frequency.

Zhou An could feel a strong sense of resistance coming from the other end of the fishing rod.

But for him, it's not a big problem.

I saw Zhou An holding the fishing rod and slipping away very skillfully.

After about half a stick of incense, something slowly emerged.

Under the watchful eyes of teachers Xi Yuan and Hei Yu, Zhou An finally fished him out.

I saw a rectangular thing floating on the fishhook.

Zhou An looked at this rectangular object, his eyes widened slightly, with an incredible expression on his face.

This is a wooden box. Unlike the rectangular wooden boxes around it, this wooden box looks extremely worn, as if it has been soaked in water for a long time.

The paint on it has peeled off too much.

But what surprised Zhou An was not that the paint on it was peeling off, but that the thing wrapped on the wooden box was a bit scary.

There are layers upon layers of diseases that are invisible to people in other professions, floating above the wooden box.

Next to me, when Shi Xiyuan saw the wooden box, for some reason, he got goosebumps all over his body.

He always felt that there was something up there that made him very afraid, so he subconsciously took a step back.

Zhou An touched his chin, suddenly thought of something, and then his eyes lit up: "I seem to understand!"

He understood what it meant. It should be related to his recent thoughts.

Not long ago, his medical Gu seed hit a bottleneck, so it never improved.

If this situation continues, it will prolong the time for him to enter the psychic realm.

And the thing he caught now was actually related to disease. This was the benefit he gained.

"The Bagua arithmetic really doesn't deceive me. Now I have a solution." Zhou An tried to use the medical Gu seed and looked at it carefully.

Immediately afterwards, he noticed a line of smoke appearing in front of his eyes.

After the smoke appeared, it quickly condensed into a line of text.

[Medical Gu Species +1]

The proficiency level increased instantly.

Zhou An was overjoyed and saw the wonder of this rectangular box.

"There is definitely something big inside, but it's better not to open it."

Just looking at the dense layer of diseases outside, his scalp felt numb. Even with the medical Gu seed, Zhou An still felt a little scared.

But the strange thing is that these diseases do not spread, as if the wooden box absorbs all the diseases on it, and even touching it with your hands will not cause danger.

Zhou An was pretty sure there wouldn't be any danger, after all, he had the relevant skills.

Thinking of this, he put the rectangular wooden box into the pink money bag.

How this wooden box came from or where it was transferred from, he was not interested and had no clues.

"Now that the proficiency can increase, it is already a good thing. Why do you think so much?"

"First, cultivate the medical Gu seed to level seven, and then reach the psychic realm."

After doing this, Zhou An ran the Bagua arithmetic again, intending to see if there were any benefits.

After the golden gossip emerged, no abnormalities appeared again, which proved that the advantage here was the rectangular box just now, and he would not get anything good again.

"Let's go, Master, it's time to go out." Zhou An said.

The secret of this nine-story tower must be solved by the people above. You can just find out by yourself when the time comes.

Only then did Shi Xiyuan recover from the shock.

Zhou An breathed a sigh of relief after the rectangular wooden box was put into the pink purse.

He could feel the horror of this wooden box, and now the feeling of horror was gone.

"Master Zhou, what is that thing?" Shi Xiyuan was curious and asked.

Zhou An smiled mysteriously: "Can you just pretend you haven't seen it before? This thing is useless to others, but it is of great use to me."

Shi Xiyuan suddenly understood and clapped his hands: "Of course you can."

These days, although Master Xi Yuan is a disciple of the National Master, he also holds a position in the Supervision Department. He can be considered an official, so he naturally understands the world.

Within the scope of the bottom line, there is no problem if you make some changes.

After all, this person is Zhou An.

As for how to work around it, it's very simple.

The bottom line is, he is flexible and can change it at will, as long as it does not exceed that limit.

The big secret is still in this nine-story tower, and the little things in it don't matter, just like Shi Xiyuan is here to supplement his own talents.

The two of them thought about it for a while and left the nine-story tower without further ado.

Outside the nine-story tower, there is still the Qinghe River that divides into two.

After they came to the river bank, Shi Xiyuan threw down the original carrying talisman.

The talisman burned, and the silt appeared again, covering the entire nine-story tower.

Zhou An dispersed the Qi that controlled the Qinghe River. After the disturbance stopped, the Qinghe River gradually merged into one, burying the nine-story pagoda in the river embankment.

After doing all this, the two looked at each other, left Qinghe, and walked towards Huaixi Capital.

This matter is considered over. If these secrets are reported to the court, then the two of them can be considered done and can each do their own thing.

The way back was naturally smooth.

When they arrived in Huaixi Capital, Zhou An first told He Sheng that the matter in Qinghe was serious and needed to be reported to the General Directorate. He also wrote a secret letter and asked He Sheng to deliver it quickly.

He Sheng did not hesitate and agreed immediately.

Zhou An, on the other hand, took his teacher Xi Yuan with him and prepared to go home.

Unexpectedly, the teacher Xi Yuan refused.

"Now that I have reached the All Saint Realm, I have to seize the time and go back to consolidate. It is inconvenient to stay here longer." Shi Xiyuan said seriously.

Zhou An asked strangely: "Master, don't you want to continue fishing? After this matter is settled, the two of us will find a place to go fishing."

In the nine-story pagoda, Master Xi Yuan said this just now, and Zhou An took it seriously.

Unexpectedly, after saying this, Shi Xiyuan quickly waved his hands as if to avoid it, denying it.

"I'll leave while it's still early."

At this time, the sky was already extremely dark, and it was already early in the morning.

The word "still early" was redefined by his teacher Xi Yuan.

What Shi Xiyuan said was still early, and it was very inconsistent at this time, but after Shi Xiyuan said this, he walked very quickly, and left Zhenguisi without even letting Zhou An see him off.

Zhou An looked at the back of his teacher Xi Yuan as he left, secretly thinking something strange, but didn't take it seriously.

He felt that it would save him a lot of trouble, so he walked towards his home.

After Shi Xiyuan left Zhenguisi, he came to a street and let out a sigh of relief.

He really planned to go fishing with Zhou An, but after seeing what Zhou An was fishing in the nine-story tower, he gave up the idea completely.

He wants to please others, not be harmed.

As a human being, you still have to be a little pushy.

Teacher Xiyuan feels that he is very capable, so he just wants to leave now.

But before leaving, Shi Xiyuan thought to himself.

"Although I can't feed Zhou An, those who laugh at me for not catching fish will feed you one by one when I go back!"

With this idea in mind, Shi Xiyuan felt very happy and left Huaixi Capital happily.

The moonlight is like a wash, and the night is calm.

Huaixijing returned to a peaceful moment.

While everything was quiet here in Huaixi Capital, far away from the Great Chu Kingdom, in the country of Dayue, in the capital.

Emperor Yun Qi looked at the empty wooden box with an extremely gloomy expression.

"Who on earth was able to bypass the heavy guards of the palace and steal my things!"

Emperor Yun Qi's expression was not only gloomy, but also filled with murderous intent.

"They must be empty-handed people!"

After he said these words, a cold wind suddenly blew in outside the door.

A man wrapped in black clothes appeared in front of Emperor Yun Qi.

"I have met His Majesty!" The man in black saluted.

"Thorough investigation! Even if the entire Dai Viet Kingdom is turned over, we must find my things and immediately go find the Kongkongmen. These guys who specialize in sneaking and stealing, do you really think that I can't destroy them?" Emperor Yun Qi's tone was cold and his expression was cold. Silence.

"Yes!" The man in black nodded, stood up, and disappeared into the room.

Emperor Yun Qi looked at the empty wooden box and held his hand on the edge of the wooden box. Tightening slightly, veins appeared on the back of the hand.

"I took Yuan Qingyi's psychic medicine to cure some diseases with great difficulty. I wanted to use it as a reference, but it was stolen. If it were opened, I am afraid that the surrounding people would fall into endless panic and death. , by that time, I will be a sinner for all eternity!"

Emperor Yun Qi thought about it, with a hint of sadness between his brows.

The country of Dai Viet fell into chaos, and the source of the chaos came from the emperor of Dai Viet.

In recent days, everyone in Dai Viet has been very nervous, especially the disciples of Kong Kong Clan.

They were rummaged through by the Zhu Xie Division of the Dai Viet Kingdom and were constantly being unearthed.

As long as they are dug up, they will be sent to the capital to meet the tens of thousands of people in Dai Viet.

As for the result after seeing it, there is no result at present, because no one came out of the capital.

The entire Kongkong Sect was shaking with the wind, and people were trying to avoid it like crazy.

But more and more people were discovered, and the empty door was miserable.

Emperor Yunqi's approach also made the surrounding countries think.

They couldn't understand what Emperor Yun Qi meant, but they roughly knew that Emperor Yun Qi seemed very angry.

So these countries also have their own ideas.

The culprit, Zhou An, didn't know what was going on here.

At this moment, he felt the smoke in front of him and couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth.

Even though he was very restrained, he still couldn't control it.

In front of my eyes, after the smoke appeared, it gradually condensed and turned into a line of text.

[Medical Gu species lv.7 (medical theory +10, toxicity +10, poison penetration +10): 1/120000]

[Storage proficiency 35000/80000]

I have to say, that rectangular wooden box is really a treasure.

At least that's the case for Zhou An.

Even after the medical Gu seed reached the seventh level, he still couldn't understand what was on it. He could only see through nine out of ten, and there was still one tenth that he could not see through.

What's more, he hasn't opened the rectangular wooden box yet, which gives Zhou An an advantage, that is, even a seventh-level medical Gu species can still use this method to inject liver into it.

Of course, now is not the time.

Zhou An closed his eyes, feeling the smoke dissipate and turn into a large amount of information, entering his mind.

After he absorbed all the seventh-level medical Gu seeds, he opened his eyes again and clenched his fists.

"Now, all skills are at level seven, and this goal has been completely achieved!"

In Zhou An's body, Qi became extremely abundant, filling all his limbs and head.

At this moment, Zhou An felt a mysterious and mysterious feeling emerge from his heart.

The Qi in his body began to boil continuously, connecting to his soul.

At this moment, Zhou An successfully stepped from the innate realm to the psychic realm.

After entering, he finally understood what the so-called psychic realm actually meant.

"It turns out that the previous innate realm was like a child driving a big car, and the psychic realm, after all the energy and soul are penetrated, is the real wonder. This is the secret of the psychic realm."

Zhou An raised his right hand and used his fingers as a knife. A touch of Qi covered the index finger of his right hand.

This time, Qi is more mellow and free than before.

This is the effect of the communication between the Qi throughout the body and the soul, which is the real benefit of the psychic realm.

For example, if a child holds a gun, although it has lethality, its lethality is limited.

But if adult cognition is instilled in this child, the child's lethality will increase rapidly.

And this so-called cognition is the soul. The soul will enter the psychic space and be tempered. The stronger it is tempered, the more control it can have.

After reaching the limit, being able to control the Qi in the body to the point where it is as thin as a hair is a sign of the great spiritual realm.

"It's still similar to before, first the head, then the limbs. When the soul spreads to the limbs and head, it represents the beginning of entering the holy realm."

"And all of this must be completed in the psychic space."

This is the way to improve the psychic realm. As for the improvement of the Holy Realm, it is still early, so Zhou An doesn't care about it.

After Zhou An figured out his current state, he touched his chin with his hand and fell into thinking.

"My psychic realm should be different from other people's, but the psychic realm requires you to refine your soul in the psychic space. How about I give it a try?"

In every realm, he is different from others.

Now that we are in the psychic realm, there is no reason why it should still be the same.

But so far, Zhou An really hasn't noticed anything unusual.

"But now there is something that is a little more."

In front of Zhou An's eyes, the latest attribute panel appeared.

[Pao Ding’s Sword Skill lv.7 (Speed ​​+10, Accuracy +10, Sharpness +10): 1/120000]

[Pot Spell lv.7 (Strength +10, Destruction +10, Seal +10): 1/120000]

[Flying Dragon Movement lv.7 (Speed ​​+10, Dodge +10, Flying +10): 1/120000]

[Form your own body lv. 7 (hardness +10, fusion +10, defense +10): 1/120000]

[Read Thousand Volumes lv.7 (Spirit +10, Understanding +10, Rebound +10): 1/120000]

[Making Trouble lv.7 (Water +10, Water Control +10, Healing +10): 1/120000]

[Medical Gu Species lv.7 (Medical Theory +10, Toxicity +10, Poison Penetration +10): 1/120000]

[Thousand Mile Eyes lv.7 (Detection +10, Illusion Breaking +10, Range +10): 1/120000]

[Holy Spirit Demonic Body lv.7 (purification +10, dispersion +10, power +10) 1/120000]

[Bagua arithmetic lv.7 (accuracy +10, deduction +10, formation +10): 1/120000]

[Sneak fishing lv.3 (harvest +2, unknown +1): 1/40000]

[Storage proficiency: 35000/100000]

That's right, as he entered the psychic realm, the upper limit of stored proficiency increased by 20,000.

This is undoubtedly great news for Zhou An.

The upper limit of storage proficiency is increased, and more can be saved, and when it is time to use it, it can be completed in one go.

The smoke in front of him gradually dissipated, and Zhou An had no ink stains. He planned to enter the psychic space with his true skills, and try what he could gain by entering it with a real psychic realm instead of relying on his soul.

Thinking of this, Zhou An closed his eyes, circulated the Qi in his body, and tried to communicate with the psychic space.

This is a mysterious and mysterious feeling. As long as you reach the psychic realm, you can use the Qi in your body to communicate.

Zhou An is also a master of the psychic realm. It didn't take long for him to successfully communicate with the psychic space.

The next moment, everything around him disappeared before Zhou An's eyes.

Soon, he came to the psychic space.

It's still the same place as before, but in the dilapidated ancient city, the city walls full of time have disappeared.

The black palace underground was already empty.

Just like Mr. Yang said, the black palace, including the city wall, will be moved at any time.

Now this ancient city is just an ancient city.

There were still ruins all around, and the sky was still gloomy.

Due to the large psychic space, there are no people in the industry around at this moment, which also saves Zhou An a lot of trouble.

"It's time to give it a try." Zhou An thought to himself.

He held Black Jade, found a quiet place to sit down, and then closed his eyes.

Black Jade sat obediently next to Zhou An, resting her head on Zhou An's shoulder and playing with the clay figurine in her hand.

Since eating the candy man last time, Heiyu has had another pleasure, which is to use the clay man to pinch Zhou An.

It's a pity that Black Jade's hands are not very skillful, so what he pinches out are basically weird-shaped things.

But at least the black jade will not be peeled most of the time.

After Zhou An closed his eyes, he immediately communicated with the soul in his body.

He tried to feel it, and soon he felt something unusual.

Before reaching the psychic realm, Zhou An could feel that the power around him was very strong, but he could not clearly perceive it.

And when he reached the psychic realm and tried to feel it with his soul, he finally understood why it was only in the psychic space that he could hone the souls of people in the industry.

The so-called gloom in the psychic space and in the sky actually comes from the power in the cracks.

Mad, violent, cold and terrifying.

Various scents were constantly intertwined and mixed, presenting an extremely chaotic scene.

Zhou An just felt it and felt a little uncomfortable.

This uncomfortable feeling is like a trypophobia patient seeing dense spider webs.

It's not a physical discomfort, but a psychological one.

"I'm not happy, don't worry, let's try to absorb it first."

Zhou An thought for a while, and first tried to absorb the violent power in the sky to temper his soul.

As for the absorption methods, they are all universal.

Just suck in the violent power above.

Depending on your personal physique and strength, if you control the amount so that you don’t go crazy, then there won’t be any big problem.

Because it was his first time, Zhou An carefully used his soul to absorb a little bit of violent power.

But the next moment, Zhou An discovered that the problem was really big.

"There's something wrong. Why haven't there been any increases after I absorbed it? Is it possible that the method of improving my psychic realm is different from others?"

After that trace of violent power was absorbed by Zhou An's soul, he suddenly realized that it was of no benefit to him at all.

He continued to absorb it and increased the amount, but there was no change. His soul did not increase or decrease.

This also means that this so-called method of tempering the soul is of no use to you at all.

Although Zhou An has been prepared and knows that his psychic realm is different, for now, this difference is too weird.

"Then how should I improve? I can't stay in the psychic realm my whole life, right?" Zhou An's mouth twitched slightly.

"No, the idea is wrong. I got here by relying on my proficiency. I am a Liver Emperor!"

"You can't let me improve my proficiency here. Wait, I seem to have discovered a blind spot. It doesn't seem impossible."

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