It's obviously a life skill, but you developed it into a magical skill

Chapter 250 Double happiness, Eunuch Wei arrives

Zhou An thought about it carefully, and realized that liver proficiency was not impossible.

His growth is inherently different from the cultivation of people in the industry.

Others rely on practicing steadily and diligently, but Zhou An only needs to cheat and be responsible for being a liver emperor.

As long as his liver is still there, his strength will not decline, but will only rise crazily. Therefore, Zhou An's every realm is different from others.

Zhou An thought about it carefully and realized that the only means he had now, which was the golden finger, was the foundation of his life.

So there is no need to practice like those in the industry.

"If you think about it this way, I only need liver proficiency, and that's it, isn't that all? Outside, liver proficiency is liver, and in the psychic space, liver proficiency is also liver, so if I have liver proficiency here, will it be okay? What big gains will there be?”

With such an idea, Zhou An was somewhat looking forward to it. Then, he took out the rectangular wooden box without hesitation and stared at the densely packed diseases on it.

Now that all skills have reached level seven, the direction of the liver is very flexible. Although it is still focused on combat power, Zhou An now feels that improving the medical Gu species is also a good choice.

This skill can prevent others from being poisoned, can also play tricks on others, and can even improve combat effectiveness. Why not use it?

Moreover, since there is a ready-made liver method, he does not need to choose or think of other methods. He only needs to look at this wooden box.

Thinking about this, Zhou An looked patiently.

As he parsed the virus on the wooden box, a familiar smoke appeared in front of him.

After the smoke gradually condensed, it immediately turned into words and appeared in front of Zhou An's eyes.

[Medical Gu Species +1]

The words were still familiar, and the smell was still familiar, but Zhou An clicked his head, feeling that something was not right.

"Nothing unusual happened. Could it be that my idea was wrong?" Zhou An put down his hands and did not continue to remove the liver, but fell into deep thought.

Originally, he thought that his proficiency in the psychic space might be greatly improved, but now it seems that there is no such improvement.

So what is the difference in his psychic realm?

"Is my psychic realm the same as others, and there is nothing abnormal? But why can't I absorb the power in the psychic space and turn it into the power of a strong soul?" Zhou An thought in his mind.

There is definitely something wrong here!

Otherwise, his soul cannot be strong, and he will always be in the psychic realm, and cannot improve. Otherwise, his soul will not be able to control the Qi in his body, and becoming a cripple will be the least serious consequence.

"No, my method must be wrong, and it must have something to do with proficiency." Zhou An thought about it again and again, and still felt that his guess was correct, but there was something wrong with his method.

Thinking of this, Zhou An raised his head and looked at the cold and violent force in the sky.

This power comes from the continuous extension of the cracks, filling every corner of the psychic space.

Zhou An stared at the special power emanating from these cracks. Suddenly, his eyes lit up, as if he thought of something, he clapped his hands hard.

This action startled Hei Yu next to him. He thought something had happened to Zhou An and looked at Zhou An with strange eyes.

"It's nothing, just stay here." Zhou An said, comforting Black Jade.

Then, the excitement in his eyes became more and more intense.

He has already thought of a specific method.

"Isn't this a psychic space? Since the masters of the psychic realm have to absorb the violent power in the psychic space, then I am not immune. If I can absorb the violent power while gaining proficiency, will it be possible? New changes?”

Zhou An was thinking in his heart. The more he thought about it, the more he felt that he could try this thing.

His liver proficiency requires careful removal of the liver without distractions, but fortunately, when a master in the psychic realm tempers his soul in the psychic space, he can also temper it in a softer way, that is, just let it happen. Absorb the power from the sky.

This kind of casual absorption does not require attention, but the absorption speed is extremely slow. No one is willing to do this.

After all, the purpose of coming to the psychic space is to temper the soul. Who would do such unreliable things?

Zhou An is different. What he is best at is doing these unreliable things.

Thinking of this, Zhou An looked at the rectangular wooden box in his hand and analyzed the diseases on it.

While he was analyzing it, he also unfolded his soul and began to unconsciously absorb the violent power in the sky.

The absorption speed is very slow, which can be said to be minimal, but to Zhou An, this is not important.

A moment later, in front of Zhou An's eyes, words condensed from the smoke appeared in mid-air.

Looking at the words above, Zhou An's eyes widened slightly, and then he couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth, showing a happy look.

[Medical Gu Species +2]

"Okay, okay, I'm in the middle of a hangup. If I open another hanger, it can be regarded as a hangup in the middle of a hangup!" Zhou An rubbed his hands and became more and more happy.

He was too familiar with what the words in front of him represented.

This means that he has twice the energy in the psychic space.

Twice the liver speed seems as simple as changing from one to two, but if it is a proficiency of 20,000, it is a bonus of 40,000.

This is equivalent to tripling the speed of his liver proficiency. How could he be unhappy?

No one will dislike themselves for practicing quickly. On the contrary, everyone will think that the faster, the better.

Now that he has this, Zhou An feels that he has made a fortune this time.

"It's a pity. Although you can stay in the psychic space indefinitely, you can only absorb the power to temper your soul for one hour every day." Zhou An sighed, slightly disappointed.

The rules of the psychic space are like this. No matter how you absorb, whether you absorb more or less, there is only one hour every day.

Even if you absorb it unconsciously, it will only last for an hour.

The reason is simple, the soul will get tired.

If it is absorbed continuously every day, it will cause irreversible damage to the soul.

To use a very simple analogy, running can make your body better and better, but if you run too much, it will cause harm to your body.

Zhou An estimated that this kind of rule was established in ancient times before the death of Lu Yi, out of fear that some masters in the psychic realm would be greedy for big money and seek quick results, and then cause huge harm to themselves.

"But it's not a big problem. One hour is two hours, and the improvement is huge for me."

"I can't waste time, I have to finish this hour quickly." Zhou An thought to himself.

Now that there is a new liver method, of course he, the liver emperor, cannot stop.

As a result, Zhou An did not change to other skills and continued to use the medical Gu seed.

The process of cultivating liver medicine is very boring. Even analyzing the above diseases is still very boring for Zhou An.

After all, you will get tired of watching something for a long time.

To use a very simple analogy, even if a woman is extremely beautiful, she will get tired of it sooner or later if she carries a gun and mounts her horse every day.

For a liver emperor, although this situation may occur, it is not a problem at all.

Zhou An became more and more immersed in it.

Time passed quickly, and in the blink of an eye, an hour was up.

Zhou An could no longer absorb the violent power in the sky, but the medical Gu species had improved significantly after being doubled.

"Yes, this feeling is so good, but it's a pity that there is a time limit." Zhou An moved his body, put away the rectangular wooden box, and looked around.

Since he didn't have a liver, he didn't want to waste time here, so he took Black Jade and walked out of the psychic space together and returned to his home.

After coming back, Zhou An didn't rest and continued to take out the rectangular wooden box and start eating.

The Liver Emperor has no rest. As long as there is enough time, he will not give himself time to rest.

Even if there is no double bonus now, it is worth it if you can do it a little bit.

At this time, although it was already late at night, Zhou An's room was always lit with fire, and he was eating quickly.

In the blink of an eye, two more days have passed. During these two days, Zhou An will take time to go to the psychic space to improve his proficiency.

And after he completes his proficiency in the psychic space, he will come out to continue his proficiency.

In addition to eating every day, it is about liver proficiency, and the days are becoming more regular.

There is currently nothing major going on in Huaixi Jing's town. Zhou An doesn't even bother to go to town.

Here, the medical Gu species has improved a lot after going crazy. Although it has not yet reached the level of upgrade, for Zhou An, there is not much time left.

In addition, during this period of time, Black Jade has integrated some of the various skills, and his strength has become more unpredictable.

Both of them have improved, and their lives are going well.

For Zhou An, although it is dull, there is flavor in the dullness.

This is not like what is written in those story books, where the protagonist has nothing to do every day and just wants to go out and cause trouble.

Zhou An felt that it was very good to watch his proficiency increase every day during these leisurely days.

Ever since, he's done it again.

But a salty fish like him is a new rumor in the world.

Recently, Zhou An has done a lot of big things in Zhensi, especially in the Huaixi capital, and they have gradually spread to the world.

There is a lot of information disseminated every day about things like Jianghu, but in the Jianghu of the Great Chu Kingdom, as long as Zhou An is mentioned, whether they are people in the industry who have just entered the threshold, or those masters who have been immersed in it for a long time, they will be particularly excited. focus on.

But recently, there has been too little news about Zhou An, so little that it is almost non-existent.

It is precisely because of this that everyone feels a little strange.

"In my opinion, Zhou An is definitely making big moves." A person in the industry said.

Another person in the industry immediately added: "The skill of knife and pot has long been famous in the world of Chu Kingdom. You are right, Zhou An must be holding back something big."

Next to them, the people in the industry who listened to the exchange between the two nodded in unison.

They all imagined that not long after, Zhou An suddenly jumped out, like a huge stone plunging into the rivers and lakes of the Great Chu Kingdom, setting off huge waves.

Some people in the industry who have rich imaginations even take on the role and feel that they are Zhou An, and even feel secretly happy.

This kind of news without news is spreading more and more mysteriously.

There are even rumors that Zhou An is crossing the psychic realm and arriving directly at the All Saint Realm.

There are even rumors that Zhou An is now able to compete with the masters of the older generation.

Rumors about the world of Chu Kingdom were so outrageous, but Zhou An was not interested in the news at all.

He had heard it too.

People from the Hengtong Chamber of Commerce came over from time to time to bring him something and some news.

In response, Zhou An said to let them pass it on.

No matter how outrageous the message was, it would not affect him.

Today, Zhou An originally wanted to continue his liver proficiency, but at this time, a big shot came to Huaixijing.

Even Zhou An had to stop practicing the medical Gu seed and go out with Black Jade.

Black Jade excitedly held Zhou An's hand and swung it back and forth, looking happy.

Recently, the two of them went out, just to eat, but Black Jade was choked up.

Although there are chairs to play with, he can't go out, and Hei Yu feels very bored.

Today, Zhou An brought her out for the first time, which made Bai Yu feel very excited.

"Be honest and don't be too naughty. Be careful when Eunuch Wei gets angry and beats you up. I won't be able to stop you." Zhou An raised his hand, touched Black Jade's head affectionately, and warned him sincerely. One sentence.

Black Jade narrowed his eyes and even cupped Zhou An's palm with great enjoyment.

Because he is not tall enough, he puts his toes up.

"I got it." Black Jade answered with three words in a confused manner, then took Zhou An's hand and followed Zhou An in a tossing motion.

That's right, Eunuch Wei came and Zhou An heard the news.

For so many years, Eunuch Wei rarely left the capital.

He was sitting in the palace in the capital, and the whole palace was calm.

I only went out once not long ago, and it was because of Zhou An that I went to pick off the head of a protector named Zong Xing.

This time, Eunuch Wei came out for the second time. As soon as he came out, he went a long way and came directly to Huaixi Capital.

And because Eunuch Wei left the capital, many powerful forces were speculating about the reasons that caused this fierce man to come out of the capital.

Of course, guessing is just guessing, and they don't dare to have other thoughts.

After all, even if Eunuch Wei is not in the capital, there are still three important figures in the capital, not to mention the mysterious emperor whose realm is unknown.

Zhou An knew very well why Eunuch Wei came.

Not long ago, didn't we discover a nine-story tower?

He reported this matter, and probably his teacher Xi Yuan also told the national teacher about this matter.

At this time, Eunuch Wei suddenly arrived. Zhou An knew that he must have come to represent the attitude of the capital and to deal with this matter.

Not long after, Zhou An and Heiyu crossed the streets of Huaixijing and arrived at Zhenguisi.

At this time, Black Jade already had a lot of snacks in his hands.

A candy man who looked like Zhou An was held in his mouth by black jade, and he was eating hesitantly.

At the gate of Zhenguisi, Zong Shanyin was waiting.

When he saw Zhou An, he breathed a sigh of relief and walked up.

"Master Zhou, you are finally here. Eunuch Wei has been waiting inside for a long time."

Zhou An could see the dense beads of sweat on Zong Shanyin's forehead, and even his face was a little pale.

"Is it so scary? Eunuch Wei is a very kind old man." Zhou An said with a smile.

In the process of his contact with Eunuch Wei, Eunuch Wei has always been kind and kind, and he has also been very protective of him.

So it left a very good impression on Zhou An.

Zhou An also respected this old man.

An old man, when he was young, accidentally lost the most important thing in a man because of the Chu Kingdom, but he did not feel depressed because of it. After turning to the eunuch profession, he became one of the top masters.

Such a person, without amazing perseverance, will never be able to achieve it.

Because of this, Zhou An admired him very much.

And the relationship between the two is also very good.

After Zong Shanyin heard Zhou An's words, he smiled bitterly: "Master Zhou, don't tease me. Eunuch Wei's kindness is only for you. We don't dare to say another word in front of Eunuch Wei, otherwise we will be punished." Any beating is light."

What he said was correct.

Eunuch Wei's reputation has long been spread in the world.

One sentence can make sense.

——Never take revenge overnight.

And in order to get revenge, he will do whatever it takes.

In his early years, Eunuch Wei was such a fierce man.

Until I got older, my personality didn't change. On the contrary, due to my age, my personality became more and more obvious.

But the strange thing is that such a fierce man has a strong heart.

Taking a detailed look at Eunuch Wei from the time he first entered the world to his current status, he has never done a single bad thing.

This is also the place where everyone wants to hack Eunuch Wei, but they can't.

Therefore, whether it is Zong Shanyin or other members of the Zhengui Division, they both fear and respect Eunuch Wei.

Zhou An knew that even one or two words could not change Zong Shanyin's mind, so he waved his hand and didn't care. After saying that I would go in immediately, he took Black Jade and walked towards Zhenguisi.

Zongshan Yin didn't dare to follow. He was waiting here. He had completed the task and immediately took his men out to perform other tasks.

It has been a long time since I came to Zhenguisi. This time when I came in, Zhou An felt that in addition to being familiar, there was also something strange.

Fortunately, he was the leader of the spies in Huaixi Jing Town, and he came to his room on the second floor by familiar routes. No one dared to stop him, and no one asked why.

After arriving on the second floor, Zhou An saw Eunuch Wei sitting in his room.

He Sheng stood aside with his hands tied.

At this moment, Mr. Wei was drinking tea.

There is not much heat on the tea cup anymore, which proves that the temperature of the tea has dropped somewhat.

After drinking it in one gulp, Eunuch Wei put the tea cup on the table.

He Sheng was very sensible and immediately filled the bowl respectfully for Eunuch Wei.

Eunuch Wei was very satisfied and nodded: "Yes, you are still the same as before. Our family likes you very much. It is not in vain that we recommended you to come here to the general manager."

He Sheng quickly agreed and even said he didn't dare.

This respect is even much greater than in front of Zhou An.

Of course, Zhou An's arrival could not be hidden from Eunuch Wei's ears.

After Eunuch Wei took another sip of tea, he looked outside the room and met Zhou An's eyes.

Zhou An quickened his steps, walked into the house with Black Jade in hand, and said with a smile: "Eunuch Wei, you don't go directly to my house when you come, so that I can personally cook a table of delicious dishes for my father-in-law."

Next to him, the corner of He Sheng's mouth twitched slightly and he did not dare to speak. He thought to himself that Mr. Zhou really knew how to speak. In these three or two sentences, he showed just how much he valued Eunuch Wei.

"I have to continue learning." He Sheng, who was very bad at flattering, thought to himself.

"Okay, you go down first, I'll talk to Eunuch Wei." Zhou An waved.

He Sheng was eager to get down quickly.

Standing here is like sitting on pins and needles.

After Zhou An spoke, He Sheng immediately stepped out of the room and closed the door.

After He Sheng left, they were the only ones left in the room.

Zhou An was familiar with him and sat next to Eunuch Wei.

Eunuch Wei glanced at Zhou An and said with a smile: "Boy, your level has improved too quickly. You have actually reached the psychic level. Even our family is very surprised."

Zhou An waved his hand modestly: "Wherever I am, I got promoted accidentally. I don't want to be promoted so fast. After all, with greater ability comes greater responsibility."

When Eunuch Wei heard this, his hand holding the tea cup tightened slightly.

Eunuch Wei, who was very good at showing off, was much weaker when facing Zhou An. He felt that this boy was better at showing off than he was, especially because he was good at showing off in just a few words.

"Okay, let's not talk about this matter anymore. You can defeat the entire Saint Realm now." Eunuch Wei said.

"After all, when I was in the Xiantian realm, I was already able to compete with King Bai who had just entered the Holy Mirror. He even managed to kill King Bai with steady pressure."

Of course, Eunuch Wei couldn't hide the matter about the psychic space.

Eunuch Wei didn't want to show that he didn't know.

Zhou An nodded and said directly: "It shouldn't be a problem to kill an ordinary Saint."

This was said very sincerely and there was nothing wrong with it at all.

Isn't it normal for the innate realm to defeat the psychic realm, and the psychic realm to conquer the holy realm?

He just thought about this idea in his heart. If others knew about it, they would definitely spit out a few ounces of blood and write a big word "tragic" on the ground.

"Facing adversity is like drinking water. Boy, our family is very happy for your promotion." Eunuch Wei took another sip of tea: "I hope that one day, our family can have a smooth fight with you."

Speaking of this, Eunuch Wei actually had a fighting spirit in his eyes.

Zhou An also felt his blood boiling as he listened.

He knew that he was still no match for Eunuch Wei, but if he improved further, he might be able to fight Eunuch Wei, maybe.

"There are so many masters of the same level in the capital, but none of them can satisfy you?" Zhou An asked subconsciously.

Eunuch Wei snorted coldly: "Those old guys are not willing to take action, and our family has no way to trouble them. Let's just talk about this Prime Minister. If our family doesn't go to his house to throw excrement, we still don't know why he wants to target you." .”

"However, even if he told the reason, he still refrained from taking action against our family, which made our family feel uncomfortable and unhappy."

Throwing shit?

After hearing these two words, Zhou An suddenly felt that Eunuch Wei's image of a master in his heart had collapsed.

It is simply unbelievable that such a top master would break shit on other people's walls.

Of course, Zhou An didn't want to get involved in the affairs of their older generation.

But before changing the topic, he was still a little curious and asked: "Why is the Prime Minister targeting me like this?"

Eunuch Wei thought for a while, then waved his hand. The eunuch's Yin Qi surrounded the entire place, making it airtight and not a word could be heard.

Soon, Eunuch Wei expressed his thoughts.

After Zhou An heard this, he said speechlessly: "The Prime Minister will communicate with you about this matter and just put on a show. It makes me think that I have really offended the Prime Minister."

Eunuch Wei chuckled: "That old guy just wants to see us make a fool of ourselves. When the truth is exposed, and all of us look like we've eaten shit to him, he will be very happy. For an old guy, It’s just a bad taste.”

This last sentence sums it up correctly.

Let's discuss this matter. We are all old and mature people. It's easy to act in a play.

But it must be like this.

This is the bad taste of the Prime Minister, a scholar.

Zhou An couldn't comment, but he already knew the matter and no longer struggled with it, so he asked again: "Eunuch Wei came here this time for the sake of the nine-story tower?"

Eunuch Wei nodded: "Yes, we are here just for the nine-story tower. This time, our family is going to liquidate all the rebels from ancient times."

When Zhou An heard a new name, he immediately became interested: "What is a rebel?"

This word doesn't sound like a good word.

Zhou An felt that it meant traitor, but he still had to ask clearly.

Eunuch Wei tapped the tea cup with his hand. Then, the water on the tea cup instantly formed a layer of ice, and Eunuch Wei's eyes became extremely cold, like the heavy snow in the twelfth lunar month of winter.

"Do you know about talent?"

Zhou An nodded, indicating that he knew about talent.

Eunuch Wei was actually not surprised at all that Zhou An knew what talent was.

He held the teacup slightly, and the next moment, the teacup turned into powder.

Eunuch Wei's eyes were not only cold, but also filled with murderous intent.

"Calm down, Eunuch Wei, there are still many people in the city. Once you release your breath and the temperature drops, it will be difficult for the Suppressants to justify themselves." Zhou An reminded.

Only then did Eunuch Wei relax a little: "We feel sick when we think of those people, so we unconsciously show off a little momentum. If you want to know, we will tell you the whole story."

"I'm all ears, Eunuch Wei, please speak." Zhou An changed a new tea cup and filled Eunuch Wei with a pot of hot tea.

Eunuch Wei took another sip, put the tea cup on the table, and slowly told about things from ancient times.

The entire room was covered by Eunuch Wei's Yin Qi, and not a trace of what the two of them talked about was spread.

And as Eunuch Wei told him, the secrets about the ancient times once again emerged in front of Zhou An.

The more Zhou An listened, the more surprised he became.

This matter has to start with those who died heroically.

In the beginning, countless sages went to their deaths and entered the cracks in the sky to seal the cracks for the sake of human survival and to eliminate the strangeness.

As for the cracks on the ground, the psychic space was used to solve them. After passing the death test of a large number of people in the industry, the cracks in the ground were finally delayed by relying on the psychic space, and human beings finally had a place for survival.

It can be said that at that time, it was piled up with lives.

But among these people, there are some people who are different.

There are people in this world who are willing to live, while others are willing to die. Some are brave and fearless, while others are greedy for life and afraid of death.

Those who are greedy for life and afraid of death are still afraid of death, even if it is natural death or their natural life span is approaching.

Ever since, at that time, after the original people figured out the method of passing on talent, those people who were greedy for life and afraid of death also learned about this method.

They did not choose to die, but lived in hiding in every corner of the world, trying to make themselves better off with their own strength.

The emergence of talent gave them hope.

It's very simple, they will die, even if they don't die in battle, they will die of old age.

But one of the extremely powerful people came up with a way.

If you can inject your own soul into the talent, split the talent into two, and those who have obtained the incomplete talent become more powerful, then these people will always look for traces and find the remaining part of them.

And the remaining talents will be condensed into a form through their ashes, and then they will kill the people who come looking for the talents, forcibly occupy their bodies, inject the souls of the incomplete talents, and then use their souls to nourish and make up for it, and finally complete a Similar to the method of seizing a body.

"Can this method really restore life?" Zhou An asked.

It sounded like it was possible, but he was confused.

If you really can live again, the people from the ancient times in the nine-story tower may be a huge hidden danger.

Eunuch Wei shook his head: "Nothing has been found yet, but who knows? So our family came here to deal with this matter."

"I was inside and saw some people who were chained and kneeling on the ground. I don't know what the situation was." Zhou An continued to ask.

When Eunuch Wei heard this, his eyes became more murderous: "They used living people for experiments. Those were powerful people in the industry in ancient times. They even protected a living being. They can be called sages."

"However, these heroes from ancient times were cruelly captured by them, imprisoned inside, and subjected to various experiments until they died. They still did not let them have an easy time. They were locked there to prevent them from turning into strange things, and they continued to study their corpses. .”

Zhou An fell silent when he heard this.

He could imagine those brave and fearless people in the industry in ancient times being imprisoned in a dark nine-story tower, unable to survive or die.

These people are really crazy, so crazy that they are so cruel to their own kind.

"What do Eunuch Wei plan to do?" Zhou An asked after thinking for a moment.

When Eunuch Wei heard this, he put down the teacup in his hand.

He was obviously a eunuch, but he had a domineering aura about him that made people dare not look directly at him.

He waved his sleeves and put them behind his back. His eyes were cold and he spoke slowly.

"Our family is just old, not dead."

"Since he is a rebel, the only option is to kill him."

"Create a bright future!"

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