It's obviously a life skill, but you developed it into a magical skill

Chapter 251: Level 5 Sneak Fishing, Throwing the Rod Again

Create a bright future!

After Eunuch Wei said these words, a cold aura circulated throughout his body.

Along with the coldness, there was a world-dominating aura, as if the entire world was not enough for him to kill alone.


"This section needs to be written down."


Zhou An nodded repeatedly.

"What do you want to write down?" Eunuch Wei was slightly startled, his aura relaxed slightly, and he didn't understand what Zhou An meant.

"Eunuch Wei, this guy, he pretends to be just right, it's absolutely wonderful." Zhou An said with a smile.

Eunuch Wei had already learned from Zhou An what pretentiousness was, and he liked the word very much.

Now hearing Zhou An's statement, Eunuch Wei smiled helplessly and said that there was nothing he could do against Zhou An.

"If someone else had said these words to our family here, I'm afraid our family would have cramped and skinned him." Eunuch Wei's voice was sharp, but what he said was the truth.

"Forget about this, do you want to go with our family on this trip?"

This time, Eunuch Wei can completely solve the nine-story tower without coming to Zhenguisi.

Just because Zhou An was in Huaixi Capital, Eunuch Wei came to take a look first. After all, he hadn't seen Zhou An for a long time.

Although I often heard about Zhou An's actions in Huaixi Capital, it was still not as good as meeting him.

It was Eunuch Wei who proposed to go together. It was up to Zhou An whether to go or not.

Zhou An touched his chin and asked: "If the nine-story tower is destroyed from now on, doesn't it mean that those who lack talents will regain their talents?"

When he thought about this problem, he felt that it was very possible.

Within the nine-story tower, there are a lot of remaining talents of those masters from the past that are sealed away.

If they are all destroyed, does it mean that the incomplete talents will be completed?


Eunuch Wei said with a smile: "At the beginning, the national master accepted Xi Yuan as his disciple and vigorously trained him. This was the purpose."

"This time, Shi Xiyuan came here to look for talent. The national master was used as a stone to cast stones to ask for directions. Now that it is confirmed, it will naturally be solved."

"But recently, because of the affairs of the Emperor of Dayue Kingdom, the Imperial Counselor and the others are secretly speculating on what the Emperor of Dayue Kingdom's purpose is."

Dai Viet, emperor?

Zhou An asked: "What happened to Dai Viet?"

"It is said that Emperor Yun Qi lost something important, which seems to be a rectangular wooden box. Now Zheng Longyan is furious and is looking for it everywhere."

Eunuch Wei said calmly: "I heard that the Kong Kong Clan has become the target of suspicion, and nine out of ten of the forces in Dai Viet Kingdom are dead."

Zhou An: "?"

Subconsciously, he covered the pink money bag a little tighter.

The rectangular, wooden box is still missing.

No matter how you look at it, it looks like you did it yourself.

However, when it comes to people in the business, can they be called thieves?

I'm good at fishing.

"No, this matter must not be spread." Zhou An thought in his heart.

Eunuch Wei didn't notice Zhou An's thoughts and was still waiting for Zhou An's reply. It was still early anyway.

Now that he's here, the nine-story tower won't be able to cause any trouble, so it won't be a serious problem.

Zhou An thought for a while and said, "It doesn't hurt to go and have a look."

He decided to go take a look to see if he could get any more benefits.

After all, the things hidden in this nine-story tower are too evil. What if there is something?

And with Eunuch Wei taking him along, this trip was extremely safe and there was no need to be afraid at all.

Just treat it as a trip to learn more, and the invitation from Eunuch Wei is also to give Eunuch Wei a face.

"Then let's go."

When Eunuch Wei heard Zhou An say he wanted to go, he waved his sleeves and went out first.

There are still many things waiting for him in the palace, so although this trip is leisurely, it is also moderate.

The two of them left Zhenguisi together, and no one dared to stop them.

After all, one is one of the top masters in the world, and the other is Si Jing of Huaixi Jing Town, so it is normal that no one dares to stop him.

After leaving the door, they walked towards Qinghe's location.

Not long after, Eunuch Wei and Zhou An arrived in Qinghe.

Ahead, there is still the clear river water, as if there is nothing under the river, and there has never been such an ancient thing as the nine-story tower.

"Eunuch Wei, let me separate the river." Zhou An raised his hand, preparing to make waves.

Unexpectedly, before he could circulate the Qi in his body, Eunuch Wei spoke.

"Since our family asked you to come and see us, we don't need you to take action. Otherwise, wouldn't our family's reputation be ruined?"

Eunuch Wei gently waved his sleeves.

The next moment, a powerful Yin Qi came out of the air with unparalleled power. In just a moment, it had already landed on the Qinghe River.


The roaring sound, accompanied by the rushing sound of the river, is constantly flowing on the Qinghe River.

The Qinghe River was blocked by Yin Qi and split into two.

Immediately afterwards, a cold air appeared, covering the Qinghe River that was divided into two.

Ice continued to spread along the Qinghe River, freezing the entire Qinghe River.

One move, freezing river.

At this time, Qinghe stood on the embankment like an ice sculpture.

"In my early years, I once met a villain who was good at water and called himself Suicune."

Eunuch Wei said: "When our family chased him, he hid in the water and laughed at us. When our family got angry, he and the lake froze him into an ice sculpture."

Speaking of the past, Eunuch Wei was quite emotional and looked nostalgic.

Zhou An smiled and said: "Eunuch Wei's methods are really clever. Unlike me, I can't even keep the whole body. The most complete one is my aunt."

The corner of Eunuch Wei's mouth twitched slightly: "You guy, you always talk about your aunt. Do you know how far your aunt has been praised in the world?"

This was the first time Zhou An heard about it, and he asked curiously: "What's the situation?"

"It is said in the world that your aunt is a rare master in the world. She can persist in defeating a hundred moves under you, and she can even leave a whole body."

Eunuch Wei paused for a moment and said: "If the fifty-six copies are also whole corpses, then they are fifty-six whole corpses."

Zhou An was stunned for a moment, and then said with emotion: "Auntie Quan Xia knows better, so she can rest in peace. After all, she is already a master in the world, and she will be able to boast all her life even after she dies."

Eunuch Wei felt that it was not a wise choice to discuss his aunt with Zhou An, because he already felt that Zhou An's chat box seemed to be opening up.

Thinking of this, Eunuch Wei decided to change the topic and looked at the bottom of the river.

Just now, Eunuch Wei's Yin Qi not only froze the Qinghe River, but even the silt on the riverbank froze.

Eunuch Wei waved again.

A gloomy energy flowed away.

The silt was swept away by the Yin Qi and began to melt rapidly, just like snow meeting fire.

When the silt disappeared, the shape of the nine-story tower gradually emerged in front of us.

"Let's go and take a look."

Eunuch Wei jumped into it.

Not to be outdone, Zhou An jumped to the front of the nine-story tower.

The nine-story tower is still the same, with only half of the door ajar.

Zhou An asked: "Eunuch Wei, how about destroying it directly?"

Eunuch Wei shook his head: "Destroying it directly will turn the imprisoned heroes into strange monsters. It will be a kind of torture for them."

"After all, it is not appropriate to end up harming the common people after death in order to protect them."

"What should we do?" Zhou An asked strangely.

"First destroy the ashes and turn the imprisoned heroes into strange creatures, and then kill them." Eunuch Wei said lightly.

Zhou An nodded, there was nothing wrong with this method.

But he thought of one more thing.

"Those ashes seem difficult to destroy."

At the beginning, Zhou An had tried that if the ashes were destroyed, the ashes would be restored.

It's like being able to be reborn.

"That's because of the nine-story tower." Wei Gong said.

"Just destroy the nine-story tower."

Having said this, Eunuch Wei raised his right hand, and the Yin Qi gradually gathered.

When the yin energy gradually spread across Eunuch Wei's palm, Eunuch Wei gently pressed down.

There were no fancy special effects, and the Yin energy enveloped the entire tower.

The next moment, cracks began to appear in the nine-story tower, which were densely packed like a spider web.

This nine-story tower could not be destroyed by Zhou An's knife at first, which shows how hard the material is.

But in the hands of Eunuch Wei, it was easily destroyed.

Suddenly, a gust of wind blew.

The wind blew and the tower was destroyed.

The nine-story tower turned into a puff of flying ash in the wind and disappeared.

The ashes inside were also completely reduced to ashes when the nine-story tower was destroyed.

Zhou An saw rays of light that ordinary people couldn't see, flying in all directions, getting farther and farther away and disappearing.

"This is talent. They will find the missing part of themselves." Eunuch Wei explained.

Zhou An nodded, but his expression did not relax.

Eunuch Wei just said that even if the nine-story tower is destroyed, the powerful resentment of those imprisoned heroes will definitely turn into something strange.

After the nine-story tower disappeared, the place was empty, as if it had never appeared before.

At this time, a dark wind appeared.

Zhou An felt a chill all over his body.

On the empty ground, there are shadows one after another, constantly condensing.

These shadows are full of ancient and terrifying atmosphere, as if they come from the restricted area of ​​life.

Time has left its mark, but it has made these shadows stronger.

In addition, there is also a strange aura circulating.

In just an instant, it was all over here.

Zhou An felt as if he was in a devil's cave, and every shadow here was powerful enough.

At this moment, Eunuch Wei sighed softly.


This long sigh made hundreds of shadows look towards Eunuch Wei.

Eunuch Wei raised his right hand and pressed it down slightly.

The next moment, the cold atmosphere around him stopped.

"You were all heroes in ancient times, and you fought bloody battles with the strange."

"Today, I was harmed by an adulterer and turned into the most disgusting thing for you."

"Our family doesn't want you to suffer such pain, and we don't want our heroes to be humiliated."

"Now, although the heroes are divided, the hard work you put in at the beginning has been rewarded. The people are not suffering, which is good."

"Our family is here to relieve you seniors."

"rest in peace."

After the words fell, Eunuch Wei waved his palm forward.

With the appearance of this palm, the rich Yin Qi instantly absorbed all the strange aura, forming a vortex tens of thousands of meters high, lingering in the sky.

The surrounding shadows were already weird. At this moment, he finally couldn't help it and took action towards Eunuch Wei.

All kinds of attacks, with strange auras, came as promised, and the world collapsed.

Above the sky, tens of thousands of meters of Yin Qi vortex suddenly fell.


A roaring sound sounded.

The yin energy seems to be all-encompassing, covering the entire Qinghe River.

Under the invasion of Yin Qi, hundreds of phantoms were like paper and instantly turned into ashes.

Eunuch Wei took back his hand.

In the sky, the tens of thousands of meters of Yin Qi vortex disappeared in an instant.


He sighed again, looking a little lonely: "These seniors are gone."

Zhou An stepped forward and said: "At least we didn't let them harm the people and do the things they least wanted to do during their lifetimes."

Eunuch Wei nodded, suddenly thought of something, and said strangely: "Is this the first time you have seen our family's methods?"

Zhou An said that this was indeed the first time he had seen Eunuch Wei use this method.

"Then why are you not surprised at all?" Eunuch Wei continued to ask.

Zhou An thought for a while and said, "Actually, I still have some ideas."

"Tell me about it?" Eunuch Wei was slightly curious.

Zhou An said calmly: "I'm thinking about what move I should use to break the 10,000-meter Yin Qi vortex of Eunuch Wei when I ask Eunuch Wei for advice one day in the future."

Eunuch Wei was stunned. It took him a long time to react and started laughing.

The laughter spread and echoed throughout the Qinghe River.

After a while, Eunuch Wei's laughter gradually disappeared.

He faced Zhou An, patted Zhou An on the shoulder, and said, "As expected of you, our family is also looking forward to the day in the future when you can break our family's 10,000-meter Yin Qi vortex."

Zhou An nodded without saying anything, but the meaning was self-evident.

He was surprised, but not shocked.

With proficiency, it only takes time to reach Eunuch Wei's level.

He had always felt that the beating was very unpleasant, and now he was looking forward to having a fun discussion with Eunuch Wei.

Of course, that’s something to come later, it’s still early.

The nine-story tower has been destroyed, the talents have gone to find their respective masters, and the weirdness has been eliminated.

It is worth mentioning that the world behind will be in turmoil.

Because once those people with incomplete talents are completed, they will immediately leap over the dragon gate.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Zhou An, because he is going back.

It's enough to come, see, and understand Eunuch Wei's methods.

The two of them walked towards Huai Xijing without saying much.

But before leaving, Zhou An still used Bagua arithmetic to calculate a fortune here.

The result is nothing. Things here have been completely settled.

After returning to Huaixi Capital, Eunuch Wei is about to leave.

After all, as the head of the eunuchs, Eunuch Wei was very busy and had no reason to stay long.

But before leaving, Eunuch Wei asked Zhou An.

"The Emperor of Dai Viet is seeking medical treatment in Guangzhou, are you interested?"

When Zhou An heard this, he shook his head almost without hesitation: "I'm not interested, I can't bring it up."

Just kidding, Emperor Yun Qi's treasure is now in Zhou An's hands, and he will not throw himself into a trap.

When he finished using the wooden box, he would directly eliminate all the diseases, and then find a place to destroy it, making it clean.

Seeing that Zhou An was unwilling, Eunuch Wei didn't say much.

With Zhou An seeing him off, he soon left Huaixi Capital.

As quickly as it came, it can go quickly.

After Eunuch Wei left, Zhou An found that his life had returned to a regular routine again.

The rivers and lakes are like water, carrying all kinds of people in the rivers and lakes, like fish, tumbling in the rivers and lakes.

Recently, huge waves have arisen in the world of various countries.

In the fields, a farmer suddenly had an epiphany and his strength increased rapidly.

Among the big forces, the genius has a sudden enlightenment overnight, and the level he stayed at is instantly clear.

There are also ordinary people who suddenly wake up and instantly cross the threshold of being a person in the industry.

No one knows what the reason is, but one thing is that, no matter which country it is, the strength level of people in the industry seems to have been raised to a higher level in an instant.

The release of talents has rapidly improved the strength of many people who have stayed in the industry.

All kinds of joy are constantly flowing in the rivers and lakes.

Zhou An didn't care about these things because his medical Gu seed had reached level eight.

In front of my eyes, a special line of smoke appeared, which finally condensed into words.

[Medical Gu Species lv.8 (Medical Theory +12, Toxicity +12, Poison Penetration +12): 1/140000]

[Storage experience value: 95000/100000]

In front of my eyes, the smoke disappeared quickly after it appeared.

Zhou An touched his chin and fell into deep thought.

After he absorbed all the information, he also understood the power brought by skills.

Now, looking at this rectangular wooden box, he can crack all the diseases.

Since the Medical Dao Gu has a proficiency of 120,000 points, converted to half, that is 60,000 proficiency points.

In addition to the original 35,000 proficiency points, Zhou An can use it once with only 5,000 proficiency points missing.

The most obvious thing is the change in the soul.

With the upgrade of the medical Gu species, the soul's control over the energy in the body has increased to a certain extent.

This is correct as Zhou An guessed. Through the psychic space liver proficiency, it brings double the proficiency, and at the same time, the growth of the soul is also extremely impressive.

"Well, now, the surface of this wooden box is useless to me."

Zhou An touched his chin, and then circulated the Qi in his body.

The next moment, the medical path Gu seed was activated.

Qi was like a giant disease-devouring beast, completely devouring all the diseases on the surface of the wooden box, leaving no trace behind.

After finishing this, Zhou An looked at the rectangular wooden box and fell into deep thought.

"Now, if I want to improve my medical skills, I can only continue to look at the things inside, but should I open it?" Zhou An thought to himself.

The improvement of medical Gu species is the most difficult for Zhou An.

Because of the particularity of this skill, it requires looking at various difficult and complicated diseases, so Zhou An has a headache.

But here comes the problem, how can there be so many difficult and complicated diseases for him to see.

There are some now, but if you can't control this thing after opening it, it will be a big problem.

Thinking of this, Zhou An still put the wooden box away.

At least, it cannot be opened here. If something goes wrong, the people will be harmed.

As for how to improve the medical Gu species in the future, I still have stored proficiency, so there is no problem at all.

Thinking of this, Zhou An put away the wooden box, and then looked at the stored experience that was still short of 5,000 proficiency levels.

"Direct Liver Holy Spirit Demonic Body!"

Zhou An did not hesitate and chose the Holy Spirit Demonic Body.

If this thing is useful to her, it means it is really useful.

Although the Guild of Guilds only said that Zhou An made her feel very comfortable, which sounded like a sarcastic statement, Zhou An felt that with a higher skill level, she might really be able to wake up the Guilds of Guilds.

So, this is possible.

Moreover, the liver method is also very simple.

Zhou An looked at Black Jade, with a flash of light in his eyes.

The Qi in the body circulated for a while, and a white light appeared from Zhou An's hand and fell on the black jade body.


Black Jade was studying various skills when he was suddenly attacked by white light. He let out a comfortable sigh and felt as if his whole body was about to soften.

Seeing this, Zhou An's mouth twitched slightly: "Sure enough, the resentful look in your eyes was so satisfying."

He understood why Black Jade had such a resentful look in his eyes.

As we all know, when you are unhappy, you will use resentful eyes, and when you are happy, you will also use this kind of eyes.

One look, two expressions, routine operations.

Hearing this, Black Jade immediately ran to Zhou An and started to murmur.

Recently, Black Jade learned another trick, which made Zhou An wonder if Black Jade's understanding was used in the wrong place.

Such a taboo woman, speaking in front of her, is simply uncontrollable.

But it's not a big problem.

"You like it, right? Then drink it as much as you can." Zhou An chuckled and waved out several Holy Spirit Demonic Bodies.

Rays of white light enveloped the black jade, and in an instant, the black jade hung on Zhou An's body, making bursts of squeaking sounds.

[Holy Spirit Demonic Body +1]

In front of his eyes, proficiency reappeared, and Zhou An's eyes became brighter and brighter.

He felt that he might not be able to rest these days.

"It's only 10,000 points, do it!" Zhou An waved the white light and became even more excited.

In the blink of an eye, several days passed again.

The higher the skill, the harder it is to acquire proficiency. Fortunately, Zhou An is a man of the day and night.

Finally, the Holy Spirit Demonic Body gained 10,000 points of proficiency.

In front of my eyes, the smoke changed again and appeared in the mid-air.

[Storage proficiency: 100000/100000]

When the proficiency level is full, it must be used.

However, Zhou An did not add it to other skills, but looked at the skill of Diao Diao.

[Sneak fishing lv.3 (harvest +2, unknown +1): 1/40000]

He is a bit obsessive.

Now, other skills are all at level seven, and the medical Gu species has reached level eight.

But Gui Diao was still at level three, which was very uncomfortable for him.

Moreover, from the current point of view, one hundred thousand points is not enough to improve any skill, but it is enough to improve the trick fishing by many levels.

For Zhou An, it was very satisfying.

What's more, although the trick fishing skill does not improve combat effectiveness, it has a really powerful auxiliary effect.

In the beginning, it was Gu Diao who gave him the quick liver healing Gu seed, so Zhou An was looking forward to this skill.

"Open up!"

Zhou An didn't hesitate at all and increased his stored proficiency to Guidiao.

In front of me, the proficiency of storage is decreasing, but the proficiency of fishing is rising rapidly.

After a while, the trick fishing skill reached level four.

[Sneak fishing lv.4 (harvest +2, unknown +2): 1/60000]

The unknown attribute, if increased a little, may seem small, but the improvement it brings is huge.

The trick fishing skill is five levels away, and there are still 60,000 proficiency points left.

And these 60,000 points of proficiency are just enough.

Thinking of this, Zhou An did not hesitate and used the remaining 60,000 points of stored proficiency on sneak fishing.

Soon, all the stored proficiency was spent by Zhou An, and Guidiao also successfully reached level five.

[Cunning fishing lv.5 (harvest +4, unknown +4): 1/80000]

Looking at the skills in front of him, Zhou An's mouth twitched slightly.

This thing has reached 80,000 points again, it is real liver.

Now, after all the accumulated proficiency was squandered by himself, Zhou An felt that he had to gain some proficiency again.

Now, other skills have not changed, only a few have changed.

[Holy Spirit Demonic Body lv.7 (purification +10, dispersion +10, power +10) 10000/120000]

[Medical Gu Species lv.8 (Medical Theory +12, Toxicity +12, Poison Penetration +12): 1/140000]

[Cunning fishing lv.5 (harvest +4, unknown +4): 1/80000]

[Storage proficiency: 0/100000]

Looking at the smoke in front of him, Zhou An thought about whether he should continue to use the liver spirit demon body.


Zhou An turned his head and looked at the black jade hanging on his body like a puddle of mud, and felt that it would be better to rest temporarily.

If this continues, Black Jade may not be able to withstand it.

"Eat!" Zhou An said.

The originally soft black jade suddenly became energetic and stood up immediately.

"Go, go, go!"

Black Jade took Zhou An's arm and began to lead him outside.

Zhou An had no choice but to let Black Jade lead him and walk outside.

After going out, Zhou An had a quick bite to eat, and then went out for a walk with Hei Yu.

He thought about which skill of Gan would be better after he returned.

The employment area of ​​Black Jade is very wide.

Even if he doesn't have the Holy Spirit Demon Body, he can still use other skills on Black Jade.

Such as clairvoyance, flying dragon body technique, and Bagua arithmetic.

"Oh, no, Bagua arithmetic can be used on myself." Zhou An thought.

He quickly made a decision to change his skills after returning.

As for why he didn't develop other skills, Zhou An felt that he was too lazy to think about it.

Because you have storage proficiency, you can start with what you are familiar with and convenient.

Then use the storage proficiency to deal with those inconveniences.

Only when there is really no other way, Zhou An will use those inconvenient skills.

The two of them walked around the street for a long time. Black Jade found a candy man who looked like Zhou An and ate it hesitantly.

With this look, Zhou An always felt a chill on the back of his head.

After returning home, Zhou An originally thought about liver skills, but he suddenly thought of a question.

"I haven't used the trick fishing skill much, why don't I give it a try?" Zhou An thought to himself.

Now that Diao Diao has reached the fifth level, Zhou An really wants to try it.

He had other skills before, so he didn't put his mind on it, but it's different now.

Zhou An felt that since he just had some free time, he might as well go fishing.

Not every time, we will catch Dai Viet. After all, you can't catch someone harvesting wool. It would be too rude.

If this happens, it can only be said that Emperor Yun Qi of Dai Viet Kingdom is very unlucky.

Thinking of this, Zhou An skillfully took out the fishing rod, then like an old hand, came to the yard and threw the rod in the air.

At this time, it was already afternoon, and in the sky, fire clouds had already covered half of the sky.

Smoke was curling up from the cooking pots, and the people also started to light fires and cook, looking happy and happy.

As Zhou An's action of throwing the rod appeared, the next moment, the fishhook stayed in mid-air, wrapped in a mist.

After the fog appeared, Zhou An held his breath and waited patiently.

After about a stick of incense, Zhou An felt the movement on the fishing rod through the Qi all over the fishing rod.

The fishhook began to shake violently, proving that the big fish had taken the bait.

"Hey, let me see whose good thing it is." Zhou An felt happy and pulled the fishing rod.

As the fishing rod was pulled, the fog above the fishhook disappeared in the next moment.

Instead, there was something round and round, like a luminous pearl.

Zhou An was stunned for a moment, then showed a look of joy: "Inner elixir!"

This time, what he caught was the inner elixir that is unique to Taoist Qi practitioners after they reach the All Saint Realm.

This thing, just like the relic, can restore the guild's consciousness.

For Zhou An, it was a truly practical treasure.

With this, he has a new trump card, and he can summon the cheap mother-in-law to deal with powerful enemies.

Zhou An took out the inner elixir, put it into the pink money bag, looked at the fishing rod in his hand, and continued to throw it.

Now that you've caught something good, if you don't try it again, you won't be able to use this skill.

Zhou An is looking forward to what good things will come next.

But unfortunately, the attribute of unknown is actually very confusing at certain times.

Next, Zhou An caught a lot of strange things.

There are stones, dead grass, and even a warm bellyband.

After fishing for a while, Zhou An chose to give up.

He is a man of great self-control.

If he couldn't catch it, he wouldn't waste his time.

"So, let's focus on liver proficiency. From now on, just take one shot every day."

Zhou An has made up his mind to take one shot every day from now on, just to try his luck, not to force it, and to avoid wasting time.

Thinking about this, Zhou An thought for a while, called Black Jade again, and then performed Bagua arithmetic.

This skill is also an extremely practical skill, even surpassing Thousand Miles of Eyes, so Zhou An decided to focus on this first.

As for the Holy Spirit Demonic Body, let’s wait until Black Jade recovers for a while.

Soon, Zhou An fell into madness.

Barbarian country.

The emperor of the barbarian country fell into deep thought as he listened to his subordinates talking about the theft of the treasury.

An inner elixir was stolen from the tightly guarded treasure house of his barbaric country, which was a rare treasure.

The officials who inspected the treasure trove rushed over as soon as possible and were frightened.

"I'm just going to tell you why Emperor Yun Qi seized the empty door. I guess something was stolen, but I didn't expect it to fall on my head, haha."

"Although I have been driven to a barbaric land, you, a disgusting empty door digging people's graves, cannot cause trouble on my head."

The Emperor of the Man Kingdom said coldly: "Here comes the order to attack Kongkongmen without delay."

"In addition, this time Yunqi Diguang recruits doctors, my plan will also be implemented."

"Yes!" The subordinate agreed quickly.

Then, the subordinates left quickly, leaving only the Emperor of Man.

After his subordinates left, the Man Emperor looked at the empty room with an increasingly ferocious expression.

"Back then, you, Emperor Yun Qi, killed the most people in our Barbarian Kingdom. I will let you die a miserable death. Don't think that I don't know what you provoked..."

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