All around, there was still a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

Countless corpses fell from the sky, and the land was desolate and cruel.

The cracks spanned the sky and the earth, like huge eyes, commenting on the common people, full of death and desolation.

And within the cracks, terrifying and ancient shadows were lingering in it. Those eyes were cold and cruel, as if they were going to wipe out the entire world.

Under this look, everything around him was filled with a sense of death, and all living beings seemed to be bearing the terrifying threat of death in his eyes.

Although the cracks are slowing down, this speed requires more saints to use their lives to block them.

In Ye Shuang's eyes, although Qing Shuangzi was standing on the same spot, the silence behind him seemed to be Qing Shuangzi's background.

Because Qing Shuangzi's murderous aura was even worse than the surrounding silence.

"Kill someone?" Ye Shuang reacted quickly: "Senior, do you mean to kill Master Qingfeng Temple?"

She is a smart person and has already heard the meaning from Qing Shuangzi's words.

"If he is such a cold-blooded person, he is not worthy to be the successor of my Dameng Sanqianqiu."

Qingshuangzi said slowly: "It's okay to escape from the world. This is a choice. I have no right to interfere."

"But after receiving the benefits, you still hide from the world, and don't save the believers when they are in trouble, they are worse than pigs and dogs."

"This person should be killed."

Ye Shuang nodded, and then thought of something again, and said: "But senior, he is in the All Saint Realm, and I am only in the Psychic Realm. How can I kill the entire Saint Realm with the Psychic Realm?"

Speaking of adversity, Ye Shuang couldn't help but think of Zhou An.

If it were Zhou An, then all this would be reasonable.

After all, Zhou An's victory over adversity has long been widely circulated in the world of martial arts.

Everything that comes with adversity will be reasonable once it falls on Zhou An.

But to be honest, Ye Shuang is only in the psychic realm. Although she is also a leader in the same realm, it is just a fool's dream to really compete in this old-style All Saint realm.

"What if I take action?"

Qing Shuangzi glanced at Ye Shuang and said calmly.

Ye Shuang's eyes suddenly widened: "Senior, isn't he a talented person? How can he take action?"

This confused her a bit.

It would be too outrageous to be able to take advantage of someone with a certain level of talent.

"You are now in a desperate situation. It is obvious that he is dealing with you."

Qingshuangzi said: "There is a Taoist method in the Taoist sect that allows me to take over your body with my talent. Although it cannot improve your realm, it has various benefits for you."

"One, you can get through this crisis."

"Secondly, you can completely integrate with my talent and use it to its limit."

"What's the price?"

Ye Shuang asked: "Senior, there should be a price for this, right?"

"I disappeared into thin air."

Qingshuangzi waved his hand indifferently: "There will be no trace of me in the world. My talent will be completely integrated with yours, and I will disappear completely."

Hearing this, Ye Shuang fell into silence and remained silent for a long time.

Qing Shuangzi saw Ye Shuang's expression and understood what Ye Shuang meant: "I am just a talent. Like many talents, it will disappear sooner or later. You don't need to worry."

Some things become meaningless if you talk about them too much.

Having said this, Ye Shuang knew that if she still behaved like a mother-in-law, I'm afraid it would have the opposite effect.

"Senior, thank you very much." Ye Shuang cupped his hands and performed Taoist etiquette again.

Qing Shuangzi smiled and said: "I want to thank you very much. From now on, peace in this world will still depend on you, the younger generation."

"Okay, no need to say more, just open your heart."

Ye Shuang nodded and followed Qing Shuangzi's words to relax.

She had just done this, and the next moment, she saw everything around her disappearing rapidly.

The apocalyptic scene was gone, replaced by chaos.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Shuang discovered that Qing Shuangzi was also missing.

And she had escaped from the dream and returned to reality.

But the scene at this moment had a somewhat different feeling, because Ye Shuang found that he seemed to be in a third-party perspective, observing himself from top to bottom.

Ye Shuang, no, should be called Qing Shuangzi who controls Ye Shuang's body.

Qingshuangzi stood up slowly, looked at the void in front of him, and disappeared in a flash.

"The Taoist secret technique shrunk the ground into an inch." Ye Shuang exclaimed in her heart.

She had only seen this kind of random method from her teacher, and seeing it again now was simply unbelievable.

After a while, the room was empty.


The Master of Qingfeng Temple spat out a mouthful of blood, his face was full of shock, and he murmured to himself.

"In ancient times, sages, Qingshuangzi, Taoist leaders..."

In his dream, he witnessed everything, and he also knew the terrifying identity of that woman who was like an immortal.

This time, it overturned.


The Master of Qingfeng Temple almost did not hesitate, stood up, took out a few talismans, and stuck them on his body.

But after putting the talisman paper on, I found that it had no effect at all, as if it was fake.

At this time, a voice, accompanied by Ye Shuang's figure, appeared in the room.

"The Divine Wind Talisman is a gadget I made when I was bored, and it has been passed down."

Upon hearing this, the Master of Qingfeng Temple suddenly looked at Qingshuangzi with fear in his eyes: "Senior...Senior..."

"You don't need to call me senior. If you still have the Taoist style, commit suicide." Qingshuangzi said calmly.

His tone and demeanor showed no regard for Master Qingfeng, just like an ant.


When these two words were spoken, Master Qingfeng was stunned and did not react for a long time.

When he reacted, his face had a ferocious look, and the Taoist aura on his body became as terrifying as fire.

"I have lived for so long just waiting for you to commit suicide?"

The Master of Qingfeng Temple clenched his fists: "You are just a talent and an old thing. Why would you let me commit suicide with just one sentence!"

"What can you do even if you control Ye Shuang's body? Aren't you still in the psychic realm? Do you think that anyone can overcome adversity like Zhou An?"

"Today, I will kill you and let Daniel, that pig and dog, live in sorrow for the rest of his life."

As soon as the words fell, a stick of floating dust appeared in the hands of the Master of Qingfeng Temple and hit Ye Shuang.

On the floating dust, every thread is like a sharp weapon, with terrifying spells on it.

But Qingshuangzi's eyes were always calm, as if he had never put Master Qingfeng in his eyes.

When the dust was about to approach, the next moment, the master of Qingfeng Temple discovered that the surrounding scenery had changed.

"Is this... a dream?"

"Big dream for three thousand years!"

The master of Qingfeng Temple reacted suddenly.

There was darkness all around, and in the darkness, there were naked corpses lying on the ground.

They were all women, with countless scars and bruises on their bodies.

Qingshuangzi was stunned.

She used Qingfeng Guanzhu's dream as the basis to introduce the most terrifying thing, but she never expected that it was these female corpses.

These are what Master Qingfeng Temple has done before, and they are also what he fears the most.

In just a moment, Qingshuangzi reacted, and the murderous aura on his body became even stronger.


"It's okay to hide from the world, and it's okay to not care about the life and death of believers, but you actually attack the common people!"

"You, damn it!"

As a sage in ancient times, a Taoist leader, and the number one Taoist in the world.

Qingshuangzi, like the sages of that era, put the people first and was willing to die for the sake of all living things in the world.

But the scene before her eyes made her eyes wide open!

The people he once protected were oppressed and humiliated within his own sect.

There are only two words in Qingshuangzi's mind - kill!

Ye Shuang looked at this scene from the third perspective, and the coldness on his body gradually increased, as if he was looking at a human devil.

"Death? Am I going to die?"

"I want to live!"

The master of Qingfeng Temple looked ferocious: "I have experienced so much suffering from being weak to being strong. Why should I die? Those who die should be ordinary people with short lives!"

"How long is their lifetime, they are the ones who deserve to die. Besides, before they died, I allowed them to experience unprecedented happiness."

"The same goes for you! You want me to die and drag me into a dream, but I will do the same if I dream for three thousand years!"

Speaking of this, the master of Qingfeng Temple wanted to activate the Qi in his body.

But then, he discovered that he simply couldn't do it.

"Why!" Master Qingfeng Temple was stunned.

"No one understands Dream Three Thousand Autumns better than me."

Qingshuangzi said slowly: "If you are in the All Saint Realm of other professions, you may still be able to deal with it, but the Tao Sect is what I have inherited."

In Qingshuangzi, a different kind of domineering energy emerged from before.

"I am the number one Taoist in the world, I am the leader of the Taoist sect, and I am Qingshuangzi, that is why."

As soon as these words came out, the female corpses on the ground suddenly started to move.

Their joints were twisted, like a dark terror, crawling towards the Lord of Qingfeng Temple.

Qingshuangzi said calmly: "You have harmed them, and dying in their hands is your destination."

Qingfeng Temple Master's feet were pulled by a female corpse. The female corpse climbed up, opened its bloody mouth, and bit off a large piece of Qingfeng Temple Master's flesh.

Bones can be seen deep in Qingfeng Temple's thigh.

The pain kept sweeping over me.

Just as the Master of Qingfeng Temple was about to speak, a female corpse was chewed on and a large piece of flesh was torn off.

In just a moment, the screams of Qingfeng Temple Master could not be heard without stopping.

Pieces of skin and flesh were torn apart, and the scene of blood and flesh flying everywhere looked terrifying, but in Ye Shuang's eyes, the Master of Qingfeng Temple at this time deserved to die.

She looked at all this indifferently, as if everything was normal.

After a while, the screams of Qingfeng Temple Master had completely disappeared.

Those female corpses glared at the bones on the ground with anger and despair.

The flesh and blood had been chewed away, and there were only some bloodshot threads hanging on the white bones.

"Go out and take a look." Qingshuangzi waved his hand.

Everything around him disappeared again, and he returned to the room again.

At this time, in the room, the face of Qingfeng Temple Master had fear on his face, and he had lost the breath of life.

Even at the last moment of death, Master Qingfeng died in fear and died miserably.

On the ground, a Taoist inner elixir was suspended in mid-air. Qingshuangzi waved his sleeves and put them away.

Ye Shuang also witnessed this moment. Just when she was wondering why she hadn't returned to her body yet, she heard Qing Shuangzi speak again.

"There are still people in the three holy realms. Let's take advantage of this period to kill them all."

After saying these words, Qingshuangzi slowly moved forward, shrunk to an inch and used it.

The next moment, Qing Shuangzi disappeared from the spot.

In a quaint room.

The great elder of Ye Dao Sect is currently studying Dameng Sanqianqiu, preparing to adapt it into Ye Dao method and then use it himself.

Although they no longer planned to deal with Ye Shuang, they were a little addicted to this method.

Next to him, the other two elders were cooperating.

"Da Meng San Qian Qiu is indeed very profound, but it is just an adaptation, so the problem is not that big." said the great elder of Ye Dao Sect.

"I didn't expect that Qingfeng would come up with such a good thing in order to deal with Ye Shuang." Another elder said with a smile.

The last elder clenched his fists: "On the contrary, it gives us an advantage, not bad."

The three of them all felt refreshed during this exchange.

They feel that they are getting a bargain in vain.

Just then, a voice came.

"How have you cultivated Taoism? Is this also Taoism?"

Qingshuangzi appeared in the room, feeling the atmosphere in the room, and frowned.

As soon as she appeared, the three Ye Dao Sect elders present immediately became furious.

They didn't even feel that a woman suddenly appeared in the room, and this woman turned out to be Ye Shuang!

The situation was as if they were discussing how to deal with someone, but this person was nearby and listened to every move, as if they were conspiring loudly in front of others.

The Great Elder of Ye Dao Sect also reacted very quickly, and almost instantly, he attacked Qing Shuangzi.

Now that people have appeared, it proves that they are all exposed, and the only way to solve it is to take action.

The other two elders also took action, exuding an evil aura.

When the various Taoist techniques were used from their hands, they did not have the air of Taoism at all. Instead, they exuded a disgusting and disgusting aura.

After Qingshuangzi saw this scene, his brows furrowed even deeper: "What happened to the Taoist sect these years when I was gone? This kind of quick fix is ​​simply against the rules!"

Then, Qingshuangzi raised his right hand and clenched it slightly.

Following her movement, the wild magic that was blasting towards him suddenly stopped in mid-air.

The three elders of Ye Dao Sect looked at each other, shocked by the scene before them.

They were all powerful in the Holy Realm, but why were they controlled by Ye Shuang single-handedly?

Qingshuangzi didn't give them a chance to be shocked.

As the original leader of the Taoist sect, he had fought countless strange battles and had rich experience. Of course, he had better grasp of the timing of battles.

When the three Ye Dao Sect elders were stunned, Qing Shuangzi waved his palms several times.

On the palm of his hand, spells appeared in the air.

After these spells appeared, they attacked the three Taoist elders with a terrifying sense of oppression.

When the great elder of Ye Dao Sect saw these talismans, his eyes widened suddenly: "These are all Tao sect talismans that have been lost for a long time. Even the national master has never learned them. How can you know these?"

His shocked words had disappeared, because the talismans fell on the three of them instantly and exploded.

Judging from Ye Shuang's current strength in the Psychic Realm, it is actually very difficult to go up to the Holy Realm, but these people are all from the Taoist sect.

Even the wild Taoist sect belongs to the Taoist sect, and the wild Taoist methods used also belong to the category of Taoist methods.

Qingshuangzi was once the number one Taoist in the world, so he had an unimaginable advantage in suppressing the Taoist sect.

"Everything you know comes from me."

Just one move can make their attacks invisible, and now taking the initiative to attack, the effect will be even more terrifying than anyone can imagine.

The three elders of the Wild Sect vomited blood and their bodies were in pieces. They were seriously injured in just one move.

Ye Shuang looked at this scene from a third perspective and felt that all this was actually normal and not surprised at all.

It would be strange if the dignified leader of the Taoist sect, the number one person in the world in ancient times, couldn't even deal with the miscellaneous fish of these wild Taoist sects.

"Who are you? You can't be Ye Shuang!" The great elder of Ye Dao Sect spat out another mouthful of blood, with an unbelievable emotion in his tone.

Qingshuangzi looked at the great elder of Ye Daomen indifferently, then without saying a word, he raised his left hand and pressed it down in the air.

The terrifying talisman reappeared and fell on the three Ye Dao Sect elders. In an instant, these three elders were turned into flying ashes all over the ground under the attack of the talisman paper.

The three inner elixirs fell to the ground after the elder died.

Qingshuangzi put it in his purse.

At this time, there was another noise from the surroundings.

The members of the Zhuxie Division who had been responsible for protecting Ye Shuang suddenly appeared at this moment.

Everyone pointed their weapons at Ye Shuang.

They didn't know about Ye Shuang entering the dreamland. After all, the Dao of Dream Three Thousand Autumns was too strange.

But at this time, Ye Shuang suddenly became violent and killed many people. At this time, they suspected that there was something wrong with Ye Shuang.

Because they felt Ye Shuang's aura on Ye Shuang's body, it was no longer as deserted as before, but an indifferent aura like an immortal, which was intimidating.

It's like a new person.

When he thought about the members of the Zhuxie Division who had experienced many storms after changing to another person, he had an idea.

"Could it be that the body was taken away by some special method?"

With this idea in mind, they surrounded Ye Shuang.

This matter must be dealt with immediately, and it must be resolved immediately. If something happens to Ye Shuang in Dayue Country, he will really have no way to explain it to Dayue Country.

Those who are responsible for protection must be pulled out and convicted one by one.

So first control the situation in front of you.

Qingshuangzi glanced around indifferently: "I know you are protecting her, but now is not the time. Now that you are out, let's go see my old friends."

Having said this, Qingshuangzi made a mistake and disappeared from the spot, leaving behind a group of members of the Zhuxie Division.

Everyone's face was stiff.

"what to do?"

These three words echoed in the hearts of the members of the Zhuxie Division.

The leading member of the Zhuxie Division sighed.

"We can only report the matter first and see how the superiors resolve it."

Everyone nodded, saying that this was the only way.

Thinking of this, they also left quickly.

Of course Zhou An knew nothing about what happened here.

At this time, he was preparing to enter the palace and meet Emperor Yunqi.

Just now, the general office came over and said that all the procedures have been cleared.

Emperor Yun Qi said it himself and asked him to leave immediately and enter the palace.

Zhou An also thought about settling this matter, so he immediately set off, left Zhuxie Division, and walked towards the palace.

There is not much distance from here to the palace. After all, this is the headquarters of the Zhuxie Division, so Zhou An arrived at the entrance of the palace without walking long.

Blocking the entrance to the palace were two soldiers wearing armor, and their aura was also very powerful.

After all, this is the forbidden land of Dai Viet Kingdom. Even a small soldier can cause a storm if he is placed in the rivers and lakes.

In addition to these two soldiers, there was also a middle-aged eunuch who put his hands in his sleeves.

When the middle-aged eunuch saw Zhou An, his eyes lit up and he immediately walked up, bowed his hands and said, "I have met Lord Zhou. Please follow me into the palace, Lord Zhou."

After speaking, he didn't waste any time. He didn't even wait for Zhou An to respond before turning around and leading the way.

As eunuchs in the palace, they deeply understand the importance of concise and concise words.

If you work as an errand in the palace and cannot keep things simple and smooth, you are likely to get into trouble.

This is also their traditional habit.

Getting things done as quickly as possible is the most important thing.

Zhou An was also a cheerful person, and he didn't talk nonsense. He just followed the eunuch silently and walked towards the palace.

The royal palace of Dai Viet Kingdom is different from that of Da Chu Kingdom.

Here, some styles and buildings are completely incompatible with the style of the Great Chu Kingdom, and some of the protection and defense here are also completely different from those of the Great Chu Kingdom.

If the Chu Kingdom placed its defense in the dark, then the Dai Viet Kingdom placed its defense in the open.

Maybe it is easy to be discovered in the open, but this kind of openness is also a kind of shock to other people.

Zhou An didn't look much. You don't need to use your eyes to see these things. With a thousand-mile sight, everything can be seen clearly.

Under the leadership of the eunuch, Zhou An arrived at Emperor Yunqi's study room not long after.

"Master Zhou, just go in. I'll take my leave first." The middle-aged eunuch completed his task and didn't stay long. He turned around and left.

Zhou An turned his head and looked at the house in front of him. He could hear the coughing in the house, so he walked forward and knocked on the door.

"come in."

After speaking the three words that were slightly weak, Zhou An pushed the door open and saw Emperor Yun Qi sitting in his seat holding a bowl and drinking the soup in the bowl.

This was the second meeting between him and Emperor Yun Qi, but if it was considered a formal meeting, it was only the first time.

Unlike Emperor Yun Qi in the psychic space, Emperor Yun Qi at this moment has more and more diseases on his body.

Zhou An didn't even need to use the medical Gu seed to feel that Emperor Yun Qi was in a very bad state at the moment.

Emperor Yun Qi drank the medicine, but his hands were shaking slightly, and there was a hint of paleness and weakness on his face.

Halfway through the medicine, I coughed several times and looked even weaker.

"Your Majesty, even this magical medicine can't suppress your disease?" Zhou An asked.

"The effect of this medicine is indeed getting worse and worse." Emperor Yun Qi drank the medicine in one gulp and coughed a few more times.

Although he looks like a middle-aged man, he looks a little staggering after being tortured by the disease.

"The psychic medicine is good, but there is some resistance. The effect of this medicine will only get worse day by day. When it cannot be suppressed, the disease in my body will completely break out."

Having said this, Emperor Yun Qi did not want to continue on this topic, but wiped his mouth and asked.

"You came to see me, maybe you already have an idea?"

"There is indeed an idea, but I'm not very sure." Zhou An said slowly, "So you need to take a look in person to determine whether this idea is mature."

Emperor Yun Qi nodded and leaned his back on the chair, but still straightened his back: "Then just watch, I originally wanted you to watch."

Among the tens of thousands of people in Dai Viet Kingdom, he was riddled with diseases, but he still kept his straight posture, as if he didn't want his waist to collapse and let others feel his weakness at the moment.

He is the emperor, the leader among the ten thousand people in Dai Viet Kingdom. He cannot let others see his weakness, otherwise many people will take advantage of him.

After all, he can't grasp everyone's heart.

Zhou An didn't hesitate, and immediately circulated the Qi in his body and cast the medical Gu seed.

The next moment, Emperor Yun Qi in front of him had changed into another appearance.

Even though Zhou An was used to seeing difficult and complicated diseases, he couldn't help but be a little surprised when he saw Emperor Yun Qi at this moment.

Emperor Yunqi's body was covered with layers of diseases, so densely packed that even a single hair was covered with countless diseases.

Perhaps in the eyes of ordinary people, Emperor Yun Qi is still the same, but in Zhou An's view, Emperor Yun Qi at this moment seems to be a complex of diseases.

The psychic medicine stabilized his condition and allowed the diseases to check and balance each other without completely breaking out. Once the properties of the psychic medicine gradually decreased and disappeared, this balance would be completely broken.

And the disease after it is broken will completely break out and kill Emperor Yun Qi in an instant.

"Is this the epidemic?" Zhou An touched his chin, feeling very troubled.

It is extremely difficult for ordinary people to unravel this dense collection of diseases. After all, there are too many.

Moreover, every disease complements each other and is connected with each other, which is equivalent to a chain formation.

It is extremely difficult to crack.

Emperor Yun Qi saw Zhou An's frown and smiled freely: "Don't worry, I will still give you what I promised you. If no one can solve it, then I will step into the imperial mausoleum and sleep forever in it." There?"

"It's just the current situation in this world, I don't know how it will change."

He has given up on it.

To be honest, he sought medical treatment in order to survive, not for himself, but for the sake of the country of Dai Viet.

If he dies, not only will Dai Viet's domestic situation be in turmoil, but other countries will seize this opportunity to stir up trouble and cause irreversible effects.

This is what he doesn't want to see.

The desolate life cannot appear in his place, otherwise how can he be worthy of everyone in the imperial mausoleum of Dayue Kingdom?

But now if there is really no other way, he can only try his best to stabilize the situation before he dies.

"It can be solved, but not at once." Zhou An said.

Emperor Yun Qi was slightly startled: "Can you figure it out?"

Zhou An nodded firmly.

Because just now, he tried to analyze some of these symptoms.

After analyzing hundreds of them, a puff of smoke appeared in front of my eyes, and the smoke finally condensed, increasing my proficiency in the medical Gu species.

This means that Zhou An was able to upgrade the medical Gu species by treating Emperor Yunqi of the Dayue Kingdom.

And looking at the ferocity of the disease, it seems that the medical Gu species can continue to kill the liver.

"Your Majesty should know that the best way to treat something like a disease is to treat the root cause rather than the symptoms. But in your case, it is very difficult to treat the root cause, but it is not so difficult to treat the symptoms."

While talking, Zhou An used his Qi to communicate with the disease in Emperor Yun Qi's body.

Emperor Yun Qi could feel Qi entering his body.

But he didn't stop.

In fact, as one of the few top-notch people in the world, Zhou An's little energy will not cause any harm to him.

He was also curious about how Zhou An treated him.

After a while, Emperor Yun Qi was surprised to find that the diseases on the nails of his little fingers had been removed.

Although it is only as small as a fingernail, there are thousands of diseases lingering around.

"Can your Qi swallow up my disease?" Of course Emperor Yun Qi had this kind of vision, he saw it quickly and shook his head regretfully.

"It's a pity that even if it is swallowed, it will still grow back."

"It will grow back, but if most of His Majesty's diseases are eliminated, even if he recovers, it won't be that fast."

By this time, Zhou An had already discovered the horror of the disease.

It’s not that it can’t be eliminated, but that it will grow back after it is eliminated.

As long as all the disease is not eradicated, it will grow again.

Emperor Yun Qi narrowed his eyes: "You mean, only regular cleaning of diseases in the body?"

How could he not understand what Zhou An meant.

Obviously, this stuff can only be handled on a regular basis.

"Not sure." Zhou An shook his head: "Maybe when my strength is higher, I can eliminate all of His Majesty's diseases, but for now, it seems that this is the only solution."

This is Zhou An's plan. Whether it's treating a doctor or swallowing a disease, the current Yun Qi Emperor is simply a tool to improve his proficiency.

As the liver grows, his skills will become stronger and stronger, and he will be able to devour more and more diseases.

Zhou An felt that maybe he would stay here for a while, and with his skill of medical Gu seed, it would be possible for him to reach the level of overtaking in corners during this period of time.

It is very possible to reach level nine first and produce a qualitative change.

Qualitative change, this is what Zhou An wants most. Maybe after the qualitative change, there will be a new solution, no one can say.

Emperor Yun Qi fell into deep thought, and then said: "I have retained this method. There are still many doctors who have not come in. I will conduct unified treatment in the future. Maybe other doctors have a way."

Emperor Yun Qi planned to keep it as a preliminary method. If other doctors could not do anything, he would use this as a treatment method.

Zhou An nodded: "How about I live in this palace during this period and continue to analyze the diseases in Your Majesty's body?"

"You are willing, yes, no problem. I think these five inner elixirs are well worth the money." Emperor Yun Qi said with a smile.

Zhou An nodded, as if I was very honest, but he felt more and more happy inside.

He had a hunch that his medical Gu species would undergo big changes, and this was the opportunity for all changes. (End of chapter)

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