It's obviously a life skill, but you developed it into a magical skill

Chapter 261 The condition worsens (please vote for me)

The Royal Palace of Dai Viet Kingdom.

This place is an extremely mysterious place for the outside world.

The road inside is wide, and there are an endless stream of guards and maids, all kinds of guards, both overt and covert.

Walking in the Royal Palace of Dai Viet Kingdom, you can feel a sense of history and weight, which makes people feel solemn.

The Imperial Study Room of the Imperial Palace of Dayue Kingdom is a forbidden area among forbidden areas, and very few people can enter it.

Here, things to be dealt with every day gather like raindrops, and every letter sent out will have a decisive effect on Dai Viet.

The guards in the royal study are even more important, which is jaw-dropping.

Everyone here, if sent to the Jianghu, is enough to become a powerful person.

Such a forbidden place is something Zhou An has become accustomed to.

"Master Zhou, we are here again today."

The soldiers guarding outside the imperial study raised their hands when they saw Zhou An approaching.

Zhou Anzheng came to the door of the imperial study room as if taking a leisurely stroll: "The food in the imperial dining room is good today, but they won't let me pack it, otherwise I will bring it to all the brothers to try."

The soldier quickly said he didn't dare.

In fact, during the recent period, Zhou An has been in the palace as if he were at home, and he can go wherever he wants.

They ate in the imperial dining room, lived in splendid rooms, and were even served by maids.

These soldiers have long been accustomed to it, and they are even very familiar with Zhou An.

"The prince has been away dealing with affairs recently. Hearing that Mr. Zhou was here, he sent a glass of wine."

The soldier took out a jar of aged wine and handed it over.

Zhou An also met the King of the Far West and even had exchanges with him.

As a top person in the world, the King of Far West has been very busy recently and has been working away from home.

But after knowing that Zhou An was here, and even knowing that Zhou An was here to treat his brother's illness, he also expressed his feelings at this time.

"When will the prince come back?" Zhou An asked casually.

"Probably it's time to resolve the grievances of the imperial mausoleum before I come back." The soldier replied.

Eliminating the grievances of the imperial mausoleum was a very important matter for the Dayue Kingdom, so the King of Far West had to come back to help him no matter what happened.

Zhou An nodded and walked into the imperial study.

At this time, in the imperial study, Emperor Yun Qi's face was still slightly sickly, but his mental state was much better.


Emperor Yun Qi put away the brush in his hand.

Zhou An looked at the intact palm and said, "Your Majesty's spirit is much better than before."

"Yes, unfortunately, only one palm was repaired, and the disease is still attacking the intact palm."

Emperor Yun Qi had no regrets at all.

During this time, Zhou An had been in the palace, concentrating on repairing his illness.

So far, with the help of the psychic medicine, one palm has returned to its original state.

But like two armies against each other, other diseases began to attack the palm, as if it were a target.

Zhou An nodded: "I once said that this is a way to alleviate it, and there is currently no way to repair it."

"Doesn't that mean that I will never be able to break away from you in this life?" Emperor Yun Qi said with a smile.

Zhou An shrugged: "I also want to treat His Majesty as soon as possible, but it takes time."

After saying this, in front of Zhou An's eyes, smoke that only he could see emerged, and finally condensed into a few lines of text.

[Medical Gu species lv.8 (medical theory +12, toxicity +12, poison penetration +12): 40000/140000]

[Thousand Mile Eyes lv.7 (Detection +10, Illusion Breaking +10, Range +10): 20000/120000]

[Storage proficiency: 90000/100000]

During this period of time, Zhou An has been here, using Emperor Yun Qi to frantically cultivate medical Gu seeds.

In addition, not long ago, he had learned a lot of clairvoyance, and when we were chatting just now, he also picked up the medical path Gu seed. Now, the storage proficiency level is only 10,000 points, and he can use it.

Zhou An's plan is very simple, that is, to directly cultivate the medical Gu seed until it undergoes a qualitative change. After the qualitative change, it will have an additional attribute.

But now, you only need to plant another 20,000 medical Gus in your liver before you can use the stored proficiency.

After he uses his stored proficiency in the medical Gu species, he will be able to achieve a qualitative change.

The liver has 20,000 points of proficiency. Although the stronger the skill, the slower the proficiency will increase, but 20,000 points will not take much time.

So Zhou An is ready to hurry up.

At this moment, Emperor Yun Qi waved his hand.

"Today, no treatment will be given."

Hearing this, Zhou An said, "Has the doctor entered the palace?"

Normally, he would take time for treatment, but when there was no treatment, Zhou An did not waste time and went to the psychic space to practice Qianli Mu.

Otherwise Chimile wouldn't have so much proficiency.

Today, Emperor Yun Qi said he would not treat him, so Zhou An guessed that it must be related to those doctors.

After all, not long ago, Emperor Yun Qi said that since these doctors are here, they also want to see if there is any treatment method.

Emperor Yun Qi did not shy away from it, nodded and said: "That's true, you should come with me to the main hall."

Naturally, treatment cannot be done in the Imperial Study Room, and there is simply no room for so many doctors.

Therefore, Emperor Yunqi specially found a palace and asked the doctors to stay there for convenient treatment.

Zhou An nodded and did not refuse.

Although he entered the palace early, he still had to go through some procedures.

Otherwise, if word spreads, it will not be good for Emperor Yunqi's reputation.

He was the one who found Guangxun Yi, but now he is avoiding her, which may even affect relations with other countries.

This trip is a must.

Not long after, Zhou An followed Emperor Yun Qi to a main hall in the palace.

The scope of this hall is huge. From a distance, the end of the hall is already extremely small.

The hall is splendid and magnificent, with the utmost casting ability and royal style.

At this time, rows of chairs were placed in the main hall, arranged in an orderly manner.

Every chair is exquisitely crafted, both in shape and workmanship, and is of the highest quality.

From this subtle detail, we can see that the heritage of Dai Viet is indeed extremely sufficient, and it is worthy of being a country with imperial mausoleums.

On the chairs in the main hall, many people dressed as doctors were carrying boxes, putting their hands in their sleeves, or playing with gold needles.

Everyone has different expressions, but they are undoubtedly looking forward to the diagnosis and treatment process.

When Emperor Yun Qi and Zhou An arrived, all the doctors around him turned their attention.

These people are all the leaders of the world and the top of the medical profession.

Although it is not a fighting profession and its level is not very high, for every country, it is a treasure that is protected with all its strength.

Their entourage was an expert much higher than them, escorting them to safety.

"I have met His Majesty!"

Many doctors bowed their hands in salute.

Many doctors looked at Zhou An next to them.

At that time, at the gate of the capital city, the scene of Zhu Xie Si waiting for Zhou An was already known to them.

For such an honor, in their opinion, Zhou An's ability must be extraordinary.

Yi Tian was also watching, with an excited look on his face.

He met Zhou An again.

In fact, Yi Tian already knew that the possibility of finding an opportunity to exchange medical skills with Zhou An was slim.

But if you can witness Zhou An's medical skills through this treatment, you may be able to find your own inspiration from it.

Unlike Yi Tian, ​​Sun Ming from the Sun family looked at Zhou An with a kind of arrogance and provocation.

In Sun Ming's opinion, he could still compile the book written by Zhou An.

The doctors of Da Chu were in decline, and the appearance of Zhou An was just a taller one among the short ones, nothing more than that.

It happened to take advantage of this treatment to reveal Zhou An's face.

More doctors are curious.

They also wanted to see if Zhou An lived up to his reputation.

"You all sit down, no need to be formal."

Emperor Yun Qi came to the top chair and sat down, waving his hands with an indifferent expression.

Zhou An just found a spot at random, planning to just make some fun here.

For Zhou An, this is just a formality, not as exciting as liver proficiency.

So even though Zhou An was sitting here, he was silently analyzing Emperor Yun Qi's illness and feeling the slow rise of medical Gu seeds.

"Let's get started. I will stay here for three days. If I can't solve it in three days, I won't solve it."

Three days seemed very short, but for Emperor Yun Qi, it was long enough.

Many people believe that being an emperor is the most noble thing among thousands of people.

But Emperor Yun Qi was also very tired.

Three days without dealing with matters between the DPRK and China is already a limit.

If this continues, something will happen, and the people of Dai Viet will be in trouble.

Therefore, Emperor Yunqi could only give him three days. If it was more than three days, he would give up the basics and chase the weak.

Many doctors looked at each other, and they all knew that these three days meant an extremely generous time for the emperor.

"On the first day, they will come up in turn to treat me."

"On the second day, I will give you time to think."

"On the third day, give me an answer."

Emperor Yunqi gave the time.

Soon, many doctors began to step forward to examine Emperor Yun Qi.

One after another, after checking, go down immediately to make time for the people behind.

As for the means of inspection, they are also diverse.

Zhou An also went up, went through the formalities, and improved his proficiency by the way.

Time is squeezed out, and the same is true for the improvement of medical Gu species.

The diagnosis and treatment did not take much time. As dusk approached, all the doctors had looked at it.

"Let's eat."

Emperor Yun Qi stood up and left the hall.

Not long after, the maids and eunuchs came in and brought food.

They are the best food in the palace and they are quite delicious.

Zhou An felt a lack of interest, but still ate a lot.

After eating, he planned to go back and catch up on Qianli Mu.

After all, this thing is twice as powerful in the psychic space.

Three days, Zhou An felt, was enough to use these two methods to fully improve the storage proficiency.

Who knew that before Zhou An left, he heard a voice.

"Master Zhou, stay."

Zhou An stopped and looked at the source of the sound.

Yi Tian came quickly and bowed his hands politely: "Master Zhou, do you still remember me?"

Zhou An nodded and said: "Of course I remember, you are a pure healer."

This person made a good impression on Zhou An.

When we were at the gate of the city, even in the presence of Zhu Xie Si, he still dared to say the words of communication.

In Zhou An's view, Yi Tian is a very pure doctor without many tricks.

Yi Tian said with emotion: "It makes me proud to receive such praise from Mr. Zhou. Mr. Zhou's book has given me a lot of inspiration. I wonder if Mr. Zhou has any unique insights into His Majesty's illness?"

Communication is not limited to medical skills. The same applies to communication about diseases.

Zhou An thought for a while and said: "There are so many diseases, and each disease is constantly connected. For now, we can only alleviate it."

He was telling the truth. In fact, Zhou An was such a person.

He actually has a good impression of this kind of pure doctor, so he doesn't care about exchanging opinions and even helps.

After hearing this, Yi Tian expressed his views.

Next, the two actually communicated.

From time to time, many advanced medical skills appeared from the mouths of the two of them.

The more Yi Tian listened, the more surprised he became.

In his opinion, Zhou An is not a terrifying legend in the world, but more like a doctor who saves lives and heals the wounded.

The doctors nearby also heard the exchange between the two and started whispering.

"Master Zhou, isn't it said that he is a man of extremely strong fighting ability? I heard that a being who can fight against all odds, how can he have such superb medical skills?"

"I don't know either, but it seems to me that Mr. Zhou is more like a doctor."

"We doctors, can we fight so well? It makes my hands feel itchy."

"Are your hands itchy? I think your skin is itchy."

Although the sound of many exchanges was small, it faintly reached Sun Ming's ears.

Sun Ming's face turned gloomy.

To be honest, the exchange between the two just now did have a lot of novel views, but he also knows these views and thinks he is no worse than them.

Thinking about this, Sun Ming said loudly.

"Although your opinions are good, they still have some shortcomings. Master Zhou is not a doctor after all, so this is understandable."

Zhou Anzheng was communicating with Yi Tian, ​​and he was somewhat interested. After all, in this regard, he discovered that many of Yi Tian's medical skills also inspired him.

During the exchange, Zhou An also got to know the Yi family.

A family that constantly learns and improves itself. This diligent family is low-key and humble.

Zhou An felt that a person like this was truly worthy of the word doctor.

Just keep learning, and when you encounter something you don't understand, you can even ask a weak doctor for advice. This is something that many people cannot compare to.

But now, an unusual sound suddenly appeared, which made Zhou An very unhappy and cast his gaze over.

"Who are you?" Zhou An frowned.

He remembered that he had never seen the middle-aged man in front of him, nor had he known him before.

But this man's words felt a bit prickly.

"Da Qi Kingdom, Sun Family and Sun Ming."

Sun Ming reported his origin.

Zhou An narrowed his eyes: "Master Yi, this person is from the same country as you?"

Yi Tian nodded, indicating that he was sure, but did not say any more unnecessary words.

"Master Zhou, I think you are not a person in this industry, and some of the things you said are one-sided."

Sun Ming said calmly: "Some things still need to be solved by specialized people. For a layman like you, it is better to listen more. After all, everyone here is much higher than you in terms of qualifications."

The implication behind the words is that Zhou An is not a pure doctor, so don't talk too much.

Zhou An narrowed his eyes, looked at Sun Ming, and said: "Get out."

After Zhou An finished speaking a simple word, everyone present was stunned on the spot.

Sun Ming was also blinded by the scolding. After reacting, he pointed at Zhou An and said, "What do you mean?"

"I told you to get lost, didn't you hear me?"

Zhou An said calmly: "If you were in the Great Chu Kingdom, your head would have fallen to the ground long ago, and no one around you would dare to speak."

Sun Ming sneered and said: "It's a pity that this is not your great Chu country. Lord Zhou, is it because your medical skills are not good that you say dirty words?"

In Sun Ming's opinion, Zhou An is not a doctor.

He is an old and pedantic man, and he thinks that no dignified doctor can give in to such half-heartedness.

That's why he came forward.

In fact, Zhou An also saw it.

There were quite a few such people in his previous life.

When someone uses amateur methods to surpass the professional, the professional will jump out and point fingers.

In Zhou An's opinion, it was disgusting.

"So what if I scold you?"

Zhou An slowly stepped forward and put his hand on Sun Ming's shoulder: "Do you think I should either swallow my anger or say that everyone has real medical skills?"

Sun Ming was slightly stunned, because what Zhou An said was indeed what he thought.

If Zhou An swallows his anger, then word will spread in the world. If Zhou An plans to compete in medical skills, then he also has other ways to deal with it.

But now, Zhou An has told everything, and Sun Ming can't answer.

Zhou An raised his hand on Sun Ming's shoulder: "Sorry, I'm a reckless man. I don't understand your way of pretending to slap someone in the face. I prefer to hit him directly."

In the sight of everyone, with a snap, Sun Ming flew out, knocking the chairs in the palace into pieces.

At this time, Sun Ming's face was swollen, blood was spilled, and his hair was disheveled.

Zhou An turned around and said: "If you don't accept it, go back and report to your Majesty, and ask him to come to the Great Chu Kingdom to support you. Otherwise, shut up your dog mouth, or else you will be chopped into pieces by me one day, and the innocent souls will have nowhere to cry."

Sun Ming covered his face and remained silent.

He could feel that the evil aura on Zhou An's body was like substance.

"Where are the people from Dai Viet? He beat me openly and no one helped me?" Sun Ming shouted.

However, although those eunuchs were very powerful and had many secret guards, they all chose to remain silent.

After all, Mr. Zhou has been in the palace for so long, and everyone's relationship is still quite good.

"Just pretend you didn't see it. I'm old and it's normal for me to have poor eyesight."

Many secret guards thought in their hearts.

Sun Ming shouted several times, but no one answered. He was filled with anger but had nowhere to vent.

Zhou Anke didn't care about this. At this moment, he had returned to his residence, entered the psychic space, and had clairvoyance.

He doesn't want to waste the double time every day. The safest thing now is to use all the time to fill up the storage proficiency, and then let the medical Gu seed reach level nine, completely overtaking him in a corner, and ushering in a qualitative change.

"That should be enough time."

Zhou An was in the psychic space, thinking in his mind.

This night passed quickly.

When the next day came, Zhou An got up early and went to the imperial dining room to have breakfast.

I have to say that Zhou An feels that the food of Dai Viet has an exotic flavor.

There was no way to go to the liver to heal Dao Gu seeds today. After all, Emperor Yun Qi still had to act, so Zhou An simply went to the psychic space again. After finishing his clairvoyance, he returned to the main hall and acted with him.

At this time, the hall was already bustling with activity.

Many doctors are talking about Emperor Yunqi's disease.

After all, they only had three days and only one day to talk, so they were all in a hurry.

Yi Tian came to see Zhou An again, and the two chatted again.

As for Sun Ming, because of his relationship with the doctor, his medical skills are indeed very good, and the swelling on his face has gone down.

However, he looked at Zhou An with a hint of fear.

By yesterday, he had already figured out why the news about Zhou An was so scary in the Chu Kingdom.

Because Zhou An really doesn't act according to common sense.

If I want to hit you, I will hit you. No one can stop me.

As for going back to find the emperor of Da Qi, that is even more impossible.

If you want to say that the prince of Da Qi was beaten, he might still have a chance. Even if he is a piece of shit, the emperor cannot stand up.

After that, Sun Ming didn't dare to talk nonsense anymore.

This day also passed quickly.

Not long after, the third day came.

Zhou An got up early as usual, went to the psychic space for a while, and then went to the main hall.

According to Emperor Yunqi's wishes, today was the time to give out the treatment plan, so many doctors arrived early.

Zhou An found a place to sit down and looked at the smoke in front of him.

The smoke gradually condensed, and finally turned into a few lines of text, which appeared in front of Zhou An's eyes.

[Medical Gu species lv.8 (medical theory +12, toxicity +12, poison penetration +12): 40000/140000]

[Thousand Mile Eyes lv.7 (Detection +10, Illusion Breaking +10, Range +10): 30000/120000]

[Storage proficiency: 95000/100000]

In the past few days, with the influence of the double proficiency, he has gained another 10,000 points of clairvoyance, and his stored proficiency has also increased by 5,000 points.

At present, there are still five thousand points left. Zhou An thinks that he can continue to work on Qianlimu, or he can work on medical Gu seed to finish the remaining five thousand points.

While Zhou An was thinking this, Emperor Yun Qi just walked in from outside and sat in the main seat.

"Three days are up. Have you made any progress?" Emperor Yun Qi asked with a serious face.

Many doctors looked at each other, and then they began to put forward their own opinions and began to implement them.

We are all doctors, and they are all people with superb medical skills. We only need to implement it on Emperor Yunqi to know whether it works.

This process is quite fast. After all, the higher the medical skill, the faster the progress will be.

Emperor Yun Qi didn't care, since it was all about healing, so of course he had to cooperate.

So, one doctor after another began to come forward to treat him.

But these doctors were full of confidence when they went up, but when they came down, they looked downcast.

The treatments they thought of didn't work at all.

Even relief could not be achieved because Emperor Yun Qi's disease was too terrifying.

Yi Tian and Sun Ming also went up for treatment, but the result was the same.

Time gradually passed, and more and more people went up for treatment.

Zhou An stepped forward, pretended to treat him, and then retreated.

Emperor Yun Qi's expression became more and more serious.

He discovered that his disease was more serious than he thought, and even this group of highly skilled doctors could not cure it.

"It seems that only Zhou An can be relieved." Emperor Yun Qi thought in his mind.

At this moment, another doctor stepped forward.

The doctor was a gray-haired old man who looked to be in his seventies or eighties. His steps were staggering and he was staggering when he walked.

This was also a doctor from Da Qi. When he came up, he took out his medicine box and gave Emperor Yun Qi acupuncture.

But the result was still the same. The old doctor sighed and walked aside.

Next, the remaining doctors came one after another, until finally, all the doctors were finished.

During this process, although Zhou An was fishing for fish, he was also analyzing Emperor Yunqi's disease from a distance, focusing on his proficiency in the medical Gu species.

Zhou An's proficiency is rising rapidly.

But then, Zhou An's brows frowned slightly.

He looked at Emperor Yun Qi's intact palm and felt something was wrong.

"The disease on this palm seems to be increasing a bit quickly." Zhou An thought to himself.

Although Zhou An's method can only provide relief, he has already figured out the speed of the disease's backlash and is fully aware of it.

Now, the speed at which the disease attacks this palm is gradually accelerating.

This is impossible, because Zhou Anqi's devouring is not a psychic medicine, and it is impossible to produce so-called drug resistance.

Then, there is only one result.

Someone is causing trouble here!

Zhou An looked around and looked at each one.

In front of his eyes, a golden gossip emerged, spinning constantly.

Based on this incident, he began to speculate on the person behind the scenes.

But then, Golden Bagua's reaction exceeded Zhou An's expectations.

In front of Zhou An's eyes, the threads of Bagua were connected to every doctor.

This means that the reason why Emperor Yunqi's illness accelerated was because of every doctor present.

"Impossible. If that's the case, wouldn't Zhu Xie Si be eating dry food?" Zhou An's brows furrowed deeper and deeper.

If it was just one or two people who wanted to be detrimental to Emperor Yun Qi, they would have tried their best to sneak in.

But now everyone has problems, so that’s not realistic.

If this were the case, the role of the Zhuxie Division would be almost non-existent, and there would be no need for this organization to exist.

"So, what's the problem?" Zhou An touched his chin.

At this time, Emperor Yun Qi, who had always been serious, suddenly raised his intact right palm and looked at it intently.

After looking at it for a while, he suddenly raised his head and said calmly: "Except for Zhou An, everyone here is under control."

After the words fell, countless guards appeared in the darkness, and when the group of doctors failed to react, they quickly took control.

Only Zhou An calmly took a sip of tea.

"Your Majesty, did you see it?"

"My illness is accelerating. If this is the case, I'm afraid my time is running out."

Emperor Yun Qi looked at the doctors around him. The aura of the emperor was constantly exuding from him: "Say, who is it? I can open the mouth of gold, spare his life, and give high officials generous salaries, and have no worries about food and clothing." ."

The emperor's words are not just words. If Emperor Yunqi can say it, he will fulfill it.

But the doctors present all looked at each other with expressions of confusion.

"Your Majesty, I'm afraid this matter has nothing to do with them."

Zhou An suddenly spoke.

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was stunned.

Many doctors discovered that they were all being held down, but nothing happened to Zhou An.


Everyone is here for treatment, why is Zhou An fine?

People can still drink tea with the old god around.

Is the gap between people really that big?

Just when they were confused, Zhou An raised his index finger.

Then, Qi transferred to Emperor Yun Qi's palm and swallowed up all the diseases in that palm.

But then, the disease began to attack the healthy palm again, and faster.

When this scene appeared, all the doctors present were shocked.

"Can he be relieved?"

An idea appeared in the minds of many doctors. Even if they were held down, they could not control it.

Especially Sun Ming, at this moment, he suddenly wanted to slap himself.

With this kind of strength, do you call this amateur?

He felt that being beaten by Zhou An was a slight, and he would probably be ridiculed by his peers later.

Because now Zhou An, in his professional field, has already hung him up and beaten him.

Sun Ming lowered his head and buried his head on the ground, like an ostrich, unwilling to face reality.

Many doctors looked at him with a hint of unknown meaning, which made him feel even more uncomfortable.

Emperor Yun Qi frowned and said, "What do you mean by this?"

Zhou An told what happened and said, "I'd like to trouble my father-in-law to bring them their diagnosis and treatment tools and let me have a look."

Next to him, the middle-aged eunuch cupped his hands and collected all the tools with his own hands.

Afterwards, Zhou An checked one by one.

After checking, Zhou An waved his hand.

The tools for diagnosis and treatment have all changed from what they were before.

A trace of disease appears on the tool.

"It's a good method to cover up the aura with formations, and then use diagnosis and treatment to cure the disease."

Zhou An said slowly: "Your Majesty, your palace is not very safe."

Emperor Yun Qi's face turned cold.

He understood what Zhou An meant, which meant that the person responsible for inspecting the tools had a big problem.

If not, these tools won't flow out.

After all the calculations, the people were taken into account, but the tools were not taken into account, let alone the people who checked the tools.

"Come here, bring all the people who will be inspected that day!" Emperor Yun Qi said angrily.

Several guards disappeared immediately.

Not long after, a dozen eunuchs from Dayue Kingdom were brought up.

These eunuchs looked calm, as if they had already expected today's outcome.

Without asking, you knew it was their problem.

"Which force are you from?" Emperor Yun Qi asked.

"Barbarian country." The leading eunuch sneered: "Your Majesty, don't worry too much, we have already removed the pain, and you will die of illness soon."


Emperor Yun Qi waved his sleeves.

The next moment, all the eunuchs fell to the ground.

"Manguo, you really gave me a great gift."

Emperor Yun Qi said coldly: "That's fine. Since I don't have much time, I'll give them a big gift in return."

He knew that his illness was accelerating this time and he might not have long left.

However, he must avenge this.

"Zhou An, you have merit this time. This time, you go to my treasure house, get five inner elixirs, and then go back. I will fight for life or death with the barbarian country."

Emperor Yun Qi said: "Even if I die, I will cause him huge losses."

He believed that he could no longer suppress it because the disease was accelerating after all.

He estimated that Zhou An was no longer able to rule the law, after all, his condition had worsened.

But he was the emperor, and he had promised Zhou An that he would give it to him even if he was not cured.

But then, Zhou An looked at him doubtfully, as if he didn't understand.

"Your Majesty, the way you looked like a hero dying just now is indeed very accurate and shocking."

"However, I have something to say. I'm afraid it's not appropriate to say it on this occasion."

Emperor Yun Qi frowned slightly: "It's already this time, what else can't be said?"

Zhou An touched his chin and said something that stunned everyone present.

"If it can be cured, why do you want to die?"

(Give me some monthly votes, bro. I’m just short of these three hundred votes to two thousand, please) (End of chapter)

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