
Sun Xiaobai really subconsciously wanted to refuse!

But reason allowed her to restrain her impulses.

Something as important as a task cannot be casually rejected.

Zhao Ningfei is so moody and elusive, if he refuses her this time, then whether she will take the initiative to invite next time is unknown.

Sun Xiaobai really didn't dare to take risks at all.

"It's a bit busy, but I still have time, it's just... Can I bring a friend with me? "

Otherwise, Xinxin is too bored to be at home alone.

And with one more person around, it's safer!

Anyway, the task was not emphasized, and she was not allowed to bring others with her.

Zhao Ningfei subconsciously frowned, it seemed to be a little unhappy, she didn't want a third person to go over!

If there is no mistake, the person that Sun Xiaobai wants to bring over must be her, right?

This time, Zhao Ningfei suppressed the unhappiness in her heart.

She asked quietly, "Who is the friend you are bringing with you?" What is your name?

Sun Xiaobai didn't think much about it.

Because she remembered that Zhao Ningfei said today that she was the Qianjin of the Zhao Group, then she must be particularly cautious about the people who went to her villa, and it was normal to want to understand the situation in advance.

Sun Xiaobai told Zhao Ningfei truthfully.

"Tian Xinxin, a best friend of mine and my best friend."

Hearing the best these two words, Zhao Ningfei's brows frowned again!

She really didn't like adjectives like that.

This kind of adjective shouldn't be exclusive to her Zhao Ningfei?

Not yet, but someday it will....

Before that, patience is required, and patience is required.

Thinking of this, Zhao Ningfei's clenched fists loosened.

She even showed a "friendly" smile, "Well, there are many people, although I don't like strangers going to my house very much, but she is your friend, it doesn't matter."

"That's wonderful."

Sun Xiaobai was very happy.

With Shin Shin's company, she will definitely be able to complete this mission safely!

I originally thought that Zhao Ningfei would leave in the afternoon, but unexpectedly, she never left!

University classrooms are relatively mobile, maybe this class is in this building, and the next class needs to go to another building.

Zhao Ningfei has been following Sun Xiaobai, and wherever Xiaobai goes, she will follow.

Of course, it's not the inseparable kind.

Usually, Zhao Ningfei walks behind the crowd of students.

Although it was a little far away, Sun Xiaobai, who was walking in front, could always feel Zhao Ningfei's hot gaze floating.

Strange, is it her delusion?

The more Sun Xiaobai thought about it, the more he was afraid!

It's not that way to make friends, is it? It made her panic.

If it weren't for the fact that the main task was related to Zhao Ningfei, Sun Xiaobai would want to skip class, anyway, if he encountered a sick girl, hiding away was the right thing to do.

But is it possible that she herself misunderstood?

Is Zhao Ningfei really here to learn?


Let's calm down!

Sometimes life is like XX, since you can't resist, then enjoy it.

Thinking about this, Sun Xiaobai became a lot calmer.

Even the pace of walking began to be leisurely, yes, what was she panicking? She is a girl with a boy's soul and a resurrection skill.

By the end of the last class, Zhao Ningfei hadn't left yet.

"Ning Fei, are you waiting for someone to pick you up?"

Sun Xiaobai asked specifically.

In fact, I was faintly worried in my heart, Zhao Ningfei should not want to wait to track her residence, right?

Wouldn't it, wouldn't it?

"I'm waiting for you."

Zhao Ningfei's smile was gentle and idyllic, revealing a hint of pampering.

Sun Xiaobai almost stumbled and couldn't stand steadily!

No, is that really what I suspected?

"I want to see who Shin Shin is, get to know in advance, she will definitely come and go with you, right?"

Zhao Ningfei did not go around the bush and directly stated her true purpose.

Although she called Tian Xinxin, it sounded very affectionate, but her tone was cold.

"That's how it is."

Another sigh of relief!

"She'll be here in a few minutes, and then we'll all get to know each other..."

Zhao Ningfei's expression was a little cold.

In fact, she didn't bother to meet any new friends at all!

What kind of magic does that girl have? Why can you become Xiaobai's best friend?

Zhao Ningfei had seen Tian Xinxin before at the beauty banquet.

It's just a pretty girl, what's so strange?


"Little white sister!"

Tian Xinxin had just walked in, and she was happily shouting Xiaobai.

But when she took a few steps further and saw a girl standing next to Sun Xiaobai, her face suddenly became cold.


Is it the perverted girl who pestered Xiaobai in the swimming pool that day?

Tian Xinxin immediately turned on the alert mode, she rushed up, took Xiaobai's hand and wanted to take her and leave immediately!

But unexpectedly, Zhao Ningfei took Xiaobai's other hand.


This posture is slightly awkward!

Isn't this a plot that only happens in idol dramas?

Since Xiaobai became a girl, this rich imagination and association power have also increased a lot.

"Leave without introduction?"

Zhao Ningfei glanced at Tian Xinxin, still as cold as ever.

Tian Xinxin made a fierce face!

"Are you sick, you actually chased Xiaobai to the school, immediately, immediately, loose!" Hand! Otherwise, I'll be rude to you.

"Then I'd like to know, how is it unceremonious?"

It just so happened that Zhao Ningfei had been unhappy with Tian Xinxin for too long.

Taking advantage of this good opportunity to fight is also a good choice.

Zhao Ningfei silently clenched her fists....

This face! This painting style!

Forgive me for not seeing much in the world, I really don't know what to do~

"You two let go, you misunderstood!" Listen to me explain well..." Sun

Xiaobai was really a little anxious.

I thought it would be difficult to solve, but what I didn't expect was that the two who were originally tense and rattling, after hearing Sun Xiaobai's voice, seemed to be transformed into docile kittens.



The two of them let go in unison.

However, they rolled their eyes at each other.

Sun Xiaobai saw the performance of Tian Xinxin and Zhao Ningfei, and suddenly became troubled!

She turned out to be a girl, is she so popular with girls?

It turns out that being a heartthrob is also such a hard thing.

Not easy, not easy!

After the narcissism was over, Sun Xiaobai began to patiently explain, "Xinxin, this is Zhao Ningfei, she had some psychological disorders before, but since the conflict with me, she has improved a lot, and today she actually came to thank me." "

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