For what Sun Xiaobai said, Tian Xinxin naturally believed it without reservation.

It's just that...... She still doesn't like Zhao Ningfei!

I don't know why, I just don't like it anyway!

Seeing that Tian Xinxin's face had improved, Sun Xiaobai hurriedly went to explain to Zhao Ningfei, "This is Tian Xinxin, I actually saw it in the swimming pool last time, I don't know if you still have an impression." Just now she wanted to protect me before pulling me away, a misunderstanding.

Although Zhao Ningfei knew the reason, she was still a little unhappy.

Sun Xiaobai suddenly felt cold!

She glanced at Tian Xinxin again, and saw that although the other party's anger was extinguished, he still didn't want to speak.

Come on, these two big guys, dare to love and need to go to smooth the hair one by one?

Alas, make a fuss!

"That... You guys say hello to each other, shake hands or something?

Sun Xiaobai proposed weakly.

Tian Xinxin and Zhao Ningfei glanced at each other, but fortunately did not roll their eyes this time.

But it's not much better.

"Give me some face, by the way, Xinxin, we will go to Ning Fei's house this weekend as a guest, I promised her."

Sun Xiaobai deliberately softened her tone, and her voice was soft and sticky, as if coquettish.

No way, she's really out of luck.


After waiting for a minute or two, Tian Xinxin finally squeezed out these two words.

Sun Xiaobai was a little more relaxed, she could really breathe a sigh of relief.

It's still good to be almighty!


Zhao Ningfei also replied with two cold words, as if she had just returned from the ice cellar, and her body exuded a cold air.

These two are really not right at all!

Could it be that the constellations do not match?

Sun Xiaobai secretly guessed.

There is no other way at the moment, it would be nice to be able to live in peace.

"Ning Fei, then let's go back first, see you on the weekend!"

Since you can't solve the embarrassment, then it's better to escape!

"No need for weekends, I will come to class when I have time in these two days, and when the time comes, I will have to trouble you to teach me more."

When Zhao Ningfei faced Sun Xiaobai, it was as if she had changed someone, just like a spring breeze.

Tian Xinxin heard this, and glared dryly with anger!

Where did the leprechaun come from?

Did he come to rob her girlfriend?

That's too teay, right?


Sun Xiaobai didn't think so much.

"Don't bother so much Xiaobai, it's the same if you ask me."

Tian Xinxin came up and said so many words to Zhao Ningfei for the first time.

Even, he took out his mobile phone and opened the WeChat QR code.

"Add a WeChat, it's very convenient to ask me on WeChat in the future."

Sun Xiaobai was surprised by this change!

Xinxin, this is showing goodwill to Zhao Ningfei... She doesn't understand!

"No, Xiaobai is smarter than you, she will ask you not."

Zhao Ningfei coldly pushed Tian Xinxin's hand away, without the slightest intention to add her.

Tian Xinxin: !!

Instantly furious!

"Xiaobai, let's go!"

Tian Xinxin huffed and pulled Xiaobai to leave.

Sun Xiaobai turned his head and said to Zhao Ningfei awkwardly, "Ningfei, Xinxin is a kind heart, everyone is friends, you don't add her WeChat to give face..."

If he were Tian Xinxin, he would definitely be very angry!


Zhao Ningfei shook her head, as if she didn't feel that there was anything wrong with her.

However, she chased after her and blocked Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin's way.

"Xinxin, that, add a WeChat."

Zhao Ningfei's expression was a little unnatural.

Mainly this kind of thing, she is still doing it for the first time.

Every time, it was her cold and arrogant to others.

She opened her WeChat QR code and waited for Tian Xinxin to scan the code.

Tian Xinxin was happy all of a sudden!

Ah, this damn plot reversal, just one word, cool!

Once your sister you loved to ignore, now your sister you can't afford to climb high!

"Don't add!"

Tian Xinxin shouted out in a cool voice.

Zhao Ningfei's face became the color of pig's liver, if it weren't for Gu Nian Xiaobai's presence, she would probably not be able to control her temper and drop her mobile phone on the spot!

"Both of them are dissipated, add a WeChat to make contact, they are my friends, don't fight and don't know each other."

Sun Xiaobai came out to play the round again.

She wondered if Xiao Pitting should give her some kind of "Circle Field Master Award"?

"Okay then, since Sister Xiaobai has spoken, I'll listen to her."

Tian Xinxin originally said this just to get angry.

"I listen to her too!"

Who are you excited about here? Not to be outdone, Zhao Ningfei also said so.

The two added WeChat to each other, and then gave each other a strange note.

Tian Xinxin gave Zhao Ningfei a note of "madman tea", in her mind, Zhao Ningfei is a crazy tea master, a hateful ghost who specifically wants to rob her girlfriend!

Zhao Ningfei remarked to Tian Xinxin, "Monster voice", because Tian Xinxin roared loudly just now.

It's just that the two of them are hiding when they are making notes, and naturally they will not be discovered by each other.

Sun Xiaobai didn't pay attention to that much.

Finally, this farce ended temporarily after adding WeChat to each other.

It's just that Tian Xinxin's heart is still hanging.

On the way home, she secretly instructed Xiaobai, "Sister Xiaobai, you have to be careful Zhao Ningfei, her performance in the swimming pool was so crazy before, she didn't look like a normal person at all, I was worried that she would hurt you." This

passage really speaks to Sun Xiaobai's heart.

In fact, she is also afraid!

No, I can't get away from it if I am pitted by the system.

"Okay, I'll pay attention, in fact, I see that she is recovering well now, and I think I can help her a little."

Woo hoo, how can her little white sister be so innocent, kind and cute!

Tian Xinxin's heart was touched.

She said, "Then if something is wrong, you have to contact me immediately." "

Uh-huh, Shin Shin, don't worry."

Someone cares about themselves, it's all warm this winter!

"If something happens to you one day, I really can't imagine how I can continue to live..." I don't

know why, Tian Xinxin suddenly felt a little sad, girls are so sentimental.

"No, this kind of thing will not happen!"

Just after speaking, Sun Xiaobai thought of his current situation.

She is a person who is bound to the system, always has to do a lot of tasks, although she is relaxed and happy now, but she does not know if she will encounter any danger in the future....

"Xinxin, then what will you do if one day you suddenly find that you can't find me? I don't want you to be sad, I hope you continue to be happy. "

According to the most ideal state, Sun Xiaobai will restore the identity of the boy Sun Qing after completing all the tasks, then Xiaobai must disappear.

Between them, they will definitely experience those robberies, and it seems that they can't escape it.

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