But why, now his little heart is plopping with a fawn?

Damn, what the hell are you expecting?

Sun Xiaobai quickly took a few deep breaths, and then silently chanted in his heart what is prosperous, strong, democratic and harmonious...

The more at this moment, the less you can panic.

After waiting for a little calmer, Sun Xiaobai suddenly remembered a key question.

"Eh, no, I still have a video left, but I can make up for it, why did the mission fail?"

Xiao Piteng didn't bother to explain, "It's very simple, because you didn't succeed once." "


Anyway, the horizontal vertical is to make her lose!

Sun Xiaobai silently sighed why he was drunk and encountered a small pit!

Once in the pit door, no one survived.

The pit sea is boundless, turning back is still a pit....

"Forget it, then at least you can't let Shin Shin find out that I did such a lewd thing, right? Otherwise, I won't do your task, in fact, it's good to be a girl..."

At such a moment, it can only be surprisingly successful, and the jar is broken.

"Don't don't, don't worry! The system has a perfect setting, as long as eight o'clock arrives, everything is turned on, Shin Shin will not find anything unusual. "

The small pothole seems to have been arranged for a long time.

After all, you can't do it so quickly, otherwise how can you continue in the future? Hey, hey, hey!

"Okay, if you lie to me, I'll stop doing it."

In desperation, Sun Xiaobai once again accepted the pit.

Uh, win last time, lose this time, let's tie.

As for what exactly happens at eight o'clock in the evening?

How do you think about it, and there are still a little expectations?

No, I can't be so perverted! Sun Xiaobai tried his best to suppress his unhealthy thoughts.

But there are some things, how can they be suppressed so easily?

After today's class, Sun Xiaobai had dinner with Tian Xinxin as before.

Originally, Tian Xinxin proposed to go shopping, but Sun Xiaobai refused.

Now that it was just over an hour before eight o'clock, where did she still have the energy to go shopping?

Besides, if something embarrassing happens on a crowded street.

Woo hoo, then her Sun Xiaobai still has no face?

Then you have to live on a different planet after that, right?

Since Xiaobai didn't want to go shopping, Xinxin also understood her, and the two returned to their warm nest together.

As soon as he entered the door, Sun Xiaobai went to find a change of clothes, and then washed his hair and bathed, making him serious.

Not only that, she also rummaged out a mouthwash, brushed her teeth, and used a mouthwash with a fragrant peach flavor.

After taking a bath and washing her head, Sun Xiaobai's whole person exudes a charming fragrance~

If you want to ask her where she learned these preparations, of course, she is still the almighty Du Niang!

However, it is a pro-family mission, it is necessary to be so serious?

It looks like it's about to open....

Uh-uh-uh, can't think crookedly.

She is a pure girl, she is a girl of normal orientation....

After brainwashing himself, Sun Xiaobai became more confident!

She took out beautiful clothes to change, her hair was neatly combed, and she even tied a half-draped princess head.

When the time comes to stand upside down, her upper part of her hair is tied up, it should not affect the hairstyle very much, perfect!

Tian Xinxin looked at Sun Xiaobai's actions and felt very strange.

Okay, what is she going to do?

Why is there always a feeling that Little White Sister is going on a date with someone else?

Damn it!

Which pig's head?

It's too much!

He dared to attack Xiaobai's sister.

The most unacceptable thing is that Tian Xinxin always feels that Sun Xiaobai is now smiling, as beautiful as a blooming peach blossom.

Something is so wrong.

"Xiaobai, are you going out? But didn't you just say that you were too tired and didn't want to go shopping?

Tian Xinxin asked directly, his tone was so sour.

It was simply a thousand-year-old vinegar overturned, and the smell of vinegar permeated a room.

"It's not going out, I... I want to take a selfie. I'm happy that the video isn't on fire today.

Sun Xiaobai quickly said the excuse he had thought of for a long time.

Tian Xinxin breathed a sigh of relief.

You know, girls take selfies, no matter how much trouble is worth it!

"So that's the case," Tian Xinxin's whole person became relaxed, "Then let's shoot together, I haven't taken a selfie for a long time."


Sun Xiaobai happily leaned over.

She also didn't understand why, the current state is really getting more and more hi.

"Wow, you're so fragrant!"

As soon as Sun Xiaobai came over, Tian Xinxin smelled the fragrant smell.

It is not the smell of artificial essence, but a fragrance like jasmine.

It smells so good, it's getting on top of it!

Tian Xinxin couldn't help but get close to Sun Xiaobai, and then took a few sharp breaths.

Ah, so fragrant and comfortable!

Sun Xiaobai's face turned red with shame.

Okay, why did Shin Shin get so close to her?

It makes her nervous now.

Moreover, is she really so fragrant, why didn't she smell it?

Sun Xiaobai was about to speak, at this time, eight o'clock arrived...

"So beautiful~"

Looking at the peach blossom petals flying in the sky, Tian Xinxin sat on the swing of the field, smiling like a flower.

Sun Xiaobai was a little dumbfounded!

Weren't the two of them in the living room just now?

How did you suddenly end up in the outdoor field now?

Is this a dream or a fantasy?

Also, Shin Shin didn't feel that something was wrong....

Originally, there were a lot of doubts, but remembering his previous request, Sun Xiaobai probably understood.

So...... Will Shin Shin remember this experience in the future?

Although I am very happy in my heart, there is a trace of small loss, what is going on?

"Sister Xiaobai, come here~"

Tian Xinxin waved happily to Sun Xiaobai.

At this moment, something magical happened!

I saw Sun Xiaobai's body empty, and then she stood upside down in a perfect posture and just kissed....

Tian Xinxin was also stunned.

It seemed like something she didn't expect.

However, there is no repulsive emotion, but it becomes nervous, excited, joyful, happy, agitated... Many complex emotions come together, and in the end, they all become a feeling.

That's sweet!

Sun Xiaobai is now afloat, and his brain is also floating.

Ups and downs, ups and downs.

After a brief overwhelm, she felt like she had fallen into a cloud, feeling the most beautiful softness.

It turns out that this is the feeling.

Although it is very likely that it is in a fantasy or dream, all the feelings are too real.

The little faces of the two turned into red apples.

The peach blossoms that fell fell on their shoulders, and they were as beautiful as a fairyland.

If it's a big dream, it must be the most beautiful dream.

It's just that...... I feel a little sorry to think that the dream will eventually wake up....

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