[The punishment has been completed. The

prompt sounds, and everything returns to the state of reality.

Tian Xinxin leaned on Sun Xiaobai's shoulder and woke up with a happy smile on her face.

Oops, what kind of dream did you have just now?

How did I suddenly fall asleep....

Tian Xinxin not only blushed, but even her ears were red.

What a shy dream.

It's embarrassing.

Tian Xinxin quickly glanced at Sun Xiaobai, and saw that the other party didn't seem to react, so he was slightly relieved.

Fortunately, fortunately, Xiaobai didn't know what kind of ridiculous dream he had just had, otherwise he really had no face.

However, Tian Xinxin did not feel very confused.

Although the opposite sex produces love, but between the same sex, there are also feelings, and young boys and girls, always curious, dare you say, have you not seen two big boys touching hands, secretly kissed! As for girls, it's not to mention, it's normal to fight and take advantage of something.

There is nothing else to think about it, sometimes it's just fun and curious.

Sun Xiaobai seemed calm at the moment, but he was actually panicked.


It seems that the punishment just now happened in the form of a dream, and she was so worried that Tian Xinxin would question herself why she would act so strangely in her dream...

Fortunately, Tian Xinxin didn't say anything.

The two had their own thoughts, and neither wanted the other to know what they were thinking at the moment.

Ah, this is really awkward, but it is full of sweet awkwardness.

"Xinxin, by the way, tomorrow we will go to Ning Fei's house at 11 a.m., and their family will have a Rolls-Royce come to pick us up."

After both of them were silent for a long time, Sun Xiaobai broke the tranquility with a voice.


Tian Xinxin's expression at the moment was still a little unnatural.

Especially when Sun Xiaobai's eyes looked over, she subconsciously dodged a little.

Then, shyly looked down, just coincidentally, just saw Sun Xiaobai's soft lips, the color looks like cherry blossom petals, it's really beautiful~ Sun

Xiaobai also realized where Tian Xinxin was looking!

This sudden sense of shyness....

She really wanted to find something to cover her lips.

"I'm a little sleepy, I'll go to sleep first."

At this moment, Sun Xiaobai was really restless, and she stood up all of a sudden.

But before she could take a few steps, Tian Xinxin took her hand.

"I'm sleepy too, let's sleep together."

Sleep together?

Ah, what a pure three words, but now why is there ambiguity?

Sun Xiaobai was so nervous that his hands were shaking.

"Your hand..." "

Damn, why was it still discovered by Shin Shin?"

"It's okay."

Sun Xiaobai forcibly tried to control his hand tremor, but it had no effect.

Tian Xinxin is a little worried, Xiaobai is so young, there can't be any Parkinson's?

Is she nervous?

What the hell are you nervous about?

Tian Xinxin suddenly had a bold idea!

Wouldn't it have been a dream just now... Xiaobai also dreamed of the same content?

Sometimes, are dreams contagious?

Thinking of this, Tian Xinxin showed a happy smile, and the corners of his mouth showed a little shyness.

I don't know why, but I feel as sweet as if I had drunk honey.

What is happiness? This is happiness!

Tian Xinxin secretly squeezed Sun Xiaobai's hand, feeling the warmth of her palm, and Sun Xiaobai seemed to be no longer nervous.

The two rushed to the bedroom together and started the beautiful night.

So the question is, if you had the same dream with your best girlfriend, and you kissed in the dream, how would you react?


This sleep was extremely solid and sweet, and the next day, the two girls woke up almost at the same time.

This sweet feeling continues directly into the early morning.

Sun Xiaobai stretched out, and this time he accidentally touched Tian Xinxin's waist.


Tian Xinxin couldn't help but giggle.


Tian Xinxin was like a shy rose, pinching Sun Xiaobai's little face with her hand.

Xiao Bai also laughed.

The mood is as beautiful as a flower.

The two got up and washed up, in order to be able to have a little noodles in front of Zhao Ningfei, Tian Xinxin put on a particularly good-looking makeup, which was simply as beautiful as a fairy under the ordinary.

Xiaobai is not so particular about it, she only wears light makeup.

In these days as a girl, Sun Xiaobai has long learned how to make up, and now her makeup skills are much more powerful, and she can even distinguish the types of lipsticks, blush types, eyeshadow highlighter and other cosmetics that many boys did not understand.

"Xiaobai, are you ready, I'll wait for you downstairs."

At this time, Zhao Ningfei called.

Listening to such a gentle tone, Sun Xiaobai was a little surprised.

How is this a little unlike Zhao Ningfei's style? When did she become so approachable?

In fact, Zhao Ningfei missed Xiaobai a little, so her tone of voice was exceptionally good.

When she used to get along with Xiaobai, Zhao Ningfei would only be cold when she was unhappy, and she was also pleasant at other times.

It's just that Xiaobai doesn't understand the difference.

"Okay, okay, let's get down right away!"

After the phone call, Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin said, "Xinxin, are you all done, let's go down together, Ning Fei has already come."

"I'm ready."

Thinking of seeing that madman tea again, Tian Xinxin already felt unwell in advance!

But she must go, otherwise the madman Cha Zhi may do something behind her back to the cute and innocent Xiaobai...

Tian Xinxin deliberately took Sun Xiaobai's hand and appeared in front of Zhao Ningfei.

Sure enough, I saw on the spot how Zhao Ningfei turned black face in seconds!

Haha, that's cool!

Tian Xinxin thought happily, hmph, Zhao Ningfei, you are sour!

I am Xiaobai's best girlfriend, you don't want to think about it, you don't even have a chance to dream!

Sun Xiaobai was completely unaware of the open and secret battle between the two people.

The driver opened the door and was waiting respectfully for Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin to get into the car.

There are two rows of seats in the back row, and Zhao Ningfei sits in the last row.

Although she was choked by Tian Xinxin's demonstration, she still held back.

Zhao Ningfei and Sun Xiaobai said, "Sit here." "

Oh my God, do you want to sit next to her?

Sun Xiaobai was subconsciously surprised.

Because she really has a lot of shadows over Zhao Ningfei.

Even if Zhao Ningfei didn't do anything, as long as she sat next to her, she felt a little uncomfortable.

"Well, I'll just sit in the front row."

Sun Xiaobai really didn't want to wronged himself.

Accepting the task was enough to hold back....

"Okay, come and sit."

Unexpectedly, Zhao Ningfei's next move was even better!

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