"Xiaobai, I want to be good friends with you, treat this place as your home, welcome home!"

Zhao Ningfei's eyes had unprecedented enthusiasm.

Sun Xiaobai was really flattered.

It turned out to be such a meaning, she thought it was because Zhao Ningfei knew herself before?

But think about it, it's a natural thing that can't happen.

"This... This is so grand that I am a little embarrassed, we have only known each other for a short time. "

Suddenly being welcomed with such a grand ceremony, presumably everyone will be very happy in their hearts, and Sun Xiaobai is no exception.

It's just that she is very restrained.

After all, I always feel that there is a sense of distance between me and Zhao Ningfei, and I am even a little afraid of her.

"No, we've been there for a long time!"

Zhao Ningfei really deserved to be the first place in changing her face, and her face became gloomy at the moment.

"Yes, yes, Sister Zhao said that she has known you for a long time."

"She is your best friend in this life!"

Those guests invited by Zhao Ningfei seemed to have long been accustomed to Zhao Ningfei's moody appearance.

Now, they are all helping Zhao Ningfei.

Sun Xiaobai was stunned, no, there was no problem with her memory!

Before the swimming pool, she hadn't seen Zhao Ningfei's good at all?

This time, it was as if she was some kind of ungrateful Chen Shimei... It's embarrassing.

"Ning Fei, didn't we just meet when we were in the swimming pool?"

Sun Xiaobai was not bypassed by them.

Zhao Ningfei's face changed again.

She suddenly fell silent, not knowing if she had thought of something.

After being quiet for several minutes, Zhao Ningfei nodded, "That's true, I mean, I like you very much as a friend, as if I've known you for a long time." "

So that's it, say it early!

Sun Xiaobai was much more relaxed.

Really, after staying with Zhao Ningfei for a long time, she has become a little nervous.

After all, just now she desperately thought back, and she couldn't figure out where she had seen Zhao Ningfei before?

Besides, she used to be a boy...

This is certainly an impossible thing, there is no doubt about it.

Tian Xinxin saw that Zhao Ningfei had been stalking Sun Xiaobai, and had shed such a big amount of blood to welcome Xiaobai, but he was shocked!

At the same time, she suddenly had a deep sense of crisis in her heart.

Xinxin, who has always had a lively and cheerful personality, was a little unconfident at the moment.

She gently took Sun Xiaobai's small hand and quietly asked her, "Xiaobai, do you like these prepared for you by Ning Fei..."

Sun Xiaobai shook his head, "Although I will be happy, but it scares me a lot, this battle, as if I was her best friend in the past, but I forgot her, but there is no such thing at all."

"I think so, Xiaobai, you must be careful, no matter what happens, the two of us must stay together."

Tian Xinxin suddenly became a little worried.

She knew that Xiaobai came to Zhao Ningfei's villa as a guest out of kindness, and she could understand it.

Zhao Ningfei now looks much more normal than when she was in the swimming pool, and Xiaobai is also looking forward to helping Zhao Ningfei and letting her live a life no different from a normal person as soon as possible.

Although I don't want Xiaobai to contact this dangerous molecule in my heart, this is what Xiaobai wants to do, so Xinxin supports it unconditionally!

This may be the tacit understanding between good girlfriends.

Being able to support the other person to do what she wants to do, giving her enough freedom....

"Don't worry!"

Sun Xiaobai is quite optimistic.

Anyway, she still has a Wang Fried in her hand, don't be afraid~

"Come, Miss Sun, I congratulate you on the eternal friendship with Sister Zhao, the sky is long!"

At this time, a wealthy young lady walked in front of Sun Xiaobai with a red wine glass, and her face showed a fawning expression.

In fact, everyone present wants to befriend Sun Xiaobai, because everyone can see that she is very unusual in Zhao Ningfei's heart, and she stammered Xiaobai, isn't that equivalent to pleasing Zhao Ningfei?

Zhao Ningfei's temperament is so strange, and legend has it that she has suffered from mental illness before, and everyone has no good chance to get close to her.

Now is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

It's just that Zhao Ningfei is moody and very difficult to get along with, and all the people dare not act rashly.

Only this young lady Song Yu was very bold, and was the first to rush out!

For a while, everyone showed envious and jealous eyes, if Song Yu successfully hooked up, it would be really a great luck.

Everyone is regretting why they didn't be bolder just now and compete to be the first in front of Song Yu!

Sun Xiaobai looked at Song Yu, and then looked at the red wine glass in her hand, thinking that according to social etiquette, she had to show favor, right? Then take the wine glass, chat politely, and introduce yourself?

But he never thought that Xiaobai's hand had not yet stretched out, and the red wine glass was snatched away by Zhao Ningfei!

Well, the sick loli is violent, a little scary!


At this time, Zhao Ningfei made a move that made the eyes of everyone in the audience widen!

I saw that she directly poured the red wine glass on Song Yu's head, and poured the whole glass of wine straight on top of her head...

Xiao Bai suddenly had a messy wind....

Woo hoo, is it still too late for her to pull Xin Xin to escape now?

Song Yu was splashed, and her eyes were almost unable to open.

I was extremely aggrieved in my heart, but I didn't dare to say anything.

After Zhao Ningfei finished pouring, Song Yu wiped the wine stains next to her eyes with her sleeve, she opened her eyes with difficulty, her eye makeup had been spent, and she looked extremely embarrassed, far from the image of Miss Qianjin who was dressed in wealth just now.

"What are you? This is my guest of honor, only I have the right to speak to her,!

Zhao Ningfei directly dropped the red wine glass to the ground and shattered into slag.

Song Yu wanted to explain something, but someone kindly pulled her.

If he still spoke at this time, he would probably anger Zhao Ningfei even more.

She has always done things without any rules, and perhaps in the future, there will be more serious consequences.

"Sister Zhao, I'm sorry."

Song Yu had to endure the grievances, then lowered his head, cowered and left the villa living room.

But before she left, she glanced back unwillingly.

I don't know if I'm looking at Zhao Ningfei or Sun Xiaobai.

When those guests saw Song Yu's tragic end, they were secretly rejoicing, fortunately, they didn't rush up with a hot head just now! Otherwise, they are the ones who are being expelled now.

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