Sun Xiaobai really felt sorry for Song Yu, and he was poured with wine....

She couldn't help but say to Zhao Ningfei, "She just said hello to me, you don't have to do this to her." "

The guests were amazed!

Because in their cognition, Zhao Ningfei's family is so rich, what to do is right, besides, this is the Zhao family manor, driving others away, is not Zhao Ningfei's own right?

As for spilling wine, it is not a trifle, it does not hurt or itch.

I have to say that sometimes money can really greatly change a person's three views.

Unexpectedly, Sun Xiaobai dared to accuse Zhao Ningfei on the spot so much...

Some people want to persuade Sun Xiaobai not to be so ignorant of good evil, but think about what happened to Song Yu just now, then it is better to silently be an atmosphere tool person next to him, and it is the best policy not to speak and brush the sense of existence!

Zhao Ningfei glanced at Sun Xiaobai, "Why, do you think I did something wrong?"

"Of course you did something wrong, you can't bully people so much if you have money."

Tian Xinxin really can't stand it, although their family also has money, but they will never do such a thing, everyone is equal.

"I said to Xiaobai, what are you interjecting?" Zhao Ningfei was unhappy again.

She really, felt that eight times out of ten she was in a state of cold face.

"Hmph, who likes to talk to you!"

Tian Xinxin huffed and didn't overdo it.

At this moment, the guests were even more shocked!

Why did Sister Zhao specially invite two distinguished guests who contradicted her? Could it be that she has masochistic tendencies?

Of course, we don't dare to say, we don't dare to ask!

"Yes, I think you did something wrong, no matter how powerful and powerful you are, you can't hurt others so much."

Thinking that Zhao Ningfei has a mental illness, Sun Xiaobai patiently reasoned with her.

"What does this have to do with me being rich and powerful? I'm just plain unhappy..."

Zhao Ningfei muttered, not feeling that she had done something wrong, she was such a domineering and willful person.

The guests secretly pondered, it seems that Sister Zhao is not happy, will she turn her face with these two distinguished guests on the spot and drive them out as well?

But things always turn out so unexpectedly!

"Since you say I'm wrong, then I'm wrong, and I'll try to control myself in such things in the future."

Unexpectedly, Zhao Ningfei actually listened to it.

"Look if Song Yu has gone far, the manor is so big, she should still be inside, convey my apologies to her, and there is no need to drive her out."

Zhao Ningfei called the middle-aged housekeeper of the villa and explained to her.

The housekeeper agreed and immediately went to find Song Yu.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Ningfei was not too hopeless, and Sun Xiaobai was silently happy for her in his heart.

I don't know what Zhao Ningfei has experienced before, in short, she is too unlike a normal person.

For this banquet, Zhao Ningfei specially arranged many activities.

But like playing golf, Sun Xiaobai doesn't have much interest, mainly, she won't ah... It's really boring.

Sun Xiaobai used to be an ordinary person, and now although she has become a beautiful girl in the limelight, she feels that she is still an ordinary person.

The lives of these powerful people are actually not much happier than ordinary lives.

Sun Xiaobai's only pleasure now is to eat food, and this banquet has a lot of delicious food, many of which Sun Xiaobai has not tasted before.

At this moment, Sun Xiaobai scooped a spoonful of high-grade caviar and silently sighed in his heart.

But after sighing, she felt that her thoughts were a little Versailles?

After all, the days when you rely on a small pit to walk to the peak of your life, there are still so many hundred million points of refreshment....

Zhao Ningfei seemed to see Sun Xiaobai's tastelessness.

Don't see that she didn't sit next to Sun Xiaobai, but Zhao Ningfei's whole attention was on Sun Xiaobai's body.

She didn't wrap it up very tightly, observing everything in the dark every time.

It is like a cunning beast, watching from afar at its prey....

It seems to give the other person room to relax, but in fact, everything is under control.

"Xiaobai, let's go fishing."

Zhao Ningfei is really domineering, and he doesn't speak in a consultative tone, and he seems to have made a decision.

Sure enough, Sun Xiaobai's eyes suddenly lit up!

Fishing she loves yay.

Although I used to fish less, I still enjoyed the sense of accomplishment.

Especially at the end of the barbecue meal with the caught fish, it is simply very satisfying.

When Zhao Ningfei saw Sun Xiaobai's reaction, she knew that she had guessed correctly.

What a fate... She also has this hobby.

"Okay, it's just that it's so cold now, is it good to fish?"

Sun Xiaobai has not fished in the big winter.

"Of course you can, there is nothing you can't do, as long as you want."

Well, what Zhao Ningfei said, why is it more and more like a domineering president?

Seeing Sun Xiaobai and Zhao Ningfei chatting so happily, Tian Xinxin began to feel uncomfortable again.

She hurried over and grabbed Xiaobai, "Sister Xiaobai, can you fish?" I've never fished before, so you'll have to teach me later."

"That's natural."

Sun Xiaobai smiled at Tian Xinxin.

The interaction between the two is so intimate, natural, harmonious and beautiful.

For a moment, Zhao Ningfei hated her teeth!

"I can fish, I'll teach you."

Zhao Ningfei gritted her teeth at Tian Xinxin and said.

Tian Xinxin made a gesture of refusal, "No, you don't ask, do I want to learn from you!" "

Really, it's so faceless, right?

"Well, you don't want to learn, I don't want to teach yet!" Zhao Ningfei retorted so angrily.

Cut, isn't this just right?

Fight with my sister, you are still a little tender, when I and Xiaobai's sister exchanged hearts, you still didn't know where it was!

Tian Xin laughed proudly.



Zhao Ningfei then realized that she seemed to have caught Tian Xinxin's way.

This voice monster, I didn't expect so many ghost ideas....

But how is Zhao Ningfei the kind of person who easily admits defeat?

She will definitely let Tian Xinxin know how powerful she is!

Xiaobai is hers, it can only be hers....

As early as the first time she saw Xiaobai, Zhao Ningfei determined this.

There is no turning back in life, so if you encounter it easily, you must grasp it well.

This time, it must be God's mercy.

It's just that what makes Zhao Ningfei unhappy is that there is such a strong resistance as Tian Xinxin.

But what she Zhao Ningfei wants to do, no one can stop!

No matter what means are used, as long as they can achieve the end, they can do whatever they want.

Zhao Ningfei immediately thought of an idea.

When it's time to fish, just wait and see, let the good show play out slowly....

The corner of Zhao Ningfei's mouth hooked a bad smile.

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