For this small fishing activity, the servants of the Zhao family were really busy and prepared a lot of things.

I thought that I needed to leave the villa area to find a pond suitable for a dozen of them to fish, but what I didn't expect was that there was actually in the villa!

Perhaps the Zhao family's villa was designed with a comprehensive entertainment factor in mind, with a pond dedicated to fishing.

Now it's so cold that the fish hide in deep water and don't want to come out.

In order to be able to fish more enjoyably, Zhao Ningfei directly asked the housekeeper to turn on the heating equipment of the pond!

This wave of operation really opened Sun Xiaobai's eyes.

I have only heard of heating the pool to raise the water temperature, in order to make people feel more comfortable when swimming, but I didn't expect that fish now have such good treatment!

Tian Xinxin's performance is very calm, after all, he has seen the world.

Sun Xiaobai couldn't hide her excitement, she secretly pulled the corners of Tian Xinxin's clothes, and shouted excitedly, "Xinxin, look, several fish jumped up, I don't know if it's because I feel that the surroundings have become warmer."

"It should be the fish who think that warm spring has arrived."

Seeing Sun Xiaobai smiling so happily, Tian Xinxin also felt extremely relaxed.

In fact, since the moment she stepped into the Zhao family manor, Tian Xinxin was always worried that Zhao Ningfei would do something wrong to Xiaobai, so she had always been particularly vigilant.

However, Xiaobai is so cute, scream~

her happiness is always so simple.

Zhao Ningfei couldn't help but feel a little unhappy when she saw the two of them laughing so tacitly.

What are they talking about?

Why is Xiaobai's beautiful smile not alone....

Thinking of this, Zhao Ningfei couldn't control her emotions a little.

She silently clenched her fists and rushed to the middle of Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin!

This suddenly, like a burst of lightning caught people off guard.

If it weren't for the fact that Zhao Ningfei's hands were empty and she didn't take any offensive weapons, Tian Xinxin would definitely mistakenly think that she deliberately came up and wanted to fight?

"Do what?"

Tian Xinxin's vigilance was instantly filled again.

At the same time, she pulled Sun Xiaobai behind her, and the whole person just stopped her, and the desire to protect was simply full.

Zhao Ningfei's eyes narrowed slightly.

She clenched her fists and looked like nothing had happened.

"I should have asked you this, right? What do you want to do? I'm like a thief, but this is my home. "

Hmph, you are not a thief, you are more hateful than a thief!

Tian Xinxin thought secretly in his heart.

But it didn't show it.

What Zhao Ningfei said also makes a little sense, maybe she really overreacted?

But protect Xiaobai, but as a sister, she is obligated to do well.

Tian Xinxin snorted coldly, not wanting to deal with Zhao Ningfei.

Zhao Ningfei was also not angry, she chose a good fishing rod from the maid.

"Xiaobai, this is for you to fish."

"Okay, thanks."

Sun Xiaobai took the fishing rod, she probably took a look, the texture of this fishing rod is very good, it must be worth a lot, right?

The tools are so good, I think it is very powerful when I go fishing.

Tian Xinxin originally wanted to go and get a fishing rod herself, but she looked left and right, but she didn't see it.


Do you have to wait for Zhao Ningfei to send it to yourself?

But they are always so-for-tat, it's really embarrassing to even meet.

But now there was no other way, Tian Xinxin had to wait silently.

At this moment, Zhao Ningfei was handing out fishing rods to several other guests.

Sun Xiaobai saw that Tian Xinxin had been waiting, so he said to her, "Xinxin, or you can use my fishing rod."

"It's okay, I don't know much about fishing, it's a waste of effort to hold it, I'll give it to me later, and you'll teach me when the time comes."

Thinking that he could fish with Xiaobai's sister later, Tian Xinxin's heart immediately became excited.


Sun Xiaobai is also so happy~

After getting along with Xinxin for such a long time, I always feel that she seems to be omnipotent, everything will be, this time there is finally something she won't.

So, let yourself teach her well.

Zhao Ningfei quickly finished distributing the fishing rod, and the last two left, one for her own and one for Tian Xinxin.

The two fishing rods look indistinguishable and both seem to be the same brand and model.


Zhao Ningfei obviously didn't like to talk to Tian Xinxin, and when she gave her a fishing rod, she hummed a word like this, almost as if she didn't want to communicate.

"Hmph! Thank you!

Tian Xinxin also returned a cold thank you.

Want to drag?

Then she must be very dragging!

Sun Xiaobai would silently pinch a handful of sweat next to him every time he saw the gunpowder-smelling communication between the two of them.

I was really worried that the two of them would accidentally start up in smoke.

But now after more times, Sun Xiaobai is also used to it.

Anyway, the two of them just like to quarrel and fight, and they will definitely not fight.

So, I'm not so worried.

Everyone already had a fishing rod in their hands and began to look for a suitable fishing position.

This pond is quite large, and fishing does not pay much attention to the choice of location, so everyone sits up casually on the shore.

The servants have prepared chairs in advance, and there are tables and bars next to them, fruits, snacks, drinks, etc., which are all available, which is very intimate.

Buckets, baits, etc. needed for fishing are already prepared, and as soon as the guests are seated, the maid will immediately deliver these tools.

"Little white sister, where do you want to sit?"

Tian Xinxin now looks like a "husband and wife", but she is well-behaved.

Sun Xiaobai felt a faint happiness.

She pointed to a secluded spot by the pond, "Just over there." "

It was quieter and perfect for a small world for two.

Sun Xiaobai has always been a slightly restrained person and has never liked to be too noticeable.

"Okay, I'll listen to you."

Tian Xinxin naturally took Sun Xiaobai's small hand, and the two walked forward in unison.

Zhao Ningfei, who followed them over, was super unhappy in her heart!

He meowed, how did he feel that now he provided an excellent opportunity for Tian Xinxin?

This kind of losing your wife and breaking the army and making wedding clothes for others is really too infuriating....

Zhao Ningfei felt that it was time for her to do something.

Zhao Ningfei, who came with a fishing rod in an imposing manner, seemed to be carrying a super powerful weapon in his hand, as if he was ready to carry it and strafe at any time.

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