Seeing this posture, Tian Xinxin was suddenly very displeased.

Damn, she's coming again!

What do you want to do, it is simply ghostly, and the perfect two-person small world between myself and Xiaobai's sister seems to be temporarily unrealizable.

"Ning Fei."

Sun Xiaobai said hello politely, but she couldn't figure out what Zhao Ningfei came here for.

Look at her face is so ugly....

"Xiaobai, I want to compete with you in fishing to see who catches more."

Zhao Ningfei directly stated her purpose.

The maid quickly brought her fishing kits.

Zhao Ningfei ordered the people to move the chair here, right in the middle of Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin's seats.

The location is simply amazing.

It seems that this sensible servant wants to add a chicken leg to him.

"Competition, okay, but I'm more dish..." Sun

Xiaobai didn't fish too many times before.

She thought, Zhao Ningfei's home has a special pond for fishing, that is definitely a master!

"My skills are not good, isn't that Tian Xinxin not able to fish, or you are in a group with her, and you two and I will fight against each other."

"Okay, then it's okay to say so, you can't regret it!"

When Sun Xiaobai heard this, he thought that this chance of victory was there!

Tian Xinxin is so smart, teaching her to fish, it is simply a matter of minutes, when the two of them cooperate tacitly, maybe they can win over Zhao Ningfei.

"Of course."

The corner of Zhao Ningfei's mouth hooked a smile.

She looked at Tian Xinxin and asked again, "Xinxin, are you sure you don't need me to teach you?"

"No, it's enough for me to have Xiaobai."

Anyway, winning or losing is not important to Tian Xinxin at all.

"Those who lose, but they will be punished, promise the winner a condition."

The fox always shows its cunning tail until the end.

Only then did Zhao Ningfei say what she really wanted.

"No, no, this condition is too harsh, who knows what you will propose?" Little white sister, we can't promise!

When Tian Xinxin heard this, he immediately became anxious.

She knew that Zhao Ningfei was not so easy to deal with, and she really held back a big move!

Sun Xiaobai naturally realized the seriousness of the problem.

Although I have known Zhao Ningfei for a few days, I still can't see through her.

Indeed, no one knows what embarrassing conditions she will put forward when the time comes....

"Ning Fei, such unclear conditions are not very reassuring, I still don't compare first."

Sun Xiaobai spoke his mind.

Anyway, this has nothing to do with her main quest, she can't know it's a pit, and she has to jump into it stupidly!

Zhao Ningfei raised her eyebrows.

I didn't expect Xiaobai to look ignorant, but he was quite clever.

"Okay, then I'll say my request first, if you lose, I hope you can model for me once, wear the clothes I designed once, I want to record it with a camera and a picture."

How simple is the request?

Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin both felt incredible, and they looked at each other very tacitly.

Can't believe it, it's so simple?

Wouldn't it be some kind of unsavory clothes?

Emmmm...... They didn't mean to be crooked.

"Don't worry, what bad thoughts can I have, isn't it normal for friends to have fun with each other? Of course, if I lose, your demands must not be too excessive, within reasonable limits. Zhao

Ningfei's words completely dispelled the concerns in Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin's hearts!

yes, what's not to play?

"Okay, then we promised! Challenge! Seeing

that he had finally achieved his goal, a hint of cunning flashed in Zhao Ningfei's eyes.

She was looking forward to it... The moment your dream comes true.

The competition did not start immediately, but only officially started until Sun Xiaobai taught Tian Xinxin.

Sun Xiaobai hooked the bait, and then taught Tian Xinxin hand.

Looking at the way they whispered, Zhao Ningfei's thoughts suddenly drifted far, far away...

Once, she had such a happy time!

But once you lose something, you can never get it back.

Tian Xinxin really learned quickly, fishing is originally a simple thing, it can be said that it is easy to get started, but difficult to learn.

After the basic meeting, it depends on the level of the individual!

It's just that Tian Xinxin's temperament is so active and not quiet, and he really can't sit still.

Fishing is very patient, just sitting for half an hour, Tian Xinxin is bored and wants to get up and move his muscles.

But thinking of the match with Zhao Ningfei, she said that she couldn't act rashly!

Hold on, be sure to endure!

Tian Xinxin endured the agitation in his heart and honestly sat fishing.

I just don't know why, it's been so long, Xiaobai has caught two fish, why hasn't she harvested one yet?

Looking at the other guests, the least number of people also fished one.

Probably not the reason for the lack of fish in the pond, right?

Is it really because I am a beginner and too rubbish?

Tian Xinxin was a little depressed, but she couldn't find the reason why she couldn't catch fish.

It's okay for a short time, but it's been two hours in the blink of an eye, and Sun Xiaobai also feels that something is wrong!

"Xinxin, how about you see if the bait on the fishing rod is still there? Could it be that it was not hooked tightly just now and washed away by water?

"Yes, yes, if you don't say I haven't thought of it, it must have been baited..." Tian

Xinxin quickly pulled the fishing rod out of the water.

But she checked it carefully and found no problems, is the bait still good?

Looking at the bait again, it seems to be good and not broken.

"Xinxin, sometimes fishing is also about luck, don't worry, we still have time."

Sun Xiaobai comforted Tian Xinxin.

Anyway, they are two people against one person, even if Xinxin really can't catch fish, one-on-one, there is still a chance of victory.

And now the fish caught by Zhao Ningfei seem to be similar to the number that Sun Xiaobai caught, and the victory or defeat is still unknown.

"Well, alas, I originally wanted to help you..." Thinking

that she had dragged down Xiaobai's sister, Xinxinzi was a little unhappy.

She never wanted to be a burden to Xiaobai's sister, but hoped that she could protect her more, take care of her, and give her great strength.

"Wait for you to grill fish to eat!"

Sun Xiaobai seemed to see Tian Xinxin's unhappiness.

She didn't say it explicitly, but chose to make Xinxin happy in her own way.

Sure enough, Tian Xinxin smiled.

She loves grilled fish.

The two best friends now know each other so well, as if they understand another self in the world.

Zhao Ningfei secretly glanced at Tian Xinxin's empty fish bucket, and was secretly proud in her heart....

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