Tian Xinxin raised his eyebrows, while Sun Xiaobai blushed with shame.

Really, she's also a boy paper's soul! Can you blush so easily?

Hold back, hold back....

Who knows, in the end, it turned out to be more and more red, looking cute, so cute wow~

The surrounding noise is getting warmer and warmer.

Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin looked over together with a tacit understanding, and saw that these onlookers who "bumped" turned out to be all girls!

Wow, is it swollen like this?

Is the world out of normal, or am I not normal?

Xiaobai shouted incredulously, but Tian Xinxin just raised his eyebrows.

It seems to be enjoying it....

It's just, why are these girls all focused on Xiaobai's body?

"Xiaobai is really cute wow~

" "Xiaobai, can I be friends with you?"

Some people couldn't hold back and started talking.

Who said that opposites attract and same-sex repels? In fact, between people of the same sex, there are more common topics, is it better to be fun and happier together?

Moreover, often in terms of emotions, same-sex and same-sex are also more able to understand each other.

You see, most of them are heterosexual people get along, because they can't play together, their thoughts can't touch together, so they quarrel, right?

But how well your good brothers, good sisters, can understand you in your shoes.

With them (them), every day is sweet.

When Tian Xinxin saw such a situation, he shouted in his heart!

Hate to die, how can they rob people in front of themselves?

I don't know why, Tian Xinxin is not afraid of threats from the opposite sex, but only afraid of the "threat" of the same sex.

This sense of crisis is really grinding.

The eighty-two year old vinegar was completely overturned, and Tian Xinxin's long arm protected Xiaobai behind him.

Then, Tian Xinxin laid out his old excuse that has remained unchanged for ten thousand years.

"Sister Xiaobai is more afraid of life, don't scare her, we are going to be late for class, go first."

After speaking, no matter what kind of reaction everyone had, Xinxin took Xiaobai's tiny hand and ran forward together.

There is really a romance of elopement....

Something is wrong, it's clear that it's just hand in hand!


Unexpectedly, at this time, someone suddenly appeared and blocked their way.

Damn it!

Tian Xinxin frowned and was displeased, but after seeing the person in front of him, Xiaobai's eyes lit up subconsciously.

Because the person who appeared was a very beautiful girl.

It's the kind of big beauty that is stunning at a glance.

And the big beauty is 170 tall and has a pair of beautiful legs that are angry with each other.

"You are Xiaobai?"

The big beauty looked at Sun Xiaobai, and seemed to be surprised by the other party.

"Yes, is something wrong?"

Xiao Bai subconsciously tensed up.

After all, who doesn't get nervous when they meet a beautiful woman?

At this time, the onlookers had not yet dispersed.

Some boys had already begun to exclaim, "Isn't this Song Weiduo, the school flower of the Academy of Fine Arts?"

"Why did she come to our school?"

"The chance encounter of the three school flowers, is it a collision of beauty, or was the meteor shower last night too big, so that this miracle will appear in front of my eyes?"


Although Tian Xinxin had never seen Song Weiduo, she had heard of the other party's name.

It is said that this is a super cold school flower, and many people worship under her pomegranate skirt, but they are also bruised by her cold momentum.

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