Song Weiduo always looks like a stranger, but why did she suddenly appear here, and it seems that she came to find Xiaobai on purpose?

Could it be that Xiaobai has become popular to this point?

Tian Xinxin suddenly regretted a little.

I already knew that I wouldn't agree to what video she would shoot together, isn't this just blocking herself for no reason?

Xiao Bai obviously heard the comments of others as well.

She really couldn't understand, such a big beauty, what is the matter with herself?

She's not a handsome guy!

"Seeing how versatile you are, it's quite powerful."

Song Weiduo stared at Xiaobai, with a hint of disbelief in her eyes.

Obviously, she came to find fault!

"I don't have any talents, it's all the banmen axe..."

Xiaobai probably felt Song Weiduo's intention.

However, she really has no talent, she relies on the system to open and hang!

"So modest."

Xiaobai's attitude annoyed Song Weiduo even more!

Song Weiduo is a very arrogant person, although she is usually very difficult to contact, but she has her own pride in her heart.

She is the school flower of the Academy of Fine Arts, not only a good painting, but also versatile, and has a small reputation among college students.

Although Song Weiduo did not intend to use these fame to achieve any goals, she enjoyed this feeling.

Because everything was exchanged for by her hard work.

But Xiaobai's appearance stole her limelight!

Song Weiduo has heard people mention Xiaobai more than once, if it is a vase with a vase, Song Weiduo will not care at all, but she is very talented!

Originally, Song Weiduo thought that it was just an exaggeration by others, but after seeing the video she shot, she really understood what it is to be talented and beautiful.

Song Weiduo, who has always had a strong sense of self-esteem, really can't bear it.

She wants to see with her own eyes how powerful Sun Xiaobai really is, she wants to find her and compete with her!

"Since you are going to class, I don't waste time, I have nothing else to do with you, I just want to compete with you."

Sun Xiaobai was completely confused at this moment, she wouldn't have strayed into the martial arts world, right? Still going to the top?

Could it be a duel for her?

Hehe, is the beautiful lady so cruel?

When she was a boy, she didn't beat people too much, and now she has become a girl, more soft and weak.

Looking at it again, the other party is a full four centimeters taller than himself, this gap....

"I don't fight with girls."

In order not to look too intimidating, Sun Xiaobai decided to be more personable.


Song Weiduo was immediately amused and laughed.

Why is she so interesting?

Unexpectedly thought that he was looking for her, he came to fight?

I haven't met such a cute girl in a long time.

Originally, the atmosphere was tense, but now it has eased up a lot.

"I look so much like I'm looking for someone to fight? I'm not violent. Song Weiduo said with a smile.

Xiao Bai pinched the corners of his clothes awkwardly.

It seems like...... It was she who was overly divergent.

"Then what do you want to do..."

muttered Xiao Bai puzzled.

"With me, no one can bully my little white sister."

Tian Xinxin has been unhappy for a long time, and I don't know why, she just looks at Song Weiduo unpleasantly!

"Oh, I never bully the weak with the strong, only subdue people with virtue."

Song Weiduo told Xiaobai, "Tomorrow night at six o'clock, I will wait for you in the Yueshi dance studio, and we will discuss the specific content of the competition."

"You say it's comparing?"

Really, I simply don't put people in my eyes!

Tian Xinxin was about to pull Xiaobai away, but unexpectedly, the sound of Xiao Pit's pit sounded out of place——

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