"Boom! Boom! Boom! Sun

Xiaobai took a confident and strong step, and appeared in one step and three steps.

At this moment, she is like an "enchanting" big flower snake, but she is obviously exerting too much force.

Grandfather was so frightened that he even spewed out the tea in his mouth.

At this moment, he suddenly regretted it, so rebellious to the woman, I really want to return it, but is it too late to regret it now?

Zhao Ning was also shocked.

Originally, he thought he could endure it, but now...

"Young Master Zhao, am I beautiful?"

Although he said such disgusting words, Sun Xiaobai wanted to vomit, but for the sake of the task! She doesn't even want to!

"Cough, cough..."

Zhao Ning coughed, obviously a little unhappy.

Sun Xiaobai began to whisper!

Could it be that he finally used the right method this time?

Sure enough, whether in modern times or in ancient times, men are so single-minded, they only look at faces!

As soon as the face is not good-looking, the attitude immediately changes.

"Zhao Gongzi..."

Sun Xiaobai continued her performance, seeing that Zhao Ning didn't want to see her very much, so he deliberately came to Zhao Ning, so that his gaze could not be diverted, and he hooked directly at such a colorful face.

"Xiaobai, what's the mess?"

Father Sun hurriedly came over and pulled Sun Xiaobai away.

He can't just watch his son-in-law fly away like this!

"Young Master Zhao, Xiaobai is really naughty, she's joking with you, Cui'er, quickly take the young lady down to wash her face!"

Father Sun signaled with a look, and Cui'er quickly grabbed Sun Xiaobai.

How can you give up when you see that you are about to succeed?

Sun Xiaobai was about to break free, but he didn't expect that the other maids also came to help, and forced her out of the hall...

After re-grooming and becoming a normal person, it is said that Zhao Ning also left the Sun family.

It's just that he didn't mention the divorce the whole time.

What a disturbing thing!

Such a girl with big nerves and strange rudeness, he even wants to marry?

Sun Xiaobai also couldn't figure it out!

At dinner, Sun Xiaobai, who could not quit the marriage, was severely criticized by her grandfather, so that she could not mess around next time, otherwise she would be punished and grounded.

Xiaobai had to pretend to agree, she can't be grounded, otherwise, how to find the real male number one Tian Xin in the game?

The next day, taking advantage of everyone's lack of attention, Xiaobai smoothly sneaked out of Sun's house.

Since Zhao Ning's withdrawal from marriage has not progressed for the time being, she has to hurry up and go to another task.

Find Tian Xin and cultivate a relationship with him.

This is really sad Xiaobai!

A person who thinks of her as a boy's soul actually wants to cultivate feelings with real boys... Why do you feel so grounded and difficult to accept?

If it was a girl, she would feel much better!

Isn't that wrong either?

Isn't that Ji Qing?

Why is it so strange horizontally and vertically?

Xiaobai was so troubled that he didn't pay attention at all, and he accidentally bumped into someone else....


Sun Xiaobai screamed miserably, seeing that the whole person was about to make an intimate contact with the ground -

but he did not expect that there was a pair of strong arms that hugged her waist.

"Is the girl all right?"

Sun Xiaobai was terrified, and in a panic, he heard a particularly warm voice.

She fixed her eyes on it and immediately froze.

The man dressed as the son in front of him clearly had a face that she was familiar with.

It was the face that she had secretly cared about from the beginning....

Shin Shin, did Shin Shin also come in to the game?

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