"Shin Shin!"

Xiaobai was extremely excited, as if calling out for a thousand-year-old lover.

Tian Xin saw that the woman in front of him was looking at him with a particularly idiotic look, and he felt very inexplicable.

Although there are many girls who are obsessed with his handsome appearance, it is the first time to see such boldness!

But the look in this girl's eyes... How come there is always a sense of déjà vu? It was as if they had known each other before.

"You... How did you know my name?

Although the name "Xinxin" is particularly numb, her voice is particularly good, like a wisp of flowers, refreshing.

"Shin Shin, don't you know me?"

Sun Xiaobai felt particularly strange when he saw Tian Xin's reaction.

His expression was not like a joke, but really looking at the expressions of strangers.

Therefore, it is not really that Tian Xinxin also entered the game, just a person who looks exactly like her, and in the game, she also changed her gender and changed from a girl to a boy.

Xiao Bai was a little disappointed.

"It seems that I confessed my mistake..." Xiao

Bai was disappointed and wanted to leave, she suddenly thought of something, oh, why did she react so slowly? The person in front of him must be the male protagonist of the game, Tian Xin!

"No, I didn't admit my mistake! Are you Tian Xin?

Xiaobai asked tentatively.

Sure enough, her guess was not wrong at all.

Tian Xin was surprised, "How do you know?" "

Could it be that they really knew each other before?

Sun Xiaobai didn't expect that he had guessed correctly by mistake, he really broke through the iron shoes and found nowhere to find it, and it didn't take any effort to get it!

Although she is not very provocative, as soon as she meets Xinxinzi, her skills are simply full in an instant~

"Tian Xin Gongzi, I have heard of your heroic name for a long time, although I have never seen you before, I have long admired you for a long time..."

After saying this, Xiaobai himself was shocked.

Oh, why is it so fleshy?

Why do you say such fleshy words, but feel that there is no sense of violation?

What's more, Xiaobai was still held in Tian Xin's arms at this time...

Bang bang! The heartbeat is completely out of rhythm!

When one day, you and your crush switch genders, and then have a very romantic encounter, and even the two have incomparably intimate contact....

So, what do you do?

Xiaobai's mind is blank now, she feels that there are pink bubbles around

~ That's right, it's the taste of love~

So like someone, you really can't hide it, right?

No matter where you are, you wish you could look at each other a few more times....

It's really terrible, it's obviously the game interface, but I'm immersed in it.

"I didn't expect my charm to be unstoppable..."

muttered Tian Xin in a low voice, but his face was radiant.

After all, who can resist the admiration of such a stunning beauty?

This is the first time he has felt a heartbeat!

In the past, Tian Xin didn't like the girl's family at all.

Of course, he has a normal orientation and does not like men.

I thought that I would not like anyone in this life, but I didn't expect that today I would make an exception....

It turns out that it is not that you will not like it, but that you have not met that person.

Xiao Bai felt Tian Xin's hot eyes, hot, as if to melt her whole person...

Really, how can it be so provocative all of a sudden!

It made her blush like a monkey's butt.

Under this situation, even the man became shy.

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