Xiaobai, who returned to Sun Mansion, was not idle, but stunned at the piece of jade ~

really, thinking that she used to be a dignified man, how did she become such a small woman now?

I can't stand myself anymore!

But this feeling could not be controlled, and it was out of control like a flood bursting an embankment.

So...... When will we see each other again?

Just as Xiao Bai was thinking about spring, the maid Cui'er hurriedly ran in.

"Miss, the master has something to find you..."

Xiao Bai was worried about it, shouldn't it be to let her and Zhao Ning marry or something?

Then your own task will not be completed!

Cui'er was a little dazed when asked, she was just a maid who passed the message, where could she know the specific intentions of the master?

"Miss, Cui'er doesn't know, but look at the old man's very anxious appearance, or you better hurry up and take a look!"


Whether it is a blessing or a curse, it is a calamity that cannot be avoided, and it seems that sooner or later it will have to be faced.

Sun Xiaobai followed Cui'er to the front hall.

I originally thought that Father Sun would definitely not have any good face, after all, in order to do the task, Sun Xiaobai's various actions were particularly out of line and strange, but what he didn't expect was that when Father Sun saw Xiaobai, his face was full of joy!

This is...... The sun hit the west and came out?

Or is there a bug in the character setting?

Just when Xiaobai was puzzled, he heard Father Sun exclaim!

"Xiaobai, you really deserve to be my daughter! I think back then, I was one of the most beautiful men in Yushu, so I also gave birth to such a flower and moon appearance of you..."

Grandfather looked at Xiaobai with satisfaction, as if she was his proudest masterpiece.

This wave of operation is really inexplicable!

Don't say Xiaobai, even Cui'er was stunned!

The old man has obviously been regretting that he was not doing the beginning before, saying that he would stuff this rude daughter back into her mother's womb, so what happened now?

"Dad, that's natural..."

Xiao Bai echoed, strangely embarrassed.

"Xiaobai, do you know who came to the door to ask for a kiss today?"

Father Sun's face was full of pride, and he deliberately sold a pass.

Xiaobai's brain melon seeds are buzzing.

Isn't it, isn't it? There are other people who come to the door to ask for relatives?

Is the heroine of the game so sought-after? This is not good, it is simply adding difficulty to the game....

"This, isn't there already a marriage..."

Xiao Bai could only express the speechlessness in his heart at the moment with an embarrassed smile.

"Having said that, everything can't be too absolute, this time, but our Wang Ye Tian Xin came to raise his family."

Grandfather's whole person is a little fluttering now.

"Tian... Tian Xin? "

Xiaobai's mood at the moment is as exciting as a roller coaster!

So the male protagonist of this game really does not have to go to the strategy himself, will take the initiative to attack himself?

Suddenly I feel that the difficulty of the game is not great~

"Yes, Wang Ye Tian Xin is naturally more powerful than Zhao Ninggongzi, it's just a rhetoric of resignation, and I have to think about it for my father..."

"Then it's all up to daddy."

Xiaobai's obedient face made his grandfather wonder if he had heard wrong?

This rebellious daughter, didn't do it today?

"You have no opinion?"

As if not believing, Father Sun asked again.

Xiao Bai nodded, "Of course not, such a big thing, of course listen to your father!" "

For the task, she raised her hands and feet in favor of it!

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