"Okay, then this matter is so decided, handle it for the father!"

Grandfather was a little excited, and his passionate speech made Xiaobai scream, and he was simply shocked!

It seems that Father Sun is his own divine assist, right....

Xiaobai began to wait with peace of mind, eating and drinking every day.

Sure enough, within a few days, good news came!

"Xiaobai, your marriage contract with Prince Zhao Ning has been dissolved, and next month's auspicious day will be when you marry the royal mansion, and in the future, you will be the princess of King Tian Xin."

Father Sun was extremely proud, and his eyebrows fluttered.

Xiaobai was surprised and delighted, did happiness come so suddenly? Although I had guessed it before, when I really came to this moment, I was so happy that I wanted to go around in circles~

So the next big wedding is going to be held?

Hehehe, she's embarrassed~

If one day, you and your crush switch genders, and you come to ancient time and space, and you are about to hold a grand wedding....

Wow puppets, it's just to the extent that idol dramas dare not write like this!

What were the processes of marriage in ancient times?

To worship heaven and earth, two to the high church, husband and wife to worship, and the next thing is....

Hehe, I'm a little afraid to continue imagining, is this a picture that can be broadcast?

Since becoming a girl, Xiaobai's imagination richness has increased hundreds of times, especially when such a plot happens to her, she can't suppress the chaos of her thoughts~

"What do you think?"

Suddenly, a girly rough man's voice shattered all Xiaobai's beautiful fantasies.

[Congratulations to the host for completing the side quest, the Lily Flower Field game clears the level, and the toilet door opens automatically. ] With

the reminder, Xiaobai has instantly returned from the antique Sun Mansion to the smelly toilet in reality.

Hey, that's too disappointing, isn't it?

Obviously, the picture I imagined just now was so beautiful, but I was forced to pull back to reality in an instant.

The small pit in the stealth smiled evilly.

Although Xiao Pithole has always taken Xiao Bai to the crooked road, but sometimes, it can't be too smooth sailing, and it will be better to give her some setbacks appropriately.

Especially this state of feeling happiness but suddenly stopping abruptly, it is simply too evocative~


At this time, the bathroom door has automatically opened.

Although his face was full of regret, Xiaobai heard the class bell ringing and rushed out immediately.

It seems that this side mission released by Xiaokeng just now is full of awesomeness, although I don't know how many days have passed in the game, but in reality, there is no time wasted, just in time for class!

When Xiao Bai walked into the classroom, Reiko was so shocked that her eyes almost fell out!

This is also incredible, how did Sun Xiaobai do it?

Reiko thought left and right, but couldn't think of a reasonable explanation.

Sun Xiaobai is a girl who looks weak and can't help the wind, how can she have so much strength to tear down the door with her bare hands?

Reiko was really depressed for a long time!

I was going to let her smoke in the smelly toilet for a while!

I guess who happened to go in and open the door for her, right?

Reiko secretly glanced at Xiaobai with the afterglow from the corner of her eye, looking at her fair skin that could be broken, and her charming facial features that were more perfect and delicate than Barbie...

The more I look at it, the more jealous and angry I get!

Look back at yourself....

Reiko took out a small mirror and took it in the book.

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