Maybe it's because I have been staring at the peerless beauty just now, the impact is too great, and now I see my ordinary face, I was greatly frightened!

Reiko's hand was unsteady and almost scared to shatter the mirror.

Fortunately, I caught it with my hand in time, so that there was no big movement.

Reiko's psyche has undergone some distortions.

She really didn't understand why she had such an ugly face! But Sun Xiaobai easily had the beauty she dreamed of...

Reiko wished that at this moment, she had a knife in her hand, then she could...

At this time, a weird smile appeared on Reiko's face.

Xiaobai did not notice Reiko's abnormality, this girl she did not know and did not pay attention to her.

Soon it was the time agreed with Song Weiduo.

Although the opponent he faced was the school flower of another university, Xiaobai did not mean to panic and nervousness at all.

After all...... She didn't know what Song Weiduo had sold, and what she would have to try in the dance studio at that time.

Wouldn't it be dancing?

With systematic blessings, everything is not a problem.

If she changed Sun Xiaobai before the transformation, I am afraid that it would create a scene of a group of demons dancing, but now, she is a beautiful girl with a light and clean body~

This feels very different.

On the way to the agreed place, two invincible beautiful girls walked side by side.

"Xiaobai, we're going to see the situation later, if Song Weiduo dares to make any unreasonable demands, I will definitely give her some color!" Don't stop me then. Tian

Xinxin knew that Xiaobai was a particularly kind and soft-hearted person, and he had a good temper.

Although Xiaobai's original intention is good, she doesn't want to make trouble, but Tian Xinxin really can't get used to Song Weiduo's arrogant and domineering look, and she doesn't want to see Xiaobai being bullied by her in vain.

Originally, Xiaobai also said that it was okay for a person to go in the past, but how could Xinxin be relieved?

Her little white looks so weak and weak, even Xinxin a girl I see pity, how can I be willing to let her go on an adventure alone?

"Well, I know~"

Maybe because of staying with people he likes, Xiaobai's tone of voice is soft and cute.

Tian Xinxin looked at her dumbly, as if he was fascinated by her!

Wow, she really looks like a milky white milky white, soft cat ~

Tian Xinxin can't bear it anymore....

Muggle, can't bear it!

Oh, what's going on here?

The cute Xiaobai suddenly became a little nervous.

Mainly, why did Shin Shin suddenly get so close!

It made her heart bump like a deer....

"That..." Xiao

Bai was stunned, wanting Xin Xin to retreat a little so close to her, making it difficult for her to breathe, but as soon as she spoke, she didn't know how to continue.

Now Xiaobai, a strange feeling suddenly flashed in his heart.

In fact, she still enjoys the intimate contact with Shin Shin, it would be better if she could be happy and sticky~

Oh, something is wrong!

What a mess I was thinking!

You know, Shin Shin is a girl, and she is also a girl.

Although the intimacy between girls and girls is not excessive, unlike boys, holding hands together can definitely win the strange eyes of the entire street, but... Not quite, right?

After experiencing some painful struggles in his heart, Xiao Bai still took the initiative to take a few steps back.

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