"Xiaobai, what's the daze, let's get started!"

In the dance studio, Tian Xinxin urged Sun Xiaobai.

Since agreeing to Song Weiduobi's temptation of Tango, Xiaobai has fallen into distress!

Training lasts only a week, and you have to find a partner to dance tango with to really show the charm of tango.

This partner, like the two of them, must also know nothing about tango before, otherwise the competition will lose its meaning.

Song Weiduo is naturally easy to find, her boyfriend is a sports student, not to mention tango, even dance has not been learned, but Xiaobai... Where would she find a suitable partner?

Generally, this kind of double dance is a combination of a man and a woman, and Xiaobai in the past, although he is a little introverted, is also surrounded by some male friends, such as several of her roommates.

But now that she has become a girl, she is embarrassed to face her former same-sex friends again.

The roommates can't imagine it! It turned out that the person who called them brothers and brothers turned out to be a girl, or a particularly beautiful girl, and her appearance was at the level of a school flower!

"Xinxin, I don't even know how to find a partner..."

Xiaobai looked at Tian Xinxin embarrassedly, and then at the two dance teachers who taught, they were also a man and a woman.


The dance teacher really couldn't understand where Xiaobai's tangled point was!

Isn't there a ready-made male dance teacher who can accompany her to practice?

"Xiaobai, don't be nervous, it is inevitable that you will feel strange when you study for the first time, but as long as you are familiar with it, you will definitely be impressed by the charm of tango, it is better for me to accompany you to practice first."

The male teacher volunteered.

Who makes Xiaobai look so good-looking, it really makes people want to be close to her.

Unexpectedly, Tian Xinxin was not happy!

She urged Xiaobai just now, it was to let her follow the teacher's guidance to practice alone, but she was not looking for some male partner!

"Little White Sister is very afraid of life... Teacher, let her get acquainted with it first.

Tian Xinxin found a good excuse.

Although this excuse is a bit rotten on the street, hee-hee, it can come in handy whenever Tian Xinxin doesn't want Xiaobai to have too close contact with other people.

Sometimes, the trick is not clichéd, it just works!

"So, the teacher teaches in front, and you dance in the back..." The

tango dance teacher instructed like a decent, but Xiao Bai was a little unable to let go.

This, this, this... Is this a dance she can learn?

It's too sexy!

No, she can't jump!

Xiaobai's appearance at this moment is like a flower with a bud, looking beautiful, but it has not bloomed for a long time, and it is always almost meaningful.

Tian Xinxin was even more anxious than the teacher!

In this way, Xiaobai can't win the competition, what can he do?

Her little white sister must not lose!

The tango dance teacher danced several times, the basic movements Tian Xinxin saw it, in a hurry, she couldn't care about a lot, directly stepped forward with a unrestrained and enthusiastic dance step, and put her arm around Xiaobai's waist.

Xiaobai's whole person is a stirring spirit!

Ah, what the hell is going on here?

At this moment, her brain was blank, and she only felt that her whole body was about to belong to her!

What is it like to suddenly be domineering in the arms of the goddess you have a crush on?

That's right, it's Xiaobai's real feelings at this moment....

Her face was powdery, like a shy rose, looking at Shin Shin delicately~

The dance room was suddenly filled with pink bubbles.

But in the eyes of the two tango dance teachers, there is nothing wrong with it.

Two girls, it's normal!

It is common for girlfriends to kiss each other.

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