
Xiao Bai, who was at a loss, called Tian Xinxin softly.

These gentle words were like a spring breeze, just blowing into Tian Xinxin's heart.

"Let's jump together, don't be afraid~"

Tian Xinxin approached Xiaobai and almost hugged her.


Who can resist an invitation from a peerless beauty?

Anyway, Xiaobai can't resist!

She almost nodded and began a romantic dance journey between the two~

However, at this moment, Sun Xiaobai didn't know how, her brain was empty, and she forgot all the dances originally taught by the teacher.

This one accidentally stepped on Tian Xinxin several times.

The two tango dance teachers shook their heads one after another, oh, how can you not learn the basic dance steps!

It's about to be tested, how else to teach this?

The anxious teacher hurriedly prompted the dance moves on the side.

This atmosphere made Xiaobai, who was already a little introverted, even more busy.

It's over, what's the jump?

Just when he didn't know how to be good, Tian Xinxin's hand gently touched Xiaobai's shoulder.

Tian Xinxin's dance foundation is good, so many years of school flower is not called in vain, just now the dance steps of the two tango dance teachers, she remembered them all.

Since Xiaobai is a little nervous, then leave everything to her.

The girl she Tian Xinxin covered doesn't need to worry so much!

With Tian Xinxin's guidance, it was like a light suddenly lit up in the dark, and Sun Xiaobai suddenly felt a lot relieved.

After dancing with her dance steps for a short time, she had already found the rhythm.

It's just that this hot atmosphere, how can it become more and more intense?

A series of intimate actions of tango made Xiaobai a little confused.

But seeing Tian Xinxin immersed in the dance without any evil thoughts at all, Xiaobai suddenly felt that he wanted to be dirty~

cough, can't be cranky!

Xiaobai quickly corrected his attitude and began to ponder how to dance this dance better.

As everyone knows, in fact, someone now seems to be as stable as a dog, but in fact, he is panicked in his heart!

Tian Xinxin was afraid that he had danced the wrong dance step!

Originally, she was the one who guided Xiaobai to dance, but now she was flustered....

The main thing is that so many intimate actions have made her from a big grinning girl to the kind of shy daughter's family in the

waiting word ~ Whoops, I really can't stand it!

Obviously they are all girls, what is she so shy for?

And not only shyness, the little heart also beats chaotically, and even the breathing is out of order.

Why is this feeling so similar to heartbeat?

When she meets a handsome guy, she will not be like this, she has always been very calm!

Tian Xinxin quickly took a few deep breaths, her panic at the moment could not be discovered by Xiaobai!

The two girls have their own thoughts, and this tango dance is simply wonderful.

Obviously, there are no words, but the front and back parts of the dance give people a completely different feeling.

Like the first acquaintance of a pair of lovers, temptation, apprehension, opening of hearts... And then in the back, like glue.


..." Suddenly, there was a round of warm applause.

The tango teacher, who was originally anxious, was completely impressed by the dance of the two of them at this moment.

This is definitely the most tacit dance partner they have ever seen, and there is no one!

After the dance, Xiaobai stood restrained, waiting for the teacher's comment.

In the dance, she is an enthusiastic tango dancer, but once the dance stops, she becomes the little white sister who is easy to be shy ~

"Very good, very good!"

The teacher's voice became agitated.

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