Some people, who thought it was bronze, did not expect it to be a hidden king.

The teacher was worried at first, thinking whether Sun Xiaobai would learn tango dance, such a shy girl, can she dance tango enthusiastically?

But the current development is simply beyond expectations!

The so-called judgment is like two people, but so be it!

The little white before the dance is quiet and ladylike, but the little white after dancing is as warm as a red rose, which is simply amazing!

She presents a dance talent and tension that no previous student has ever had.

"Teacher, is there anything else I need to improve?"

Xiao Bai asked modestly.

In fact, she didn't think she jumped very well, but she just jumped casually... After all, with the blessing of the system, it is so casual and capricious!

The two teachers looked at each other and answered exactly the same.

"There's not much to improve, I've jumped really well, stay in good shape and keep improving."

"Wow, Xiaobai, congratulations~"

Tian Xinxin was simply happier than Xiaobai.

As long as Xiaobai's sister is good, she is the happiest~

"It's not yet the official competition, I still have to cheer..."

Xiaobai attaches great importance to this competition, which is a very important main task, and it is not sloppy.

"That... Have you ever thought about who you want to partner with?

Tian Xinxin asked tentatively.

At this moment, she already had an idea in her heart....

"I don't know yet, it's so difficult!"

At the mention of this, Xiaobai's face was full of sadness.

Let's not say whether she can find a male partner, even if she finds it, just imagine the scene, two big men hugging and dancing....

Gagging, it's a feeling that I want to throw up right away!

In short, it's nausea.

I don't know why, Sun Xiaobai obviously now regards herself as a complete girl, but as long as she gets together with boys, she will still remember that she has a boy's soul, and subconsciously remember, she is also a man!

But if the object of the dance is a girl... For example, Shin Shin....

Sun Xiaobai suddenly thought about it~

The scene of dancing with Tian Xinxin just now was playing back in his brain uncontrollably.

There is a movement Xiaobai remembers very clearly, after a dance step, she bent her thin waist and just half fell in Xinxin's arms.

The four eyes are facing each other, and the eye waves are flowing....

Gee, just thinking back to this picture, I can't help but blush!

If there is a chance to do it again....

Then she wants to do the other way around, the two change positions, and she comes to hug Xinxin~

After all, Xiaobai's soul is a boy! Boys are going to attack a little!

The more I think about it, the more excited I get!

Sun Xiaobai silently glanced at Tian Xinxin, and Tian Xinxin also happened to look at her~

The two seemed to have something to say to each other, but no one took the initiative to speak, as if they were enjoying this beautiful state.

"Shin Shin, is it convenient for you to be my tango dance partner?"

This time, Xiaobai was no longer shy to answer, but chose to take the initiative!

"Huh? But it's usually a male and female combination..." Tian Xinxin was secretly happy in her heart, but her mouth was still polite, but she would not let go of such a good opportunity, speaking of this, she immediately changed her tone, "But we have such a tacit understanding, you are my best friend, of course I am willing to dance with you, even if I am busy, I will take time, who makes you my most beloved little white sister~"

At this time, Tian Xinxin naturally stretched out her hand and pinched Xiaobai's white and tender little face ~

Hmm, It's really tender, you can simply pinch out the water, the little white sister of the water spirit is really pitying.

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