What's more, there were various roars in the live broadcast room, what aaaaaa

The audience was already crazy, and the judges were also not calm.

"Good, great!"

"I haven't seen such a soulful tango dance in many years..." The

judges were about to slap their palms, no way, it's just such an exaggeration!

One of the judges even shed tears of emotion.

Tian Xinxin took Sun Xiaobai's hand, and the two waited for the judges' scores.

The full score is 10 points, and Song Weiduo got a good score of 9 points before, and these judges are relatively picky, and can score 9 points, which proves that the evaluation of her is quite high.

So now, how many points can Xiaobai's group get?

Xiaobai subconsciously became nervous, and the few audience members in the audience also tightened their strings.

Xiaobai clearly knows how important the success or failure of this time is to him.

She adjusted her mood and looked at the judges with expectant eyes.

The judges immediately felt a shock, obviously looking so radiant in the dance, from the initial shy answer to the later anti-customer, it was simply provocative, but at this moment, Sun Xiaobai, who was standing quietly in place and did not dance, seemed so quiet and idyllic.

Wow, born dancers!

The judges looked at each other and seemed to have a tacit understanding.

Then, they began to lower their heads and score, without hesitation, wrote down the score in their minds.

"I give Xiaobai a 10."

"10 points."

"I'm also 10 points!"

It's an incredible perfect score!

Sun Xiaobai conquered every judge present with his dance charm.

It is already very rare to be able to get a perfect score, but Sun Xiaobai has won a whole three perfect scores, and all the judges have recognized her incomparably!

The gifts in the live broadcast room began to frantically swipe the screen, and they were all congratulating Sun Xiaobai.

They are not ordinary fans who are brainless and hot, but fans who have certain dance skills and connotations.

Sun Xiaobai is indeed very powerful and talented, brushing gifts for such dancers, they are as willing as a glutton!

Everything is in the dust.

Song Weiduo walked in front of Sun Xiaobai.

Tian Xinxin didn't know what kind of intentions Song Weiduo had, and subconsciously blocked Xiaobai's front to protect her.

But what people didn't expect was that Song Weiduo said convinced, "Congratulations, you won." "

[Host, congratulations on completing your eighth task. ]

Not only Song Weiduo's blessing, but also the blessing reminder of Xiaokeng came quite timely.


Sun Xiaobai finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Great, she can finally rest assured.

As long as the main quest is cleared all the way, victory is at hand!

"Thank you, Song Weiduo, you are also excellent."

In the face of girls, Xiaobai's attitude has always been friendly, and she is originally a gentle character.

"Hmph, our little white sister is just polite with you, of course she is better than you!" Convinced now, right? Tian

Xinxin had already seen Song Weiduo unpleasantly.

In addition, hearing Xiaobai praise other girls, I always feel that my heart is not a taste, what kind of feeling is that?

Well, it's a bit like drinking two catties of aged vinegar!

"What Tian Xinxin said is right, it is indeed my skill is inferior, you are very powerful!"

This is Song Weiduo's heartfelt emotion.

She looked at Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin's good appearance, and then remembered Fang Cai's tacit dance, and always felt that something was boiling!

She couldn't help but stumble....

Uh, knock what?

She's a straight girl!

Song Weiduo felt that she had gradually become abnormal.

But she just couldn't control herself, and she always felt that the sisters in front of her looked so loving.

In contrast, he and his boyfriend around him seem less sweet.

Tian Xinxin found that Song Weiduo's eyes were a little wrong!

Why does she keep looking at herself and Xiaobai?

No, it's staring at Xiaobai....

Damn, she shouldn't be trying to covet her little white sister, right?

Tian Xinxin's involuntary sense of crisis appeared again.

"We have promised you the competition, now that the competition is over, don't bother anymore!"

Tian Xinxin huffed, taking Xiaobai's hand and leaving.

At this moment, Song Weiduo feels that her girlish heart is about to explode~

Xinxin's appearance of protecting Xiaobai, really has a feeling, lock this pair!

Their relationship really looks beyond girlfriend love.

And it looks harmonious and comfortable.

It was not until Tian Xinxin took Sun Xiaobai for a short walk that Song Weiduo came back to her senses.

She shouted at the backs of the two, "Next time you have a chance to come out and play together, I want to be friends with you."


Xiao Bai nodded gently.

Tian Xinxin was reluctant, "Let's talk about it!" Song

Weiduo watched their distant backs until they left the theater.

Peng Yu also thought that Song Weiduo was unwilling, and immediately stepped forward to comfort him.

"Weiduo, don't be frustrated, I think you danced very well, they won you, it's just a fluke, I'll take you to buy bags, Grandma Xiang has recently released a lot of new models..."

There is a good saying, cure all diseases, but at this moment, Song Weiduo is a little lost.

Because Xinxin and Xiaobai are like soul mates, but she and Peng Yu are not.

Heterosexuality is not necessarily better than same-sex

.... Song Weiduo began to think uncontrollably about some messy things again.

Who will save her Wow, is this the CP powder of Xiaobai and Shin Shin in seconds?

Although I know that this pair of CPs is not the real CP I imagined, but I can't help but bump CP like crazy, who can understand this feeling?

After going back, Tian Xinxin pulled Sun Xiaobai to celebrate happily~

Anyway, she was just unhappy to see Song Weiduo, and this person who suddenly appeared to find fault really hated to die.

Fortunately, under the strong cooperation of her and Xiaobai, Song Weiduo was killed, and the piece of armor was not left~

It is really a happy thing!

Xiaobai's mood is also quite beautiful~ As long as she works hard to complete the main task, she can use her real identity to get closer to Xinxin, a little closer~

Such a happy moment, of course, it will be hot pot.

If one meal is not enough, come for two!

They chose a hot pot restaurant with the hottest business and the best taste in the back street of the school.

At this time, the weather has begun to cool down, and eating hot pot is very comfortable.

Beef and mutton, pork belly, meatballs, pork blood, dried orchids, and all kinds of vegetables, all have to be ordered.

The two of them ate heartily!

Anyway, you won't gain weight after eating, and unlike most beautiful women, Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin never lose weight and eat whenever they want.

The food was fresh, but Xiaobai's phone rang, and after she saw it, her face suddenly changed!

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