The person who called was Sun Xiaobai's aunt, Sun Qishan.

To talk about Sun Qishan, it is quite mean!

In addition, the child she gave birth to is a daughter, and Sun Xiaobai's family is a boy, which makes Sun Qishan, who has some patriarchal thinking, even more unhappy.

Usually, Sun Xiaobai saw how far Sun Qishan could hide, after all, this kind of middle-aged woman with a broken mouth and a bad heart was the most difficult to deal with, but just now she accidentally pressed the answer button.

At this time, a sharp female voice immediately came.

"Qingqing, how have you been doing in college lately? Did you take the midterm exam, is the score ranking? "

Well, this kind of elder who comes up and asks for grades is really annoying!

Now that the phone has been connected, and it is inconvenient to hang up, Sun Xiaobai had to answer her, "Let's make do." In

fact, she took the first place in the exam, but there was no need to tell Sun Qishan, lest the other party have a big mouth and don't know what kind of words she will say.

"Yo, the ranking is hidden from my aunt, is it a bad test, it doesn't matter, you tell me, I won't tell your parents, it seems that our family Pingping is powerful, this time it is the sixth place in the class!"

Well, Sun Xiaobai finally understood at this time.

Perhaps Sun Qishan did not want to ask about her results, but to show off her daughter Dong Ping's achievements.

Seeing that Sun Xiaobai didn't speak much, Sun Qishan was even more energetic now.

"Although my family Pingping is only in her second year of high school, she knows a lot of knowledge, if you don't understand anything, maybe ask Pingping, she can give you an answer!"

Oh, joke, Xiaobai thought to himself that I am now a freshman, and I still need to consult a high school sophomore?

Besides, what you learn in high school and college is completely different.

Sun Qishan is also really, embarrassing!

"Aunt, I wonder why you called me?"

Sun Xiaobai quickly changed the topic, if there was nothing serious, she really had to find an excuse to hang up.

She does have a good personality, but it does not mean that she is a silly white sweet.

In the face of these ill-intentioned people, Xiaobai naturally has his own way of fighting back!

"Yes, yes, there is something particularly important! Your uncle's fiftieth birthday is coming soon, you must remember to participate in two days, as for the gift red envelopes, we are a family, don't be so outward, the meaning is right, but don't give any big gifts, he..." Sun

Qishan let out a series of laughter, sounding like a friendly elder.

But isn't her words clearly emphasizing that gifts and red envelopes must be prepared?

This careful thought, Sun Xiaobai can see through.

"Well, I'll definitely come."

Fifty birthday, if you don't go, you can't say it.

"That's good, the happiest family reunion, my aunt knows you, the university I tested is not particularly good, unlike some who were admitted to one of the top key universities in the city, and the scholarships issued down are tens of thousands of yuan, and when Pingping is in her third year of high school next year, I must urge her well and let her strive to enter a key university in the city... Her teacher said, with her current grades, it's not much..." Listening

to Sun Qishan's chattering show-off, Sun Xiaobai fell asleep quickly.

Are there such annoying elders? Do you have to degrade others in order to elevate her own children?

In this way, Xiaobai has heard it many times and has developed immunity.

"Aunt, my phone will run out of battery immediately, only 1%, talk back!"

"Eh, it's such a coincidence, I haven't finished talking yet..."

At this time, Xiaobai quickly turned off the phone.

She didn't want to listen to the other party's continued nagging, and all of them were malicious words.

"What's wrong, Xiaobai, you seem to be a little unhappy?"

Tian Xinxin deserves to be Sun Xiaobai's very good friend, and he can see the other party's thoughts at a glance.

From the phone call just now, you can know Xiaobai's disgust and impatience, is his aunt so annoying? This is something that Tian Xinxin, who has always been in the favor of his family, cannot feel.

"Alas, my uncle is about to celebrate his birthday, and my aunt just called me to tell me that remember to go to his birthday banquet, and my aunt and I have a normal relationship."

In front of Tian Xinxin, Sun Xiaobai did not need to hide anything.

"This kind of annoying relative, it doesn't matter if you don't go."

Although Tian Xinxin did not know how annoying Sun Xiaobai's aunt was at this moment, she always stood on Sun Xiaobai's side unconditionally, thinking about her and speaking for her.

Xiaobai was very moved, because in the face of his aunt, sometimes even his biological parents would think that more was better than less, persuading himself to be tolerant, let alone some relatives around them, they always thought that the elders were bigger than the sky, but Tian Xinxin stood on his side without hesitation!

"Forget it, in order not to worry about your parents, let's go."

Sun Xiaobai involuntarily talked to Tian Xinxin about some things when he was a child.

Compared with Shin Shin, her family is really ordinary, and her family's thinking is more traditional.

Tian Xinxin listened very carefully, and when she heard interesting things, she would laugh out loud. I even imagined in my heart how good it would be if I knew Sun Xiaobai when I was a child.

Hearing that Xiaobai was bullied, Tian Xinxin would be very angry and couldn't wait to stand up. How good it would be if she could stay by Xiaobai's sister's side and protect her at that time.

After chatting with Tian Xinxin, Xiaobai's mood was much better, but at this time, she had troubles again!

When you go home, you have to face a very serious problem!

Now Sun Xiaobai looks like a girl, but her family doesn't know about her suddenly becoming a girl.

If you let your family know, they will be greatly frightened.

What should I do when I go back?

It's good that I didn't see me when I called just now, and it doesn't matter if I hide my voice a little and make it low.

What's more, the original Sun Xiaobai's voice was not so rough.

But when you get home, how can you hide all this?

It seems that it can only be disguised....

The next day.

Sun Xiaobai immediately rushed to a wig shop after class, this scale is particularly large, Xiaobai specially selected on a certain review, wig styles are many, the texture is also excellent, almost can be fake.


Seeing such a beautiful beauty coming to visit, the two female clerks at the door couldn't close their mouths with a smile.

Who says that only opposites of the opposite sex attract?

People of the same sex will attract each other!

Who doesn't love looking at beautiful women?

The female clerk kindly recommended to Xiaobai, what dream purple, apricot pink, flax brown, milk tea gray... It's all a trendy hair color lately.

But without exception, all of them have long hair!

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