It's okay, don't worry about other people's business!

"Hmph, why do I think you all have in your words? Why, don't get used to me?

Sun Qishan crossed her hands at her waist, and was about to splash.

"How dare you, you are an elder."

In the past, Sun Xiaobai was hindered by feelings, and more was better than less, so he didn't say anything more.

But since changing his gender, Sun Xiaobai has become a lot more free!

Endure what to endure? There is no need at all!

It is most important to follow your heart!

Sun Qishan didn't expect that her nephew, who was kind and temperamental, would become prickly when he went to college!

Seeing that there was no benefit, she had to give up.

"I remember to come at night, my husband is 50th birthday, he is looking forward to you coming."

After Sun Qishan dropped such a sentence, she left with a smile.

Seeing Sun Qishan gone, Sun Xiaobai's heart was much happier.

Unexpectedly, Sun Fengquan walked to Sun Xiaobai's side, and he spoke, "Qingqing, after all, she is your aunt... You still have to save some face for her when you speak. Sun

Fengquan knew that Sun Qishan sometimes liked to be vexatious, but who let them be such close relatives?

Since they are all their own families, it doesn't matter if they tolerate it, and anger generates wealth.

"Okay, I see."

Sun Xiaobai was a little lost.

Why can't her own father think more about her?

Just because the other party is an elder, must he endure it unconditionally....

At this time.

Mrs. Ouyang quietly stood near the windowsill, secretly observing the movements of the Sun family.

There was also a person standing next to her, her right-hand man, Gui Lan.

Seeing that Sun Fengquan's attitude towards Sun Xiaobai was not very good, a trace of distress flashed in Mrs. Ouyang's eyes.

Surprisingly, seeing Sun Xiaobai's short-haired boy's appearance, Mrs. Ouyang did not show surprise.

Soon it was the birthday dinner.

Xiaobai's hometown is a county town around Beicheng, and he found a good local hotel for dinner.

Although the Sun family is not a rich and noble family, there is a level of moderate prosperity, and the conditions of Sun Qishan's family are better than those of the Xiaobai family.

She is a master who pays attention to face and noodles!

The style of this hotel is very rich at a glance, and the inside is resplendent, although it is not the best hotel in the county, but looking at this decoration, it will also give people a feeling of being very rich.

At this time, Sun Qishan was pulling her husband to receive the guests.

This time, she invited more than 100 people, even elementary school classmates who she had not contacted for many years.

On the one hand, you can hold up the scene well and show that she is well-liked, on the other hand, you can also take advantage of this to receive gifts.

As for whether you can't return the gift when the time comes... That's not depending on her mood!

Just make an excuse, if you can't leave at home, you can save a fortune.

This money, Sun Qishan only enters but does not exit, what a cost-effective transaction!

Sun Xiaobai followed behind Yao Ling and Sun Fengquan, and also came over.

Remembering to find an aunt who especially likes to make fun of her, Xiaobai lowered his head and tried to reduce his sense of existence.

But he didn't expect that Sun Qishan, who had sharp eyes, had already walked towards him.

"Brother, sister-in-law, Qingqing's eldest nephew!"

Sun Qishan was enthusiastic as if nothing unpleasant had happened to them in the morning.


Aunt..." Sun Xiaobai called out in a low voice.

No way, you still have to say hello when you meet.

"Oh, big nephew, why are you so shy, speaking so quietly! Look at my family Pingping, how loud and generous, I forgot to tell you that she also participated in the support of the radio station at school. Qingqing, it's not me who said you, you are too twisted and pinched, how can you be like a girl. In

front of everyone, Sun Qishan said loudly, lest others not hear.

Sun Fengquan glanced at his son, how could he suddenly feel that Sun Qishan's last sentence made some sense....

It seems that her son is upright and a little handsome, but if you look closely, you will find that she exudes a feminine aura as a whole.

"Sister, there are so many people, even if you joke, you have to have a degree."

Yao Ling has always defended her son.

Sun Qishan saw that the faces of Xiaobai's family were not very good-looking, and all the guests around looked over to see the liveliness, she raised her eyebrows proudly, the purpose she wanted had been achieved!

"Oh, sister-in-law, what are you talking about, I just said a few words nonsense, just say it casually."

After speaking, Sun Qishan didn't care what attitude Yao Ling had, and walked away directly.

Such a good opportunity to show off her daughter to everyone, of course Sun Qishan will not let it go.

This time, she specially let her daughter rush back from school and help entertain guests here.

"Come on, please inside, eat and have fun ha~"

Yao Ling was really speechless when she saw her sister-in-law's face.

They delivered the prepared gifts and red envelopes to the sign-in desk, and it was Sun Qishan's husband's mother, that is, her mother-in-law who was responsible for registration.

Although Sun Qishan is receiving guests now, her eyes have already drifted over...

She wanted to know what gifts Xiaobai's family had prepared for her, and the share of red envelopes was not large.

After seeing the gift, Sun Qishan showed a satisfied smile.

It's all brand-name goods!

If the delivery is too bad, she will have to go to the door to make trouble.

When Xiaobai saw so many people, social fear immediately committed.

She quickly found an inconspicuous corner, and just wanted to sit down, but she was pulled away by Sun Fengquan.

Own relatives, do not sit at this table.

The seats at this banquet are elaborate, arranged in advance, and a seat card is placed on each table.

Xiaobai is a little desperate....

My God, this table of theirs is right in the middle, and it's full of people.

Well, sins, eating this kind of thing is not suitable for social fear.

Sun Xiaobai reluctantly sat down.

She wished she could be cleansed and get through this dinner party early.

It's so embarrassing to say hello and talk to someone you don't know... And they're all the kind of people who are very curious.

However, the heavens seem to be joking with her! It always backfires.

Xiao Bai had only sat down for a few minutes, and before her butt was hot, a middle-aged woman at the aunt-level level came over.

"This is Qingqing? Wow, I didn't expect them to grow so big..." The

other party looked Sun Xiaobai up and down with eyes like a monkey, and let out a burst of exclamations.

This feeling of being stared at is somewhat scalp-numbing.

Xiao Bai showed a super embarrassed smile.

She didn't know each other either, so she didn't know how to speak.

Maybe it was this smile that gave the other party the wrong hint, and the middle-aged aunt actually sat next to Sun Xiaobai with great interest!

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