What are you doing? You don't come over and wow....

Xiaobai is already silently dripping cold sweat, help, wow, she is simply powerless to parry....

"Qingqing, I'm your aunt, I hugged you when you were one year old, and you peed me all over at that time!"

Yes? This....

If there is a crack in the ground at this moment, Xiao Bai will definitely drill down without hesitation!

Why do you have to say such a humiliating thing to the dinner table?

Look at the elders here, one by one, they listened with relish... He also looked at Sun Xiaobai with a smile.

Sun Xiaobai quickly lowered his head and took out his mobile phone to fiddle with it.

"College now, right? Did you fall in love at school? "

Auntie is obviously curious.

She glanced at Sun Xiaobai's white and clean face again, "You look so handsome, you can't live without a girlfriend!" There must be a lot of girls chasing you, right? "

That's a tough question!

She doesn't have a girlfriend, but a girlfriend does, that is, her favorite Shin Shin!

"Count it, count it."

I really don't want to be interrogated by my aunt anymore, and my aunt begged to let it go!

Unexpectedly, the aunt became more interested in this topic.

"Yo, the little young man really has skills, where is the girlfriend, how old is it, do you have a photo?" Well...... Go to college like you, right? That's supposed to be about the same size.

At this time, Yao Ling couldn't sit still.

"You kid, don't tell your mother when you talk about your girlfriend?"

Seeing that the eyes of the entire table were focused on herself, Xiao Bai realized how gaffe she had just made!

Blah blah, if you already know it, don't talk nonsense.

"Actually... In fact, there is no formal relationship yet, I said nonsense. Xiao Bai explained weakly.

Will everyone believe her explanation?

It's impossible to wait to really take out Shin Shin's photo, right?

No, this will make things bigger and bigger!

"Qingqing is humble, this look is what girls like." The aunt smiled happily, and everyone waited to continue eating melons.

Xiao Bai lowered his head and wanted to ignore everyone's existence....

She was already rummaging through Tian Xinxin's photos.

It's really not okay, let's get through the current crisis first?

Relatives happily grabbed the cold dishes on the table and ate, all waiting for Xiaobai to take out his girlfriend's photo.

Wow, I haven't met such an obedient junior for a long time, just eat melon!

Xiao Bai quickly found a photo of Shin Shin.

She is not a person who likes to save photos, which is the habitual thinking of the old boyhood.

But only Tian Xinxin's photos are favorites and exceptions.

But...... Do you really want to show it to everyone?

At this moment, Xiaobai suddenly had an epiphany....

Gan, why is she so obedient?

"I'm sorry, I'm a little anxious..." At

critical moments, the almighty urine is the best to use.

Sun Xiaobai couldn't care about these elders, she pretended to have a stomachache and went to the bathroom with her stomach covered.

During this time, an elder muttered softly.

"This Qingqing looks a little girly, how can she cover her stomach like a girl's family?"

Be sure to squat for a longer time, so that the elders will turn their attention to other things.

In order to avoid numbness in his feet, Sun Xiaobai directly closed the toilet door and stood inside to play games.

Fortunately, there was plenty of space in the toilet!

Standing for half an hour is not a problem!

I don't know how, these games are like opening and hanging, teammates are as powerful as fighting chicken blood, and they abuse their opponents all the way.

If it weren't for the unique smell that belonged to the toilet from time to time, Sun Xiaobai could really fight for another two hours!

She looked at the time, and more than twenty minutes had passed.

So, Sun Xiaobai put away his mobile phone and walked out of the bathroom calmly.

Sure enough, the people at her table had already eaten, and everyone was talking and laughing, and they should have found other interesting melons.

Sun Xiaobai sat down in a low-key manner, ready to pull two mouthfuls and leave.

Unexpectedly, Sun Qishan brought her daughter Pingping "murderous" over.

Sun Xiaobai subconsciously frowned, didn't he? My aunt is coming over again to be a demon?

Sure enough....

"Dear relatives, today is a good day, I am glad that you can all come... I toast you with this drink. "

Sun Qishan's passion is surging, but it is really a complete show.

Everyone raised the cups in their hands.

Sun Xiaobai is a drink cup, she actually doesn't like to drink very much, the most important thing is... When you become a girl, isn't it just drinking and mistaken!!

After drinking, Sun Qishan and her relatives exchanged pleasantries for a while, and after the sensationalism was over, she looked at Sun Xiaobai again.

"Today is such a happy day, our two children in the Sun family are here, Qingqing and Pingping, it's better to let the two of them perform a talent for everyone."

Hehe, she has long heard that Sun Qing's child is a little introverted, usually silent, and even less talented.

Even playing basketball... It's all because the height is not tall enough, and the fight is very dish.

This is not her home show for Pingping?

Hmph, Yao Ling don't think that she is great if she gave birth to a son!

Just let Sun Qing make a background board for his daughter, and let him lose face by the way.

Sun Xiaobai subconsciously wanted to refuse.


But unexpectedly, as soon as he spoke, time stood still, and everyone's movements in front of him stopped.

Worst! This is a small pit to release a task again, right?

[Host, the ninth mission, it's coming, it's coming, it's really coming! ] The host needs to slap Sun Qishan and Pingping hard in the face. Our slogan is, only more pits, no most pits! Determined to be a small pit with a disabled mind than ~Tweet~]

Sun Xiaobai thought carefully.

This task sounds simple, but it's not!

With her current talent, wouldn't that be minutes and seconds Pingping?

However, the task was not for her to win the talent show with Pingping, but to slap her in the face.

How is it called a slap in the face? You have to fight hard....

Just these two small problems can stump Xiaobai.

The little pit of evil!

I really want to catch it, beat it hard, and then fry and bake it!

Xiaokengkeng knew that Sun Xiaobai silently scolded it in his heart again, but he didn't care!

Wait and see, this time there will be a surprise Oh~

Pingping is not as pompous as Sun Qishan, but the limelight, in her age of children, it is naturally a little vanity.

Moreover, she is very daring, and she is not afraid to perform in front of everyone at all, but is a little eager to try.

But well... This time I was performing talent with my cousin, not with girls, which always felt strange.

"Mom... So many people, a little embarrassed.

Pingping made a gesture and pushed back.

"What's so embarrassing about that?" Sun Qishan immediately changed her face, "Didn't you learn to play the flute recently?" Seeing

that her mother was a little angry, Pingping didn't dare to disobey her.

Otherwise, she would have to be told to death.

"Okay, then I'll put on a song."

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