Pingping thought, no wonder her mother went out today to let her bring the flute, it turned out that she had this plan... Anyway, she got used to it.

Everyone comes to the birthday party to give gifts, this meal is simply not enough to return the book, there is a performance to watch, but it is better.

Everyone focused on Pingping's body, and even the speed of cooking began to slow down.

Although Pingping and Sun Xiaobai are cousins, they are not very familiar with each other and rarely play together.

As far as she knows, her cousin should have no talent, so she can play a shallow role, so as not to go back and be reprimanded by her mother when she gets it.

Her mother's personality, Pingping knows no better, she loves face to death.

If she had lost face in front of so many people, she would definitely remember it for a long time.

Pingping has not been learning the flute for a long time, but her artistic cells are good, and she can already blow many beautiful songs.

Pingping randomly chose a cheerful song, as long as it is performed at a normal level, it is a stable win!

Beautiful notes came out of the flute, and Pingping skillfully held the jade flute, and everyone instantly had the feeling of being in the performance hall.

They are all people who don't know much about art, and when they hear this piece, they already feel very beautiful and beautiful.

The elders applauded vigorously, and some even cheered loudly.

Sun Qishan's face was full of pride!

This is a good daughter that she carefully taught, she is so sensible and well-behaved, versatile, so good that she shines and shines in the eyes of everyone present.

Sun Qishan glanced at Sun Xiaobai, and at this time, she was looking down at her phone.

Is it so calm?

Sun Qishan didn't put such a kid in her eyes.

It must be that she knew that she could not win over her good daughter Pingping, so she deliberately broke the jar and broke.

Wait and see!

In this kind of family gathering, slap the Dumiao of their Sun family in the face, so that everyone knows, what about Dumiao? It's still not as good as Pingping! It's all special Su Shuang to think about.

Pingping returned to her seat amid the cheers of the crowd.

She is relieved, this time must be stable~ Go back, maybe my mother will praise herself, and then take this opportunity to go out for two days, right? The academic pressure of the struggling high school students is too great....

"Qingqing, it's up to you."

Sun Qishan couldn't wait to call Sun Xiaobai.

In fact, she can't wait to see Sun Xiaobai ugly.

Sun Xiaobai replied without hurry, "Just wait two more minutes, my instrument will arrive immediately." "

There are even musical instruments?

Sun Qishan seriously suspected that Sun Xiaobai was forcibly pretending to be B.

Can't you see it, this stinky boy loves face so much?

At this time, a hotel staff member suddenly came to the banquet scene, who was still holding a guitar in his hand.

"Mr. Sun Qing, this is the guitar you need."

The staff walked up to Sun Xiaobai and handed her the guitar.

Sun Qishan was stunned when she saw it, and the posture was quite big!

However, can the eldest nephew play, play cotton, hahahaha.

Don't be embarrassed here....

Pingping is obviously also relatively light on the enemy.

She hadn't heard that her cousin could play the guitar, but she had learned a little when she was in college?

At most, it will only be a little fur, and you can pop flowers?

The cheers of those present rose again!

They are not Sun Qishan, specially to see the eldest nephew eat deflated.

They want to see a great show, and the instruments are all here, isn't that exciting?

"Cheer what, cheer, you should cry later!"

Sun Qishan muttered unpleasantly.

Xiao Bai walked to the front of the banquet hall, and it just so happened that this kind of banquet hall had a performance stage.

Her hand caressed the guitar, and her white jade-like, well-defined hands were beautiful.

The picture in front of me is really beautiful, and there are already people at the scene who are drunk.

The beautiful boy holds a guitar and has a pair of manga hands... Pingping's mind was suddenly mixed with strange things.

Annoying! Has she read too many rotten girl novels recently?

Busy with school, I haven't seen it for months, okay....

Everyone seemed to be amazed by Sun Xiaobai, they forgot their words, forgot to cook, and all looked at Sun Xiaobai on the stage with drunken eyes.

Strange, obviously I didn't think how handsome the young man of the Sun family was before, why did she stand on the stage so brightly?

But amazingly, it's clearly yet to come.

Sun Xiaobai began to play the guitar, every note seemed to be given a fresh life, and the sound of the flexible guitar floated throughout the banquet hall.

Outside the venue, passing guests and waiters couldn't help but glance inside.

Where does this sound come from?

Sounds great! It's the feeling that the ears are going to get pregnant.

Sun Xiaobai has a small pit blessing, artistic talent rubbing upward, a guitar song, not at all,

pinched ~ Sun Qishan was so shocked that her eyes were about to fall.

She couldn't believe that the person standing on the stage at this moment was her family's eldest nephew, Sun Qing.

How did it suddenly become so powerful?

Isn't this kid a music novice? How can he play guitar?

If it weren't for the fact that there was little difference in appearance, Sun Qishan almost thought that it was a replacement.

Damn, I didn't expect that things didn't develop according to my expectations, and I couldn't hit the face, but the person who was slapped in the face became himself.

Sun Qishan suddenly gritted her teeth with hatred!

"Good, great!"

"My daughter-in-law has been studying for three years, and the son of the Sun family can't play well."

"The Sun family doesn't seem to have any musical talents, right? How can Qingqing be so talented, and look so handsome, really, a proper other people's child! The

guests praised Sun Xiaobai and gave her high recognition of her performance!

There is no doubt that this time, Sun Xiaobai defeated Pingping.

This guitar performance is really wonderful, just now Pingping's flute sound was set off colorless, now everyone does not remember at all, left in the impression, only Sun Xiaobai's amazing guitar sound.

Pingping pouted, obviously very unhappy!

She didn't expect her cousin to be so powerful, it was simply hidden.

I already knew it, so I carefully chose a flute song to play.

But even so, with her strength, she is not her cousin's opponent at all.

This time made my mother humiliated in front of so many people, and there will definitely be no good fruit to eat when I go back.

Shouldn't you go back and wait for a hundred math problems?

Woohoo, my life is resting!

Pingping is really angry, her cousin is so annoying, she doesn't know that Jean Yi let her, people are girls!

The more I think about it, the more angry I get....

Pingping silently changed the position of a corner to reduce her sense of existence, lest Sun Qishan come over and nag her.

"Qingqing, when did you learn guitar? Wasn't your least favorite music lesson as a child? It's really a male college eighteen changes, more and more excellent!

Yao Ling was full of praise for her good "son".

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