Unfortunately, what Yao Ling didn't know was that her son had gradually become no longer a "boy".

"I learned casually in the university orchestra..." Sun Xiaobai quickly found a reason for himself.

"It's amazing, it's different when you go to college!"

The aunt next to her also praised Sun Xiaobai, who has become the best junior in the audience.

Sun Xiaobai smiled modestly.

These compliments are all floating clouds, the key is to complete the task!

But...... Why haven't you heard the little pothole tone?

The main quest this time is so simple, it can't be said that it shouldn't be.

Have you forgotten the small pits? Or asleep?

You can't drop the chain at a critical moment!

"Little pits? Small potholes? Pit goods, come out quickly! "

[Oh, I'm a small pit where people love flowers and see cars with flat tires, tweet~ What are the host's orders? ] 】

The delicate rough man's voice, although it has long been strange for Xiaobai, but still feels a chill!

Gagging, her goosebumps fell to the ground....

"What am I looking for you for, you don't have an AC number in your heart?"

[Xiaobaibai, but you didn't complete the ninth main quest Oh, didn't complete the prompt tone, that is, you didn't complete ha~]

Even though Xiaobai is getting more and more irritable, Xiao Pitg is as "gentle" as ever.

Sun Xiaobai was a little stunned.

What the hell is not finished?

She has already won Pingping, is that not enough? This is not called a slap in the face?

Could it be that she really rushed up and slapped her in the face?

"I X..."

Sun Xiaobai was angry, and finally controlled his uncivilized behavior.

This is sad!

What do you have to do to make a strong impact on Sun Qishan and Pingping?

Sun Xiaobai pulled the rice in the bowl, without thinking at all.

She secretly looked at Sun Qishan, but unexpectedly, she met the other party's indignant and fierce eyes.

Mom, she's scared!

This aunt is too cruel...

Sun Xiaobai turned his head and pretended that he was just looking at the scenery.

Sun Qishan was angry at this time!

Stinky boy, what to see! Did you feel very proud and spirited just now?

Want to watch jokes on purpose, huh?

Sun Qishan poked the meat in the bowl with chopsticks and poked the meat into pieces.

She suddenly had a plan!

Then, Sun Qishan left the table seat and went to count the gifts.

She had to see what gifts Sun Qing's family had prepared, and they were busy receiving guests just now, but they didn't see it clearly after a glance from afar.

Gifts are not hard to find, all are well documented.

Sun Qishan looked at the gift list and quickly turned it all over.

Of course, she couldn't be so obvious that she seemed to be targeting her eldest nephew's family.

Sun Qishan pretended to count all the gifts, and after making some appearances, she began to study the things sent by Sun Qing's family.

I have to say, it's still okay.

Usually, the family will only wrap a red envelope and give a gift, but they give one by one, even a college student like Sun Qing who is still studying gives a gift.

It is a box of supplements, a big brand, not very expensive, but it is definitely face-saving for gifts.

Sun Qishan can make a mistake now...

She just came to find fault on purpose!

So invulnerable, how can she find fault?

Sun Qishan's eyes gurgled, and finally thought of a good idea....

She took out the box of supplements, and then carried the box to Sun Xiaobai's table with a smile.

Sun Xiaobai saw that Sun Qishan took out the gift she had giving, and thought, what does she mean?

Could it be that he couldn't come over again to provoke trouble?

"Qingqing, look at you, you are too good for your aunt, you are still a student, what is the cost."

The opening statement is always so deeply hidden.

Everyone listened and cast appreciative glances at Sun Xiaobai.

The young man is not only talented, but also so filial, what a good young man!

Sun Xiaobai did not speak.

Judging from her expression, she seemed stunned and overwhelmed.

But actually, she knew that it would not be so simple! Let's pretend to be stupid and stunned first to see what tricks Sun Qishan wants to play....

Sure enough.

Sun Qishan changed her tone, "Nephew, and your aunt is not too old this year, so she doesn't need this kind of supplement!" You see, although your uncle is fifty years old this year, he is also very tough, in fact, neither of us can use it, or you can take it back, if you can return it, it can also help you save some money. "

The implication is that your eldest nephew is too good at choosing gifts, what kind of supplements to give to people on their birthdays?" Curse someone for not being physically strong enough?

Originally, it was a normal thing to send elder supplements, but when Sun Qishan said so, he really became Xiaobai's.

Most of the people present were older, and coupled with Sun Qishan's super infectious power, they also felt that Xiaobai was a little ignorant.

Yao Ling was very upset when she saw her son being ridiculed again.

Is this sister-in-law uncomfortable if she doesn't do things for a day?

"Sister, Qingqing is all kind, you let him take it back, how embarrassing it is."

Sun Qishan saw Yao Ling against herself, and her face turned white with anger.

My sister-in-law is also a nasty ghost, and I know how stupid to maintain her!

"Oh, that's what I said... But I really can't use it, sister-in-law, shouldn't it be you who helped Qingqing choose? Sun

Qishan was really good at fanning the flames, and suddenly led the spearhead to Yao Ling.

Yao Ling was stunned, she really had never seen such a messy sister-in-law!

He was about to reply to her a few words, but Sun Fengquan grabbed Yao Ling, and he persuaded his wife in a low voice, "So many people, forget it."


Yao Ling was about to say something, but Sun Fengquan spoke.

"Sister, what you said does make a little sense, it's Qingqing who is not very thoughtful, in this way, we will take the supplement, and I will add another gift to you here."

Sun Fengquan was about to pay for it.

Sun Qishan couldn't close her mouth with a smile, she knew that her brother couldn't bear to suffer a loss for her sister!

But in front of so many people, where is the good meaning to accept it directly?

Sun Qishan pushed back, "Brother, you are simply too polite, we are all a family, I don't accept it, I don't accept it!"

"It's still a sensible father, this child is a child after all, and he doesn't understand human feelings." Some people are already talking about it.

The person next to him also nodded in agreement.

It's not a good situation....

It seems that he did not succeed in the face, and he was also disgraced.

Elders are elders, after all, the rank is higher....

Xiao Bai was a little anxious, if she continued like this, her task would not be completed!

What is it to do to win back a round?

When he was helpless, someone in the banquet exclaimed!

"Oh my God, who is that?"

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