The value of the gift has far exceeded Sun Qishan's imagination!

Inside is a set of super lady's skin care products, at least tens of thousands to buy.

And actually, she guessed less.

This set costs 188,000.

For Sun Qishan, who usually uses thousands of skin care products and is reluctant, it is as beautiful as a dream.

She was a little afraid to take it....

But soon, Sun Qishan gladly accepted.

"Thank you Mrs. Ouyang."

From the discussion of the guests just now, Sun Qishan already knew the true identity of Mrs. Ouyang.

"Don't thank me, if you want to thank you, thank Sun Qing."

Mrs. Ouyang's words simply gave Sun Xiaobai enough face.

Such a valuable skin care product, which woman will not like it? Even if Sun Qishan really didn't like it, seeing such a noble, she didn't dare to make any more revenge.

Sun Qishan's face seemed to have been slapped fiercely.

She showed a stiff smile and looked at Sun Xiaobai, feeling very uncomfortable.

Sun Qishan suddenly understood why Mrs. Ouyang came to her birthday banquet for such an ordinary person...

Purely to prop up the scene for his nephew!

I really didn't expect that Sun Qing was so capable and could get to know such a big person.

Look at this kind of friendship, not ordinary friends!

How many college students who have not yet come out of society can have such social skills?

Sun Qishan had always bragged about how powerful her daughter was, but in front of the really powerful young people, she looked so funny and embarrassed.

Pingping's whole person froze.

She had heard of Mrs. Ouyang, who was quite famous in the celebrity circle, which was an upper-class society that people with her own family did not dare to think of.

I thought that this kind of big man could only be seen in magazines and TV, but I didn't expect that she not only appeared in front of my eyes, but also became a good friend of my cousin.

Cousin so powerful?

Pingping suddenly felt that the Sun Qing in front of her was not the same as the Sun Qing she knew.

It's just cool, okay!

Sun Qishan and Pingping looked at Sun Xiaobai so dumbfounded, making her think that she had something dirty on her face.

[Host, congratulations on completing the ninth task. Caught

off guard by the reminder to complete the task, Sun Xiaobai seemed to be still dreaming.

This, this, this... All at once?

How did I do it... Confused!

Yes, Xiaobai finally came to his senses, strictly speaking, it was not done by herself, it was Mrs. Ouyang's divine assist.

She is still in a very nervous mood!

Mrs. Ouyang had seen her women's clothing before, and now she saw her men's clothing... So the other party won't be confused? It will be curious whether this person is male or female....

However, Sun Xiaobai was not surprised to find that Mrs. Ouyang was not surprised, but cared for her.

Of course, Sun Xiaobai's biggest worry is that Mrs. Ouyang will suddenly ask, at this kind of birthday banquet, there are so many relatives, if it is really exposed, won't she flee the planet overnight?

Although the main quest was completed quite smoothly, it can be said that it was unprecedentedly fast, but Xiaobai's heart has always been hanging, "plopping", and jumping fast.

Or pretend to go to the toilet!

If you can escape, you can stay away.

Sun Xiaobai didn't dare to say hello to Mrs. Ouyang, for fear that the other party would accidentally leak the secret.

Unexpectedly, Sun Xiaobai was just about to get up, but was pulled by Sun Qishan.

"Qingqing, Mrs. Ouyang is our distinguished guest, you must treat it well!"

Sun Qishan accepted such a set of expensive cosmetics, and such a forced person came to celebrate her birthday, she was simply happy, the wine was cup after glass, and she couldn't be persuaded.

No, after a while, I got drunk.

It's just that this person doesn't let Xiaobai go when he's drunk!

Drunk people especially have brute strength, and Xiaobai originally wanted to leave, but the corners of his clothes were dragged deadly.

"Aunt, I want to go to the bathroom."

Sun Xiaobai's face was embarrassed, and he whispered to Sun Qishan.

"No, hold it back for me! Today, the king of heaven is not allowed to leave when he comes, come and come, you toast Mrs. Ouyang, you must toast!

Sun Qishan was full of momentum, and directly poured a cup of beer and handed it to Sun Xiaobai's hand.

She couldn't even refuse.

Seeing Sun Xiaobai holding the cup in a daze, Sun Qishan immediately "pushed the wave" and directly pulled her to Mrs. Ouyang.

Well, I don't want to talk now, I have to say hello.

You can't pretend you don't know, can you?

But what should be said is better... Xiao Bai was embarrassed to speak.

At this moment, Mrs. Ouyang resolved Sun Xiaobai's embarrassment in time.

"Sun Qing, don't you can't drink any alcohol, you're still in school, it's okay, I received your wishes, you helped me a lot before, this time I came to congratulate your relatives on their birthday, it is also deserved."


When did I help Mrs. Ouyang?

Sun Xiaobai was confused.

But with an agile mindset, she quickly figured out why.

Mrs. Ouyang is deliberately covering herself!

Aren't everyone curious about how they met such a noble lady?

And it was also an opportunity to tell herself that she would not say anything nonsense.

Xiaobai was almost moved to tears, woo-woo, Mrs. Ouyang was simply too good to her!

"Mrs. Ouyang, you are so kind to me, thank you."

"What to do so politely, we are good friends who have been made for many years, my daughter... She's about the same age as you. "Every time Mrs. Ouyang sees Sun Xiaobai, she thinks of her daughter Ouyang Ting, but it's a pity to create people.

When the people around heard this, they immediately began to over-interpret!

Wow puppet, could it be that the wealthy wife took a fancy to Sun Qing and asked him to be the son-in-law of the wealthy family?

It's pie in the sky!

"Mrs. Ouyang, I toast you!"

"I toast you too!"

"Qingqing is what we grew up watching, and we will ask Mrs. Ouyang to take more care in the future."

The relatives and friends present immediately became enthusiastic, almost lining up to greet Mrs. Ouyang.

Although she didn't like this kind of crowded occasion, Mrs. Ouyang did not show any displeasure, but responded politely one by one.

Sun Xiaobai always felt a little strange when he looked at such a sensational scene....

It's like marrying a daughter....

Was it her delusion?

Everyone is just too enthusiastic!

After paying tribute to Mrs. Ouyang, I didn't expect that the next person would be his turn.

Sun Xiaobai looked at the countless glasses of wine handed over, stunned!

When did she have such a grand scene!

"Qingqing, please take more care of your uncle in the future."

"Qingqing, although we haven't seen each other much, I'm the cousin of your grandfather's brother's wife's wife, and I'll help you more in the future~"

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