"Brother I wish you a step by step and a brilliant Tengda!"

"In the future, I guess I will have to be called President Qing, I wish you to become CEO as soon as possible!"

Listening to these outrageous toasts, Xiao Bai had to smile.

The birthday banquet finally ended, and Sun Xiaobai was called to send Mrs. Ouyang again.

But what I didn't expect was....

After Sun Xiaobai sent Mrs. Ouyang to her luxury car, the other party stopped her.

"Wait! Come up and sit for a while. Mrs

. Ouyang's eyes were very sincere, even with a hint of pleading.

In fact, Sun Xiaobai has never understood why Mrs. Ouyang would be so kind to her.


I don't know what I want to talk to her about, but I don't want to ask her about the time when she is a woman and a man?

Although Sun Xiaobai subconsciously wanted to escape from this topic, who could bear to refuse such an elegant and dignified Mrs. Ouyang?

A moment later.

Sun Xiaobai sat in the luxury car, cramped to rub the corners of his clothes.

This luxury car is a tens of millions of Rolls-Royce Phantom, with a lot of space inside the car and super luxury.

But Sun Xiaobai has no intention of appreciating and enjoying luxury cars, and she is a little nervous now.

Because Mrs. Ouyang had been staring at her for several minutes, and she didn't speak, the atmosphere was really super weird!

"So, Mrs. Ouyang, what are you looking for me for?"

Sun Xiaobai finally spoke.

"Xiaobai, you..." Mrs

. Ouyang looked at Xiaobai's face and felt extremely kind, in fact, she didn't have anything, she just wanted to talk to her, it was as simple as that.

But in Sun Xiaobai's opinion, this is not the case!

It's over, is she ready to question herself? What should be the next explanation to be able to muddle through?

Sun Xiaobai's forehead was about to drip sweat.

She quickly confessed leniently, "I'm sorry, Mrs. Ouyang, I didn't mean to deceive you!" "

Since Sun Xiaobai bound the small pit system, he has shown extremely high talent in the language section, and switching between men and women is basically not a problem.

At this time, she no longer disguised her voice, anyway, Mrs. Ouyang had also seen her appearance in women's clothing.

"Child, I know, I understand your difficulties..." Sun

Xiaobai was a little excited when he spoke just now, mainly because he was very nervous, but I don't know why, Mrs. Ouyang was even more excited than her at this time, and even tears began to burst into her eyes!

Hearing Mrs. Ouyang say this, Sun Xiaobai's whole person froze...

No way?

Are powerful people so bullish!

Know this secret?

But speaking of it, she is not particularly miserable, at least the small pit has given her a lot of special abilities...

Sun Xiaobai has long unknowingly enjoyed this kind of happiness as a girl, but she doesn't know it.

Mrs. Ouyang looked at Sun Xiaobai, as if looking at her deceased daughter Ouyang Ting.

Are there really two people in the world who look so similar? It's incredible.

Mrs. Ouyang secretly did a lot of investigations, and confirmed the authenticity of the investigation.

Otherwise, she would really suspect that Sun Xiaobai was Ouyang Ting.

They were originally two unrelated young girls, but under the arrangement of fate, they had exactly the same face, and even the encounter was a little bit like a god...

Thinking of these things, Mrs. Ouyang came from sorrow and couldn't help but burst into tears.

Sun Xiaobai seemed to have noticed that she was thinking about something sad? But she didn't know Mrs. Ouyang, and it was not very convenient to ask.

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