Mrs. Ouyang realized her gaffe and hurriedly wiped the corners of her eyes with a handkerchief.

She slowly spoke, "Xiaobai, I really understand you. Your parents must really want a boy, so raise you as a boy as a girl, I can't believe how you have spent more than ten years... Must be especially lonely and sad. "

If Ouyang Ting hadn't had an accident back then, Mrs. Ouyang wouldn't have had so many feelings.

Sun Xiaobai was stunned when she heard it, if it weren't for the person she said, she would almost believe it!

So...... Mrs. Ouyang's side didn't need to explain at all, she explained it clearly?

It sounds outrageous, but it's just round!

Sun Xiaobai's spirit moved, it was better to make a mistake, anyway, she didn't think of any better explanation at all.

"Mrs. Ouyang... Thank you for understanding me, it is true, I didn't know how to tell you before, I didn't expect that you had already guessed why.

Sun Xiaobai brewed sadness for a while, and then took off the wig from his head, and his long black and shiny hair was spread out, Xiaobai was still the beautiful and moving pure lust beauty.


Looking at someone who resembles her daughter, it is really difficult for Mrs. Ouyang to control her emotions.

She couldn't help but hug Sun Xiaobai gently.

Sun Xiaobai was a little overwhelmed, but she could feel that Mrs. Ouyang was not malicious, so she gently patted Mrs. Ouyang's back with her hand, as if she wanted to give her some comfort.

Really, it's a warm embrace.

I haven't felt such warmth for a long time.

After a while, Mrs. Ouyang finally let go of Sun Xiaobai.

Sun Xiaobai asked curiously, "I always feel as if you know me, but it's strange that I haven't seen you before the beauty party."

"Maybe it's our fate?" Xiaobai, every time I see you, it's like seeing my own daughter, it's very kind, if you can, are you willing to be my goddaughter? "

She really likes this girl in front of her.

Sun Xiaobai was stunned!

What happened tonight is too mysterious.

It was already incredible that Mrs. Ouyang would suddenly appear to save her face, but she didn't expect that something even more incredible would happen now!

If it were someone else, it would be too late to be happy.

You know, Mrs. Ouyang is a bigwig-level figure in the celebrity circle, and how many people want to bother her are suffering from having no way.

But such a thing was directly sent to Xiaobai.

"Mrs. Ouyang, I... Can I refuse? The reason for the rejection is not that I have any other opinion, you and I have a very good impression of you, but I am a person who likes to live a simple life, and I hope you can forgive me for my rudeness.

Sun Xiaobai thought about it and gave Mrs. Ouyang an answer without humility.

Sure enough, there was no agreement.

In fact, it was expected by Mrs. Ouyang.

Her and Xiao Ting's personalities are also a little similar.

"It's okay, it's me who tasted it, I'll come to my side often in the future, let's leave a contact information."

Mrs. Ouyang not only gave Sun Xiaobai her own private phone number, but also added her WeChat.

This private number is something that many people can't find out after a few inquiries!

Visible. How different she was to Xiaobai.

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