Sun Qing quickly glanced at WeChat, thinking about whether he could withdraw the message, but he didn't expect it to take more than three minutes, which was really difficult to ride a tiger.

Tian Xinxin seemed to be very happy and sent several interesting memes over.

This made Sun Qing even more unable to regret refusing.

With apprehension, Sun Qing has always been worried.

Unexpectedly, in the middle of the night, there was another panic incident!

Sun Qing naturally did not hide her hair when she slept at night, she got up and went to the bathroom, and when she came out, she actually bumped into Xu Zhifan!

Although this black light was blinding, although he couldn't see it clearly, Xu Zhifan saw Sun Qing's charming hair.

It's really strange, there are women in the dormitory?

Sun Qing and Xu Zhifan looked at each other in the darkness, looking at each other.

Why does he keep staring at my hair?

Sun Qing, who was terrified, subconsciously wanted to slip away, but he didn't expect to be held by Xu Zhifan's shoulder.

Then, Xu Zhifan's face came over....

Not only that, but he also made a pouting motion!

Oh, my God!

Is he going to kiss himself?

Sun Qing was so frightened that he quickly broke free from Xu Zhifan's restraints, and then escaped into his bed with a puff of smoke.

Xu Zhifan rubbed his eyes, hey, what about the beauty?

He couldn't find it!

Xu Zhifan walked into the bathroom half-dreamed, got on a trumpet, and went back to sleep.

After a while, there was a thunderous snoring.

Sun Qing, who shivered in the quilt, poked his head out.

Scared the baby to death, what is it like to have a roommate?

Did Xu Zhifan recognize himself just now? Still dreaming....

Sun Qing had a nightmare all night, dreaming that a blood basin rushed towards her, and then she was awakened!

"Sun Qing, what's wrong with you? Ghost shouting? Duan Hangzhi, who was brushing his teeth, finally woke up and muttered to her.

"It's okay, it's just a nightmare."

Sun Qing's forehead was full of cold sweat, she looked at Xu Zhifan, who was wearing short sleeves, and asked weakly, "Zhifan, did you dream last night?"

Xu Zhifan immediately looked at Sun Qing, and that look made Sun Qing a little panicked!

Oops, he shouldn't have found out that he was a girl, right?

"Hahaha," Unexpectedly, at this time, Xu Zhifan let out a demonic laugh, "I'm not just a dream, or a beautiful dream!" I was about to kiss a beautiful woman, but I didn't expect her to disappear, sorry! Speaking

of this, Xu Zhifan was annoyed and touched his lips.

Wen Bo said seriously, "The so-called day and night have dreams, Zhifan must have fallen into unrequited love."

"Gee, pure desire for beauty my dish!" If I meet her again, I will definitely step forward and say six words to her without hesitation!

Duan Hangyuan asked, "Which six words?"

"Can I add WeChat?" Xu Zhifan made a handsome gesture funny.

Sun Qing was terrified to hear it....

I drip obediently, last night's crisis was resolved, but what about future crises?

Xu Zhifan must not have imagined that the pure desire in his mouth was the beauty of his good brother Sun Qing.

After washing, Sun Qing was pulled by three roommates to walk in the direction of the cafeteria.

Faced with the hook-up of her roommates, Sun Qing is now particularly unaccustomed, and she subconsciously avoided it.

Duan Hangyuan complained, "You are Sun Qing, why have you become as twisted and pinched as a woman now?" "

Whatever," Sun Qing hurriedly ran a few steps forward, "I'm hungry, hurry for breakfast!"

"Cut, really, the amount of rice is really big!"

After arriving at the cafeteria, Sun Qing still bought three large meat buns as usual, one roasted wheat, one sauce fragrant cake, and a cup of soy milk.

But I really don't know what's wrong today, I just ate a meat bun and a roasted wheat and couldn't eat it!

"Who of you doesn't have enough breakfast..." Sun Qing didn't want to waste it.

At this time, the three roommates suddenly looked at Sun Qing with strange eyes!

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