Sun Qing was flustered by the sight.

"You, you... What for?

The three roommates said in unison, "Sun Qing, why are you a little weird, transsexual?" "


Sun Qing has the heart to die!

She will keep the secret to death, so who leaked the wind?

But the matter has come to this, and only confession is lenient.


At this time, Xiao Keng quickly knocked Sun Qing's head fiercely!

"Fool, why did you take the initiative to explain?"

Sun Qing was a little confused, at this time, she heard Xu Zhifan sighing, "Sun Qing, shouldn't you be cold or not?" The amount of food has become so much smaller, like a girl.

Sun Qing then understood.

Eh, a false alarm! It turned out that the roommates did not see that she was now a girl.

Sun Qing explained, "The cold is already good, maybe I was hungry just now, and now I can't eat it."

"Then we'll help you share it!"

The three roommates were unceremonious, and immediately divided Sun Qing's remaining breakfast.

Sun Qing's heart suddenly felt a little uncomfortable.

Although I have only known my roommates for a month, my relationship is very good, in order to hide my girl's identity, do I have to reduce my contacts in the future?

Woo hoo, she can't bear it!

Sun Qing is now not only a girl, but even the amount of food is the same as that of a girl, and even the sensitive emotions of girls are somewhat similar.

It's really gone forever on the road to sexuality!

Finally going to class, Sun Qing quickly found a back position.

Well, it's safer for her to reduce contact with people.

I wanted to spend the class time in peace, but how could the small pit stop?

Soon, that familiar and annoying voice sounded!

[The host triggers a hidden side quest, please wear Lolita to the next class, you will gain a level 1 dance skill after completing the mission, and you will kiss Xu Zhifan if you fail the mission.] What


How is it getting more and more pitted?

Thinking of Xu Zhifan's blood basin, Sun Qing subconsciously snorted.

She tried to discuss, "I don't need dance skills, can I cancel them?"

"Can't." The little pothole is ruthlessly like a robot.

"Isn't my last side quest unfinished, why is it new?"

"Side quests can be played multiple times at the same time, and only after the main quest is completed one, the next one can be started."

Irritating! So little pit, you're fixing me, right?

Sun Qing gambled and said, "Then you might as well let me die!" Xiao

Keng smiled evilly, "Of course, the host can choose to die, before death, first die Oh, as for how to die in society, do you say that you were discovered by Tian Xinxin that you are Sun Qing, or was it discovered by your roommate that you are a beautiful woman with pure desire?" "

Then she doesn't want to die!"

The little pit really pinched her to death.

Sun Qing endured the humiliation and burden, "Okay, isn't it just wearing Lolita?" I wear!

"That's good, whatever!"


Sun Qing heard the contrived sound of Xiao Pit, and really felt that last night's overnight dinner was about to vomit.

"Little pit, sometimes I really don't understand whether you are male or female..."

Sun Qing was simply unable to complain.

Unexpectedly, at this time, the voice of the small pit seemed a little sad, "This is a secret."

After class, Sun Qing quickly sneaked into the tool room of the bathroom.

This is the teaching building, there are many students, whether she runs into the men's bathroom or the women's bathroom to cross-dress, it is not very suitable, and she will definitely be arrested as a pervert, right?

Sun Qing took out the Lolita costume that Xiao Pithole gave her from her school bag.

Just after taking a look, Sun Qing was shocked!

I'm a god, it's too beautiful....

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