Everyone remembers that boys need to be strong and brave, cannot shed tears, and have to swallow pain into their stomachs, but they ignore their emotional needs.

Xiaobai is really moved, in the bits and pieces of getting along with Xinxinzi, she likes Xinxinzi more and more, but now it is hindered by gender!

If he was still a boy, Sun Xiaobai would definitely confess without hesitation.

She will no longer hide her heart in her heart like before, because of her inferiority, she feels unworthy of Tian Xinxin, and she has not even taken the initiative to talk, let alone show her intentions.

But now... Everything was missed.

Can't let her use her identity as a girl to confess to Xinxin, right?

That, that's really crazy!

Girls and girls, how is it possible?

Although reason told Sun Xiaobai that it was impossible, a crazy idea appeared in her mind at this moment.

No, absolutely not!

It is not at all in line with worldly concepts, and it will cause great distress to Shin Shin.

It's better not to be cranky, and work hard to do the task with peace of mind.

After dinner, the two happily returned to the rental house, a cozy nest for the two of them.

To be honest, shopping is really a physical job, Sun Xiaobai just finished taking a bath, he felt sleepy and wanted to sleep.

Who said girls are so weak? When shopping, your physical strength is super good!

Sun Xiaobai was lying on the bed, drowsy, and suddenly heard the signature rich loli sound of Xiaokengkeng.

[Host, the tenth task it's coming, it's coming, it's really coming! ] The host needs to participate in the draft held by Mr. Vinson's company, Star Can Entertainment, on time, and our slogan is, only more pits, no most pits! Determined to be a small pit with a disabled mind than ~chimi~]

what? Still have to participate in the draft? Obviously he just refused others, do you have to be cheeky to ask?

How are the tasks issued by the little pit getting more and more outrageous....

Confused, Sun Xiaobai thought it was a dream.

It must have been pit many times to have been pitted by small pits, so that such an outrageous dream would be made!

When he woke up the next day, Sun Xiaobai did not pay attention to it and went directly to class.

When I arrived at recess, I suddenly heard several female classmates talking excitedly, "Wow, this time Junjunzi will be the draft judge!" The venue is in our North City, or we skip class to see the idols, right?

"It's easy to skip class, but where do we get tickets at the draft?"


When Sun Xiaobai heard these two words, his sleeping memory suddenly woke up.

Last night, Xiao Pitpit seemed to have released a mission, was it a dream or real?

"Little pothole!"

[The most beautiful and generous host, I am here~ What do I need to serve? ] ] Disgusting

~ The small pit is really not disgusting, and the words are set by set.

"Was the mission posted last night? I must be dreaming, right? "

[No, you didn't dream Oh, remember to complete the tenth task, complete the task early, in order to become a boy early, and stay with your Xinxinzi ~]

"You... What nonsense are you talking about?

Sun Xiaobai heard Xiao Kengkeng say her deepest thoughts so bluntly, and her face immediately turned red with shame.

[Isn't it?]

"What kind of mess are you posting in a damn little pit?" I just finished refusing, do I have to be cheeky to ask Mr. Wen now?

Sun Xiaobai changed the subject.

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