[Gee, what a panic, panic, like it and dare not admit it, it seems that you are still the former Sun Qing, alas, elm head! ] No

, she is no longer the Sun Qing she used to be! Sun Xiaobai silently shouted in his heart, but did not refute it.

With her current situation, she can't confess her heart in the face of Tian Xinxin.

After a short silence, Sun Xiaobai called Vincent.

Vincent saw that it was an unfamiliar caller number, and he didn't know why, but suddenly remembered the two beautiful girls he saw in the restaurant yesterday, and he immediately answered the phone.

"Hello? Who is it? "

I... I'm Sun Xiaobai, and we met at the restaurant yesterday.

Sure enough, Vincent smiled, looking strategic, he knew that no young girl could refuse such a great opportunity!

"Why, have you changed your mind now?"

"I had already decided that I would not change it, but I overheard that my idol would also come to the draft and serve as a judge, so I decided to call you again in order to meet my idol."

Before making the call, Sun Xiaobai had already made up a set of rhetoric.

The main thing is that she needs a step for herself to go down.

"So it is! So, what about your friend, will she come over? "

Although it is a little different from what you imagined, it is common for these little girls to be obsessed with idols.

Although the person Vincent fancy at the beginning was Sun Xiaobai, in the later contact, he found that Tian Xinxin was also a very good seedling, and his personality was very characteristic, since Sun Xiaobai had agreed, it was naturally impossible to miss the opportunity to sign another girl at the same time.

"I don't know yet, let me ask her."

Tian Xinxin will not come, this is her own business, Sun Xiaobai will not be so vexatious to make decisions for her.

Although Sun Xiaobai hoped that Tian Xinxin could accompany her, he had to ask her opinion about this matter after all.

"Well, Xiaobai, since you have changed your mind, I naturally welcome it. However, you need to prepare your talents to participate in the draft, and whether you can make the cut in the end depends on your own performance. Which idol do you like, maybe I can help you ask for his autograph! "

Vincent is a very professional agent, he signed artists, of course, it is impossible to just look at a face, will consider all aspects.

However, he is very confident in his professional judgment, and Xiaobai's performance will definitely not disappoint him!

"This..." "Oops, there must be a mistake in a hundred secrets, Sun Xiaobai only heard the classmates talking about what handsome and handsome, and he didn't know what the idol's full name was?

However, she has her own way.

At this moment, Sun Xiaobai immediately searched with his mobile phone and finally found his name.

"Hello? Xiaobai, why is there no sound over there? Is the signal not very good? Vincent

saw that no one had spoken on the other end of the phone, and felt very strange.

Xiaobai quickly replied, "It's Chen Junhao!"

"Oh, it turned out to be him! Junhao is the hottest student recently, no wonder. "

However, Vincent always thinks that Xiaobai is not very much like a star-chasing girl, maybe Chen Junhao's charm is too great!"

After ending the call, Sun Xiaobai could finally breathe a sigh of relief, such a face-saving thing was the first time to do it, just rejected others, and instead begged the other party, fortunately, the excuse she found was appropriate.

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