Tian Xinxin's mind immediately unfolded a rich imagination...

I don't know why, obviously she feels that she is more like a boy than Xiaobai's sister, but in her imagination, she will automatically substitute Xiaobai's sister into the identity of a boy!

"Xinxin, you promised me before that you can't repent! I'll be the director for you and rehearse with you!

This was something that Deng Shiyu was thinking about, and she quickly reminded Tian Xinxin again, for fear that the other party would regret or forget.

"Good, good, I see, Director Deng."

Tian Xinxin's original imagination was out of his mind, but he was suddenly pulled back to reality by Deng Shiyu's words.

She immediately perked up and convinced herself not to be cranky! Is that something to think about? It's somewhat outrageous....

"Great, in that case, I have to supervise you well, time is urgent, let's start rehearsing after school today!"

Deng Shiyu is now as energetic as he was beating chicken blood.

"With this intention, give the phone to Xiaobai, and I will talk to her."

Tian Xinxin had already guessed that Xiaobai would definitely be next to Deng Shiyu at this moment.

"It's really a god, I don't seem to have told you that Xiao Bai is next to me, right?"

Deng Shiyu muttered and handed the phone to Sun Xiaobai.

"Shin Shin."

Although he didn't see him, Sun Xiaobai already felt the familiar taste, which was very reassuring and comfortable.

"After finishing the class today, let's go to rehearse the drama together!"

"Well, time is running out."

"Little white sister, you today... What do you think? After

finishing business, Tian Xinxin came with a simple greeting, obviously they had just met in the morning, how could they have already missed it in such a short time?

"Very good, the knowledge learned today is not difficult, Xinxin, have you eaten breakfast?"

Unlike Tian Xinxin's big grin, Sun Xiaobai is more careful.

Tian Xinxin is very abrasive every time she goes out in the morning, and often does not care about breakfast.

But since living with Xiaobai, this situation has changed.

How could Xiaobai watch Xinxin take care of his body so much? If Tian Xinxin had a health problem because of this, she would be very distressed.

Therefore, every time Xiaobai will buy breakfast for Tian Xinxin, if she does not have time to eat, then take it to the classroom to eat secretly, in short, you must eat in the morning, so that you will not have a stomachache and is also good for health.

"I've eaten, hmph, you're really nagging."

Although he said so, Tian Xinxin showed a sweet smile.

How can this feeling of being cared for and cared for be so great?

"If I don't nag, maybe you'll forget again."

Sun Xiaobai said spoiledly, and the atmosphere between the two was particularly warm.

Deng Shiyu, who was standing silently on the side, suddenly felt that he had received a 10,000-point critical hit!

How does she feel like eating dog food?

Is it her delusion....

Where did two good girlfriends get the dog food?


In order to give Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin a good rehearsal environment, this time, Deng Shiyu really worked hard, and directly borrowed the school's largest dance studio, and they could use it at will before they participated in the draft competition.

Not only is there a lot of space, but there is also a mirror on the entire wall, so you can see your demeanor and expression while performing.

Before the formal rehearsal, Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin made simple preparations.

Sun Xiaobai's butterfly dance is a big attraction, she only wants to do the basic movements, and she has not yet started dancing.

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