Dance studio.

The positive Deng Shiyu was waiting here early, and Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin did not disappoint her, arriving ten minutes earlier than the agreed time.

"Xinxin, Xiaobai, I'm here!"

Deng Shiyu was already a little impatient.

When she was free in the afternoon, she carefully read the script again and found that Sun Xiaobai was really a treasure girl with both beauty and talent, which was too well written!

"Senior Sister Shiyu, I want to practice the butterfly dance first, I thought of some basic moves, or I will give you a jump."

The script is naturally not in a hurry, since Sun Xiaobai has the blessing of the system, all aspects of skills are directly full, those lines she has long known by heart, and what way to perform, Xiaobai also has a good idea.

In contrast, the butterfly dance is a big attraction and more difficult.

"Good, wow, good wow."

"Sister Xiaobai, come on, I'm optimistic about you~"

Xinxinzi is full of expectations for Xiaobai's next performance.

In her mind, Little White Sister is the best and best girl in the whole world!

Facing the two fans who supported him so much, Sun Xiaobai's smile became shy and shy.

She was originally not so active personality, but now she has become a girl, and she looks more quiet, and this kind of personality sets off her whole person with a quiet and elegant person, which is extremely charming.

Sun Xiaobai took a light step into the dance, which was not only a simple dance, but also danced when Shanbo and Yingtai made a relationship, so in the process of dancing, Xiaobai invested a certain amount of feelings.

I don't know how, it's really more and more substitutionary!

Sun Xiaobai's dancing posture is incomparable, that waist, like a weak willow supporting the wind, I really see pity!

Why is this girl getting cooler?

I'm afraid I was a girl in my last life, right?

The little pit laughed secretly on the side, hehe, you finally found ah, it's good to be a girl, right? This feels very refreshing, one day you will completely forget that you used to be a boy!

How good it is to be a girl, beautiful sweet, soft and fragrant, unlike the rough old men of the two!

Tian Xinxin and Deng Shiyu were mesmerized to watch, it was simply a grand visual feast!

At this moment, Sun Xiaobai is like a beautiful butterfly, she spreads her flexible wings and dances among the red flowers.

Although the flowers are red in a thousand ways, they are not as good as this amorous butterfly.

"Look, look, someone is dancing!"

The dance studio did not close, and some students passing by just saw such a beautiful scene and were immediately attracted to their attention.

"Isn't it just dancing, there are people dancing in the dance studio every day..." The

person next to her was originally dismissive, but she accidentally glanced at the dance room and immediately changed her face.

"Wow, it's too good to jump!"

She shook her companion's arm excitedly, and the companion couldn't resist her rude movements by rolling his eyes.

It is simply a complete interpretation of what is called a face punch and a real fragrance scene!

Once this kind of thing started, they couldn't stop, and the students passing by saw that there were people gathered around the door and didn't know what they were looking at, so they also came over curiously.

Originally, I just wanted to see a lively scene, but when I saw Sun Xiaobai's beautiful dance, I was all impressed!

In this way, at least ten or twenty students surrounded a small doorway! In addition, the students who can't see it behind are not willing to leave, they rely on the colorful descriptions of the classmates in the front row to feel the charm of Xiaobai's dance, and the scene was once very shocking!

Someone secretly took a beautiful photo of Sun Xiaobai dancing and spread it to the school's forum.

I have to say that the current Xiaobai is a natural beauty embryo, simply 720 degrees without dead ends, casually shot, as beautiful as a poster in a magazine.

If ordinary people also capture pictures like this, their facial features will already be distorted, let alone good-looking.

Sun Xiaobai was immersed in his own dance, and did not notice that so many spectators were now appearing.

It wasn't until she finished dancing and heard thunderous applause that she realized what a spectacular group of people were watching around her just now!

This one panicked, Xiao Bai almost didn't stand firm.

Fortunately, Tian Xinxin, the flower protection messenger, supported her from behind in time.

It's just that this holding posture is a little more intimate!

Tian Xinxin swore to heaven that she really didn't mean it, but just a smooth hand, and her hand was on Xiaobai's sister's thin waist.

I have to say that Xiaobai's sister's good figure is simply unspeakable, Tian Xinxin is another smooth hand, and gently squeezed it.

Wow, this time she didn't mean it....

"Aren't those the two major school flowers of our school, Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin?"

Seeing the intimate behavior of the two, someone exclaimed.

"Are they going to perform any show, the two major school flowers are there, such a big lineup!"

"You all care about the show, and I only care about the CP! The two of them are also too loving..."

someone's girlish heart had begun to flood.

At the beginning, Sun Xiaobai appeared horizontally, threatening the status of Tian Xinxin's school flower, originally thought that the two beauties must be incompatible from now on, but what everyone saw was a completely opposite picture!

At any time, no matter where you see Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin appear together, they are like glue, and the relationship is so good that the honey is mixed with oil!

If it weren't for the fact that both of them were girls of the same gender, they would have been mistaken for a couple eight hundred times.

"Be careful, if you accidentally fall, I will be distressed."

Tian Xinxin's voice was very soft, and the sound of steaming breath seemed to surround Sun Xiaobai's ears.

Sun Xiaobai's ear roots suddenly turned red, and even his neck turned crimson.

Her mood has become very tense now, like a deer constantly bumping in her heart, making her heart flutter and beat.


Xinxin is simply too good at provoking, so that she is now a girl.

Thinking of this, Sun Xiaobai's expression couldn't help but become a little bitter.

I don't know which lucky boy can marry a girl as good as Shin Shin in the future, and if he doesn't hurry up to do the main task and return to becoming a boy, he will definitely not even have the slightest chance.

Thinking of this, Sun Xiaobai suddenly became full of motivation.

"Xiaobai, your dance just now is really amazing, I was dumbfounded."

At this time, Deng Shiyu suddenly came over and expressed her inner feelings.

After waiting for so long in my heart, it's time to play the role of my own director!

"Senior Sister Shiyu, if you praise me like this again, I will be proud."

Sun Xiaobai smiled, and then seriously asked Deng Shiyu, "Do you think there are any areas for improvement?" "

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