"Drink some hot tea, it's cold outside."

Tian Xinxin is so good to Sun Xiaobai, Sun Xiaobai naturally wants to be better for Tian Xinxin, so that you come and go, it is a two-way rush ~

two-way rush ....

When Sun Xiaobai's mind came up with this word, she suddenly felt a little wrong, isn't this describing the relationship between lovers?

Ahhhh, it's kind of inappropriate to use on two girls, right?

Although he thought so, Sun Xiaobai's face had already begun to turn red.

"Wow, drink well, little white sister, you are so good to me."

Tian Xinxin was so powerful that he drank the warm hot tea.

Then she went to the kitchen to get busy.

Although Xiaobai and Shin Shin live in a rented house near the school, their lives are not perfunctory at all.

The house has a living room and a kitchen, and although they don't cook often, they also have a place and kitchenware to operate when they want to do it.

Sun Xiaobai's TV series has not yet been chased, she continued to watch the drama, and did not pay special attention to what Xinxin was busy with now, until she smelled a scorched smell....

Huh, what does this smell like? It's a bit like chestnut, but it's too burnt and it doesn't smell good.

"Shin Shin, what are you busy with?"

Sun Xiaobai followed the smell to the kitchen, but saw Tian Xinxin in a hurry, and his face was full of panic.

"It's over, it's all black."

Tian Xinxin quickly turned on the microwave oven and took out the roasted chestnuts inside.

Looking at the chestnut with a black shell, she wanted to cry!

I originally wanted to make a fragrant roasted chestnut for Xiaobai's sister, but I didn't expect it to be so difficult, obviously I searched for the method on the Internet, why did it still fail?

"Are you making roasted chestnuts?"

Xiaobai was very happy in his heart.

Xiaobai clearly remembered that Xinxin specifically asked her what she wanted to eat tonight.

I thought it was just a casual question, but I didn't expect to really prepare a surprise for myself!

Even if Shin Shin's cooking skills are not so good, Xiaobai is very happy! It's a great feeling to be remembered.

"I'm sorry, little white sister, I'm so stupid that I can't even make a simple roasted chestnut..." Tian Xinxin was a little frustrated, but fortunately, in order to prevent this from happening just now, she only used a little chestnut, and now there are still many raw chestnuts that she can "experiment".

"There are some chestnuts here, I'll try again!"

"It's okay, I received all your wishes, or I will do it?"

For cooking, although Sun Xiaobai is not very good, he can basically do it.

"No, you must do it yourself to be sincere!"

Tian Xinxin was very persistent.

"Okay, then I'll tell you how?"

"Okay, will you do it, it's amazing!" In Tian Xinxin's mind, Xiaobai's sister is simply so good that no one can compare.

"It will be a little bit..." Ah

, being praised by Xinxinzi so much every day, she will really float!

Next, it was a happy hour for the two to make roasted chestnuts together~

"Ah, Shin Shin, I just found out that the fire you opened was too big, and it took a long time to bake."

Sun Xiaobai looked at the microwave oven and immediately understood the problem.

Tian Xinxin saw it and immediately understood, and she slapped her head in annoyance, "yes, why am I so confused?" "

No wonder I didn't follow the steps to make fragrant roasted chestnuts, it turns out that the problem is here.

"Xinxin, then now you first cut the chestnut into a small bite, which is convenient for baking."

Xiao Bai gestured to tell Xinxin what to do, and she really understood it at one point.

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