Maybe it's because of Xiaobai's guidance, Tian Xinxin got started faster!

After scratching, it is very simple, just send the chestnuts directly to the oven, in order to prevent the baking from drying too dry, sprinkle a little water on the surface.

Next, Tian Xinxin waited with anticipation for the roasted chestnuts to be baked!

"Ding-" Hearing

the sound of the microwave stopping, Tian Xinxin couldn't wait to open the door and take out the roasted chestnuts.

But unexpectedly, the back of the hand was lightly palmed.

It turned out that Xiaobai was worried that Xinxin would burn her hands, and quickly stopped her, "Don't worry, put on gloves first and then take them." "

It's so intimate..."

Tian Xinxin realized that he was not wearing gloves, and if he didn't have Xiaobai's sister's reminder and took it empty-handed, he would definitely be burned.

"Well, good."

Tian Xinxin was about to take the gloves and put them on herself, but she didn't expect that Xiaobai's sister had already begun to put them on her.

Sun Xiaobai gently held Tian Xinxin's slender and tender little hand, and the frequency of his little heartbeat couldn't help but speed up a little.

Oh, little white sister, is this shy?

Tian Xinxin seemed to feel Xiaobai's nervousness.

The height difference between the two of them is not much, Tian Xinxin looked up at Xiaobai slightly, with a smile on the corner of his mouth that could not be hidden~ Sun Xiaobai carefully put gloves on Tian Xinxin,

and the whole person was like a shy rose.

"Let's try the roasted chestnuts I made this time... Wow, that's so fragrant!

Tian Xinxin brought out a whole plate of roasted chestnuts, and suddenly the whole room was filled with sweet fragrance.

It is not very good to peel the shell through the gloves, but Xinxin is not troublesome, and the peeling is very serious.

After peeling, Tian Xinxin directly fed the chestnut into Xiaobai's mouth, and asked her with a smile, "Does the taste taste very sweet and soft and sticky?" "

Well, it's so sweet to the tip of my heart!

Sun Xiaobai tasted the roasted chestnuts that Tian Xinxin personally made for her, and nodded stupidly like an idiot.

Although it is a very common thing, for Sun Xiaobai, it is true that she has never thought of happiness before.

Tian Xinxin brought the roasted chestnuts to the living room, and the two girls ate homemade snacks while chasing the drama, and they were happy.

Tian Xinxin didn't bother at all, and personally peeled a lot of roasted chestnuts for Sun Xiaobai, but she didn't eat much herself.

Despite this, Tian Xinxin's heart is very satisfied!

What's more important than watching your favorite people happy!


When this idea suddenly came to mind, Tian Xinxin did not feel that anything was wrong.

Little Bai's sister is someone she cares about and likes very much, like her own sister.

However, what Tian Xinxin did not realize at this moment was that this emotion in her heart had already "heated up" a lot.

It's just that who would think specifically in those directions....

After that, the rehearsal was also very smooth, and soon, the draft will begin!

"Little white sister, we haven't chosen a costume yet, I almost forgot!"

In the rehearsal room, Tian Xinxin suddenly remembered this very important thing.

Sun Xiaobai was stunned, and then pouted, a little annoyed.

Oops, she forgot about it too! I remember to rehearse and rehearse every day, but I didn't think that this is a costume drama, and I need costumes.

Deng Shiyu comforted her "male" and female protagonist, "Don't worry, don't worry, this is not me!" Rehearse today, and tomorrow I'll take you to choose clothes.

"That's great!"

But what everyone didn't expect was that an accident happened tomorrow....

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