"Little white sister, early wow~"

The next day coincided with the weekend, and the two slept until three o'clock in the morning before getting up.

Deng Shiyu also likes to sleep in, and they agreed to leave at noon to buy clothes.

Young is good, sleeping for ten hours is very sweet, some elderly even if they want to sleep longer, they often wake up halfway.

"Oops, it's not good, it's not good! Why is it so late? Sun

Xiaobai looked at her mobile phone, it was already past eleven o'clock, how could she sleep so much!

Tian Xinxin did not panic at all, she was not in a hurry and said, "Don't worry, we will definitely not be late, Shiyu also likes to sleep in, I don't believe I will ask her now."

Tian Xinxin sent a voice to Deng Shiyu, "Shiyu, are you up?" Unexpectedly

, after a few minutes passed, there was no reply.

"Little white sister, look, she must still be sleeping."

"Maybe she's about to go out, I have to hurry!"

Xiao Bai was still worried about being late, originally when he was a boy, he went out for three minutes, but now he has to go out for at least thirty minutes.

Just combing your hair, brushing your teeth and washing your face makes girls take more time than boys.

Tian Xinxin saw Sun Xiaobai's hurried appearance, and felt that her every move was so cute.

At this time, Tian Xinxin finally received a reply from Deng Shiyu, and the other party obviously looked like he hadn't woken up yet and was very angry to get up.

"Don't rush, it's fast, it's soon, I'm going out when I put on my shoes."

From the voice sent, Deng Shiyu's yawn can also be heard.

Tian Xinxin was amused, this Shiyu, did not click on her WeChat voice at all!

Deng Shiyu must have thought that he was urging her.

Tian Xinxin happily sent the voice sent by Shiyu to Sun Xiaobai, "What do I say, she must be later than the two of us."

"That's good."

Xiaobai was finally relieved, but at this time, she had finished brushing her teeth and washing her face.

Sun Xiaobai naturally sat in front of the dressing table, and picked up the puff and air cushion.

When he saw the flower-like face in the mirror, Sun Xiaobai was stunned.

She seems to be getting used to being a girl.

Even the habit of going out to put on makeup began to appear.

Thinking of the mission that was far away, Sun Xiaobai did not feel that it was difficult.

Even rejoicing in her heart, if it weren't for such a bizarre experience, I was afraid that she would not have had the opportunity to get acquainted with Tian Xinxin.

If one day she really changes back, is it possible for her and Xinxin to get along like this?

Sun Xiaobai's mood was a little boring.

Originally, she had been eager to change back into a man, but now, she was a little afraid of the unknown future.

Thinking of this, Sun Xiaobai didn't even have the mind to make up.

She put down the puff and told Tian Xinxin, "Xinxin, I'm ready."

"Ah, so fast? Then you wait for me~"

After Tian Xinxin finished washing, she sat next to Xiaobai next to her.

There is only one dresser in the room, but the bench can seat two people.

"Little white sister, why are you in a daze without makeup? Isn't it unhappy? However, Xiaobai looks very good without makeup. "

Don't look at Tian Xinxin's usually a little grinning, but he can see Sun Xiaobai's little emotions.

"Shin Shin..." "


"If one day you find out that I have something to hide from you, will you be angry?"

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