Hearing this question, Tian Xinxin's expression suddenly became serious, as if being deceived was something she couldn't tolerate at all.

"Xinxin, you..." Sun

Xiaobai was really frightened.

It seems that she thought too naively about everything before.

Also, who can accept such a bizarre thing?

"Oh, little white sister."

Tian Xinxin suddenly showed a smile, she gently patted Xiaobai's shoulder, and her eyes were full of trust when she looked at her.

"I'm sure you won't cheat on me for whatever reason."

Because, they are the most trustworthy people in the world~

Hearing Tian Xinxin say this, Sun Xiaobai lowered his head, and his heart was full of guilt.

Shin Shin believes in her so much, but she has such a shocking secret that has been hiding Shin Shin...

But she really couldn't say.

Because I am afraid of losing, I have such concerns.

"What if you really lied, you... Will you believe me again?

Sun Xiaobai asked cautiously.

"Then I'll have to see what is going on..." Tian Xinxin said here, and his words changed, "In this way, I can blackmail you for a few big meals, haha!" You quickly and truthfully, is there something to hide from me?

Tian Xinxin only thought that Sun Xiaobai was joking, she poked Xiaobai's tender face with her hand, and her love was simply overflowing.

Sun Xiaobai saw Tian Xinxin's attitude, and a warmth surged in his heart.

She always felt that now was not the time to tell Tian Xinxin all this, and when the task was almost completed, she would definitely confess everything, and then double compensate Xinxinzi who trusted her the most!

"Xinxin, you are so good!"

Sun Xiaobai happily drilled into Tian Xinxin's arms, really having the posture of a little woman.

Ah, after being a girl for a long time, I really can't tell whether my soul is a boy or a girl.

The two of them happily put on makeup, then held hands and went out.

But I don't know why, when Sun Xiaobai was on the road, he always felt a little uncomfortable, as if there were still eyes staring at her behind him, how strange!

"Hi Shiyu, we're here!"

Finally came to the crowded shopping street, Tian Xinxin saw Deng Shiyu with a camera at a glance.

I have to say that this sister really looks like she is about to create!

For example, today, obviously she just came to buy clothes, and she even brought her camera.

"I'm here, I'll dress you up beautifully, handsome!"

Deng Shiyu ran over happily, and the three finally converged.

"Where are the stores we're going to?" Sun Xiaobai asked.

Deng Shiyu was very confident, "Come with me, not far, my friend is super reliable." There

were countless clothing stores on the shopping street here, and they walked between these stores for about ten minutes, when Deng Shiyu suddenly stopped at a store selling period costumes.

"Wow, this store is so big, and the costumes inside look so exquisite..."

Tian Xinxin couldn't help but exclaim.

"This is my friend's shop, go in, just walk around and try it on!"

Deng Shiyu looked quite atmospheric.

Sun Xiaobai was also dazzled by these dazzling gorgeous costumes, and they walked in with joy.

At this time, a thin man lowered his hat and entered the store with customers coming and going.

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