"Shiyu, are these two the two prosperous beauty school flowers in your mouth? It's so temperamental, really don't fool me! When

the shopkeeper saw Deng Shiyu, he immediately greeted him enthusiastically.

She is a little beauty, beautiful and beautiful, but her eyes are very clever, and she looks about the same age as Deng Shiyu.

"That's natural, Shin Shin, Xiaobai, let me introduce you, this is my good friend Huang Jing, and our alumnus, two years older than me."

"Two beautiful women are good, just call me Jingjing, although my age is your sister, but I still like you to call me younger, I heard Shiyu say that you want to participate in the draft together, you need some costumes, it just so happens that I sell costumes, and I have been in this store for two years, all kinds of clothing are available, you slowly shop and choose ah!"

Huang Jing's personality is very lively, and it is obvious that he is also a talker like Deng Shiyu.

Originally, everyone was not familiar with each other, they were all meeting for the first time, but in this way, Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin immediately eliminated a lot of restraint.

"Jingjing, you are too polite, thank you for your help this time."

Sun Xiaobai looked around, there are really too many clothes here, it seems that he will definitely be able to choose satisfactory costumes.

Tian Xinxin smiled lightly, "Jingjing, you are Shiyu's good friend, that is, our good friend, sure enough, as good as Shiyu!"

"Look, not only are you two good-looking, but their little mouths are also very sweet! What do you fancy today, I will send you directly!

Huang Jingyi was in a state of full bloom.

"Then how can it be embarrassing..."

Xiaobai is the most honest, and he is never embarrassed to take advantage of others.

"It's okay, it's okay, let's go and choose first, and we'll talk about the rest later."

The camera in Deng Shiyu's hand was already hungry.

Girls can't help but be thrilled when they see beautiful clothes just like boys see cars, without exception.

Tian Xinxin happily took Xiaobai's hand and took her to admire these beautiful ancient costumes together.

"Wow, this is beautiful!"

"This one is also very beautiful..." "

This one is even more beautiful, it is simply fairy!"

At this moment, Tian Xinxin pointed to a pink-white ancient costume, and his eyes showed a stunning color.

Sun Xiaobai only glanced at

it, as if she was fixed, she suddenly had a particularly familiar feeling, and some pictures suddenly flashed in her mind, it was a very beautiful fairy dressed in a pink and white ancient costume, smoky and as beautiful as a fairyland.

Who the hell is she?

Is it that these incredible pictures will appear after watching more dramas recently?

Sun Xiaobai thought hard, wanting to see the fairy's face clearly.

But no matter how hard he tried to think about it, he couldn't see clearly.

Xiaobai's head suddenly hurt, and she held her forehead uncomfortably and rubbed the position of her temples.

"Little white sister, what's wrong with you? Is it uncomfortable somewhere?

Tian Xinxin quickly helped Sun Xiaobai.

Sun Xiaobai didn't want Tian Xinxin to worry, she shook her head and said with a smile to Tian Xinxin, "I'm fine, maybe I didn't eat much breakfast, and I was a little hypoglycemic."

"Then you have to hurry up and eat some sugar!"

Tian Xinxin hurriedly opened his bag and rummaged inside.

"Why not?"

Tian Xinxin was so anxious that she was about to sweat, but fortunately, after rummaging for a while, she finally found a fruit candy.

"Come, eat this first, if you still feel uncomfortable, I will send you to the hospital immediately."

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