Since it is a color of pathos, then the color is also better in a cool tone.

Sun Xiaobai wore a light blue costume, and Tian Xinxin chose dark blue men's clothing.

are all the same color, quite a sense of couple wear, one dark and one light, it looks very layered.

"This is also amazing, so beautiful and handsome!"

Huang Jing was simply amazed.

She has been running a costume store for several years, and it can be said that she has seen countless handsome men and women suitable for ancient costumes, but there has never been a pair that can be as stunning as Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin!

It's so temperamental, as if the costume is tailor-made for them.

No, it should be said that they are like ancients who came out of paintings, full of classical temperament.

Moreover, the plasticity of the two big beauties is very strong, and when they wear modern clothes, they are also so temperamental and beautiful.

The thin man's whereabouts were very suspicious, at this time, he seemed to be attracted by the beauty of the two big beauties, his gaze stayed on Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin, and even there were customers walking by around and accidentally bumping into him, he didn't react at all.

"In this situation, how can I say that I need a few more photos!"

Deng Shiyu simply entered the state in a second, although the current scene is not very good, it is obvious that this is in a costume store, but Deng Shiyu is quite creative, she immediately found a corner, and then took down a costume shawl, casually built, there is an ancient style.

"Just shoot here?"

Sun Xiaobai looked around, there are quite a few customers coming and going now, and she is a little embarrassed.

"Take a few pictures casually, come and come, don't be shy~"

Deng Shiyu pulled Sun Xiaobai, but was stopped by Tian Xinxin.

"Xiaobai, let's stand here!"

Tian Xinxin naturally held Xiaobai's arm, seemingly unintentional and natural action, just stopped the contact between Deng Shiyu and Xiaobai.

I don't know why, Tian Xinxin just can't get used to Xiaobai's sister and other girls being intimate.

Perhaps, this is the possessiveness between girlfriends?

"Shin Shin, what are we going to pose?"

Looking at Tian Xinxin in ancient costume, Sun Xiaobai found a feeling a little, she quickly remembered some plots in the drama, and her eyes looking at Xinxin were not the same.

Tian Xinxin was a little embarrassed to see it!

Well, is this called affectionate starving?

She and Little White Sister?

It's a little strange, but what's so excited inside?


At this moment, Deng Shiyu, who is good at catching the camera, has pressed the shutter, and she can't miss such a wonderful moment.

After taking this one, Deng Shiyu looked back at the photo.

Annoying! They are obviously two girls, what is this strong CP sense?

It's just a face, girls and girls are so good!

Deng Shiyu looked at the photo and smiled at her aunt with satisfaction.

Not far away, the thin man looked at Sun Xiaobai and Tian Xinxin, who were snuggling with each other, and couldn't help but clench his fists.

He frowned, didn't know what he was thinking, and his face was a little gloomy...

Deng Shiyu shot very well, Xiaobai and Xinxin's play is getting better and better, and a random movement is as beautiful as a painting.

Perhaps because this set of clothing is so suitable, although I tried several other sets later, I finally chose this costume with blue as the main color.

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